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Japan Space

Japan To Test Mini 'Space Elevator' ( 114

Zorro shares a report from Phys.Org: A Japanese team working to develop a "space elevator" will conduct a first trial this month, blasting off a miniature version on satellites to test the technology. The test equipment, produced by researchers at Shizuoka University, will hitch a ride on an H-2B rocket being launched by Japan's space agency from southern island of Tanegashima next week. The test involves a miniature elevator stand-in -- a box just six centimeters (2.4 inches) long, three centimeters wide, and three centimeters high. If all goes well, it will provide proof of concept by moving along a 10-meter cable suspended in space between two mini satellites that will keep it taut. The mini-elevator will travel along the cable from a container in one of the satellites. The movement of the motorized "elevator" box will be monitored with cameras in the satellites.
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Japan To Test Mini 'Space Elevator'

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  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Wednesday September 05, 2018 @05:04AM (#57255434)

    6cm long, 3 cm wide, 3cm high, works for Japanese, that's the average size of a Japanese apartment, but what about the rest of us?

    Typical, don't waste a moment to think about those damn gaijins.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 05, 2018 @05:13AM (#57255464)

    Unless its running from the surface to space. Between two satellites in space is more of a "Space Conveyor".

    • by novakyu ( 636495 ) <> on Wednesday September 05, 2018 @05:26AM (#57255488) Homepage

      Not to mention Newton's Third Law necessarily puts a very harsh and unforgiving limit on possible payloads on those floating endpoints.

      Ignoring material strength requirements, rotational physics alone dictates a functional space elevator has a minimum required size, and that's nowhere near where a label "mini" would be appropriate.

      • nano ?
        • by novakyu ( 636495 )

          It's comparable to geosynchronous orbit. It's a decent first-semester physics problem [] (once you get rid of references to fictitious forces).

          • by lgw ( 121541 )

            once you get rid of references to fictitious forces

            A sure sign of a smug pseudo-intellectual is the claim that "centrifugal force is not a real force". What nonsense. Centrifugal force exists in a rotating reference frame. When your talking about the physics of a rotating reference frame, only a pedantic jerk whines "centrifugal force is not a real force". Don't be that guy.

            • by novakyu ( 636495 )

              And a sure sign of anti-intellectual pedant is someone who doesn't recognize the scientific term fictitious force [].

              In my classes, we avoid fictitious forces not because they are not "real", but because they are difficult—you shouldn't bring up centrifugal forces unless you are also ready to handle the Coriolis force, but that's more of upper-division level classical mechanics, where you are taught Euler-Lagrange equation on the first day.

    • Unless its running from the surface to space. Between two satellites in space is more of a "Space Conveyor".

      Regardless what you call it is still an interesting experiment and important to know long before any real Space Elevator could realistically ever be proposed even assuming all other technical hurdles have been overcome.

  • This reminds me their 00 Gundam series has some kind of space elevator or solar elevator or whatever they called it. They're trying to make the anime real! Kind of curious of how well this would actually work.
    • Space elevators are a lot older than anime.

  • They are materials science problems.
    Newtonian physics does the job of predicting what will happen extraordinarily well and quite frankly you could do the experiment on earth, with a centrifuge apparatus and learn more, and cost less. Something like this [] if you want to test your cable climber but you don't even need that.

    • yeah that's what I was thinking. We have a pretty good idea what will happen if we build it. We just can't build it with current tech. I'd love to see one in my lifetime.
      Wonder what the practical applications of this Japanese project are.

      • Wonder what the practical applications of this Japanese project are.

        It's probably Glico, I've heard they want to launch a new line of Space Pocky.

      • "I'd love to see one in my lifetime". Not me. When, not if, it failed, it'd smash down a line of utter destruction all the way around the planet. Or maybe twice around.

      • by lgw ( 121541 ) on Wednesday September 05, 2018 @10:59AM (#57256964) Journal

        We have a pretty good idea what will happen if we build it.

        Yes: it will swing and bob wildy out of control, and eventually the counterweight will start zooming around the GEO station, if the station is massive. Then the cable will break and the counterweight will shoot off in a random direction, and inevitably destroy Tokyo.

        The hard problem for a space elevator, even aside from needing unobtanium, is the lack of any way to damn the pendulum-like energy fed into the system with every payload lifted. Only half the energy needed to get to GEO is in lifting, the other half is in accelerating the payload laterally. That energy will be added to the system with every load lifted, and there's no obvious way to damp it.

        And remember, this is not a Freshman Physics pendulum. It's both a spring pendulum and a double pendulum []. Each of which is a chaotic system. When combined, it's a mess.

        • The hard problem for a space elevator, even aside from needing unobtanium, is the lack of any way to damn the pendulum-like energy fed into the system with every payload lifted. Only half the energy needed to get to GEO is in lifting, the other half is in accelerating the payload laterally. That energy will be added to the system with every load lifted, and there's no obvious way to damp it.

          Oh way to dump on Elisha Otis.

          counterweight. []

          Or there is the ever popular and very scenic funicular []

          If you are ever in Switzerland don't miss out it's a wonderful day trip to ride to the top of a mountain on one.

          As to the double pendulum problem you solve that by making the anchor point large. Which is one of the reasons you need unobtanium to build the thing.

          • by lgw ( 121541 )

            Your reply was a bit of a non-sequitur.

            When your start a normal pendulum swinging, or pluck a guitar string, the energy is eventually dissipated through interaction with the air and friction associated with bending the string (which is quickly lost as heat by conduction). That won't happen with a space elevator. A material suitable for making the cable will shed very little energy through internal friction (otherwise it will get quite hot, as radiative cooling in space sucks).

            What that means is any energy

            • Your reply was a bit of a non-sequitur.

              The Elisha Otis reference should have been a dead giveaway that I was laughing my ass off.

              When your start a normal pendulum swinging, or pluck a guitar string, the energy is eventually dissipated through interaction with the air and friction associated with bending the string (which is quickly lost as heat by conduction). That won't happen with a space elevator. A material suitable for making the cable will shed very little energy through internal friction (otherwise it will get quite hot, as radiative cooling in space sucks).

              You aren't plucking this cable, you are applying a constant and relatively small force over a period of hours to days. The energy is going to go in and out of three reservoirs involved. The rotational speed of the earth, the orbital speed of the counterweight, and tension in the cable itself.

              The complex pendulum will keep accumulating energy until it achieves "rapid unscheduled disassembly" in some unpredictable way.

              Yes the same way people are being killed all over the place by executive desk toys that are spontaneously undergoing rapid disass

              • by lgw ( 121541 )

                You aren't plucking this cable, you are applying a constant and relatively small force over a period of hours to days.

                The fundamental frequency of the cable would be very low indeed, given it's high mass and low proportional stiffness. If it's enough longer than the transit time of the payload, you are indeed plucking it. OK, that's a bit of an oversimplification - you're inducing a wave that will need to damp a bit to become a standing wave, but that's just an even more complex system.

                Yes the same way people are being killed all over the place by executive desk toys that are spontaneously undergoing rapid disassembly.

                They have a lot more friction (and air resistance, and they make noise, etc). Plus, people don't just keep adding energy to them, or they

                • That's they whole point: you have to damp the energy faster than you add it.

                  Yes that is the whole point which is exactly what having balanced counterweights accomplishes. Once again the system is not the cable it is the cable the earth and the endpoint weight

                  They have a lot more friction (and air resistance, and they make noise, etc). Plus, people don't just keep adding energy to them, or they would start spinning around or slide off the desk

                  You failed physics I take it ? Or reading comprehension ?

                  "The energy is going to go in and out of three reservoirs involved. The rotational speed of the earth, the orbital speed of the counterweight, and tension in the cable itself."

                  Even if you didn't use a counterweight the net kinetic energy imparted to the system over a cycl

                  • by lgw ( 121541 )

                    Yes that is the whole point which is exactly what having balanced counterweights accomplishes. Once again the system is not the cable it is the cable the earth and the endpoint weight

                    Do you understand what "damping" means? The "cable the earth and the endpoint" is basically a pendulum, from the frame of reference of the rotating earth. As energy is added, the pendulum starts to swing, and to bounce, and the cable vibrates at each harmonic. The only way that energy is reduced is to somehow covert it into heat.

                    Even if you didn't use a counterweight the net kinetic energy imparted to the system over a cycle would be zero.

                    Cycle of what? Lifting a ton to orbit means MWh of energy added to the system as it laterally accelerated the payload, as if you ran your finger down the length of a pendulum, p

                    • Do you understand what "damping" means?

                      Do you understand how big the earth is ?

                      Cycle of what

                      What goes up comes down. It's a loop not a one way move.

                      Really you would do much better if you actually tried reading.

                    • by lgw ( 121541 )

                      Yeah, you don't understand what "damping" means.

                      Try stopping a swinging pendulum, with a flexible string, from the point it hangs from. There's no way to do that - you have to wait for the pendulum to slow down due to friction and air resistance. If your string is almost perfectly elastic, and you're in a vacuum, that pendulum will keep swinging for a long, long time.

                    • Yeah, you don't understand what "damping" means.

                      Seeing as I spent a good deal of my life dealing with tuned circuitry, I probably have a better idea than you.

                      Try stopping a swinging pendulum, with a flexible string, from the point it hangs from.

                      That's nice all you are doing showing is you don't understand where the forces are being applied, which would be the climber and the descender respectively.

                      I would suggest you just get a rope and spend a few hours to build a climber so you could see the dynamics are nothing like you are describing but it seems other people have already done this


                      Feel free to try and a

                    • by lgw ( 121541 )

                      That experiment did not involve a centripetal pendulum. When you move a weight to the station, the pendulum must swing "backwards" to conserve angular momentum. No way around it: you've given the pendulum a kick. Of course, it will swing back to directly above the ground station, but it won't stop there, it will keep being a pendulum.

                      Why is that confusing?

                    • When you move a weight to the station, the pendulum must swing "backwards" to conserve angular momentum

                      And when you simultaneously move a weight down the station the opposite happens. Really ring up whoever taught you physics and demand your money back.

                    • by lgw ( 121541 )

                      When you lower a weight (the same weight? unlikely) you give the pendulum another kick. Sure, this one's in the other direction, but that doesn't really help - this isn't an ideal, rigid pendulum where you could actually "brake" it that way. You'll be adding energy to the system in either direction.

                    • When you lower a weight (the same weight? unlikely)

                      Yes because ballast and dead weight aren't things that are well understood / sarcasm

                      you give the pendulum another kick.

                      You aren't kicking much of anything. For someone who keeps going on about dampening this is a relatively small force applied over a relatively long time across the entire elevator.

                      Sure, this one's in the other direction, but that doesn't really help

                      Conservation of angular momentum is on the phone for you.

                      - this isn't an ideal, rigid pendulum where you could actually "brake" it that way.

                      Actually that is exactly what it is. Very nearly Ideal and rigid. What did you think would be needed to reach from the surface of the earth to geosynchronous orbit ?

                      You'll be adding energy to the system in either direction.

                      I'm done, I can tolerate i

                    • by lgw ( 121541 )

                      s because ballast and dead weight aren't things that are well understood / sarcasm

                      You're going to, what, mine the counterweight for ballast? Won't work - a space elevator becomes economical when it launches payloads that collectively exceed the mass of the counterweight. So you'd be, what, dragging asteroids over to mine for ballast? Seems unlikely (well, eventually a space elevator would help enable asteroid mining, but it would be some time).

                      Sure, this one's in the other direction, but that doesn't really help

                      Conservation of angular momentum is on the phone for you.

                      As I said, that just means a kick to the pendulum in the other direction. Now it has twice as much energy, unless you do something very clever

                    • You're going to, what, mine the counterweight for ballast? Won't work - a space elevator becomes economical when it launches payloads that collectively exceed the mass of the counterweight. So you'd be, what, dragging asteroids over to mine for ballast? Seems unlikely (well, eventually a space elevator would help enable asteroid mining, but it would be some time).

                      Too stupid for words.

                    • by lgw ( 121541 )

                      You seem to have run out of arguments, leaving only name-calling. Sad.

                    • You seem to have run out of arguments, leaving only name-calling. Sad.

                      Well unlike you, I can't bring myself to predict economic details of civilization hundreds of years removed from now. I also have a pretty good idea of the limits of my knowledge and would never make the claims you do without actually doing the math. Then there is the fact I can't bring myself to ignore the laws of physics the way you do.

                      Must be nice to think you know everything.

    • Well Newtonian physics doesn't factor in long term strain on a material. Radiation, wear, friction. Simple physics has a everything in a uniformed mass frictionless ball in a perfect vacuum.

      Now these are good for the laws of physics, and its values will apply in general. However there are billions of tiny forces following these same rules just at different directions that makes engineering for the values more complex, and often will require over engineering a product to deal with this degree of entropy.

      I c

  • We must take control of the aluminium supply and churn out some giant death robots!
  • "...will hitch a ride on an H-2B rocket"

  • by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Wednesday September 05, 2018 @06:46AM (#57255658) Journal
    Only 2041990 meters to go!!
  • by DrXym ( 126579 ) on Wednesday September 05, 2018 @09:16AM (#57256310)
    What exactly is the experiment meant to prove? Moving little devices over a 10 metre taut wire isn't exactly pushing the boundaries of science.
    • by ljw1004 ( 764174 )

      What exactly is the experiment meant to prove? Moving little devices over a 10 metre taut wire isn't exactly pushing the boundaries of science.

      From the article:

      "It's going to be the world's first experiment to test elevator movement in space," a university spokesman told AFP on Tuesday.

      I'm not sure what you're saying. Do you think they should push a larger device over a longer distance for their first attempt? Or do you think they should skip this test entirely and just assume it will work fine?

  • I guess it's time to re-read "The Fountains of Paradise".

The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. -- Franklin P. Jones
