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European Science Funders Ban Grantees From Publishing In Paywalled Journals ( 123

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Science Magazine: Frustrated with the slow transition toward open access (OA) in scientific publishing, 11 national funding organizations in Europe turned up the pressure today. As of 2020, the group, which jointly spends about $8.8 billion on research annually, will require every paper it funds to be freely available from the moment of publication. In a statement, the group said it will no longer allow the 6- or 12-month delays that many subscription journals now require before a paper is made OA, and it won't allow publication in so-called hybrid journals, which charge subscriptions but also make individual papers OA for an extra fee. The move means grantees from these 11 funders -- which include the national funding agencies in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and France as well as Italy's National Institute for Nuclear Physics -- will have to forgo publishing in thousands of journals, including high-profile ones such as Nature, Science, Cell, and The Lancet, unless those journals change their business model. Not everyone is pleased by the decision. A spokesperson for Springer Nature, which publishes more than 3,000 journals, said the plan "potentially undermines the whole research publishing system." A spokesperson for AAAS, Science's publisher, added: "Implementing such a plan, in our view, would disrupt scholarly communications, be a disservice to researchers, and impinge academic freedom."
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European Science Funders Ban Grantees From Publishing In Paywalled Journals

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  • As an American.... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by GerryGilmore ( 663905 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2018 @10:39PM (#57254520)
    ...there's times I really love Europe.
    • [As an American....] ...there's times I really love Europe.

      LOL, agreed as another American.

      I will say, however much or often I might disagree with many European's political and cultural views, I have no problem stating that I stand with them on this. These scientific pay-walled journals are simply old distribution channels seeking to halt the advance of technology in information distribution to preserve an outdated business model just as the **AAs are attempting in the US.

      I may often disagree with Europeans (and others as well), but I have no personal antipathy tow

  • by shaksys ( 3777257 )
    Nothing says come to business with us like "do it our way or leave".
    • If you're getting government funding, than yeah, that's usually how it works.
    • So, just to understand, do you have some problem with (a) People giving free money to scientists attaching strings to that money, (b) Those strings being to make information more freely available, with all the obvious societal (and capitalistic) benefits, or (c) The decrease in power/prestige of paid journals, leading to tenure track academics not have to sell off their rights for nothing to avoid the "perish" option.

  • by dhammabum ( 190105 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2018 @10:42PM (#57254542)

    A spokesperson for Springer Nature, which publishes more than 3,000 journals, said the plan "potentially undermines the whole research publishing system."

    uh, that would be the point...

    • by ChromeAeonuim ( 1026946 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2018 @10:50PM (#57254562)

      "potentially undermines the whole research publishing system"

      Translating that from weasel to English, what they mean is 'it undermines our sweet, sweet profit machine built on the backs of the taxpayers."

      There's plenty wrong with the publishing system, from the publish or perish madness to walling off publicly funded research so that the public cannot access what they paid for. Good on the EU for taking steps to remove needless barriers. And for American research, there's still Sci-Hub.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Everyone time this gets posted, people act as though it hasn't been NIH policy for YEARS that every NIH-funded paper (so, essentially every important paper in the US) is open access within 6 months of publication.


        • They want these publications to become OA right away, not after a long delay. It’s right there in TFS
        • "Everyone time this gets posted, people act as though it hasn't been NIH policy for YEARS that every NIH-funded paper (so, essentially every important paper in the US) is open access within 6 months of publication.


          Yes, thats also been true for most of Europe for YEARS. As I am sure you saw, when you read the annoucement, this is quite different. Specifically, it says that six month embargos are not okay, that hybrid journals are not okay and that article charges will be capped.

          So this is quite a diff

        • The biggest for-(largely unearned)-profit scientific publishers are European. So this is interesting news.

        • by mrvan ( 973822 )

          Everyone time this gets posted, people act as though it hasn't been NIH policy for YEARS that every NIH-funded paper (so, essentially every important paper in the US) is open access within 6 months of publication. YEARS.

          This is indeed an improvement / extension of that policy. The point is that the NIH policy allowed journals to remain closed while allowing a subset of papers to be open access (i.e. hybrid style). Since a lot of papers were still not open access, universities still needed a subscription, so their business model remained intact (and was even improved as they now get open access charges as well as subscriptions).

          You can run a journal for about 500$ per article (archiving, copy-editing, type-setting. etc), ma

  • "potentially undermines the whole research publishing system."

    That's the point you parasite!

  • by Goldsmith ( 561202 ) on Wednesday September 05, 2018 @01:36AM (#57254954)

    Now all we need is for the granting agencies to ban the use of student labor outside of training grants. Let's clean up that accounting sinkhole and maybe we can start creating some career paths for professional scientists that don't assume a cold-war economy.

  • by DanDD ( 1857066 ) on Wednesday September 05, 2018 @01:40AM (#57254960)

    The World Wide Web as we know it today was created by researchers to combat the broken and corrupt publication process: []

    Berners-Lee worked as an independent contractor at CERN from June to December 1980. While in Geneva, he proposed a project based on the concept of hypertext, to facilitate sharing and updating information among researchers.[27] To demonstrate it, he built a prototype system named ENQUIRE.[28]

    The fact that any pay-to-read peer-review journals still exist today is a testament to the holding power of corrupt institutions.

    Please understand, the peer review journal publication system is only part of the problem, and probably a small part. The tenure system and "publish or perish" culture of research institutions is another major part of the problem.

    So much of what is published in peer reviewed journals is absolute shit. Big words, pretty graphs, drivel so esoteric that few attempts to reproduce are ever made.

    I can't find an online reference at the moment, so I'll just re-tell the story briefly:

    In 1987 Dr. Paul Chu and associates discover the first high-temperature superconductor that worked above the boiling temperature of liquid nitrogen, 77K. This was the holy grail of material science, and a big deal. If the results were simply published, the months long peer review process would have introduced too many chances for someone to steal their research and publish first. Peer reviewers often paid, under the table of course, to be peer reviewers - this way they could see what was going on in their field before anyone else. And this is exactly what happened.

    Chu submitted a paper for publication on the discovery of the first high temperature superconductor, knowing full and well that the peer review process would take a few months and in that time someone would likely try to take credit for his discovery. He also knew that minor typographical corrections could be submitted as little as a few days before the publication date. So, his originally submitted paper claimed to have discovered YbCuO, was this magical unicorn of high Tc. And sure enough, about a month later an Italian journal published a paper claiming to have discovered high Tc superconductivity in YbCuO. The graphs and data looked strangely familiar.

    Chu was no idiot, so he actually made the 'wrong' superconductor and verified that it did not work. So, months later, and right before the publication date, he submitted a minor correction to change 'Yb', ytterbium, to just 'Y', yttrium.

    The journal was caught red handed. They had employed a peer reviewer who stole data, but there was little they could do. The 'corrected' publication was submitted. And Paul Chu faced some difficulties in getting that journal to accept any more of his publications. End story.

    Publishing a paper on a server that records the date and the MD5SUM of the file should be all it takes. Instead of peer review, a measure of value of a publication could be as simple as counting how many times a publication is referenced. Might take years, but, it would better than the bullshit going on with paywalled journals.

    • by sberge ( 2725113 )

      Instead of peer review, a measure of value of a publication could be as simple as counting how many times a publication is referenced.

      Referenced by whom? Other papers that have been published the same way? I'm pretty sure there's a loophole somewhere in that scheme.

      • by DanDD ( 1857066 )

        I'm sure there is too, but as sophomoric as it is, it's probably no worse than the present system.

    • Based on Wikipedia [] (so take it with a grain of salt), instead of YbCuO the real formula was YBaCuO. So yes, ytterbium became yttrium but not exactly as you claim.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Based on Wikipedia [] (so take it with a grain of salt), instead of YbCuO the real formula was YBaCuO. So yes, ytterbium became yttrium but not exactly as you claim.

        Can you specify what salt you refer to? NaCl? I want to be sure before I try to measure a grains worth. Also I'm having trouble deciding whether you mean troy grain, pearl grain or a size equivalence to some biological specimen.

  • by Solandri ( 704621 ) on Wednesday September 05, 2018 @02:31AM (#57255072)
    As long as you don't give the paywalled journal an exclusive copyright to your work (i.e. you're allowed to publish the work elsewhere, or release it on your website for free).

    So this really should be a ban on journal exclusivity, not a ban on paywalled journals. That is, full control of copyright should remain with the authors.
  • by Vadim Makarov ( 529622 ) <> on Wednesday September 05, 2018 @04:02AM (#57255296) Homepage

    This is great news. I am an academic researcher and I fully support it. I've been working at two good small research institutes. Neither has journal subscritpions. Sci-hub works but is unstable and technically illegal. Getting the gorilla-sized funding agencies force the open model will finally get the journals to update. Never mind the screams from Nature, the established businesses always say this... then they adapt, quickly!

  • All the reviewers, which do the main work, are working without pay anyways. The publishers (like Springer) are just greedy without bounds and without providing significant value. It is high time this stops.

    • In many cases the editors are not paid either. So reviewers work for free, editors work for free, and the publishers just collect a tidy sum on the name recognition. Often they don't even select/vet the reviewers (editors do that instead), they just select/vet the editors.
  • Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. Why should private publishing companies be allowed to charge huge fees to see the results of work that was, for the most part, publicly funded?

  • A spokesperson for Springer Nature, which publishes more than 3,000 journals

    If you hadn't engaged in blatant and absurd profiteering, this might not be happening. You've made your bed; now, be a good boy and lie in it.

  • ...the whole encyclopedia publishing system.

Why be a man when you can be a success? -- Bertolt Brecht
