Human Chromosome 22 Mapped 208
tuck was the first of many to submit this important milestone in arguably the world's most important scientific endeavor. The Human Genome Project has completed mapping its first entire chromosome, number 22. Second-smallest of our 23 chromosomes, some of 22's genes can cause "heart defects, immune system disorders, cancers, schizophrenia and mental retardation." Portion of its DNA which is "junk" (encodes no protein): 42%. Read it at your favorite source:
the Boston Globe,
the Christian Science Monitor,
the AP,
or Reuters.
Whos chromosome did they map? (Score:2)
TIGR and HUGEP (Score:2)
HGP does it by "clone by clone" strategy. That means, the chromosome is cut in smaller pieces, then again in even smaller pieces, the pieces get cloned (cloning in molecular biology means not the Dolly sheep: it means, a certain sequence is inserted into a epigenetic element called plasmid, which itself can propagate and thrive in bacteria), and then sequenced. This is cumbersome and requires a lot of manual work, but it provides unmatched quality of the sequencing.
TIGR adopted another strategy, the so-called shotgun method. In this strategy, you get a sequence, but you have not the slightest idea where from the genome does it come from. Only you when you have a lot of this sequences you can start assembling - using a lot of CPU, trying to match them one to another, like a puzzle, but trickier: a sequence often contains errors, especially at the end (you can only read a couple of hundreds bases, then the signals are to weak and not clear enough). This strategy requires considerably less highly trained man-power: just a lot of technicians and $$ for expensive sequencing machines (which were provided to TIGR by Perkin-Elmer). However, this method has a serious drawback: there are many sequences in the human genome, which are partly, or totally repeated. This repeat elements can be a royal pain in the sequencing project (been there, done that).
It is really a good thing that there are two sequencing project with two different strategies: the comparison between the two sequences could provide an enormous insight into a) quality of the sequencing b) human variablity. Venter from TIGR is definitely an enfant terrible, but I don't think he is one of those corporate Bad Guys (TM), rather one who was fed up with the slow pace of conventional scientific projects. On the other hand, HGP, representing "the slow pace", shows us also why a slow pace is needed sometimes.
Re:Download the sequence (Score:1)
Chromosome 22 Decoded (Score:2)
Well, maybe not . . . (Score:1)
I dunno for sure about Sanger, but WashU and Whitehead in the US are working from the same clone library.
At the Sanger we've historically been using the RPC-1 library from Pieter de Jong's lab. I have been told several times that the individual can and has been identified. I was told a name as well. More recently we've been moving onto other libraries based on anonymous panels, such as the RPCI-11.2, from the same lab.
Re:causing and associated with (Score:1)
Think of a program that has a statement like:
qwerty = null;
where qwerty is some random string of characters. Most often this will have no effect, but if by happenstance it matches the name of a variable that's in use, then a program bug can arise. Occasionally this may fix a bug, but that's not the way to bet.
Re:Junk DNA (Score:1)
Re:Junk DNA (Score:1)
Not to mention "bad" DNA. (Score:1)
Mice happen to have a lot of this viral DNA, which tend to act as oncogenes (cancer causing genes). Mice (just like everything else) accumulate mutations over their lifespans, and as the mouse gets older, the likelihood of a mutation activating an oncogene increases, until one day the mouse ends up with a tumor. This is a common cause of death for mice.
As you pointed out, Eukaryotes are big and complex. They are also still "works in progress". Some people seem to think that evolutionary pressures have created the lean, sleek, perfectly adapted creatures that humans are today
But is this still the place for public money? (Score:1)
Personally, though, I think public money should go to a myriad of smaller projects instead of one big Manhattan/Apollo style push that sucks money from everywhere else.
If the private sector is willing to plunk the $$$ to sequence genomes, I say let 'em do it and give them patent protection as a quid pro quo.
But that's just my opinion, not like you asked for it or anything. Cheers!
Re:Junk DNA (Score:1)
Re:causing and associated with (Score:1)
Genetic Easter Eggs! (Score:2)
Imagine hiding easter eggs in junk DNA... Bend the frog's arm the right way and it croaks the genetic engineers' names....
The HGP is like the Periodic Table (Score:4)
Of itself, the periodic table didn't make any new chemicals. What it did was provide a framework to identify patterns that could be used to predict areas of research. For example, the discovery of helium: the table predicted the existance of the element, and allowed calculation of the spectral lines. The element was then identified in the sun, hence the name (helium, from helios, the sun).
Similiarly, the HGP of itself won't cure any diseases; rather it will allow the mapping of patterns. We'll be able to say, "This gene, which we know does this in wheat, is present in humans. Perhaps it does the same thing?".
Once we get one copy of the human genome sequenced, we'll still need to sequence many others, from [tall|short|skinny|fat|bald|hairy...] people, and start cross-referencing the results.
Think of it as a massive reverse engineering project on a program we only have uncommented object code for.
Unless the "junk" DNA are comments...
Re:23 Chromosomes (Score:2)
the correct term is (Score:1)
There I've explained that in a sentence even a fool can undertand. Junk DNA my adenosine. Either sloppy journalism or else the researcher explaining this to the journalist was sloppy.
Re:23 Chromosomes (Score:2)
According to Desmond Morris' The Human Sexes [discovery.com], recently rerun on TLC, men's life expectancy was several years longer than women's for most of recorded history.
It has been only in this century that women's lifespans have caught up with, and exceeded, men's -- Morris attributes this to improvements in medical care, specifically the dramatic reduction in the number of women who die while giving birth.
Re:The HGP is like the Periodic Table (Score:1)
Interesting point, who is the John Doe, whose genes are being mapped ?
Re:causing and associated with (Score:2)
DAMNED!!! Why can't I send a cancel message? :-) I pressed the "Submit" button again! Grrr....
Back to the topic. There are cases, when finding one single disorder which causes one specific disease is easy. There are cases, when you can pin down a certain region - by tracing the genetic tree of the family, whose members have the disease. There are cases, where you are able to tell that - well, there *is* a genetic component of a certain disease. In some cases, you can tell two forms of the disease: a genetically inherited and a genetically independent form (e.g. the early-onset Alzheimers and the age-dependent Alzheimers disease).
There is yet one thing you have to keep in mind: there is no "gene causing disease X". It's rather: "a gene, whose malfunction or absence causes disease X". For example, a single nucleotide substitution can result in a non-active enzyme, or an enzyme with much slower activity. The whole metabolic pathway, to which this enzyme belongs, is hampered. In some cases a heterozygous organism will have another copy of the gene, which will do the job, or do the job at least in a part - and the disease shows fully in homozygous organisms.
what is that? (Score:1)
Who's DNA is being used (Score:1)
Re:23 Chromosomes (Score:1)
23 Chromosomes (Score:1)
Re:Amazing timing... (Score:1)
Re:23 Chromosomes (Score:2)
Re:23 Chromosomes (Score:1)
Re:23 Chromosomes (Score:2)
(This is all an oversimplification, I'm sure.)
Re:causing and associated with (Score:1)
Junk DNA (Score:3)
It just seems a bit iffy to say it's junk because it doesn't do something that we know other DNA does.
To reliably say it does nothing you would have to know how the whole system works, wouldn't you.
Re:23 Chromosomes (Score:1)
22 pairs of autosomes, 1 pair of sex chromosomes.
(XX is a pair, XY is a pair. Not two pairs per.)
Junk=leftovers=information (Score:1)
Some of the genes that have been mapped are very similar to ones related to cancer and other genetic deseise (the posting said that I think).
One of the most interesting sections of "junk" and "leftover" genes are the ones that look almost identicle to Simian Imunno-deficiancy Virus...That would be the version of HIV that Chimps and Gorrillas get in the wild. This would suggest that , earlier in the evolutionary process, that there was an epidemic of SIV in our (humans) predicessors that the species developed an immunity to. SIV and HIV are actually very similar viruses, so if some genetesist could figure out how the SIV gene gave early man an immunity to SIV, an anti-HIV gene/vacceine could be developed from (most likely) a combination of the SIV gene and parts of HIV viruses...
All the more reason to let EVERYONE have access to any genetic data of any creature.
Re:causing and associated with (Score:1)
Re:23 Chromosomes (Score:1)
AFAIK, this is also the reason why males live shorter: the X chromosome is big and contains important information, so having 2 of them can be a life-saver, while the Y chromosome containy hardly any information beyond "this is a male".
Hitchikers Guide to the Genome? (Score:2)
Re:23 Chromosomes (Score:1)
Re:the correct term is (Score:1)
Introns are certainly one category of 'Junk', but there's much more. In general the term 'Low Information Density' would be preferre.
I don't quite get it, _who's_ DNA are they using (Score:2)
The Nature article said that individual human DNA differs from person to person by about 1 base pair in 1000.
If this is true, it seems like having one individual's sequence might be useful, but it is not going to tell you all that much about the variance from person to person. You'll get a general idea of what's going on, but it seems like you would have to sequence quite a few more individuals before you could really say how genetic changes effect a gene's expression.
Re:Amazing timing... (Score:1)
I'd agree that it's happy timing, though.
Well, as you ask: (Score:1)
Re:Support the HGP (Score:1)
-- The constitution may not be perfect, But it's better than what we got.
Re:what is that? (Score:2)
Myoneurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy.. Shall we break it down, perhaps?
Myo - muscle
neuro - nerves
gastro - stomach
intestinal - speaks for itself
encephalo - brain
pathy - feeling/suffering. So far as I can tell, this means that due to something between the muscles and nerves in the gastrointestinal region, the brain is feeling a plot of pain. Fun, neh?
Re:Amazing timing... (Score:1)
Hmm, if this DNA-patenting thing gets through, the next thing after the Open Source movement might be the Open DNA movement, where a certain RMS II will fight to regain lost rights of the public to access their DNA... and he will start to license DNA sequences under the DPL (DNA public license) to prohibit corporate entities from taking freely-accessible DNA and making it "proprietary".
(Disclaimer: if your sense of humor doesn't match mine, please don't take this as flamebait... somebody help me, I've been infected by the GPL virus and I can't stop Open Sourcing every topic that comes up on /.!!! :-O )
Boy... This takes me back to... (Score:1)
So the theory goes.
Re:Who's DNA is being used (Score:1)
There are various libraries of samples being used, some derived from one person and others from panels of several to many individuals, suitably anonymous and from a wide range of decents.
Actually, it probably won't make much odds as there's little differewnce between people at that level. The point is, though, to do a Human Genome Project rather than a White European Male Genome Project.
Fine. You pay for it. (Score:1)
We can agree that these are all Good goals. What more incentive do you need? Go to it!
Re:Great, but on the other hand... (Score:1)
Re:Actually... (Score:1)
Patent terms may be out of whack, yes . . . (Score:1)
As for your quote: The producer of the bug would have a massive market lead on any competitor who cloned it anyway. You don't know that. I don't know that. The company who develops it has to assess the risk about whether or not they're going to even recoup their development costs (or if it's even going to work, for that matter), and it's far less likely that they're going to bother without the benefit of patent protection.
Another benefit of patent law: By law, the patent makes the know-how public. Which means that anybody can look at the patent and think of ways to adapt or improve it. Such as developing a bug to eat toxic waste and produce cotton candy. Yum.
Finally, everyone: Please learn a little about patent law before you start spouting the doomsday scenarioes mentioned above. Thanks.
Christian Science monitor (Score:1)
I know the Christian Science Monitor is a respected paper, and I was very impressed with the quality of the articles when I just browsed through, but I find it ironic that the voice of that sect published news about biology and medicine. Scary that their was the most in depth article too. What does that say about the other media?
************************************************ ***
Re:causing and associated with (Score:2)
Why should it make sense? Assuming you don't suscribe to Creationism, there's no reason to assume a reason behind any particular genetic coding, any more than you should assume the function of gravity is to make your milk spill. Rather than 'function', which tends to sound like a design with a purpose, think 'effect' or 'result'. So, the effect of foo genes or gene-sequences is bar desease. A mutation has 4 possible results:
1. It helps a creature and/or its offspring thrive and reproduce.
2. It hinders a creature and/or its offspring from thriving or reproducing.
3. It has advantages/disadvantages which don't (yet) affect the reproduction chances.
4. It has no effect at all (or yet).
That's it. No point system other than:
1. You have children.
2. They inherit some of your genes and some of your partner's genes, and perhaps some of the genes mutate.
3. Repeat.
People tend to think that their's some grand design behind everything that is. I'll leave the resolution of this question to the Philosophers and Theologians, but I think we can agree that if there is one, it's not something we're capable of recognising...
Re:23 Chromosomes (Score:1)
'course, they only found this out after mine was gone.
Junk DNA? (Score:2)
Second, consider a gene as an information exchange mechanism. Most forms of information exchange include some amount of material that isn't essential to the message but can't really be classified as junk either. It may be redundancy, it may be for error detection or correction or it may be for clarification.
Run an estimate of the actual needed text in the average paragraph written or spoken in English. The percentage that is 100% essential is pretty astonishinly small. It's a bit higher for a text but a bit lower for a novel. Mathematical proofs are pretty concentrated information but consider what happens if a little bit of information is transmitted wrong, say a sign is reversed. It's difficult to recover from it.
Likewise I think a 100% essential gene would be very difficult. Any random genetic damage would have impact. Gene replication would have to be absolutely exact and so on.
As I stated, I don't know anything about genes or DNA, but from an information theory standpoint calling 'unused' DNA junk seems wrong.
I would like to learn more about genes though, can anybody recommend a good progression of texts on the subject? Something to take somebody from absolute layman to at least having a general idea of the subject?
Re:TIGR and HUGEP (Score:1)
Several of the HGP institutions are involved in the SNP project, which uses a similar chromosome-specific-shotgun strategy to that used by Celera, with the data to be placed in the public domain. This is largely funded by pharmaceutical companies, with the aim of finding single-base differences between individuals that might be relevant to disease and its treatment.
I was actually at a seminar about it at lunchtime. It seems to be going nicely.
Re:Support the HGP (Score:1)
Re:Junk DNA (Score:2)
Re:Junk DNA (Score:2)
Um... I wouldn't be so quick to believe that something is "junk" just because we human beings can find no reason for its existence, or just because according to one of our profound, sublime theories "junk" is to be expected and therefore anything unknown to us can be safely labelled "junk". Take the example of our appendix. Many believed (and perhaps many still believe) that the appendix was useless. Which is why they called it the appendix in the first place. However, this is wrong. The appendix does serve a function in our body. For many years before this was known, however, people even thought of removing their appendix just to avoid the possibility of getting appendicitis (shudder). I hope we don't do this with our DNA... you might be able to survive without your appendix's function, but screwing up your DNA could permanently damage your offspring. No kidding!
Re:causing and associated with (Score:1)
Gene history (Score:1)
- Steeltoe
Re:23 Chromosomes (Score:1)
This is incidently how you get calico cats (and why all calico cats are female). The two X chromosomes have different color genes, they turn off at random in the early embryo (well not really at random, but imprinting is a a whole 'nother field), and you get areas of the skin containing homogenous or heterogenous populations of the X chromosomes being expressed (i.e. light spots, dark spots, and inbetween spots).
Re:And what's wrong with that? (Score:1)
Sure, I think so. (Score:1)
A fundamental assumption of the human genome project is that the genome sequence is "precompetitive" information that is best put in the public domain, to spur both additional basic research and commercial innovation. This makes it an obvious target for public, not private investment.
So far, no company has stepped up and said they intend to make the human genome sequence freely available. Celera is even waffling over their promise to release the Drosophila genome sequence. And somewhat understandably so; a company needs a business model.
I know who we're sequencing! (Score:1)
...and I'm sorry to inform him, but House Attreides is going to make around 10,000 clones of him over the next few years and...
... oh yeah, right. nevermind.
Re:To understand "junk" DNA, look at the big pictu (Score:1)
But I digress, we are talking about junk DNA. Ok, so lets consider two organisms hanging out on a beach somewhere. Organism 1 (o1) has NO junk DNA in its genome, somebody went through and "optimized" its genome
Of course the amount of "junk" we can have is probably limited by some factors (stability of the DNA molecule or some sort of mechanical constraint-- I don't know) that keeps the amount of DNA from getting out of control (or we just haven't been evolving long enough and having an infinite amount of DNA is selected for). Disclaimer: I'm not really able to back this up with any hard data-- its mostly just my guess as to why we have some much apparently useless DNA, its just a hypothesis so I could be wrong
Re:Support the HGP (Score:1)
Re:Introns = Genetic hard drive. (Score:1)
Perhaps God is using our Intron DNA sequences as a large distributed storage for his pr0n and mp3 collections?
Re:the correct term is (Score:1)
Re:23 Chromosomes (Score:1)
Re:Open Source Human (Score:1)
Re:Introns ?= junk DNA (Score:2)
Re:I don't quite get it, _who's_ DNA are they usin (Score:2)
The next step is to hunt for SNP:s, which stands for Single Nuceleotide Polymorphisms. And the race has already started. Both companies and universities are hunting for them. They are expected to be useful for things like identifying inheritedable deseases.
Re:Junk DNA (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)
Re:causing and associated with (Score:1)
Although the malfunctioning genes were quickly eliminated during human evolution (now it changed, because people with even grave diseases can still live or even reproduce), there are some DNA sequences which are more prone to errors during replication than others, due to the DNA chemistry and nature of eukaryotic replication mechanisms. Of course, theoretically such "weak spots" could be eliminated by natural selection - but in most cases probably the enhancements in the repair mechanisms would cost more then a sporadic mutation. Don't forget that natural selection does not act on organisms, but on genes.
Imagine you're a programmer... (Score:2)
You are a computer programmer, faced with the task of decyphering almost a gigabyte of machine code, which was written by billions of programmers making random changes and seeing if the result was an improvement.
And you thought Perl was hard to read...
Patrick Doyle
It's _not_ junk! (Score:2)
This is a bad misnomer because the junk DNA is required for the proper expression of all of our genes. We have on the order of a trillion cells, so 100,000 proteins (all combinations of 2, representing gene A regulating gene B) can only differentiate, at best, 10 billion. The complexity, and where a lot of the interesting research will be in a few years, is in how these genes are regulated to properly create all of our cells, each of which "knows" what it is, and what it is supposed to do.
I must also say that I am surprised at their estimate of only 42% non-coding. The usual estimates are of ~3% (at most 10%) coding sequence in the genome as a whole, which gives a greater than 90% non-coding estimate.
So... the interesting question, maybe I should send this to Ask Slashdot, is
"I'm almost done with classes! Again!" (me)
Some of it could be real junk (Score:1)
Patrick Doyle
Re:Junk DNA in Discover Magazine (Score:1)
If anything, these genes with unknown purpose add to the genetic diversity of the species. Who knows, maybe they may confer some immunity for as yet undiscovered virus.
BTW, today on NPR there was a short news piece on genetically engineered crops and their (possible) deleterious effects on other plant species. We've seen articles on Slashdot (?) about glow-in-the-dark Christmas trees too. By introducing these genes to the world (controlled until some bee cross-pollinates a similar uncontrolled species) we are crap-shooting. I am not yet convinced that genetically engineering crops is ultimately economical.
Re:Junk DNA (Score:1)
Download the sequence (Score:2)
For those of you who can't stand not having the source code for everything you use , you can download the results of the human genome sequencing project from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/seq/ [nih.gov] .
(Before you all rush and slashdot the site, please ask yourself whether you really need to download over one gigabyte of what is, to the uninitiated's intents and purposes, a random string of A's, T's, C's and G's.)
Re:Junk DNA (Score:2)
In other words, we know with a high degree of certainty that introns aren't involved in regular gene transcription, because we do know exactly how gene transcription works.
A gene first needs to be switched on and off by a specific signals from other nearby genes, and then they need to have the correct start and stop sequences if they are to be transcribed at all. Introns by definition are stretches of DNA which do not have these operon genes. And without operons, it's like having a program with a subroutine which has no statement to call it. It might just as well not be there at all.
There are various mechanisms via which non-coding DNA can get into the genome: viral insertion, inversion, other kinds of mutation. Maybe even uptake from free DNA floating in the air. Or in your food. We don't know for sure about those last two. The point is that the introns get there by accident just like the good stuff does. But the introns are DNA mutations that didn't result in transcribable genes.
Consciousness is not what it thinks it is
Thought exists only as an abstraction
Re:Junk DNA (Score:2)
Mutations that happen to intron DNA are as likely to put something extra in as they are to take something out. So the only factor that could cause a shrunken genome would be a strong selection pressure in favour of it. Perhaps if lower food requirements or faster healing after injury resulted from removal of the introns, then we'd see a progressive downsizing of the genome of humans in the wild over a period of several hundred thousand years.
But I think it's also necessary to take into account to what degree civilisation might mitigate against these selection pressures with its health care programs, free education systems, equal rights legislation, abundant food supply, restrictions against murder, etc. Most of all, remember that successful individuals in today's civilised societies aren't likely to produce that many more offspring than less successful individuals with slightly poorer genes.
Consciousness is not what it thinks it is
Thought exists only as an abstraction
Re:42% junk? Life, the Universe, and Everything? (Score:2)
What exactly does "mapped" mean?
In general it means that the location has been established relative to known markers. In this case, though, the chromosome has been sequenced : the areas have had their composition established base-by-base.
Does that mean they know what all the bases are in the average human?
Roughly, yes. The sequence is a mosaic derived from several people.
Does this imply any knowledge of the pattern of such variations?
Not in itself, no, although other work is continuing to establish this.
Does it imply any knowledge of the function of the encoded proteins?
Again, not in itself. Many of the identified genes have been studied already. Others have similarities to genes already known, either from humans or other creatures. Some have been inferred from features of the sequence itself and are of totally unknown function.
A biology class I took said that human DNA was 96% junk (not protein encoding).
Was this biology class wrong?
No. The vast majority doesn't code for protein, and most of this has no known function. Closely related species have widely differing amounts of this, so (together with other reasons) the current hypothesis is that it doesn't do much that's useful for the organism. Some of it is composed of "selfish" elements such as transposons : it might be the case that in a looser sense a lot of it is.
I Decoded the Junk DNA...OH NO (Score:4)
"Mr _________ , You have been selected as a final entry for the Publisher's Clearinghouse largest drawing, enclosed is a Check worth $30,000,000 if you have the winning number!!! Please open and send your entry form within the next 24 hours, and get a GUARANTEED prize."
I tried the Junk DNA of other chromosomes and got ads for term life insurance, timeshares, and then the Junk DNA materialized in front of me into a pushy Amway distributer!!!! The horror!!! Cellular SPAM!!! AGHHHHHHHH
Re:Open Source Human (Score:3)
Currently, parents are forced to accept all the default values, and many are clamoring to get at least an installation menu, to be able to choose hair color, IQ and IP address
Re:Junk DNA (Score:2)
If it were truly junk, any mutation that discarded it should be advantageous since it would take less resources to replicate the mutated version than the "junky" version.
You are assuming that of course mutation is an efficient process, like a hedge trimmer going in and snipping and improving just what needs to be done.
What color is the inside of my linen closet painted? It doesn't matter, and it won't make a difference to the resale value of my house.
We're evolved machinery. Now that we can see the source code, we know that it's not very well written, and has lots of sections that ramble or go nowhere. It's natural to resist facts that challenge our species' well developed sense of being the pinnacle of design. Look at how people dumped on Darwin during and after his lifetime!
Instead, we should be impressed that we work so well, despite how we're written.
Re:Junk DNA = comments (Score:2)
More info on chromosome 22 (Score:3)
Congratulations to all who participated in its sequencing. We look forward to the first draft of the human genome by spring 2000.
Re:Great, but on the other hand... (Score:2)
That "underclass" will strive to become as large as possible.
Remember at the end of 1984, the fake society is falling apart. The proles, being the vast majority, are poised to take over.
If "most" people are in this underclass, they have
the opportunity to organize and the sheer size of the class makes them predominate.
As long as they are the minority, they haven't a chance.
What does that mean? (Score:5)
Will this finish a task? No, it is just a beginning - having the sequence, the real work starts: searching ORFs (Open Reading Frames - sequences which could possibly be genes), running database searches, and slowly passing to the most exciting fields of modern molecular biology - from genomics to transcriptomics and proteomics. Transcriptomics is looking for genes, which actually got expressed, and proteomics - similarly, looking for expressed proteins. Making transcription / translation (translation is the process in which proteins get synthetized) profiles can lead us to 1) function of proteins (e.g. protein X. is expressed under this and this conditions, so it must take part in this and this metabolic response) 2) regulation - DNA is a single strand, but various enzymes are present in various copy numbers under various conditions.
Those are enormous projects. A lot of work has to be done before the raw sequence will actually be of any use; nethertheless, it is a milestone of molecular biology and will be a fine achievement for the end of our century.
Another project will be to determine the variability of human genome: screening for different gene allels, mutations etc. This will be one of the most important goals in human genomics in the next few years.
Whats on the catch... erm, chromosome 22? 22 is 33,400,000 bases long (Mycoplasma pneumoniae, one of the smallest bacteriums, has about 816,394 bases). It contains several already known genes responsible for various genetic disorders, and possibly a gene responsible for certain types of schizophrenia.
By the way, a much better source of information is the Nature science update [nature.com] page - the original scientific publication has been published today in Nature [nature.com].
Re:TIGR and HUGEP (Score:2)
Pauly Shore's (Score:2)
After we finish mapping some DNA we can go munch on some grindage, buuuuuuuuudy!
Actually... (Score:2)
I'm no genetic researcher, and neither is the person who told me this, but I suppose it's possible.
"Junk" DNA? (Score:2)
But there've also been posts talking about a lot of redundancy and such. It's possible that all this "junk" DNA still has uses that we haven't seen yet. I guess we won't know until we've mapped out the whole thing.
Who knows... maybe someday we'll all have something like a mini-RAID coded into our DNA.
Sorry, that's not right. (Score:2)
The human genome project is funded in the US by the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Energy, and in Britain, by the Wellcome Trust, a charitable organization.
Every base that we sequence is put in the public domain.
We strongly oppose the patenting of sequences. Some of our strategies are designed to preempt attempts by companies to patent sequences from the human genome.
Confidentiality: the person being sequenced (Score:3)
AFAIK, most of the genome sequence being produced by the HGP is from a single male individual. (Male, because we need to see a Y chromosome too.) I dunno for sure about Sanger, but WashU and Whitehead in the US are working from the same clone library.
The identity of this person is a closely guarded secret, as well it should be: this person's genome sequence will be available on the Internet. We'd like to avoid a nightmare scenario where a well-meaning "genome hacker" discovers a fatal disease gene in the sequence, and calls this guy up out of the blue to tell him.
That's just an extreme example. Basically, there's serious privacy and confidentiality issues. We consider the genome sequence to be a "reference sequence" or a "typical example", and we don't need (or want) to know who it came from.
Open Source Human (Score:3)
causing and associated with (Score:3)
More than 30 human disorders are already associated with changes to
genes of chromosome 22. These include a form of leukemia, disorders
of fetal development and the nervous system, and schizophrenia.
From the introduction:
some of 22's genes can cause "heart defects, immune system disorders, cancers, schizophrenia
and mental retardation."
Is it just me or is there not a big difference between causation and association? Seems to me along the line of correlation vs. causation. Anyway, I believe that scientists have still
a long way to go before they find the genes that cause certain disorders. And then they will still have to prove that these genes are in no way responsible for any other functions in the human body to safely alter them. Seeing all the good possible uses for medicine it still gives me the creeps how through the use of genetics and monocausal argumentation a new "scientifically backed" racism could emerge again. Now don't scream technophobe but how would you all react once the genes allegedly causing things like alcoholism, homosexuality, autism, criminalism, lazyness or whatever unwanted psychic or physical trait you can think off where identified? Have we got our ethics ready to handle this or will it be "what can be done will be done"? On whom will we test genetic engineering for a better race? The inhabitants of prisons, mental institutions, military institutions or just unwanted embryos? Will we allow babys to live with these disorders? Will we allow people to work without mandatory testing of genetic normality?
History has shown that scientists have often produced technology that was later misused by the
willing. Hopefully this time they think more before they hand this Pandoras box to the masses.
Introns ?= junk DNA (Score:2)
The 19th centure might have been the dominance of physics and engineering but there's a lot of speculation and anticipation (especially by the empty hands of the biologists and zoologists) that the next century will be their turn at the gravy train
To understand "junk" DNA, look at the big picture (Score:4)
1. Coding Regions. DNA that gets transcribed to RNA. RNA transcripts in turn have exons, which get translated into proteins, and introns, which get spliced out before translation. Why this added level of complexity? Many reasons. In sexual reproduction, new chromosomes are produced by mixing and matching old chromosomes at random. It's more likely for the new chromosome to be functional if the crossover point is in an intron because crossovers can introduce mutations, especially a nasty sort of mutation called a frameshift which would render everything downstream unintelligible. Exons also allow for a certain modularity of function, evolutionary mutations can involve entire exons being combined instead of having to try changes on a base-by-base level.
2. Regulatory regions. DNA that turns other bits of DNA up or down. Mainly used to control transcription, but also used to control DNA replication.
3. Structural regions. Eukaryotic DNA is a huge, long, string requiring a certain amount of overhead to prevent it from becoming an unmanagable tangle. Lots of the chromosome is dedicated to binding to structural proteins, generally known as histones, around which the DNA is wound. Also centromeric and telomeric proteins.
4. Repeats, cryptic genes, etc: In order to avoid overloading the term "junk," let's call this category "cruft." Cruft arises for lots of reasons. For example, sexual reproduction produces gametes, and it's far from perfect: Regions get repeated, regions get dropped. So called cryptic genes are probably the result of a spliced RNA being reverse-transcribed back into DNA and reinserted into the genome without introns or regulatory elements. What's useful about the cruft is that it provides fodder for further evolution.
In summary: Eukaryotes are big and complex, which means that you have to allow for a certain amount of overhead and slop.
I hope this has helped.
Support the HGP (Score:3)
Bottom line: human chromosomes may be patented. Fight it.