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CDC: Most COVID-19 Cases In New York City In March Traced To Europe ( 161

schwit1 shares a report from UPI: Up to 75% of the coronavirus strains circulating in New York City in early March shared genetic similarities with those seen in Europe and other areas of North America, according to an analysis published Thursday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The findings are significant, given that they are based on samples of the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, collected from patients at five hospitals in the city selected intentionally because "of their high use" by people who are "self-identified Chinese speakers," the agency researchers said. "In retrospect, perhaps Trump should have shut down flights from Europe when he shut them down from China, but you can imagine the reaction if he had done so," adds Slashdot reader schwit1. Trump did restrict travel from Europe to the U.S. in early March, but at that point the virus was already spreading rapidly across the country.
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CDC: Most COVID-19 Cases In New York City In March Traced To Europe

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  • "In retrospect, perhaps Trump should have shut down flights from Europe when he shut them down from China, but you can imagine the reaction if he had done so," adds Slashdot reader schwit1. Trump did restrict travel from Europe to the U.S. in early March, but at that point the virus was already spreading rapidly across the country.

    He should have shut all flights down, international and domestic but he was afraid of the airlines going under. It doesn't matter if we got it originally from China, Europe, Can

    • by PPH ( 736903 )

      The man wants to send little snot filled brats to school to roll in dirt with each other and fingerpaint,

      They go back to school. Or their parents are about ready to take little Hansel and Gretel for a walk out into the woods.

  • by Ichijo ( 607641 ) on Saturday July 18, 2020 @03:05AM (#60303153) Journal

    In retrospect, perhaps Trump should have shut down flights from Europe when he shut them down from China, but you can imagine the reaction if he had done so," adds Slashdot reader schwit1

    His obsession with how others perceive him is why he isn't an effective leader.

  • I would habe no problem with you shutting down flights from my continent to yours, if we're all sick over here.
    What's wrong with that?
    You think we will cry foul for not being allowed to out you guys in danger?

    AFAIK we still have travel restrictions for North Americans over here in Germany, so ...

    • s/have/have/

    • European leaders were outraged when the US closed their borders. Of course said EU leaders did eventually follow the US' example and closed their own borders a bit later.

      It's just the usual circus: Trump closes borders, his political rivals complain. Fast forward a couple of months and now the complaint is he didn't close them quickly enough.

      • European leaders were outraged

        Yep, that's their job. It's called international politics. China's leaders were also outraged. Doesn't doesn't make it any less of a good idea and that doesn't make it any less of a sensible and understood policy from the people who are affected.

        I can't believe I agree with BAReFO0t, the most moronic poster on Slashdot, but yes absolutely if I lived in a hotspot I would actively criticise your country for not reducing travel.

        Of course said EU leaders did eventually follow the US' example and closed their own borders a bit later.

        Did the USA ever close it's borders? Frankly I don't know of any country which did.

        • The EU banned travel to and from China before the USA did.

          As far as I can tell only Italy banned travel from China at the same time or a couple of days before the US (around January 31st). Europe as a whole didn't close its borders until mid march.

  • The question is whether the CDC can count better than the English: [] According to English statistics, if you ever had Covid and die, even if it would be 100 year later - then you are counted as having died from Covid. So in England the Covid fatality rate is 100%.
  • I have no problem with the any country closing its borders on us if one have cases and the other doesn't. But as soon as the virus spreads locally, closing borders becomes useless unless it is backed by strong local measures such as a lockdown and/or strong contact tracing + testing.

    So when the US announced to closing of their borders for European citizens (which I am), my first reaction was "why now?" The virus was already spreading uncontrolled in the US, even if in relatively small numbers, it was too la

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