Bulk Technology Might Produce Molecular Computers 75
PerlDiver writes "Researchers for UCLA and Hewlett-Packard have announced the creation of molecular logic gates utilizing rotoxane. " Consider this to be my little touch of nanotechnology today.
Re:Speed and Size (Score:2)
Hype, hype, hype, no juicy details.
Re: Nanotech computers - Possibilities... (Score:1)
Re:Speed and Size (Score:2)
The tricky part would be to safely manage overrides. You'd want to alter files by writing a new one that overrides the old one, but then you've got some of your old problems again.
Has this kind of thing been studied at all? It looks interesting.
Re:Theoretical limits... (Score:1)
Of course, we may not be able to approach all forms of information processing in this way.
There are many factors that limit a computer's speed. Saying that the speed of light is one of them is one way to look at it. I prefer to think of the problem as one of gate/transistor density. Of course, if one could go faster than light, then density wouldn't matter much (though switching speed certainly would). The real fundamental limits we're coming to are more along the lines of what makes MOSFET transistors work. The smaller the transistor, the greater the leakage current if threshold voltage is scaled respectively. But keeping threshold voltage high results in reduced switching speed performance, unless you keep power supply voltage high -- a definite problem when dealing with such small devices.
I think "Moore's Law" will eventually be broken -- but the other way around. I think we've got a way to go before the limits of current technology are exhausted, and look at what we've got in the pipe. Silicon-Germanium, HEMT and HBT transistor designs, copper interconnect, silicon-on-insulator and multi-value computing will help extend the limits of today's designs. Advanced photonics is pretty much here, now, and waiting to be exploited on a large scale. Quantum, molecular and DNA computing are advancing by leaps and bounds, and hints of other things, such as "reconfigurable computing" also make for an exciting future.
Things have followed Moore's Law primarily for economic reasons. Once the above become economically feasible, we'll see not just linear advancements, but revolutions in computing power.
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Re:I/O devices : largest part... also slowest (Score:1)
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Re:Theoretical Limits and Quantam Computing (Score:1)
Actually, quantum encryption beats quantum computing. You can't tap the data stream without collapsing the wave function.
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Clueless??? (Score:1)
Does anyone else get the feeling the person who wrote this article was totally CLUELESS with regard to computer technology? No viruses? No crashes? Sort of like saying that, if you make the computer complex enough, it'll never have any bugs.
Theoretical limits... (Score:2)
What is the theoretical maximum speed for a computer? I mean, we can't go faster than the speed of light - and that's quickly being approached. Where a single electron can mean off or on... the speed of a computer will be limited solely by the speed of light in the near future. Which means massive parallelism will be the *only* way to go faster. Moore's law will be broken eventually... I wonder when.
Re:Theoretical limits... (Score:1)
Massive parallelism doesn't beat Moore's law, because Moore's law is an exponential increase, and parallelism gives you only a linear increase with # of processors at best. Once we run into the miniaturization wall (and we will, eventually) we would need to build exponentially bigger and more power-hungry computers to keep up with Moore's law.
Quantum computers are one solution, since they operate in an exponentially larger mathematical space than their physical resources (n quantum bits = 2^n classical bits), but no-one has yet built a practical quantum computer, and this may turn out to be hard. Great for cryptanalysis, though...
Re:Speed and Size (Score:2)
I'm guessing that they meant that if you have millions of processors, crashing/hanging a few doesn't make a difference. I don't buy this, because having all the processors in the world doesn't make a difference if your code won't run reliably on one. Put another way, sucky software still sucks no matter how many computers you run it on. Likewise, I could easily imagine a virus spreading through the entire molecular computer and rendering all of those millions of processors useless.
The small size and low-power consumption of molecular computers would be great, but there is a long way to go from building a few molecular logic gates in a laboratory and constructing a real machine capable of doing interesting work. My guess is that etched chips are here to stay for the next ten years or so, but if someone hands me a working molecular computer tomorrow I'll start work on the Linux port right away.
Re:Doubters repent (Score:1)
I've seen it too.
Advanced Tea Substitute. Can't beat Brownian motion for powering an Infinite Improbability Generator!
QDMerge [rmci.net] -- data + templates = documents.
Nanotech computers (Score:1)
Re: Nanotech computers - Possibilities... (Score:1)
Not all computers are personal computers. Not all computers need direct I/O devices hooked up to 'em. You're not going to need a monitor and keyboard hooked up to every node of.. say... a beowulf cluster.
The diminutive size opens up possibilities for *other* uses for computers. Smaller robots, tiny regulatory devices in people's bodies to perform any number of functions to keep a body running better, to name a few.
Even considering computers that *would* be for "personal use", think of how slimmer your laptop would be if the *only* bulk was for the keyboard and screen. Think of faster, more versitile PDAs. Heck. Think of a laptop containing an entire *network*. Or cluster. Or what have you.
There's certainly no cause for saying the possibilities of such development are limited by some need for big bulky things. If you want bulk, the smaller components mean you can cram more of 'em in there.
Re:Rather than Diamond Age, try... (Score:3)
I might be wrong about that. I went to a talk on reversible computing [std.com], which you'd think would have relevance only at the lowest levels of abstraction. It ends up having ramifications all the way up, if you want to implement reversibility completely. (We can probably get almost all the benefit of reversibility with incomplete implementations.)
Now I understand... (Score:2)
That bead of drool lowly rolling down his chin in staff meetings.
The PHB has been slashdotted!!
Re:Theoretical limits... (Score:1)
Re:Theoretical limits... (Score:1)
Bell Theorum is one of the stranger offspring of the Einstein-Podowsky-Rosen attempt to invalidate quantum mechanics. (I *think* that Wheeler's Many-Worlds hypothesis is another, but this one is stranger anyway!)
What does it mean to say that two things happen at the same time, when they are spatially separated? Think about this while you contemplate the instantaneous correlation "transmission".
Rather than Diamond Age, try... (Score:1)
Btw, build a nanocomputer with the same architecture as a conventional one and you're no less prone to bugs and viruses - but the HP team has also designed the Teramac, a new architecture designed to "route around" failures.
More details in SF Chronicle (Score:3)
The San Francisco Chronicle [sfgate.com] has a much better article [sfgate.com]. More technical details are toward the end.
Interesting: in the print edition, this was the lead article, page one, above the fold, top right. Also, there was a decent graphic (which I can't find online) accompanying the article.
For the hardcore nano-geeks amount you... (Score:1)
It's Planck not Plank (Score:1)
#include "disclaim.h"
"All the best people in life seem to like LINUX." - Steve Wozniak
A few random thoughts.... (Score:1)
Second, the practical limits to computing power (i.e. bang for the buck) as opposed to speed (pure MIPS/GIPS (?) or what have you) are what most people are really concerned about. There are many factors - pure clock speed (GHz, THz (?)), instructions/clock cycle (e.g. Intel's EPIC - sort of MPP on a single chip, AFAIK), instruction length/information density (32, 64, 128... bits cram more data into each instruction). So what if you have a multi-THz processor, if it only runs 4-bit instructions through 1 register! (Of course, this could accurately describe DNA....) Theoretical limits are fine, and can be measured by the application of quantum physics to information theory. But again, the lower limits such as network speed, memory/storage speed and bus/crossbar speed will hamper our current architectures for the near future. Sorry if it seems like I'm pointing out the obvious....
#include "disclaim.h"
"All the best people in life seem to like LINUX." - Steve Wozniak
Re: Nanotech computers - Possibilities... (Score:1)
Re: Nanotech computers - Possibilities... (Score:1)
#include "standard_disclaimer.h"
Chemists... (Score:1)
This remind anyone of computing 50 years ago?:
"Well, possibly by the end of the millenium, computers will be so small, that you could fit them in to a *single room*, with room left over for a chair, and possibly even a teletype!"
And what the hell is this?:
"They will need far less power than current computers and may be able to hold vast amounts of data permanently, doing away with the need to erase files, and perhaps also be immune to computer viruses, crashes and other glitches."
Where did that come from? Doesn't it just yank your chain when a journalist just throws crap like this in. Why must people prattle on about stuff they don't know?!
Urg! (Score:1)
"Because no data is deleted, no heat is created"???? Where did you get that? Someone here (and it's not me) doesn't know how a traditional CPU works.
Now I'm not saying that such a thing doesn't exist, some NMR computing device, but I'll bet you anything that it's a little different than you have explained, and that you can't use it for much more than predicting simple particle behaviour.
P.S. Computer in a flask, HA! I have one right here on my desk, I call it coffee.
Re:Theoretical limits... (Score:1)
However, you've got it a bit wrong, and it's _really_ hard to explain, but here goes:
The particles are created in such a way that we know they have opposite spins. Everything else about them may be the same, but the spins are opposite. Then they start moving apart.
If I later measure one of the particles for spin, I "instantaneously" know the spin of the other particle, which could be light-years away by now. However, this is nothing special - just mere logic. The special part is that I can effect the particles spin by how I measure it. If I measure it in a certain way, I get a certain "type" of answer, and the wave-form collapses and all that jazz. The really interesting thing is that the wave-form for that light-years-away particle also collapses at just that instant, and it's spin becomes "fixed" to exactly opposite of the spin I measured on my local particle.
Now I've confused myself.... so let me summarize what I definitely know:
1. The transmission of "something" between these two particles is instantaneous - it's been proven in the lab.
2. The best scientific minds have never figured a way to use this for purposes of communication, so although the ansible is a nice idea, it is a fictional plot device, not a theoretical possibility (at least, not yet).
Maybe a real scientist can come by and say something on this?
Re:Speed and Size (Score:1)
Re: Nanotech computers - Possibilities... (Score:1)
Human integrated nanotech (Score:3)
1. "Your trial period for WinZip is now over, and you have selected not to uninstall. Thank you for using WinZip, and please enjoy our complementary copy of eHerpes 5.0"
2. "System resource conflict with HP SCSI mini-CD drive and Generic Liver."
3. "Speak to me! You're alive, I know it! God, why did I install NT on my brother?"
4. "Man, it's hell when you're in a job interview and you get some porn site's spam."
Re: Nanotech computers - Possibilities... (Score:1)
Re:Theoretical limits... (Score:1)
Re:Theoretical limits... (Score:1)
Everything we know about physics tells us it is IMPOSSIBLE for ANY sort of communication to proceed faster than the speed of light. Even gravity propagates at this fixed rate.
The idea is to build faster chips not by increasing the speed of signal transmission, but by decreasing the length of the signal path. Which is the entire point of this nanotech stuff anyway.
As for whether there is a theoretical maximum limit on computational speed, I really doubt that. You can always go twice as fast by using two circuits in parallel, provided the job can be parallelized. In that case, then the rate of computation is limited only by the amount of material and energy in the universe necessary to build the computation modules.
The ultimate speed limit for a processor... (Score:1)
Re:Speed and Size (Score:1)
Speed and Size (Score:1)
Does anyone else understand how this works? How are they immune to viruses and crashes? What operating system do they run? Can you not install any programs?
Anyway, this will be a boon for mobile and wearable computer users!
Re: Nanotech computers - Possibilities... (Score:1)
Re: Nanotech computers - Possibilities... (Score:1)
Well, there certainly would be privacy inherant in this system!
With all of this power, I'm going to abandon my body and upload my mind to a computer and live forever in the ether. Who's with me?
Re:Theoretical limits... (Score:1)
Theoretical Limits and Quantam Computing (Score:1)
Re:Doubters repent (Score:1)
Re:Speed and Size (Score:1)
Re:Nanotech - beyond most of you people's reach (Score:1)
Re:Doubters repent (Score:1)
Re:Theoretical limits... (Score:1)
Re:Speed and Size (Score:1)
And the nightmares, too! (Score:1)
Is this tech really so scary? (Score:1)
Re:Quantum Entaglement (Score:1)
Nanotech - beyond most of you people's reach (Score:1)