Scientists create digital bug-life 139
berniecase wrote to us with coverage of the creation of digital life, in a computer-petri dish. The bugs succed by getting more processing time and thus living more, and reproducing more. This type of experiment has been going on for while, which sparks the debate of digital life? Is it coming? Is it already here? Will it never arrive?
Pretty harsh stuff (Score:1)
"You can see why Microsoft is interested in robust languages because theirs is not," Adami said.
Tee hee hee!
this is old hat (Score:1)
if the scientific fellows figure out how simple life was created initially the rest of the stuff is a piece of cake.
How new is this? (Score:1)
It was expected that as CPU usage changed during the day, the bugs would move around the world to the point of lowest usage (greatest resources).
The idea was to let it run for a very long time, on a lot of computers, and see what sort of bugs were produced.
I never heard anything more about this. Perhaps the thought of having random code travelling from computer to computer over the Internet did not make it politically feasibile for many to host this experiment.
Conway would be proud (Score:1)
I thought tax time was when Excel DID generate random code that thrived on numbers until the most robust got filed?
There's just too many one liners waiting in that article.
Life? (Score:1)
It seems that all this really shows is the result of intelligent design in the "bugs", and programming them beforehand with an idea of the rules of their environment. The Morris Worm competed with other programs for processor time too. I guess I just don't see the novelty in this article.
Plenty of bugs (Score:1)
can somebody say TAMAGOTCHI??!?!??! (Score:1)
Re:Life? (Score:1)
I'm sick of these AI experiments that pop up now and again. They simply do what they're programmed to do. Tamagotchi's running on pentiums.
Re:this is old hat (Score:1)
Tierra (Score:2)
The programs that evolve in Tierra get pretty interesting, and include the evolution of parasites and virus programs. Pretty neat stuff!
of similar subject... (Score:2)
This article piqued my interest in the software again, and I found some info on it, for those interested...
Web page [atr.co.jp]
FTP Site [santafe.edu]
Documentation [atr.co.jp]
Just Genetic Algorithms (Score:1)
GP, the "next step" in some ways, is also years old.
However, it won't replace human programmers anytime soon. Genetic algorithms and genetic programming require a lot of work.
I'm currently working on a GP system that uses XML to store human readable intermediate results (such as doing dumps of whole genertations), as well as for distribution of individuals for evaluation in huge distributed setups, and it certainly takes time.
But most importantly: It takes a lot of time to evolve complex systems, and a lot of time to specify a fitness functions that "works". If you aren't precise enough, the system will inherently exploit any weaknesses in your model, and may achieve high fitness values by "cheating" (relying on unintentional quirks in your model).
This problem grows exponentially with the increasing complexity of the problem you want to solve.
Some suggested solutions involve using GP/GA's to "police their own". You could for instance conceivably evolve GP's that rate music almost like you. It would take a lot of time for you to put together a training set. But once you've done that, you could use the music rating GA/GP as a fitness function for a music composing GA/GP.
After a while, components based GA/GP will probably be more popular: To avoid having to expose humans to the evolution all of the time (which is very time consuming), you limit the problem to evolving a decent fitness function.
In the music composition problem above, it would take you a lot less time to put together a set of examples of music you like and dislike, and evolve a GP/GA that rates them approximately like you, than it would be for you to rate the output of a GA/GP that tries to evolve composition skills from scratch.
You'd still have to check the results from the composition GA/GP from time to time, but the GA/GP you've evolved to rate music would sort out potentially pleasing music from complete crap.
GA/GP has a lot of potential. The problem is to find good ways of reducing the time spent on evaluating the programs.
Digital Bugs (Score:1)
mutations (Score:1)
All of the life forms currently on this planet have had millions of years to evolove into a stable relationship of population dynamics. What happens when a brand new life form is thrown into the mix? Will our steady-state system be pushed into an unstable region? What then? If you reward a life form for one particular action without instilling a natural balance between risk and return, that life form could evolove into something frightening very rapidly.
Hey... I have an idea. Lets make a movie of this... it can star Keanu Reeves because he's such a talanted actor.
Developed at Michigan State... (Score:1)
Well, since it's being developed at Michigan State, the digital representation of life will arrive with about 10,000 others, late at night, with a bottle of beer in one hand and a torch in the other hand. Then, about 30 minutes later into the simulation, digital representations of law enforcement will show up and begin showering the digital life with digital representations of tear gas. The simulation will then go into chaos with the digital life setting fire to the digital law enforcement's vehicles.
Very realistic
Nothing new; see "Tierra" (Score:1)
well, you see.... (Score:1)
ohhhh yeah (Score:1)
Digital Bug-life.... they multiply!! (Score:1)
Unix is user friendly... it just chooses friends selectively!!
What happened to Tierra ? (Score:1)
Tierra http://www.hip.atr.co.jp/~ray/tierra/tierra.html really looked awesomely exciting, but it seems to have remained confined to a relatively small group of researchers.
Avida http://www.krl.caltech.edu/~charles/avida/manual/
Re:mutations (here's a textual one!) (Score:1)
Re:Pretty harsh stuff (Score:1)
Still, I suppose that an infinite number of monkeys pounding on an infinite number of computer keyboards might just do better than Windows. Now *that* I almost believe.
Re:How new is this? (Score:1)
Re:Life! (Score:1)
Now, if only... (Score:1)
That's my 1/50 of $1.00 US
Big Brother is watching, vote Libertarian!!
Paging Rudy Rucker, white courtesy telephone pliz. (Score:1)
This is akin to mathematician-novelist Rucker's concept of "boppers" a-life as I understand it. To see Rucker's home page, follow this link. [sjsu.edu]
Re:Life? (Score:1)
There's a very good FAQ about this (Score:3)
Obtaining copies of this guide
This FAQ is available between postings on rtfm.mit.edu:/pub/usenet/news.answers/ai-faq/gene
A PostScript version is also available. This looks really crisp (using boldface, italics, etc.), and is available for those who prefer offline reading. Get it from ENCORE (See Q15.3) in file FAQ/hhgtec.ps.gz (the ASCII text versions are in the same directory too). In Germany, its also available from the SyS ftp-server: lumpi.informatik.uni-dortmund.de:/pub/EA/docs/hhg
ENCORE is a set of FTP sites, including
and others
Re:Ask Slashdot: Should the government tax a-life? (Score:1)
Compiling Tierra (Score:1)
Opensource VS Alife (Score:1)
So we'd be programming against a wave of IMPlike bots spewing new versions of office etc all the time?
Perhaps open source people will then see the benefits of the biological side of programming, and a whole new chapter of the history of programming will begin.
Then again, why is MS giving the money over? would there be other reasons? Am I being paranoid?
Distributed Critter? (Score:1)
I wonder how such a multi-parented baby will behave... mmm...
Programs with an Attitude (Score:2)
"You can see why Microsoft is interested in robust languages because theirs is not," Adami said.
Damn....Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Jeez!
"Why can you randomly change instructions and these things tend to survive?" Adler said. "If you went in and did that with Excel, the results wouldn't be good."
Yeah! Take another bite of that hand... heh
Possible applications might include tougher operating systems, programming languages, applications and virtual machines.
Great. Just what we need....Microsoft Windows with a bad temper. "WHAT? You deleted parts of my REGISTRY? Watch this Blue-Screen, Asshole."
Or how about a C compiler that decides it wants to play a joke on you, and deletes a block of your code.
Don't bother fighting them, because the suckers will adapt, or mutate or some crap, and piss you off even more. (I'd hate to see them put that stuff into MS Bob. That would be scary.)
-- Give him Head? Be a Beacon?
Digital Darwinism? (Score:1)
Re:Pretty harsh stuff (Score:1)
Isn't that Linux?
Actually, I've always theorized that Windows is actually a by-product of those monkeys trying to achieve Shakespeare... in that light, Microsoft is a major accomplishment!
Artificial Life? (Score:1)
Re:mutations (Score:1)
/me cackles wildly and runs around cutting all of the power cords to save the world
Links-a-plenty (Score:1)
Here [msu.edu] is the researchers web site.
and Here [caltech.edu] is a page related to the Nature article which includes source code for the experiments. They ran this on a Linux Beowolf cluster.
Guess what, Toto? (Score:1)
But seriously, does this thing, when evolving, write new human readable code or new binary code? The idea of software with no source code known to or readable by anybody is more than a little bit troubling.
Found another interesting project... (Score:1)
Uh, oh... (Score:1)
Welp, I guess we can expect Microsoft Bob 2000: Intelligent Life to be released sometime in 2001!
Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large groups
My only question: (Score:1)
Richard Lenski's home page (Score:1)
is here [msu.edu]. Interestingly, he's a Microbiology, Zoology, and Crop & Soil Sciences professor, and not in the EE [msu.edu] or Computer Science [msu.edu] departments.
Apparantly, Michigan State [msu.edu] has formed a Computational Biology Group [msu.edu] since I was a student there. The group looks heavily weighted towards natural science types, with only two computer professors, Dr. Pramanik [msu.edu] and Dr. Punch [msu.edu] on board. I learned both classical AI and GAs at MSU from one of Dr. Punch's classes -- he's a very good professor, intelligent, a good teacher, and an all-around nice guy.
Can you say "Corewar"? (Score:1)
Re:of similar subject... (Score:1)
The last time I tried to compile it I wasn't very knowledgeable in how server/client programs work, and got frustrated in figuring it out. Thus I forgot about it until now...
I think it's time to rev up gcc and see if I can't get the darned thing to work this time around, now that I not only know how to get client/server programs working, I can code them, too (though not too well :^).
We'll see how it goes.
Compiling Tierra (Score:1)
Re:well, you see.... (Score:1)
new? not really! (Score:1)
The C source code creates a virtual computer and its operating system,
whose architecture has been designed in such a way that the executable
machine codes are evolvable. This means that the machine code can be
mutated (by flipping bits at random) or recombined (by swapping
segments of code between algorithms), and the resulting code remains
functional enough of the time for natural (or presumably artificial)
selection to be able to improve the code over time...
Re:Guess what, Toto? (Score:1)
So, it is human readable as far as assembler goes =)
Re:of similar subject... (Score:1)
Re:Opensource VS Alife - Why MS is interested. (Score:1)
Think of users modifying source as sort of a nearly continuous trickle of small changes and the developers making changes (adding features, etc.) as sort of a discrete large jump. (I forget the analogous terms in evolutionary theory.)
The closed source model doesn't allow these small mutations - changes are only made in the large jump fashion, or by products dying because users discard them.
That's why Microsoft is interested in this. Since they're a closed-source vendor, they want to automate the "many eyes making bugs shallow" part without opening their source.
No big deal... (Score:1)
Re:mutations (here's a textual one!) (Score:1)
mutant CVS trees? (Score:1)
Or are there other ways of integrating open source and genetic programming?
Inherent difficulties with "growing" programs... (Score:1)
Re:Just Genetic Algorithms (Score:1)
btw. i totally agree with what you wrote about ga/gp eduacation problems.
Re:Life! (Score:1)
"Cake or death!" (E. Izzard)
Re:Life! (Score:1)
Consciousness. Intelligence. Those are vaporous concepts.
Judging by what you've said you're one of those believers of the idea that humans have consciousness and intelligence wheras animals and to a lesser degree ai don't have any?
To me that's seems like the common ego-boosting stuff which comes from 'evidences' like the fact that the sun revolves around the earth.
The only definition of consciousness I can come with is something in the line of being conscious about your own unicity. This is really vague, and wrong.. (since you use the same concept of consciousness to explains it)
anyway to me, "consciousness" is one of the thing you can think you have, but will invariably fail to proove for anyone else. (anyone including animals...)
Yes I'm quite sure most of my reactions are more due to some programmed (chaotic ok) behaviour than some meta-exo-abstract highlevel concept like "Intelligence"
This is new and unique? (Score:1)
Or, for that matter, Core Wars, which I've heard about, and I think was around in the *early* seventies, if not earlier.
Got a *long* way to go to pass the Turing test.
Re:this is old hat (Score:1)
I am not a biological expert, but I am a programmer, and one things annoys me about evolution simulations on a computer. They don't Mean Anything. Scientists/programmers have preconcieved notions about how the process works, and when they write a program to simulate the process, they build their possibly wrong concepts into the program's framework. "What? Nothing's evolving? Must be a logic error - better change the program a little."
By the time they get the results they expected, their "experiment" is, to a certain extent, meaningless, and I will explain why.
The very reason for doing an experiment, I thought, is to test your hypothesis in a real-world environment, or one that accurately represents the real world. In a physical experiment, you are running on a code base that is real and infinitely complex: the universe. In a computer simulation, you must start from scratch. If they were able to accurately simulate everything down to the atomic level, they could perhaps approach gettning something like a meaningful conclusion from their "experiments."
As it is, the scientist/programmer makes a million assumptions in order to run, not an experiment on actual organic matter, but basically a high-level simulation of a list of rules. The list of rules is essentially his hypothesis about evolution. If his rules don't work as expected when run on the computer, he changes them until they do. When they do run, his simulation has not proved anything, only given him an idea of how evolution might work in a ridiculously oversimplified universe.
Re:Programs with an Attitude (Score:1)
>these things tend to survive?" Adler said. "If
>you went in and did that with Excel, the results
>wouldn't be good."
>Yeah! Take another bite of that hand... heh
- but from the original article:
"Dennis Adler, now on leave from his university relations job with Microsoft "
Adler is from Microsoft and making the very valid observation that if you screw about with the code of most programs, they would stop working.
As others have said... (Score:2)
"Bugs" was a genetically evolving life-form, where there wasn't any pre-defined "good" or "bad", only genetic traits and an energy level. If the energy level exceeded a certain point, the cell could divide. If it fell to zero, the cell died. The traits defined how the cell moved and responded. These would randomly shift, by a very small amount, with each new generation. The cell picked up food that was randomly scattered throughout the environment the cells lived in. Within a few thousand generations, you saw a massive shift in behaviour, according to the function used for food distribution.
Re:Pretty harsh stuff (Score:1)
Yeah, the elegance of academics slagging their meal-ticket is always a sight to see. What amazing assholes. As though their research was about to produce a more "robust" language for big bad Microsoft... I doubt even MS believes that bull!
Not that I think the research is useless, far from it, but I don't think they're exactly right around the corner from being able to produce a new strain of Windows that never crashes. Sweet Jesus.
Re:Life? (Score:1)
The mutation comment is what bothered me about the article. Seems the investigators view mutations as a 'bad' thing. Biologists tend to view mutatation as neither good nor bad but instead regard them as the keys to survival under changing environmental stresses.
Sometimes the mutations benefit the organism when the environment prefers them, sometimes they end up leading to extinction of the species.
Re:Tierra? (Score:1)
Avida [caltech.edu]
Tierra [atr.co.jp]
It is new research! (Score:1)
(his homepage is http://www.krl.caltech.edu/~adami/ ) or look into his book "Artificial Life", and you will see that he knows all these previous works. The difference with avida is that Adami et al. have done more than just simulations, they have developed *quantitative* mathematical formulations that explain the experiment's observations, and they have shown that they can relate their computer experiments to the evolution of real bakteria (Lenski's work). So with this work the evolution of computer organisms enters a new stage because now it is proven that for certain well chosen experimental setups, the study of digital organsims is equivalent to the study of biological organisms, but of course can be done with a much higher accuracy and much faster.
By the way the connection to Microsoft is of course the least important aspect of their work. They did this before Microsoft got interested, and they will continue if Microsoft looses interest. Their work is mostly sponsored by the NSF.
i did this too... (Score:1)
i had this self sustaining GP system wherein a bunch of program-creatures would vie for artificial resources. they could also kill ant eat each other and choose who they wanted to mate with.
the trickiest part was designing the environment so that they wouldn't breed so much that they consumed their environment in the first dozen steps.
in one run, there was a bug in the breed function where they could mate with themselves. it wouldn't produce anything. we also had a 'sing' function so that they could perform basic communication. after they 'evolved' for a few hours, we came back to find them all stuck in various corners singing and 'breeding' with themselves.
Re:Life? (Score:2)
Possibly more important than mutation is genetic crossover, where organisms swap parts of their genome. I've been reading "Artificial Life" by Steven Levy recently, and some of the researchers in his book were able to get the same evolutionary improvements in their creatures with mostly crossover and only a little mutation. In some cases they had mutation turned off all the way and evolution still ground right along. I recommend the book to anyone who's interested in the subject - it makes a great introduction to the topic and covers a lot of ground.
Re:this is old hat (Score:1)
I agree that there are instances where the scientist/programmer tries taking something he learns from the program and applying it to the real world, and each instance of that should be properly evaluated and peer-reviewed on an individual basis, to verify that the assumptions are reasonable, that the results are reproducible and the conclusions fit the results. But it is unfair to criticise ALL of that category of experimentation.
I don't like people taking a specific result and trying to apply it to the real world, WITHOUT REGARD for the assumptions behind the results. I suspect that that happens more often than the scientist/programmer himself overgeneralizing his results.
Aggreed! (Score:1)
If AI guys are looking for something to do, here is a hint: I would prefer having chip in my brain which allowed me to get rid of calculator or even computer when I do my banking or engaged in similar activities requiring extensive computations rather then some 'bugs' in my computer emulating 'consciousness', 'intelligence', 'life' etc some of which I already have.
TSR Answers: What happened to Tierra? (Score:1)
The network Tierra experiment continues at an R&D level, and the recent publications present results from those experiments. We have not opened it to general participation yet. We have been hindered by bandwidth issues, which should resolve themselves when broadband service becomes widely available. Now we are actively working on moving network Tierra to the Windows platform.
For R&D, we are using sites which offer a cluster of computers. At these sites, we have our own login, so that we can freely re-install the software whenever we make changes, which we do all the time.
So while development is confined to the 'in-crowd' right now, he still intends to open it up for general participation, which I eagerly await.
For one the most recent information see http://www.hip.atr.co.jp/~ray/pubs/pub s.html [atr.co.jp]
Re: reverse-experimentation (Score:1)
In normal experiments you make a hypothesis, then see if your outputs map to reality
I guess in this case, you make your outputs map to reality first, then attempt to make a conclusion. This of course is not preferred because many paths can lead to the correct result, but not every path is the real one. On the other hand, we can't just simulating the entire universe in a computer and wait for the output (whereas we *can* use the entire universe in *actual* experiments).
Re: puzzled (Score:1)
"Right - So who made the harddrive?
The falacy is a classic one. They forgot about entropy. These bug forms are able to "reproduce" only along an entropic path. Absent perpetual intervention by some anti-entropic agent, this narrow definition of reproduction leads to extinction."
Um...do you consider humans to be "alive" and "reproducing". After all, who made the universe? Who made the food we eat? Certainly not ourselves. To reproduce I certainly DO NOT have to recreate the planet and solar system, and...
Yes, entropy only increases or stays the same. Humans will become extinct one way or another, either via the heat-death of a shrinking universe, or the cold-death of an expanding universe. Does necessary extinction preclude true "life" and "reproduction"?
"A proper definition of reproduction requires that not only must the bug sustain and reproduce itself, but it must also sustain and reproduce all of the infrastructure upon which it depends for life." and "After it reproduces the hard drive, then it must reproduce the thing that spins the harddrive, and then the power plant... and then all the things upon which the power plant depends to sustain and reproduce itself."
Well holy crap, I guess I'm never having a kid...I'd have to recreate my house and my job and my planet and my sun and solar system and...
"In otherwords, their concept of "fittest" is based on a false definition of reproduction, in that they, and Darwin, left out the anti-entropic thing, the moving ether which imparts a counterclockwise spin to electrons, to planets, and to galaxies, and makes the entire universe sing."
Well I guess humans are not alive then (after all we're just in an entropic universe possibly sheparded by an anti-entropic being right?). Didn't the idea of "ether" become outdated a few centuries ago?
The last part about the mind of man and God really lost me too...
The game of life has really gone a long way... (Score:1)
-- ----------------------------------------------
Vive le logiciel... Libre!!!
Re:Go Microsoft, Go!! (Score:1)
CNN - ms: The idea is you don't need certain chemicals to make life. You just need certain processes," he said. "And these processes live on the hard drive."
Right - So who made the harddrive?
Ok, think that over rationally for a second. Who/What made the Earth(Hardrive), can Humans(AI) reporoduce an Earth(Hardrive) at will?
Does that mean we aren't alive?
Your argument is flawed.
Computers != biology (Score:1)
microsoft magic 99 (Score:1)
microsoft will release microsoft evolution 99, where not even they know what it's supposed to do: maybe they'll say "It takes up cpu cycles... aren't all Good programs supposed to that, this is nothing more than an extension of what we've always done... there's just less cost with this."
Re:Big deal, I've done this before many times. (Score:2)
(Assuming your artificial lifeform is a Discworld Dwarf, that is. :)
Re:My only question: (Score:2)
Re:fah, this is old school... (Score:2)
Stripped-down Tierra (Score:1)
It should be entirely ANSI C, and run on anything from a 16-bit processor w/128K on up. Some of the code is a little amateurish, but it's very portable.
It's at http://www.tir.com/~sorceror/minev/in dex.html [tir.com].
Re:Just Genetic Algorithms (Score:1)
Re:Aggreed! (Score:1)
Made it up.
next time listen to what's being said, rather than who's saying it, hth hand vadim.
Your on to something (Score:1)
I agree, science is blinded to only see what it is looking for. But I see something really interesting in the discussion of "what they found" here.
It seems as though that as far as the criteria of selection is met, a certain intelligence can be applied to maximize its survivability.
Now I bet a perusal of the resultant code finds that the programs still do what they were origionaly designed for, and therfor to some you could say the code is unchanged. But is has in that it meets the criteria better than it did before.
With this we should learn more about how genetic coding might utilize simular techniques. However to me it points out how even more preposterous life from nothing is. Even here life is formed on the basis of following established laws. Nothing here creates itself, or its own purpose.
No ones computer accidentaly spawns these programs, even after billions of computing cycles. These programs were created for a purpose (as you point out) and then continue in that purpose being graded by the conditions of their creation. Its almost religious what they found....
Re: puzzled (Score:1)
your thinking too "here and now". Your child will buy a house, and he will get a job to survive. This Anonymous Coward has hit on a key principle that you might misunderstand, but is very fascinating and rings as true.
What is the element that keeps any mutation from doing any good? Many reproduced mutations do nothing at all, and all the others do harm. Now what about Genetic Engineering? That is a change but one acted on by a anti-entropic force (intelligence). A person learns the laws of the engineering of a plant and intelligently designes a new feature to it.
The program would halt very soon if it were just left to randomly modify the code. Try writing a self modifying kernel and see how many lock-ups you get. There is a anti-entropic force at work here that is coded into their universe, and our Universe. Evolution and Darwin have failed to point it out or find it themselves. That force especially needs to reproduce life, and the conditions of that life to be "anti-entropic".
I believe this is what the AC has said. Funny the most correct work on slashdot I've read to date, and its by an AC. Go figure.
--ps I don't presume to speak for this AC, and could be misunderstanding it myself. But I'd sure like the AC to contact me sometime to find out.
Hyperion lives (Score:1)
Some whacky implications of this... (Score:1)
The article states: "What we have here is some alien life because it has nothing to do with biochemical life."
If that's true, then Erwin [userfriendly.org] is just a lucky geek reincarnated on Linux ;-)
Re:Turing Test - Is Crap (Score:1)
Heh. I like it. A bot that engages in cybersex. Never gets bored with IRC losers and chat-room sex fiends. Up for anything. Available 24-7. Says everything with particular keywords is arousing, erotic, "makes me hot", etc. Everything without those keywords is charming, clever, witty, etc. I reckon this bot would get itself on a lot of "buddy lists".
Cyber-sluts get ready for some tough competition!
Just plain wrong (Score:1)
Sorry, that's just plain wrong. Corrected version follows.
Many reproduced mutations do harm, some might do nothing at all (that's subject to some debate) and some provide a benefit.
The ones that provide a benefit may be few and far between, but due to selection pressure, they will eventually become widespread.
That's how it works with living things, and, if the right selective pressures were applied (f'rinstance, wipe out the code that crashes, locks up, gives errors, etc.) I see no reason that it wouldn't work with digital "life" too.
It might not be the most efficient way (natural selection isn't either) but it doesn't have to be. It just has to work.
Re:Computers != biology (Score:1)
And while they're certainly not Slashdotters, the other biologists I work with don't "hate computers like Dan Quayle" (having a tough time parsing this. Does it mean they hate computers in the same way that they hate Dan Quayle? Maybe they hate computers in the same way that Dan Quayle hates computers? Maybe they hate [computers like Dan Quayle], implying that DQ *is* a computer) Typically biologists hate computers when they (the computers) bluescreen, or when they (the biologists) have to learn a new way to do something because there's a new release of the spectrophotometer software, but most of the time they like computers just fine. Computers are just like any other piece of equipment in the lab.
Re:Digital Darwinism? (Score:1)
Writing robust computer programs: impossible? (Score:1)
Re:Life? (Score:1)
Although in organisms with short genomes and limited populations, genetic crossovers probably won't lead to much change under a harsh environment, because all permutations will eventually be tried.
Cyber-cybersex (Score:1)
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
uh, yeh... (Score:1)
Why not? what the people making Wine have done, is take the difition of windows, and make somthing that conforms to that definition. Now it is a very long definition, but givien enough time and effort, it could be done. The only diffrence between windows and wine, is that the names are diffrent...
Don't ever forget, the human brain is a device, no less, and no more. there is no reason that we could not program another device to act like it
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
Re:Just plain wrong (Score:1)
However for my purposes, it is plenty small enough to show that without an anti-entropic agent (as the AC puts it) it would lead to worsening the conditions of life rather than increasing them. Darwin just throws up his hands and says "Natural Selection" is this agent. Its true, but about as useful as saying the cream in side of twinkies is "just born there." Underlying the AC arguements is specificaly that a natural (random, non-intelligent) mechanism is not sufficient to be such an agent. In the experiment Humans were or created the agent.
There have been many experiments in accelorated mutations in the lab of variously complex organizms (Grasshoppers being about the most complex) and the ratio of good mutations to bad is so low that they have never observed a beneficial mutation. Random mutations have never even produced a "better" bacteria. (This is different than saying they haven't found bacteria that have mutated and are superior.) And it seems the more complex the genetic code, the less likely a beneficial mutation is.
Re:Ask Slashdot: Should the government tax a-life? (Score:1)
Taxes are inherently wrong. To coerce money from someone in order to pay for something which does not benefit them is commonly known as extortion.
Am I free, at this moment, to walk into any 'Public' school building in the country, sit down in a class, and participate in it? If not then this is not a Public good. It is a private good subsidized by public funds. I use the roads, I'll gladly pay for their upkeep. I use the telephone system, I'll pay for its upkeep (Which I do, through my phone bill). I do NOT use the public school system, so I shouldn't be paying for it.
Re:How new is this? (Score:1)
Eventually, he got the point...
The Artificial Life community has been doing this stuff since the 1950s but they didn't call it Artificial Life until the 1980s when they decided that if they gave the field a trendy name, people would notice it.
Re:this is old hat (Score:1)
"the rest of the stuff is a piece of cake"
Um, the technical evolutionary stuff about getting from self-duplicating amino acid chains to elephants and dinosaurs is a piece of cake .. I'm not so sure that explaining the emergence of sentience will necessary follow that easily though.