Mars Climate Orbiter AWOL 114
Moose2000 writes " The BBC reports that NASA has lost contact with the Mars Climate Orbiter.
If it doesn't get back in touch, it's not just the immediate science stuff lost - it was supposed to stay in orbit as a communications relay for future missions too.
" Communication has been lost for almost 3 hours now, it appears - so there's still hope. Update: 09/23 01:36 by H :It now appears that a steering problem may have caused it to crash into the planet.
Re:Rose tinted news feed (Score:1)
Sure, NASA only immediately reports good news - you'd tell your friends the instant you got MCSE certified, but you wouldn't call them up and tell them you just shit your pants... but if you were forced to relay bad news like NASA ultimately is, you'd at least try to change pants first, right? So it wouldn't be totally humiliating...
NASA was trying to get the comm feed back, so no, they didn't trumpet their bad news instantaneously. That way lies a PR nightmare: We got it! We lost it! Nope, we got it again, wait, we lost it, nah, there it is, oh wait, gone, hang on, there it is!
Much better to say "We had some trouble, lost the feed, but we got it back again."
Re:On Future Missions (Score:1)
2. As has allready been pointed out the Mars Global Surveyor can also act as a relay.
3. the lander has a low gain attenna on it that it can use to communicate with Earth directly if needed.
Re:That's what they *want* you to believe... (Score:1)
Damn you Martians! (Score:1)
Doh - My Bad (Score:1)
Re:What does this mean for the Polar Lander? (Score:1)
CNN reporting the orbiter could not survive (Score:1)
Mars Observer UPDATE!!! (Score:1)
Re:On Future Missions (Score:1)
"The number of suckers born each minute doubles every 18 months."
Re:IT'S LOST :( (Score:1)
Damned shame. We could have learned so much.
Re:What OS did it use? (Score:1)
"The number of suckers born each minute doubles every 18 months."
Next orbiter will be 2001 (Score:1)
expensive roman candle (Score:1)
http://www.intap.net/~j/ [intap.net]
Time Zones (Score:1)
Whoo. (Score:1)
Now this?
I say, let's send them a nuke. If it don't blow the marcians surface then we know somebody else is out there.
Re:Whoo. (Score:1)
How do they know it was too low? (Score:1)
Re:What OS did it use? (Score:1)
Re:What OS did it use? (Score:2)
In the spirit of 'lighter-cheaper-faster' I wouldn't be surprised if NASA already has a standardized hardware layout for all these next generation mini-probes.
The 1553 bus is _everywhere_ in space. It's even going to be on the ISS. Fortunately the crew will have a wireless LAN and IBM Thinkpad 760's (with Solaris & Win95) as well.
Eh? Where? (Score:2)
Re:Astronomy Now Site (Score:1)
Re:Link to real time telemetry (Score:2)
> here is a link to the real time telemetry
> of the orbiter.
Oh great. Now we're about to slashdot the orbiter!
On Future Missions (Score:1)
First off, the loss to us now would have been much greater than the loss would've been in the future. Not only would we lose the climatological data, but we'd also lose the Mars Polar lander, which may be our best bet for finding water on Mars.
As for use in future missions, there's only one possible mission that it would be used as a relay for (in 2003, I believe) and even then, it wouldn't be a primary tool, but a backup in case the main transceiver goes down in orbit. The mission is only scheduled for a 3-4 year life span, so any use after that is purely speculative.
Re:Link to real time telemetry (Score:1)
Time for DS1 (Score:1)
Pleasepleaseplease don't make this push back the space program a few years! Failure is part of the space program, but the stupid Senators think they're wasting US money when a probe is lost; it's not wasted money, it's an investment for the successes that come from learning from those errors.
Well; there's still hope. Let us pray the patron saint of Space Flight.
"There is no surer way to ruin a good discussion than to contaminate it with the facts."
Aricebo no help this time (Score:1)
The folks in the space program are some of the most resourceful people in the world and excel at thinking outside of the box. Let's hope they come up with something creative once again.
Re:IT'S LOST :( (Score:1)
http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msp98/orbiter/ [nasa.gov]
http://www.intap.net/ [intap.net]
Re:Whoo. (Score:1)
What about raw data. (Score:1)
Too bad.
Use for the seti (Score:1)
Finding missing satellites sure seems a lot more practical than burning my CPU to search for some nonexistent extraterrestrial life.
Regards AC
JPL / CNN Says Climate Orbiter Toasted (Score:2)
They said it was 15 miles low of it's minimum altitude, when it fired it's orbital insertion motors, and looks to be a complete loss.
And now for an encore... (Score:1)
aaaaaaaaargh! (Score:1)
But seriously, now how long do we have to wait before another orbiter arrives? Talk about frustrating...
Re:Political fallout will kill RTGs :-( (Score:1)
No wonder... (Score:1)
Re:Link to real time telemetry (Score:1)
Political fallout will kill RTGs :-( (Score:4)
Scientific Reality:The ability of Mission Control to save a "too low" probe during an Earth flyby, (with the probe within a few light-seconds of the transmitter), is a hell of a lot higher than the ability of Mission Control to save a "too low" probe near Mars, (i.e. at a distance of many light-minutes). Thus, the probability of an MCO-style worst-case scenario happening to an RTG-based probe on Earth flyby (I don't recall even the most ardent eco-dude worried about the Venus flyby :-) is still negligible.
(You'll also note that I'm assuming, deliberately and incorrectly, that the dispersal of Cassini's plutonium in Earth's atmosphere would be the catastrophe the anti-nukes told us it would be. It wouldn't. Before they were banned, above-ground nuclear weapons tests had already dispersed many Cassinis' worth of plutonium into the atmosphere, and we're still alive.)
Political Reality:Unfortunately, the naive analysis, which is the only thing the media will propagate, and the only thing the politicians will understand - will read something like this: "We told you so! This is exactly what those eeeeeevil scientists said could never happen with Cassini! But we KNEW! We knew that NASA can't be trusted to fly its probes perfectly, but nobody listened to us! Well, yer gonna hafta listen now! MCO burned up in the atmosphere just like we feared Cassini would! We were right and the eeeeeevil scientists were wrong! Ban all RTGs now before NASA does this with an RTG-based probe in Earth's atmosphere!" And the politicians will obey the screaming hordes.
The loss of MCO is bad for Mars science, but not catastrophic, given the redundancy NASA is putting into its Mars program. Lots of small ships is better than one big ship. The political fallout from the preceding naive analysis of MCO's fiery demise, however, will be much longer-lived and carry a much higher price than the loss of one probe.
If we're lucky, it'll be limited to a ban on Earth flybys for any future RTG-based probes. If we're unlucky, it'll spell the end of RTGs altogether.
While you can easily explore the inner planets on solar power, and maybe even Jupiter if you're careful and advance solar technology somewaht, the mass penalty for larger-and-larger solar panels increases dramatically as you move away from the sun. If one of the side-effects of the MCO failure results in a ban on RTGs, we can basically forget about exploring the outer solar system for at least a generation (i.e. until we can come up with a better technology). That would be a major blow to space science.
Re:IT'S LOST :( (Score:1)
Where Is It? (Score:1)
Re:What OS did it use? (Score:1)
Re:Time Zones (Score:1)
Space Penguin (Score:1)
Nevermind. . . (Score:1)
Noooooooooooo! (Score:2)
The beeb lists four or five possibilities, and most of them could have been taken care of by the new technologies on DS1. If MCO did lose its way, it may be one of the last NASA craft to do so.
Let's just hope that it's only in safe mode.
First, Mars Observer disappears. . . (Score:2)
If it STAYS silent, there's a pattern forming that will bring the conspiracy theorists out of the closet.
Still, contact was lost AFTER a engine burn, just as Mars Observer disappeared after a scheduled burn. It's been theorized that Observer blew up, due to a design fault. Let's hope that it just went into that "safe mode", and not that our probe design teams need a major re-working. . .
Link to real time telemetry (Score:4)
Anyway, for those interested, if they do manage to make contact again here is a link to the real time telemetry [nasa.gov] of the orbiter.
Rose tinted news feed (Score:2)
Incompetent eejits (Score:1)
[0]OOI, is Neptune still the furthest planet out, or has Pluto's wacky orbit taken it out past Neptune again?
Re: (Score:1)
Re:Government Contracts (Score:2)
There's never a damn keyboard in deep space when you need one is there!
Space online's status report updates... (Score:2)
Re:On Future Missions (Score:1)
The importance of redundancy and backups (Score:2)
as well as your girlfriend and mistress do
the AC
What OS did it use? (Score:1)
What operating system was it using and can the martians use it to make a sweet beowulf cluster?
"In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded"
- Charles Golding, Big Bang Theory
NASA's faster cheaper better policy ? (Score:1)
Bit of a bummer for all those PhD students who were expecting to do their thesis work on the back of it though.
Please.... (Score:1)
http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msp98/orbiter/ [nasa.gov]
(trust me, it's different)
Re:On Future Missions (Score:1)
Where is it?! Where is everyone getting this info from? Include links if you're going to tell us that it's been found...
Re:Political fallout will kill RTGs :-( (Score:1)
Re:On Future Missions - BBC News Analysis (Score:1)
Re: It's Pluto you fool ;-) (Score:1)
Oh, Ted, I've got some great news.
Oh, what's that? Have you been nominated for eejit priest of the year again?
Gee, Thanks...Re:I wonder where Orion was... (Score:1)
It's pathetic how far that dork is sticking his head out to preserve his dippy cities-on-mars thesis.
Re:Time Zones (Score:1)
What Y10K bug? See RFC 2550 [faqs.org] for a fix.
Re:Polar Lander will be OK. (Score:1)
Astronomy Now Site (Score:2)
It's got to be Elvis. Not only did the Mars Observer "disappear" in early 1993, but the Soviets/Russians had two spacecraft fail (and disappear) just the year before.
Cosmic Misunderstanding? (Score:3)
Re:Incompetent eejits (Score:1)
The Voyager probes had some nice things that the mars probes don't... huge budgets and nuclear reactors, especially.
*Big Martian dude out.*
Re:Incompetent eejits (Score:4)
Obviously, it requires a much more precise heading to get into orbit around a planet than to simply flyby, and consequently the Martian probes require more course corrections than the Voyager probes did.
Also, and this factor cannot be forgotten, Voyager dates from NASA's "rich" time, when they could spend billions of dollars on a probe. These modern probes have had an order of magnitude less money spend on them. This means less redudancy, less testing, and therefore less reliablity.
Pluto is again the furthest planet out. It passed outside of Neptune's orbit last year.
I wonder where Orion was... (Score:1)
Aha! (Score:1)
Where the hell is it, Lewbowski? We gonna cut off yo' Jshonson...
but his Karma is going negative because his comment was a misleading lie, which is why the comment is already moderated down.
Dodging.. (Score:1)
IT'S LOST :( (Score:3)
"There is no surer way to ruin a good discussion than to contaminate it with the facts."
Re:Incompetent eejits (Score:1)
The distance from us isn't what's important -- it's the distance from the Martian guns that really counts. Shooting at the V'ger ships at that range would take incredible marksmanship, whereas these probes to Mars are sitting ducks.
Have a Sloppy day!
Re:First, Mars Observer disappears. . . (Score:1)
Who says Clarke got all the details right?
Supposed to loose contact (Score:1)
What does this mean for the Polar Lander? (Score:1)
We are sorry... (Score:1)
Safe mode (Score:2)
Damn, our space program running on Win95?
Where did you get this? No contact at 08:55 ETD (Score:3)
Moderators please! Don't give unfounded news items such a high score. The AC didn't even give a link to his news source!
Should read: 08:55 EDT (Score:1)
I am on GMT myself...