Underwater telescope to study neutrinos 117
Darksky wrote to us with information about the proposed 'Antares' telescope. The proposal would be to put a telescope 2.4 kilometers underwater, in an attempt to study neutroino/cosmic rays. The telescope would use the the Earth as shield from cosmic rays, and hopefully study the muons liberated by the neutrinos.
Yeah, the cat throws them there. (Score:1)
It's a pain in the ass, I'm telling you.
Re:Hmmmm..... (Score:3)
We can produce massive amounts of neutrinos. But it also takes massive amounts of work. I work on a project called MINOS--Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search. We will be shooting a beam of neutrinos (mainly muon type) from Fermilab outside of Chicago to northern Minnesota. At each end, we will look at the flux of each type of neutrino and compare the ratio of types. If the ratio is significantly different than 1, but the overall number of neutrino ratio between detectors is around 1, then this will indicate that neutrinos do indeed have mass. Cool project, but a little beside the point.
Anyway, I've been touring the facilities the last few days, and I can tell you that the accelerator beamline is over 1 mile long, just to reach northern Minnesota. The two detectors, one on each side, will require abou 2,700 tons of steel each (no exaggeration!). So while a neutrino antenna may be able to use different (lower) energies than we are using, I can't imagine that the required equipment would be much different than this. More information can be found at U of Minnesota [umn.edu].
Re:A non-use for neutrinos (Score:1)
Separating your signal from this noise would be difficult, I would think, even if you could detect neutrinos readily.
Spelling pickiness (Score:2)
Hemos, it's "neutrino." Man, you need a spelling checker.... ;)
"'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.
Re:who woulda thunk... (Score:1)
Re:That depends on the cat... (Score:1)
Re:Neutrinos (Score:1)
in an old mine in Northern Ontario. Check out:
AMANDA (Score:1)
Facing the wall, back to space... (Score:1)
Re:Spelling pickiness (Score:1)
Re:It's been "thunk" before: DUMAND. (Score:1)
I'm working in one of the labs that collobrated for DUMAND and I believe that it died due to budget cuts. Some of the detector strings are being used in NESTOR in Greece though.
Re:Hmm... (Score:1)
But they're looking at neutrinos, not neutrons anyway.
Re:Deep Sea vs. Mines ... (Score:1)
The problem with undersea detectors is that you can't control the water quality as well as in a tank. Also there is a limitation on the effective size of the tank due to the attenuation of the cherenkov radiation by water. Pure 18megaohm water has an attenuation length of about 300 meters(the intensity drops by ~67% after 300m) so the volume you're sampling is limited by the number and location of the detectors. True you can add more detectors but there are pratical problems with that.
The shielding in the mines are pretty good considering its about 1500m underground so you have about 1500m of earth and rock shielding you. However the ocean detectors can have more shielding if it's placed at a sufficient depth.
Re:Hmmmm..... (Score:1)
Re:Hmmmm..... (Score:1)
Re:wait a sec. (Score:1)
The more general form of that equation is E^2 = p^2c^2 + m^2c^4, where p is the momentum and c is the speed of light (299792458 metres per second).
If you see an electron flying past with momentum p, you can speed up until you're travelling with the same velocity, at which point it will look (to you) as if it has no momentum, p=0. Then you will measure it to have energy E=mc^2. Now, if neutrinos had zero mass (it looks like it's close to, but not quite, zero), they would travel at the speed of light - in which case you could *never* speed up until you were travelling with the same velocity, since you have mass and therefore can't get to light speed. Hence, if you measure the energy of a neutrino, it will always come mostly from the momentum, not the mass. In fact, this is true for any particles travelling fast enough (the physics jargon term for "fast enough" is "highly relativistic" - meaning that the speed is so high that Newtonian ideas go out the window).
If you're interested, find a decent text on relativity:- the relevant chapters of Halliday, Resnick and Walker, "Fundamentals of physics" are quite good at explaining the basics without needing anything more than high-school maths.
Re:Hmmmm..... (Score:1)
Re:Before it starts . . . (Score:1)
One more stab at the "Neutrino Puzzle" (Score:1)
Perhaps this one will finally shed some light on the 'puzzle'.
Other uses for neutrinos (Score:1)
The current models of the Sun indicate great quanities of neutrinos should be produced, but observation has said otherwise. This project might be able to figure out where the lost neutrinos have gone.
anyway, the ramblings from an ex-particle physics geek.
Gonzo Granzeau
Re:who woulda thunk... (Score:1)
As far as the people who put big tanks of stuff with photomultipliers in them, they usually use dry-cleaning fluid in them, not H20. They have the PM tubes to detect the flashes, but actually count the amount of argon gas "cooked" off by the neutrino collisions for the aggregate rate.
Re:Gravitons! (Score:1)
Each force has an associated particle that carries it. Too bad I can only remeber that photons carry electomagnetic, and gravitons are _supposed_ to carry gravity.
Of course, the theory could be wrong...
Re:Hmmmm..... (Score:1)
Check out the capture rate of the neutrino detectors... it's pretty sad.
More likely... (Score:1)
Re:who woulda thunk... (Score:1)
The SuperK experiment did detect the neutrino oscillations so the fact that it happens is somewhat well established. The findings also provide strong evidence for the existence of neutrino mass since other explanations have been eliminated.
Re:who woulda thunk... (Score:1)
SuperK has provided good experimental evidence for the existence of neutrino mass. However, whether this accounts for the missing mass or not is still up to debate.
Re:Gravitons! (Score:1)
Other uses of neutrinos in SF (Score:1)
Re:Gravitons! (Score:1)
The strong nuclear and weak nuclear force are different from gravitational forces. The strong nuclear force is mediated by gluons or mesons depending on whether it is affecting quarks or hadrons. The weak nuclear force is mediated by W-,W+, and Z0 bosons. The two forces do not combine to form gravity. Gravitons are postulated to mediate gravitational attractions but has not been detected yet.
It is a rare event to actually stop a nutrino, and the chances are slim that you can force it to happen in a lab. So some smart scientist decided one day to use an old abandoned mine under mount fuji in Japan. There is several giga-tons of mountain for nutrinos to go thru untill the poor particle finds itself in a big nutrino trap. hehehehe The equipment is so sensitive that nothing must ever move in its presence, and people are advised to not go near them.
That is totally untrue. I know for a fact that SuperK is located in Toyama near Mizumi. Also its in a aluminum mine. Last I heard Mt. Fuji wasn't being mined. Also the equipment is not that sensitive. People routinely go to the top of the tank to adjust stuff. In addition, the mining company is doing some blasting a couple hundred meters away the control center and tank and this is not affecting the instruments.
Re:Hmm... (Score:1)
It's surprising but some locations in the ocean have water clear enough that the attenuation length is about 200m. For example, the DUMAND site off Hawai'i had water that was about that clear. For comparision 18megaohm (100% pure) water has an attenuation length of about 300m so its not that bad.
Re:Bioluminescence (Score:1)
I believe that the bioluminesence occurs at a wavelength quite different from the cherenkov radiation that the neutrino interactions produce. The neutrino interactions produce radiation at about ~400-500 nm which is right at or above the upper edge of human vision. So you can probably filter out bioluminescence by constructing the appropriate filter or ignoring lower energy photons.
Re:Spelling pickiness (Score:1)
As for the person who seems so deeply offended that he was so deeply offending regarding spelling: Get over it.
"'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.
Gravitons do exist. (Score:2)
A mechanism called perturbative quantum field theory has been successfully used to express and explain electrodynamics. Perturbative quantum field theory is essentially the sum of many method, summing all (or as many as possible) potential pathways which are renormalized after the subtraction of infinities from the corresponding Feynman diagrams. In the realm of quantum gravity, this same approach is being used by some physicists, and one of the theoretical constructs used to aid in this expression are gravitons, described as zero order approximations to quantized gravitational waves in flat space-time. There are already a set of expected characteristics of these particles, such that they are spin two massless particles.
It might not be immediately obvious what, if any, connection a neutrino observatory could have in regard to gravitons, but I would argue that the attempt to understand both the sources and behaviours of neutrinos, especially at high energies, would translate to a potential ability to examine events at the planck length, which to do so in an accelerator would require an accelerator 10 to the 15th times more powerful than any currently existing.
Re:Neutrinos do NOT exist! (Score:1)
Re:A possible explanation for low neutrino levels. (Score:1)
This evidence supports the proposals that the deficit of observed neutrinos from the sun has to do with something weird happening to the neutrinos themselves rather than something weird happening to the sun.
Re:One more stab at the "Neutrino Puzzle" (Score:1)
The area where the big undersea detectors are hoping to contribute is as neutrino telescopes looking for possible high-energy astrophysical sources of neutrinos, like the supermassive black holes at the centers of many galaxies. These produce large, highly energetic jets of material as they suck in stars and stuff. One side effect of this is that very energetic muon-type neutrinos are also produced. If Antares et al can observe these neutrinos, it will be a great probe of what's going on in the centers of these interesting galaxies.
Re:A non-use for neutrinos (Score:1)
Re:Hmmmm..... (Score:1)
Re:Hmmmm..... (Score:1)
who woulda thunk... (Score:1)
havnet they tired this before? maybe not a telescope at the middleof the earth, but a big tank of pure H20, lite hydrogen(1 proton, no neutron) some where at the bottom of a long series of tunnels under the earth?
hoping for somethign new...its an idea...
Nemo (Score:1)
A use for neutrinos (Score:2)
So much for the comm satellite market...
Gravitons! (Score:1)
The proposal would be to put a telescope 2.4 kilometers underwater, in an attempt to study neutroino/cosmic rays.
Hemos its 'neutrino'. Man, you need a spell checker...
Uh-oh (investments) (Score:1)
But the REAL question is... (Score:1)
Some further info on ANTARES (Score:3)
Here's a site with links to most of the other research involving neutrinos.
Re:Gravitons! (Score:1)
SNO (Score:3)
Re:who woulda thunk... (Score:1)
Deep Sea vs. Mines ... (Score:1)
Re:Gravitons! (Score:1)
Nonsense. (Score:2)
. . . and hopefully study the morons liberated by the nutrinos.
You can't liberate morons, by nutrition or any other means. They have to liberate themselves.
Neutrino telescopes in the Antarctic (Score:1)
This is too, but on a different level.
Re:who woulda thunk... (Score:1)
I don't recall the specifics but there was an agent in the D20 that when hit by a neutrino created a Chlorine molecule I believe (Cl2) and they tried to measure the amount of gas released/formed. I think I watched this sometime between '90 and '92. So yeah, its been awhile.
Hmmmm..... (Score:1)
Re:Before it starts . . . (Score:1)
Joseph Foley
InCert Software Corp.
Re:who woulda thunk... (Score:5)
Mont Blanc uses a liquid scintillator, which emits a flash when a neutrino event occurs. This approach has the advantage of providing immediate notification and good time resolution.
The detector with the coolest name is Super Kamiokande, in Japan. It was originally designed to detect proton decay by observing the Cerenkov radiation from the fast electrons that would be a decay product, but it also can detect neutrinos. It also provides immediate notification and good time resolution.
The most famous result from neutrino detectors is that the observations of the solar neutrino emission do not agree well with theoretical predictions.
In addition to the detection of solar neutrinos, neutrino detectors also scored big-time by detecting the neutrino burst of supernova 1987a. Because neutrinos pass through just about anything, these observations were useful probes of what was happening at the center of the SN.
Notes for a talk I gave in an undergrad class are available at http://wopr.caltech.edu/~mph/papers /neutrino.ps [caltech.edu]. References to other works are included.
Re:Yeah, it was a simple (and valid) question. (Score:1)
Scientific American article (Score:1)
Re:who woulda thunk... (Score:1)
I thought it was interesting because scientists theorize that the "missing" mass associated with current models of the universe could possibly be accounted for in the neutrinos - if it turns out the neutrinos actually have mass.
I don't recall if there have been any conclusive observations made with relation to neutrinos and mass, but it seems at least that several different types of neutrinos have been identified.
Bioluminescence (Score:1)
Re:Bioluminescence (Score:1)
outside light.
That's what I would do.
Re:Hmm... (Score:1)
200m seems a stretch. The clearest SK has been is 80m - 100m, depending on how you measure it. I can't imagine ocean water being clearer than SK water. If you are correct, then it is indeed surprising.
BTW, who are you?
Re:Uh-oh (investments) (Score:1)
Re:Hmm... (Score:1)
Re:who woulda thunk... (Score:1)
That's only true for very large values of prove. If you believe in conservation of momentum, you just need to look at the beta decay of a random nucleus near you and notice that the two bits you can find afterwards (the nucleus and an electron) aren't going in opposite directions. This means the nucleus must have spat out something else to conserve momentum.
Because you can't find the missing bit (i.e. it doesn't interact with any of your detectors) you strongly suspect it's neutral. By measuring the bits you can see and doing some arithmetic, you can find out its energy and momentum, and then some basic relativity tells you that it has very little mass and is travelling close to the speed of light.
Hence you might decide to call the missing particle a little neutral thing, but since an Italian found it first, it's known as a neutrino. So in fact neutrinos were first discovered by analysing their production, not their absorption.
Re:I *did* mean neutrons (Score:1)
A possible explanation for low neutrino levels... (Score:1)
The sun, as everyone knows, is fluid -- it's generally considered to have a solid core, though. Because it's fluid, it oscillates somewhat, and that oscillation can be measured. The problem, according to this article, is that the period of the oscillations is wrong for a solid core -- OTOH, it's almost perfect for a constant-density fluid sphere. The first and second harmonics also match this model (I haven't seen anything about the third harmonics, presumably they don't match or are too small to measure).
This adds up to a possible explanation for the lack of neutrinos: the sun isn't fusing. This is also supported by the shrinkage we've measured and deduced.
The energy output we recieve would then be provided mainly by gravitational collapse.
I don't know what this will do to the future life of the sun -- possibly reduce it to millions of years rather than billions. Presumably our theories of stellar lifecycles need a little adjusting.
I wonder when the sun flamed out? And will it start up again?
Oh, BTW, the study which originally reported the discrepency was russian; it was repeated with new data in the UK. I don't remember anything else about it.
wait a sec. (Score:2)
hmm, if E=mc2, and they are moving (thus energy in some form or another, to lose to the muons) wouldn't they have to posess mass? If not, could somebody explain why?
Re:Spelling pickiness (Score:1)
"Insignificant" is the work I think you meant.
Re:Hmmmm..... (Score:1)
Re:Hmmmm..... (Score:2)
You'd probably be better off firing x-rays through the earth and trying to detect them that way.
It's been "thunk" before: DUMAND. (Score:2)
I don't know what became of DUMAND; it may have fallen prey to Congress in a budget cycle, because it was too small to have a constituency to defend it. Kind of like NASA's science programs. <sigh>
Re:Gravitons! (Score:1)
Hmm... (Score:3)
The reason why water is used in radiation shielding is that it contains two Hydrogen atoms per water molecule. Since an atom of Hydrogen has more or less the same mass than a neutron, it acts like a billiard ball: the neutron tends to stop, and the proton is transferred all the kinetic energy. And since the proton is a charged particle, it stops quickly.
Anyway; that means it's good shielding against neutrons. You still have neutrons coming from the environment ("thermal neutrons"), and if the telescope is exposed directly to water, this solves the problem. But you don't need to put it so far down underwater.
Finally, gamma radiation: that's photons. how do you stop these? With difficulty, most of the times. Lead does it, but then lead also emits thermal neutrons! So you have to choose a way to stop both, which you can't.
Except that at this depth, most of the gamma radiation coming from the Sun is absorbed already.
It's a bit of an anti-Hubble: Hubble needs to be in space to be exposed to as much "noise" as possible, whereas this telescope needs to be shielded from almost everything.
"There is no surer way to ruin a good discussion than to contaminate it with the facts."
Neutrinos (Score:1)
Re:Bioluminescence (Score:1)
Re:Hmm... (Score:1)
The key here is that the bigger your detector, the more collecting volume you have; thus, the more events you see. Traditional detectors have used huge tanks of water, cleaning fluid (CCl_4), or Gallium to get the necessary volume, but there's a limit to how big you can make the tanks. The beauty of using the ocean (or the Antarctic ice pack for another proposed experiment) is that the "tank" is already built for you.
Now, there's another problem, and that is that when a neutrino interacts you still don't see the neutrino; you see the byproducts of that interaction. In this sort of experiment that would be a muon, a particle similar to (but much heavier than) an electron. The problem is that cosmic rays are filled with muons. If you want to see the muons produced by neutrino interactions you need to screen out all that background. Fortunately, muons are easily screened; just put a bunch of junk between you and them. That's why traditional neutrino experiments are located in tunnels or mines. Here again, by using the ocean you win because if you go deep enough you already have a lot of stuff between you and the cosmic ray muons.
That about wraps it up. I haven't had time to check out the details of this proposal. I'll be interested to see how they plan to get the water sufficiently clear that they can detect the scintillations from the muons. If the water is too murky, then the tiny Cherenkov flashes get absorbed, and you don't get any signal. Perhaps the sea water clears up if you go down deep enough?
A non-use for neutrinos (Score:2)
Re:Hmm... (Score:1)
"There is no surer way to ruin a good discussion than to contaminate it with the facts."
I *did* mean neutrons (Score:1)
"There is no surer way to ruin a good discussion than to contaminate it with the facts."
Re:Hmm... (Score:1)
more or less the same mass than a neutron, it acts like a billiard ball: the neutron tends to stop, and the proton is transferred all the kinetic
energy. And since the proton is a charged particle, it stops quickly.
often these neutrino telescopes use "heavy water" -- that is water formed out of hydrogen with two neutrons, so that it absorbs even more background radiation...
it's suprising these things can even pick up anything as well shielded as they are.
On neutrons, Hydrogen, etc. (Score:1)
Now yes, you do get neutrons from the environment. But very very few. Neutron decay is not a common mode of decay for most isotopes. You tend to get more alpha, beta, and gamma decays. A 'thermal' neutron is a neutron who's velocity is predominately determined by the temperature of the medium it is traveling in. Some neutrons are released as 'thermal', others are released as 'fast' (like from a fission reaction).
Water is good in reactors and for shielding of neutrons because it contains hydrogen, and hydrogen is good for three reasons. One, as you mentioned, it is approximately the same mass as a neutron. Think of billiard balls. If you have one very fast ball, and a lot of slow balls, after very few collisions you have a lot of moderate speed balls. In cases of heavier elements, think of bowling balls with the billiard ball... It takes a lot of collisions to reduce the speed.
The second reason hydrogen is good for reactors is that it doesn't absorb neutrons very easily. (if you wanted just shielding from neutrons, you would maybe use boron, which is an excellent and cheap neutron absorber.) And the third reason is that it tends to reflect neutrons very readily. Other elements work better (like heavy water), but water is the cheapest.
Lead tends to be stable. But it isn't completely stable unless you have old lead, because you have trace amounts of unstable forms of lead.
Re:Hmm... (Score:1)
Re:who woulda thunk... (Score:1)
Re:Hmmmm..... (Score:1)
Re:Neptune, Titan, stars can frighten (Score:1)
Re:No . . . (Score:1)
Re:Gravitons! (Score:1)