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Amazon's Push Into Healthcare Just Cost the Industry $30 Billion In Market Cap ( 412

Today, Amazon, along with Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan, announced a plan to launch an independent company that will offer healthcare services to the companies' employees at a lower cost. The venture, which will be managed by executives from the firms, will be run more like a non-profit, than a for-profit entity. Even though the plans are vague, the news caused the market value of 10 large, listed health insurance and pharmacy stocks to drop by a combined $30 billion in the first two hours of trading. Quartz reports: "The healthcare system is complex, and we enter into this challenge open-eyed about the degree of difficulty," said Amazon's Jeff Bezos in a statement. "Hard as it might be, reducing healthcare's burden on the economy while improving outcomes for employees and their families would be worth the effort. Success is going to require talented experts, a beginner's mind, and a long-term orientation." Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, likened America's mushrooming healthcare costs to "a hungry tapeworm on the American economy." How the venture will provide less pricy healthcare to the 1.2 million employees of the participating companies isn't yet clear. The new company will leverage "technology solutions" that provide "simplified, high-quality and transparent healthcare at a reasonable cost." Not much else, including the name of the company, is known.
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Amazon's Push Into Healthcare Just Cost the Industry $30 Billion In Market Cap

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  • Good! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by DaMattster ( 977781 ) on Tuesday January 30, 2018 @07:32PM (#56037203)
    Let the "for profit" blood suckers get rocked on their heels a little. After all of the reasons that they have found to deny people care that need it, fuck those big boys.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      After all of the reasons that they have found to deny people care that need it, fuck those big boys.

      Any system that gives people all the healthcare they want will bankrupt the nation. You have to ration, whether it is by price, willingness to wait in a queue, or death panels.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by msauve ( 701917 )
        "Any system that gives people all the healthcare they want will bankrupt the nation. You have to ration, whether it is by price, willingness to wait in a queue, or death panels."


        Much of the cost of healthcare is because people expect that because there's a treatment available, they have a "right" to it, cost be damned. Society can't afford expensive treatments which have a small probability of extending a life for a short time. Hence the GP's "all of the reasons that they have found to deny people care
        • Re:Good! (Score:5, Insightful)

          by blackomegax ( 807080 ) on Tuesday January 30, 2018 @09:03PM (#56037607) Journal
          And you're arguing, effectively, to genocide the unhealthy and the poor. GTFO with your class war, Ayn Rand bullshit. Every other civilized country works out great, with none of the straw men you brought up, lines, death panels etc. For profit health care denying coverage *is* the death panel.
          • Every other civilized country works out great

            Bullcrap. Every civilized country rations healthcare. Every. Single. One.

            There is nowhere where you can get any treatment, on demand, at anytime, for free.

            Even in Norway, a woman can't just walk in and get a breast enlargement anytime she wants, and expect someone else to pay for it.

            Disclaimer: I realize that most Norwegian women don't actually need breast enlargements. It is just an example.

            • Even in Norway, a woman can't just walk in and get a breast enlargement anytime she wants, and expect someone else to pay for it.

              I fail to see how that strengthens your argument. Is there one, single country that has a national health-care program that pays for breast augmentation? (Aside from the obvious worthy case of cosmetic restoration for a medically-necessary mastectomy.)

      • by sjames ( 1099 )

        The U.S. uses all three.

      • ... deny people care that need it.


        ... gives people all the health care they want ...

        wow. Yes, giving people all the health care they want almost certainly would bankrupt the nation. But that isn't what the PP wrote.

        Someone with cancer that needs chemo is not, as near as I can tell, also getting a boob job, their teeth straightened, and a hip replacement. You're just playing on people's emotions with what is essentially a false premise. I smell a Russian troll.

      • Obviously there has to be a balance. If healthcare cost me absolutely nothing (aside from whatever taxes I may pay) and I had easy access to a doctor I trusted and was confident in, I wouldn't really be that expensive....right now anyway. But if I got cancer or some other terminal conditions that's when it may get to be an issue.

        Maybe basic medical checkups should come out of our pocket and the government should foot the bill for the major problems. Or maybe everyone should be guaranteed at least a mi

        • Re:Good! (Score:5, Insightful)

          by shilly ( 142940 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2018 @01:44AM (#56038417)

          The problem with individuals paying for basic checkups while the government paying for major problems, is that it encourages people to skimp on cheap, effective early interventions. They don't go and see their primary care provider when they first develop that ache in their side, because they don't really have $100 to spare...and then that ache turns out to be something serious, and costs a shit-load more to treat because it's progressed.

      • You just changed need to want, changing the discussion point. "Need" would be tied to "to live", " want" is more of quality of life.
  • by Bruce66423 ( 1678196 ) on Tuesday January 30, 2018 @07:33PM (#56037217)

    The UK's system is widely recognised as the most efficient, so the basic model - of single payer contracting with controlled hospitals - has a lot of efficiencies to offer in the American context. In the light of the news that the arrival of an Amazon distribution centre LOWERS the wages of warehouse workers, perhaps we will see this happen to doctors... []

  • Wrong Solution (Score:5, Insightful)

    by labnet ( 457441 ) on Tuesday January 30, 2018 @07:48PM (#56037291)

    The rest of the modern world looks at the USAs health system and just shakes their head.
    Every other modern western country uses government run primary health care, usually overlaid with a smaller private system.
    The private system gets used for those who want a specific surgeon, less wait time, or elective procedures.

    but, in the land of the free, home of the brave, god forbid if someone who made poor health choices got treatment from my tax dollar: let the loser die or least be a debt slave for life.

    Bezos should be advocating for government funded primary health care: not yet another private system.

  • by schweini ( 607711 ) on Tuesday January 30, 2018 @07:52PM (#56037307)
    IIRC, the german public health insurance companies are basically companies who are competing with each other, but may not turn a profit.

    It would be quite ironic if some billionaires will manage to basically set up socialized healthcare in the US this way, and out-compete the current HMOs!
    • by davecb ( 6526 ) <> on Tuesday January 30, 2018 @10:08PM (#56037835) Homepage Journal

      Canada has a set of per-province plans that originally covered just major injury, then were upgraded to include proactive doctor visits. The doctors are private, the hospitals are typically from bond drives in the cities and the payments are collected by employers, separate from taxes.

      Works reasonably well, and backstops low-cost benefits plans the employers offer, like dental and drug plans.

      For example, as a kid my parents paid into the Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan, and dad campaigned door to door on a bond drive for the Chatham General Hospital. When I broke my heel, it got fixed in that same hospital, and OHIP paid for it.

      • Canada has a set of per-province plans that originally covered just major injury, then were upgraded to include proactive doctor visits. The doctors are private, the hospitals are typically from bond drives in the cities and the payments are collected by employers, separate from taxes.

        Works reasonably well, and backstops low-cost benefits plans the employers offer, like dental and drug plans.

        For example, as a kid my parents paid into the Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan, and dad campaigned door to door on a bond drive for the Chatham General Hospital. When I broke my heel, it got fixed in that same hospital, and OHIP paid for it.

        This. When I was in graduate school in Canada, I had a reconstruction of a torn ACL. Didn't pay a dime for it. (But paid taxes of course, and willingly.)

      • by dryeo ( 100693 )

        It varies from Province to Province. Never heard of a bond drive to finance a hospital here in BC. We still pay premiums (about $70/month for a single person with a decent income, often taken straight out of the paycheck, soon to be halved) for medical as well though it sounds like that'll be going away.
        Basically the Federal government sets minimum standards and each of the Provinces run their own system.

  • by skam240 ( 789197 ) on Tuesday January 30, 2018 @07:54PM (#56037325)

    I do IT for a small grocery store chain and we went self insured a few years back now and we've saved a ton of money doing it.

    • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Tuesday January 30, 2018 @08:52PM (#56037579)
      with fairly healthy people. My bro worked for a small company that tried the same. He had some health problems so he was politely told if he signed up for the insurance he'd be fired.

      The best way to do insurance of any kind is to have as many people chip in as possible. Buying power gets rates down, and that's what's got the health care industry worried. As more and more companies consolidate an buy each other out we've got fewer and fewer employers, but that also means that if a few of them get together they can exert enormous pressure.

      Of course, if you take this to it's logical conclusion the largest pool of insurable people is everybody; e.g. single payer health care. But once you've got a for profit insurance industry it's almost impossible to do away with it since they'll spend every penny they have to make sure folks don't realize they don't want or need yet another middle man.
      • by skam240 ( 789197 )

        Man, how big was the company? Our four store operation employs about a thousand people (a good grocery store employs a surprising number of people for those outside the industry). In the context of the company I work for we've been able to grow our pool of insured people drastically so that generally speaking only people a couple of years junior or purposely part time people like college students don't get insurance.

        I suppose the nature of the company matters a lot here too though. Our founder is in the pro

      • Well stated.

        From what I see, it seems like going in with a technology focus, simplifying the payment process for doctors, and destroying the highest-margin procedures with competition could have a pretty significant impact. The for-profit insurance companies don't have any real interest in getting end-user costs down, just their costs. The non-profits seem to have other challenges (those little spoken about for-profit divisions as an example).

        You could save 10% over night pretty easily in my mind... maybe

  • How the venture will provide less pricy healthcare isn't yet clear

    Unclear whether this is a typo for less pricey or less privacy. Knowing Amazon it might be both...

    • Unclear whether this is a typo for less pricey or less privacy. Knowing Amazon it might be both...

      But think of the advantages of information sharing within Amazon...

      Let's say you have an impacted molar. When you get home, Amazon Video might recommend you watch the SpongeBob Squarepants episode where Patrick goes to the dentist.

  • by Applehu Akbar ( 2968043 ) on Tuesday January 30, 2018 @07:55PM (#56037335)

    And that would be capitalism. The FUD campaign waged by medallion cab drivers against Big Bad Uber is a child's sandbox fight compared to Amazon going up against America's most monopolistic industry.

  • by schwit1 ( 797399 ) on Tuesday January 30, 2018 @08:08PM (#56037391)

    Unnecessary tests and pharmaceuticals. Doctors use unnecessary tests to protect themselves from lawsuits. Then there's the medication problem.

    the-myth-of-drug-expiration-dates []
      The government needs an independent lab to determine the expiry dates, not big pharma.

    drug-firms-shipped-208-million-pain-pills-to-west-virginia-town []

    drug-company-payments-mirror-doctors-brand-name-prescribing []

    I also have to wonder if doctors prescribe drugs as the easy solution instead telling the patient to make lifestyle choices.

  • It's very smart (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Darkling-MHCN ( 222524 ) on Tuesday January 30, 2018 @08:12PM (#56037413)

    These are big companies with lots of employees, they are already bleeding huge amounts of cash to fund health programs for their employees in a broken healthcare system. They're going to pool their resources together to create a new company, not with the goal of making money out of the venture, but with the goal of reducing the costs they already have within their existing companies. Due to their size they'll receive immediate benefits by having the clout to bargain with the big pharmas and that clout will only increase as they offer this to the rest of corporate america.

    It's another game changer from Amazon.

    • Exactly. It's why my company sets aside some of professional development funds for exercise and wellness, because the healthier the employees are, the less sick leave they take and the more productive they are. In a tight labor market, it also can serve as good marketing to potential employees.

    • Yup... add in prescription delivery by Amazon and their purchasing power with the Pharma companies just got a lot more powerful.

  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Tuesday January 30, 2018 @08:48PM (#56037561)
    health care. You can't have a for profit system built around something complex, expensive and life or death. Because people can just keep raising the price and you'll pay it or you'll die. Hell, our for profit system of agriculture only barely works with a _lot_ of government interference and subsidies and even then it relies heavily on borderline slave labor. This is why America spends more and gets worse outcomes to take care of less people. It's also why it costs $32k to give birth here and we still have the highest maternal mortality rates in the developed world. []

    Anyway, Single Payer Now. Medicare for All.
  • I wonder what else the USA is going to "invent" by copying off other countries.

    True single payer health
    The metric system
    Gun Control
  • And if your risk pool is large enough and broad enough, you can save a SUBSTANTIAL amount of money.

    • You do realize that your post is an oxymoron?

      Self-insurance is inconsistent with a spread-out risk-pool.

    • by judoguy ( 534886 )

      you can save a SUBSTANTIAL amount of money.

      Everyone keeps saying "You will save all this money if we socialize medicine" Bullshit.

      I won't save anything. All this crap costs me far more than I spend on actual health care and I'm in my mid 60's.

      I work my ass off to stay healthy. Yes, I'm an old meany who doesn't want to be forced to pay for other peoples healthcare. "What about when YOU need it?????". I want pay for what I use rather than pay a lot all the time for something I might not use.

      The real goal for responsible adults should be how to red

  • The majority of the health insurance companies in the country are led by CEOs who are either billionaires on their own or will be by the time they cash in their retirements. Many of them decline $30B worth of claims - or tell providers to eat $30B worth of billable service - in a week without thinking twice about it.

    On top of that, the health insurance industry bought Washington DC years ago. They got most of their ROI in the form of the ACA back when Obama was president; they know where to turn if th
  • Seriously: our health care "system" (in quotes for a damned good reason!) is a complete and total clusterfuck. Yeah, if you have squillions of dollars and/or the most super-ultimate health insurance (at the moment...), you can get pretty damned decent care. Fall off of THAT island, though, and you land in a swamp of uniaginable, Rube Goldberg-like complexity that is designed to do one thing and one thing only: separate you from as much of your money as possible. Period. End of fucking story! I once spent 9
  • Amazing! An amalgam of successful capitalist thinks a nonprofit is better than capitalism for "reducing health care's burden on the economy while improving outcomes ". They should know.
    • It's not a "non-profit" though, you were fooled by choice of words. And of course the money for this will come from, wait for it...capitalism.

      • As Yuval Harari points out, real power is switching from Davos to the cloud. Neo-capitalism rules for now, replacing 'The Golden Age of Capitalism' which started in the post WWII environment and ending in the 1970s. What comes next? I think it's wise to see which page the existing power elite is turning to, and why.
  • by cliffjumper222 ( 229876 ) on Tuesday January 30, 2018 @10:06PM (#56037823)

    If as a consumer you want to save your hard-earned dollars (e.g, you have an HSA) when you need healthcare in the US, tough luck - you can't. The US health care system is not set up to enable anything like the usual way we shop. It's like being forced to buy things on recommendation from a stranger without knowing the prices for anything until you get your credit card statement. And then experiencing utter sticker shock at the cost!

    Case in point: I went to the doctor for a check up. The doctor had no idea how much it would cost me for the checkup or how much any of the recommendations she made to me would cost me. So I asked the insurance system. They couldn't give me a price or even a quote, and only pointed me to a web-based useless "calculator" that gave rough numbers. It's not surprising, because the actual cost had been negotiated by some unseen, unknown entity (my employer? the company my employer contracts with?) and it certainly wasn't ever to be shared with a lowly patient/employee. The only time I could find out how much it cost was when I received the bill. And it was outrageous! Over $200 for a simple look-see. The doctor had claimed it was the "annual checkup", which was much more expensive. Apparently, there are multiple types of check up, with the cheapest being $60, but there's no way to request that, or know what you are getting in advance. Other procedures are completely opaque too and often involve bills from multiple entities. My wife received bills from approximately 6 different entities after an ER visit for concussion, including the individual doctors, the MRI, the CT staff along with billing for various bits and pieces (tubes, packs, etc.) that apparently were used. What a load of crap.

    Another area that the health care system needs to address is their methodology of tracking the status of health issues. Currently, they run completely on the squeaky-wheel system. If the wheel don't squeak, it's not an issue any more. (Doesn't matter if the wheel has crumbled into dust or not!). As engineers, if we find an issue we usually have a process to track progress to resolution. Not in the health care system! It's completely random and ad hoc. You as a patient have to manage your own "bug tracking" because no one else will. They seem to be pretty good in tactical situations, but anything that isn't an easy fix, or takes a long time isn't handled well at all.

    I'm glad that this is happening. The system needs a really big kick up the butt.

  • by nehumanuscrede ( 624750 ) on Tuesday January 30, 2018 @11:01PM (#56038013)

    it's just no one with the authority to do so has the spine to make the decisions necessary to make it happen.

    Well, that and *campaign donations* tend to ensure the status quo remains the status quo.

    "Hard as it might be, reducing healthcare's burden on the economy while improving outcomes for employees and their families would be worth the effort."

    The only thing you need to do is take away the health care and Big Pharma industries ability to charge whatever they want for their products or services and you'll stop this problem stone cold.

    You need only speak the words that shall not be spoken ( Regulation ) within earshot of said industries and watch how quickly they'll be willing to compromise on what they charge. They do for a while until the latest scandal becomes a fleeting memory, then it's right back to business as usual.

    Quit threatening it and just do it.

    When a single trip to the hospital is capable of bankrupting all but the insanely rich, it's time to burn it down and rethink the issue.

    I don't want, nor need, vouchers, coupons or reduced insurance premiums that do nothing but increase over the long term. Fix the problem at its source and you fix the " economic burden " it has become.

    When people have more money in their pockets to spend on something other than ludicrously priced healthcare, the economy tends to benefit from it.

    • think about it this way: the ultra rich want us (the regular folks) to live in constant fear. that distracts us and keeps us in-fighting (ie, not fighting THEM or coming after them with pitchforks and fires).

      they keep wages down, they hire outside the country as much as they can and they actively seek to lower the standard of living for all but their friends. reasoning is the same as above, keeps us fighting between ourselves over stupid shit. and if we're all just 1 paycheck away from being homeless, we

  • by WolfgangVL ( 3494585 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2018 @12:45AM (#56038299)

    My buddies an I often sit in front of the fire and solve the worlds problems. Healthcare is one of my favorites. We like to look at what exactly causes the high costs and address them one at a time... (Completely ignoring things that work or don't in other countries, because those are saved for discussions like "what works and doesn't in other countries") Here are some of our ideas relating to healthcare.....

    Tax rebates for high cost medical equipment. This addresses the high costs of medical equipment at least a little, and helps maintain profitability in creation/manufacture/research of said tech.

    Transparent pricing, no hidden fees, like every damn thing else traded for American dollars. That $.03 asprin is only $25.00 because you can't just say "no thanks, I can't afford that today.", so the market will bear any price. If it's painful, good, get your shit together healthcare. It's damn sad that I can check the costs of airfare across nearly an entire industry run mostly by brain-dead customer service people (which is also bogged down with massive regulation hoops and legal liabilities) in two minutes, but an industry run by over-schooled and highly paid professionals who are often smarter than I am can't seem to write a complete legible sentence or count past $100.00 without the insurance mans help.

    Free government funded tuition for in demand medical field studies, paid for by taxes paid on medical practitioners earnings. (much like the industrial taxes I pay now pretend to cover industrial overhead) This addresses the licensed doctor shortages... For profit schools will love this shit, and the socialized education camp gets a win. Free doctor/nurse/med-tech/ect... training!

    Immunity to malpractice accusations and court nonsense on all non-trivial procedures. People are going to die under the knife. You can choose to just die, or ask for help. With transparent pricing and lower overall prices, it's on the consumer to do their research when seeking a "family doctor". This all but eliminates the insurance against insurance bullshit driving costs through the roof. Personal responsibility time folks. Buyer beware. I know a LOT of people that travel to other countries to have medical procedures done and take a vacation while there- for half the price of half the care in America. They do their research before they buy a ticket. Seems to work.

    State level cooperatives negotiating pharma prices, which are allowed to shop outside of the country. This addresses 500% increase games on life-saving drugs due to the captive market, and ends the market for smuggling life saving drugs that is fueling organized crime. This is so fucked up by the way... and also leads to the next one....

    University and government funded research CAN NOT BE PRIVATE. Breakthroughs and moonshots in the medical field should be shared if funded on the public dime, and works and studies encouraged. Patents never granted on medicines derived from government (citizen) funded research. I've never understood how breakthroughs achieved and sciences explained/attained at state universities is not public by default. Who in the hell came up with the current system and how can they sleep at night?

    I'm just another nerd pissed off about 15k emergency room visits and $30000 stillborns. I have no idea how these things would pan out, but nobody else ever seems to put forward any ideas addressing what seems to me to be the sources of the high costs of care that require the money sucking insurance companies to begin with. You gotta do more than creative accounting to fix this, and lives are at stake.

    I imagine Amazon will drive costs down by sheer volume, access to data, simplicity, reliability, and scope of options. (Based on your shopping habits, you might also like.... a colonoscopy! available from these practitioners...)

    The only thing more fun to discuss than American healthcare is American law enforcement. Hooo-boy do the tempers flare on that one.

  • Billing codes. The body mutilator!

    Really though, One of the things I've said about health care is that we could easily care for patients without all that overhead. Thing is, just like Brawndo, the economy sort of depends on it. Until the plants actually start growing again, this is going to hurt.

  • We so need this... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by PortHaven ( 242123 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2018 @10:09AM (#56039973) Homepage looked at their bottom line, and they saw one very large expenditure that they had zero control over, and no ability to optimize. What do you think that was?

    Employee healthcare costs!

    Now, I recently had to get an albuterol inhaler. Albuterol is cheap, it was created in 1966. But inhalers, where they put a tiny bit of albuterol into an aerosol spray run like $65 after insurance contracted discount. That is INSANE!!!!

    I'd be surprised if those inhalers cost more than a $1 to manufacture. So imagine, AmazonBasicsHealth offering a similar inhaler for $4. This monstrous price hike is extremely common. CPAPS are basically over-glorified aquarium air pumps. Yet, they cost around $2,000. And many who have utilized, will attest to the fact that the designs are often poorly thought out and build quality lacking. But hey, that plastic tubing is FDA approved, so you get billed $20-$80 for a hose that probably cost 79 cents.

    So Amazon looking at this, can easily be like,....well we don't need to make a profit. Because, if we simply sell RX and services at cost, we can reduce our employee overhead by around 10%-15%. For Amazon, a 15% reduction of employee costs is a huge profit margin increase. And is big enough, that once they get it on the ball, can be very disruptive. They can go, and say to a manufacturer, we want a good CPAP for $500. If they don't relent. They design and build their own, and then sell it for $200. The companies will either have to come to the table or face eradication.

    But the big thing is services....the doctors and nurses themselves. I've thought that the solution to this problem is to actually fund free medical school - with the catch being that half of a doctors time for the first 20 years or so is obligated back to either the company or community.

"Say yur prayers, yuh flea-pickin' varmint!" -- Yosemite Sam
