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Hubble Producing Data Again 2

An anonymous reader wrote it to say " This is not your average `we went out there, we repaired it, oh, we are so good' article, but just a happy note after the continous `HST remains in ZGSP... No activity' messages on sci.astro.hubble: finally, after SM3A, new data has been collected. Peharps a little tidbit regarding a new 486 running up there is more interesting for this community... and if you are interesting in those pretty pictures that make good desktop backgrounds, there's always the Space Telescope Science Institute. "M/I>
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Hubble Producing Data Again

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  • by PD ( 9577 )
    That's truly excellent. I wonder why the media doesn't make as big a deal about this as they did with the two mars mission failures?

    Maybe the media just hates geeks and people who want to advance space technology. Sometimes it appears that way to me.

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