Extreme medicine: Head Transplants 238
Ry Jones writes "The Sunday Times is reporting that people like Bill Gates and Christopher Reed will soon be able to get head transplants. " Interesting idea, and as the article points out, it's been a goal for transplant science for the past couple decades. I'd like to have my head meet Arnold's body.
Who supplies the body? (Score:1)
I suppose rich people don't care about such issues, though.
Should that be body transplant? (Score:1)
heart transplant -> replacement heart
head transplant -> replacement head
Or is it a case of
heart trans. -> heart moves to another body
head trans. -> head moves to another body.
The more I think about it the more confused I get.
Just a simple A.C.
Great Idea!! (Score:1)
Bah, mere child's play! (Score:1)
Bionic man? (Score:1)
You guys are missing the obvious.. (Score:2)
Some questions (Score:1)
Well, enough, but I'm not a medical scientist. Can someone explain how one evaluates the mental acuity of a paralyzed monkey???
Also, apparently it's inhumane to allow a monkey to live like this, but it's great for people!
Re:Who supplies the body? (Score:1)
Time to get out my copy of Niven's "The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton".
Grow one. (Score:2)
The only problem is that you'd have to have some lee-time, say about 21 years (you want to be able to drink, right?) before you could move in and your head would start looking *really* old after a while.
Re:obSlashdot Post: (Score:2)
Oh yeah, and... (Score:2)
Hmm... you could get a different song stuck in each head...
Re:obSlashdot Post: (Score:2)
8) If I get a bunch of heads and stick them all over my body can I turn myself into a Beowulf cl... *WHACK* ow! *WHACK* hey! *WHACK* eek!
The Brain That Wouldn't Die! (Score:2)
It was 'I Will Fear No Evil' (Score:2)
Re:Should that be body transplant? (Score:2)
Probably can't beome common (Score:1)
not enough bodies.
1) not that many people die w/ their body in a perfectly healthy state, those that do would also have had to agree to be used, and would have to be rushed to storage fast. There would be hardly any that would meet all the requirements.
2) If it becomes cheap enough, there will be lots of competition for a few bodies, and there could be a black market.
So, we need artificial bodies.
Actually what we really need is nanotech that will keep you healthy forever like in "The First Immortal" by James Halperin, but that's another story.
Not a big deal (Score:1)
Time for some tatoos! (Score:1)
(arrow on chest pointing upwards) "DO NOT REMOVE!"
"The number of suckers born each minute doubles every 18 months."
Re:What's around the bend (Score:1)
You want to live through how many more cold and flu seasons?
60-90 years is enough for me. All the people I know over 80 are just sitting around, waiting to die.
"The number of suckers born each minute doubles every 18 months."
Re:Grow your own! (Score:1)
"The number of suckers born each minute doubles every 18 months."
Re:Futurama (Score:1)
"The number of suckers born each minute doubles every 18 months."
Re:I've heard about this before... (Score:1)
(ok. I need some lunch, blood sugar getting low)
"The number of suckers born each minute doubles every 18 months."
Re:old dying rich people (Score:1)
But then there's all those sticky racial discrimination laws. Do they apply to Mr. White-Head/Black-Body?
This line of thinking get's really perverse, like (assuming we fix the spinal nerve connection problem so many thoughtful
If a guy transplants his head onto a woman's body, which restroom does he use?
If he transplants his head onto a girl's body, and looks at himself naked in a mirror, is it statutory rape? Takes a picture of himself, is it child pornography?
Oh DAMN! They didn't tell me that the new body wasn't circumcised! Why didn't they take care of that BEFORE they grafted my head on there!
Like a virgin, touched for the very first time, again.
It just goes on and on.
"The number of suckers born each minute doubles every 18 months."
Re:old dying rich people (Score:1)
many thoughtful
and over and over and over and over. .
"The number of suckers born each minute doubles every 18 months."
Re:What's around the bend (Score:1)
Beginnings of a new space station == Reagan declared that we'd do this Kennedy-esque "within a decade", back in 1984. With the problems with our partnership with Russia, I would bet you a dollar that this new space station will not be completed by the schedule they have today. And the original schedule was 1994, and it was supposed to be much, much larger. Mir was abandonded last week. NASA's budget is being destroyed. Humanity's destination is not going to be the stars, unless we end up hitching a ride on some extraterrestrial slave-ship or something.
End of the Cold War == (see above statements about the berlin wall)
Cloning == rich people get to take over the world
boom of the Internet == (see above statement on cloning)
"The number of suckers born each minute doubles every 18 months."
If BG gets a head transplant... (Score:1)
Re:You guys are missing the obvious.. (Score:1)
I know it was a joke, but why would a old mind on a shiny, supple, firm new body be unpleasant? I'd prefer an intelligent, wise, beautiful woman to a stupid beautiful woman any day.
... now the fact that she's paralyzed still leaves me with Mr. Right but hey.
Re:Transplants without killing? (Score:1)
--Conquering the Earth Since 1978.
Re:dont work (Score:1)
10 linx-l0.ukcore.bt.net ( 307.411 ms 299.245 ms 313.913 ms
11 access2-telehouse.telehouse.bt.net ( 335.709 ms 316.711 ms 319.043 ms
12 M007501-News-International.access2.telehouse.bt.n
13 ( 355.574 ms 1203.01 ms 1962.31 ms
Re:Who supplies the body? (Score:1)
do you think we have reached immortality w/ this?
now that we can just get a new body brain disease is the only thing that stands between us and immortality.
They should be happy (Score:1)
Transplants without killing? (Score:2)
First of all, after the transplant, the person will be paralysed from the neck down, due to the fact that the nerves can't be reconnected. This means it will only be useful for people that are already paralysed. It will only prolong their life-span, but they remain paralysed.
Second of all, nobody has to be killed in order to find a body. Normal transplants happen every day using organs from people who died. Why is this so different? If they only take the heart or the whole body? You're dead anyway
Kind regards,
Mark Wormgoor
Two questions (Score:1)
B) If it is true that we could easily move a head this well and given the fact that we can clean blood using dialysis machines, oxygenate it and maybe even add nutrients how much more difficult would it be to keep a head on artificial life support?
Re:Transplants without killing? (Score:1)
Wait. . . (Score:1)
Re:Grow one. (Score:1)
This will be suppressed, of course. Just like "miracle" drugs, you'll have to go out of the country for it.
Most likely, it'll happen in some third world country where the people don't matter anyway. You may end up with a different body color, but that dosn't really matter if you're rich. (Ex. Michael Jackson)
A modification of the original idea... (Score:1)
I still think it's somewhat of a creepy idea...
Today's English Lesson: Oxymorons
4nd 5h4k3 17 411 (_)p! (Score:1)
ah, the forwards! (Score:1)
"A man went to a party where he was offered something to drink by a cute girl. The drink was spiked with some pretty heavy drugs. When he woke up, he was in a bathtub full of ice and his HEAD was gone! He had the words 'you're screwed, sucker' written in lipstick on his chest! This is very dangerous, there's a big black market for heads, my husband is a firefighter and he sees this happening all the time!! Send this message on to all your friends!" blah blah blah.
better heads than kidneys, I say.
Re:Transplants without killing? (Score:1)
I'm 22 years old. What if in twenty years I just donated some DNA, sperm, whatever they want to start a lobotomized clone (slashdot buzzword #2) of myself?
When I'm 64 (hrm, sounds like a beatles song) and my lungs and liver are giving out from years of smoking and drinking, just transplant my head to the clone and I'm all set.
Of course, no one has mentioned the problem of Alzheimer's disease or any of the other seemingly age-related dementia-type diseases. I understand that this is being pioneered to give paralyzed people a normal lifespan since their organs fail earlier but the life-extension option is definetly an option and shouldn't be dismissed.
Even if they couldn't reattach the nerves, some people may want to live paralyzed than die. After all, death is final.
Hell, why even reattach the body? Make some mech and put the head and some blood filtering device inside and use what muscle movements the head does have to control it. There are a lot of muscles in the face. Wasn't this the plot of some Robocop movie?
This would hurt other types of transplants (Score:1)
1: Joe Dyingman has a bad heart. Sally Dyingwoman is going blind. And Bobby Dyingyouth has a failing liver. They lie in a hospital, close to death, blindness, and general Bad Things.
Meanwhile, Dennis Drunkdriver careens through the night, soused to the gills. Suddenly, Dennis loses control (big surprise) and hits the convenient telephone pole. Because he was in his hot new convertible and strapped int his seat, his body is not injured severely. However, Dennis' head is neatly skewered on the lineman's step sticking out of the pole (I know they're not that far down, but work with me here). Dennis' brain is turned into mush. The paramedics arrive almost instantly, but Dennis is brain-dead.
Since the rest of him is in good shape, and Dennis' drivers' license says he's an organ donor (as should we all), they race Dennis to the hospital, where he is determined to actually be brain-dead. At this point, a team of surgeons start working to remove the parts of Dennis that he doesn't need any more.
While this is happening, our three patients get "the word" that a donor has finally been found. They are rushed into surgery prep, and as Dennis' organs are removed, the organs are zipped away to each awaiting surgery, where they are placed into Joe, Sally, and Bobby. Three people have been given their lives (and in one case, their eyesight) back as the last act of a dying man.
So now we can but Dennis' whole body on one aging or paralyzed person, who will (at this point) remain paralyzed, but have healthier organs. No thanks. That is what I refer to as "a significant waste of resources". Maybe I'm selfish (or just cynical), but I'd rather save multiple people's lives with my body parts than give Christopher Reeve a slighly dumpy, thirtysomething new shell to live in.
- -Josh Turiel
Re:This would hurt other types of transplants (Score:1)
- -Josh Turiel
Ray Milland and Rosie Greer (Score:1)
Sorry, but a bad movie starring these two entered my mind (which itself could use a better body BTW).
Post if you got the reference.
Hint: The Simpsons' writers used it, with Homer and Mr. Burns (snicker)...
Screw that (Score:1)
I want a new butt, this one has a crack in it.
Re:Head transplants - Einstein's Brain (Score:1)
I heard something about this on NPR one day. I think it said that Einstein's brain is sitting in a tupperware dish in the trunk of someone's car.
Re:You guys are missing the obvious.. (Score:1)
The scariest part of that post was the 'g' flag... just how many old bodies do you have?
Re:Transplants without killing? (Score:1)
The thing is, for a donor body to be acceptable, the cause of death for the donor would have to be from something above the neck...anything else would deem the body unsuitable for transplant..
Hmm.. Donor dies of a heart attack. Could a heart transplant be performed successfully on the body, allowing it to now be used for a full body transplant?
I wonder how long a body can be dead before undergoing a transplant..
Other interesting black market implications. Sure, yer gonna be paralyzed, but does that really make a difference since you now have [insert name of celebrity idol here]'s body?
The MInd's I - Hofstadter & Dennett (Score:1)
The Mind's I [amazon.com] spends a story or two talking about the challenges that a brain/body transplant would cause. Well worth reading!
One problem is that the brain is wired to make your particular body work. It'd have no idea how to send the right sort of signals to another body. Life's a bitch when you can't get the heart to pump in co-ordination...
Re:Who supplies the body? (Score:1)
I get my head swapped with one of the Barbi Twins. I get her body for awhile, play with her boobs, then I get my body back, just in time for her to slap my face (which is now re-attached to my body).
But would it all be worth it ?
Re:Gates or Clinton? (Score:1)
Monica gets body,..
Clinton gets head,..
I couldn't resist.
Sample in a Skinny Puppy song? (Score:1)
obSlashdot Post: (Score:3)
2) Dood, wasn't this posted before?
3) Hemos spelled Christopher Reeve's name wrong. He should learn to write english blah blah blah...
4) The link doesn't work (oh wait, that one's been covered already)
5) This surgical technique should be Open Sourced, so that anyone can do it, not just millionaires. If we could all open up the patient's neck and fix any problems ourselves, and submit patches back to the patient, this process would be faster, and more stable. But by having a few "elite" surgeons working alone in a "clean O.R." we will all end up with bloated necks that don't even let us move the rest of our body.
6) [insert name of any old random unrelated thing] sucks.
Re:What about transplant rejection? (Score:1)
The body's immune system would reject the head, necessitating those unpleasant anti-rejection drugs. Immune system cells (like white blood cells) are produced in the bone marrow of large bones but not the skull.
Interestingly, there's been some recent work on transplanting bone marrow at the same time as an organ transplant to try to eliminate the need for those anti-rejection drugs. Results are promising, but still a ways from being completely sucessful.
Questions, questions (Score:1)
That's obviously ordinary voluntary motor muscles, but what about all the autonomous nervous system? Doesn't the heart, stomach, and other organs get their impulses from the brain? Or can the heart keep on ticking w/o nerve connection or the brain?
Anyway, the ultimate organ donor.
Fantasy: Just keep Gates head in a life support solution in a jar, w/ the support machine needing a reboot every three days, and it comes back JUST in time before the head snuffs, while a direct audio implant continuously reads: "this life support machine comes with no warrenty, express or implied, as to merchantability or suitability for any advertised purpose", Do not make illegal copies of this brain.
Body transplant. (Score:1)
Motorcycle helmets (Score:1)
(Of course, I don't ride motorcycles, so I wouldn't know...)
everyone hates puns (Score:1)
Wow, now that would be one really wild head trip. It'd beat the heck out of any drug that makes you have an "out of body" experience.
"The voices in my head say crazy things"
Re:You guys are missing the obvious.. (Score:1)
Of course the environment is a factor. Some people go senile long before their brain reaches 120 years of age due to environmental factors which reduce the amount of viable brain cells in their head. No I don't mean alcohol either.
Just my $.02 worth.
Sick mind (Score:1)
to deprive my body from a good one!
Better if just brain could be moved (Score:1)
Also, if you went bald in your old body, you could have your hair back for a while...
Re:dont work (Score:1)
Re:You guys are missing the obvious.. (Score:1)
I know it was a joke, but why would a old mind on a shiny, supply, firm new body by unpleasant?
Because the technique described is for a head swap, not a brain swap. I suspect the wiring for the latter would be considerably more complicated. Now conjure up the mental image of a 500 year old head on a 25 year old body...
Re:Transplants without killing? (Score:2)
Re:Questions, questions (Score:2)
It won't still won't guarantee immortality (Score:1)
Re:It still won't guarantee immortality (Score:1)
Head Transplants. (Score:1)
heads (Score:1)
You look through the keyhole
This is the hall of heads
One step through the doorway
Roll out that special head
This is our favorite one
Please don't try to leave
Don't leave the hall of heads
Hide underneath the porch
Hide down behind the furnace
You can't run away
Your feet won't let you run
You can't get away
You can't really hide
Once you hear the call
The song of the hall of heads
You can't run away
Your feet won't help you run
You can't run away
Out of the hall of heads
(written by They Might Be Giants)
Re:blood-cooling system (Score:1)
Re:What about transplant rejection? (Score:1)
No that's not the best :-) (Score:1)
Why just take the heart or lungs from a pig? Why not take the whole body? It would be so cool to see Bill's head on Babe the pig :-)
Ok, ok, some realism, please. How about Bill's head on a 800 pound gorilla [sfsu.edu]?
Umm, that great but... (Score:1)
Sick (Score:2)
Anyway I would prefer to see Bill Gate's head on a stick.
blood-cooling system (Score:3)
An even more exciting use for this technology (Score:3)
Ewwwww (Score:1)
a) you can't move
b) you're a freak
c) you probably stuck in the hospital for what's left of your life
And what do they do with the old body? (Score:1)
Sure, they have to find a fresh body without a head in order to perform the operation. I would not be surprised to see some surgeons suggesting that the airbags must be removed from all cars. That would provide them with an endless supply of bodies.
But what will they do with the old body once the head has been moved to the new one? Should it be buried (funeral, grave, and so on) or should it be dumped as waste?
My brain crashed once... (Score:1)
The alarm clock went off one morning, and none of my higher brain functions were functional. i somehow managed to turn off the alarm clock, and when i woke up again later it had fixed itself (:
oooo, nanotech! (Score:1)
SYNOPSIS WARNING and so on...-----
Such Immortality in Science Fiction (Score:1)
The book was an exploration by a dirty old man into the what-ifs of transsexual identity, and not a tretise on the future possibilities of immortality, but the issues raised are pertinant - would you only get a body of the same sex as your own? What if the only available body is of the opposite sex? Is a spinal cord transplatation feasible? If so, it would solve the nerve-attachment problem that would do away with the paralysm. But could you ever be sure of what was you and what was the body? In the book, the guy had the host body's personality riding around in his head, and he died in less than a year (I can't remember exactly what from, but probably a combination of rejection and other things). Is this really a long-term solution? The monkeys lived a week before they were put down. That's definately not a real test for length of life trials.
I don't know. I might prefer to see Futurama's Hall of Heads before we get (as my husband said) "the attack of the wheelchair bound killer decomposing head creatures." And most kids think it's bad enough to kiss their grandparents on the cheek. Imagine visiting your great-great grandmother - a 140 year old head on a 50 year old body. I just shudder to think about it.
Wait! Some questions need to be answered first. (Score:1)
If you robbed a bank and then got a new body, could they still throw you in jail? Couldn't you save your old body and have them jail it instead?
If your head ran Windows and your new body ran DR-DOS, would that make a rejection more likely?
Would a big ol' bolt through your neck become a sign of affluence, so that the not-quite-rich got fakes installed as a status symbol?
Could you get spare heads, like Kryten? Would they be hot-swappable?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Bruce Sterling and old people becoming young again (Score:1)
on a related subject a few years ago: an old wealthy woman got some sort of medical treatment which would rejuvenate her body to its early 20s
the rejuvenation also caused her body to get pumped with chemicals that her brain no longer knew how to cope with.
Head transplants - Einstein head (Score:1)
More info (Score:1)
I saw some of Dr. Whites early work on the Learning Channel. It was some special about the dangers of banning research.
In 1971 (not a typo) after the first full body transplant, a law was passed (US) that banned research into brain, head, and full body transplants.
One of the names mention who could benefit from a full body transplant was Stephen Hawking. His body is dying, his brain is not.
This show was on right after the UK banned cloning research a couple years ago. I don't remember the name.
Re:Should that be body transplant? (Score:1)
I like the idea (Score:1)
Quite a funny idea. I suddenly get these visions of these monty python like creatures (i'm refering to the opening sequence animations).
But even if only human bodies would be possible I don't mind. There's plenty of people dying of braindamage (for instance because of a car crash). While the head in those situation is not much use, the body can still be reused. I have no problem with this. In fact my body is available should such a thing ever happen to me.
yeah, but ... (Score:1)
9) How much faster will I be able to play q3test?
Re:You guys are missing the obvious.. (Score:1)
you can call me a [beep]ing [beep] of a [beep] beep] if u like.
...but you are right, ms & gates is nothing to talk about all the time.
about that vxd thing: uhm... does that matter?
have a lot of fun.
Re:You guys are missing the obvious.. (Score:2)
Ok, well, *just* do that.
But could people get really immortal by s/old body/new body/g ?
a 500 year old woman with a 25 year old body
....unpleasant thought
when talking about head transplanting and bill gates, "microsoft exchange" gets a new meaning.
microsoft (R) head exchange (R)
with microsoft (R) body explorer (R)
"what do you want to transplant today?" (R)
version 9.00, first release (but who cares).
you plug in the ms-phtu (microsoft (R) portable head transplanting unit) in an usb-slot and the thing is detected automatically. as a multimedia device. the default language is arabian, every single dll is automagically overwritten, but who cares. after half an hour of dumb clicking-around, everything is set up. hopefully.
you have put your new headless body into the chair next to you.
you fire up the virtual transplantation engine with a brave doubleclick.
head transplanting initiated.
please wait...
[a window pops up showing two headless bodies sitting in chairs with a head floating from one to the other in an endless loop]
and then, in the middle of the transplantation:
------- 0E ---------
general head-protection fault
error in trnsplnt.vxd at 00F0AD:00BEAF
[meaningless hexdump follows]
hope you made a backup copy of your head before it crashed!!!
on a unix machine, your head would have been dumped
AND...there would be a message:
please run the transplantation manually.
Re:Frankenstein a reality? (Score:1)
Re:Can anyone here stop thinking (Score:1)
Even if you could get the nerves to reconnect... (Score:1)
Let's assume you have a drug that lets the new brain and the spine connect up. The problem is, the subject will need lots of therapy to essentially rewire things. One thing might actually help - many learned reflexes are actually stored in the spine.
A friend of mine suffered a back injury and lost the ability to run. He could stand, sit, walk, amble, mosey, shuffle, etc. But he couldn't run - the nerves that handled the "running algorithm" had been damaged. He had to relearn running from scratch, in his late teens.
If the nerves could be reattached, and the new brain and spine could learn to agree on signaling (a big if), then less therapy might be needed than one would expect. Still, the subject would probably walk, sit, run, etc. remarkably like the "old" person did.
It'd be interesting to see what other reflexes might transfer across; I have this image of Bill Gate's head on an "exotic dancer's" body. It's not a good image.
Re:Who supplies the body? (Score:2)
We'll probably see a bunch of people encouraging shutting down suicide hotlines. Promoters of these services will petition handgun manufacturers to advertise to the suicidal. Maybe we'll even see companies that have "suicide services" (i.e., assisted suicides)... all to harvest the bodies for the UKP800,000 operations...
Re:Transplants without killing? (Score:1)
slashdot flame #3398427, surely?
This isn't the post you're looking for. Move along.
Frankenstein? (Score:1)
Re:I've reproduced the article here: (Long messag (Score:1)
I've heard about this before... (Score:1)
Re:Article (Score:1)
Re:You guys are missing the obvious.. (Score:2)
Well, replacing the brain is dificult because you can't replace the nerves that connect it to the eyes and ears once removed. But, the head transplant requires that we gain this technology (since the spine has to be reconnected - as the article mentions), so the step might actually not be that big.
That said, I'm not sure I agree with the person who claimed to be fine with a 500 year old woman looking like a 25 year old ("Well, I tell you young man, orgasms sure aren't what they used to be!!")....
Reconnect nerves? (Score:2)