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Cold Fusion with Nanotech? 74

According to reports from The Foresight Institute scientists at UC-Berkley have got cold fusion working using a hereto unknown aspect of nanotechnology. Further updates as more reports come in. I always knew nanotech was the ticket.
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Cold Fusion with Nanotech?

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  • Eh? By my watch, it's 16:11 Thursday 01 Apr 1999, GMT, as I type this... Does your April Fool's day end at noon or something?
  • Oh, c'mon... all the links on the MS Linux page are just pointers back to the page itself. You've gotta put some _effort_ into these things... They could've at least made up some system requirements and stuff for the appropriate pages.

    ...Though it could hardly have been funnier than Win2000's actual system requirements... :)
  • Mmmm... nothing like a good grilled head-burger.
  • on garbage-powered fusion. I also have a patent on time travel & am in talks with DaimlerChrysler about getting the rights to build the DeLorean (just to cover all the bases). :P

  • And why waste banana peels on a time machine, when you can smoke 'em.

    I think I'll take out a patent on weed-powered fusion (would be an interesting ethical dilemma about legalizing in the US).

  • Take a look at Swatch [], for a totally commercialized possibility.

  • Ohh, April Fools! What a forlorn and fscked up day. I hope no *REAL* news happens today... it'll get lost in all the articles about tripping dinosaurs and cold-fusion being activated by nanotechnology.
    Go ahead... put the world on hold for a day; I think I could use the levity.
  • How about coldfusion powered nanocomputers?
    How about nanofusion for cold computers?
    How about exploding nanocomputers?
    How about coldcomputers with nanoexplosions?

    Ni! Ni!
    Error! Error!
    There is no message for this error!
    Segfault - General Protection Fault Dumped.
    Process received a nanoglitch signal - restarting.
    braindump > /dev/entropy
  • Posted by Mike@ABC:

    Jokes! Jokes everywhere! So where am I gonna get my techie insider stuff today? What do I tell me editors when they ask what's going on? All I can say is "uhh...well, there's a lot of jokes out there today."

    C'mon, Rob! Don't make me do my own hunting today! Bring on the real news!!

    Just kidding, mind you. Though I do wish the Internet as a whole would get over this April Fools thing in the next few hours. Some of us actually have work to do! :)

  • "IMAFAKE wrote in with this tidbit about Microsoft announcing that it has dumped it's entire line of Windows products and will immediately begin freely distributing Linux on it's web site. All Microsoft technical support staff will be retrained to offer free technical support for all distro's of Linux downloaded at the site, and Bill Gates is selling off his holdings in the empire so that he can spend more time on his true passion, Buddhism."
    Oh, good. At least someone else has heard of the new MS Linux [].

    --Phil (What a fun day. I'm waiting to see what RFCs get posted.)
  • by mholve ( 1101 )
    Um, yeah, I'll buy this. When I save up enough from my part time job as head burger griller. ;>
  • Check the date again, friend. ;>
  • by mholve ( 1101 )
    With new-and-improved head cheese product.
  • HEY!! my GPA wasn't THAT bad... This is fun - yow!
  • You know, that would make me just so freaking happy if IBM were actually to do that.
  • I'll market a new product...

    I'll call it "Mr. Fusion"....!

    And you can do cool stuff with it like mount it on top of your DeLorean and time travel on old beer cans and banana peels.....woohoo!!!!

    "Switch to....targeting computer......."
    - Red Leader
  • by acb ( 2797 )
    It's a reference to a popular song from the early 90s titled "Unbelievable", by UK indie group EMF.
  • ...but frightenly believable. It's not beyond the realm of doable- like everything else we've seen today. (I.E. Don't be giving some sick SOB ideas now! ;-)
  • I had a great teacher in high school. His name was Mr. Green, and he taught physics.

    We always got to play with fire and tesla coils and stuff in his class. Everytime he turned out the lights (for a movie or something), someone in the class would shout "Look, Mr. Green, Cold fusion!"

    His response was always "Quick, publish it, publish it!".

    I thought it was funny. Oh yeah, every time Mr. Green said "EMF", someone in the back would say "EMF? That's Unbelievable!"

    I liked high school physics.

    Leapfrog, the feeble-minded

  • by Leapfrog ( 4220 )
    And of course, the physics definition would be "electro-motive force", a fancy name for voltage.

  • > A Beowulf of palm pilots running linux?

    Actually, you could do this via IR and the micro-Linux stuff. Been one of my dreams for a while.. :)
  • I'm not gonna believe any stories I see on /. today unless they seem SOMEWHAT possible...this one, no way ;)

    good ol april fools strikes again!
  • AND, most telling - No links to actual stories in the articles.

    Click on the link to metalab, and read their news bulletins. Not that this isn't a hoax, just that this one actually has a basis.

    Ian Peters
  • Well, there is a COBOL IDE for Pilots:

    And a "software only cellular modem" announcement on A productive April 1 all 'round.

    The only one I think isn't a joke so far is the Userfriendly / Bedope / segfault thing.
  • we can only hope so =)

    seriously, it makes for a great day dosen't it? I've already been the recepient of a dozen strange looks as I've burst out laughing at random times, as I happen across a page in my list of links thats decided it'll play yet another april fool's joke.
  • I don't get the "EMF" one...
  • Nonsense! They're supposed to be mostly believable until you get it -- and then you're supposed to feel foolish for missing the subtle inconsistencies. (For example: no link to the actual announcement article, and no huge fanfare on the site's front page.)

    They're also supposed to happen in the AM, because that's when all the reasonable people are sleepy and gullible.

    I know I was fooled for a few minutes... but that's because I read /. while waiting for the morning tea water to boil.


  • Don't they all end at noon? I thought that was the second half of the joke. Anyone caught fooling after noon was the fool instead...

    This however does bring up another issue, the concept of the Internet Day. Should it be? How would it be standardized? Do geeks really sleep anyway?

    --- -
  • ...smoking banana peels sounds like this...

    Burrow Owl,
    Burrow Owl,
    Burrow Owl,
    Burrow Owl,
    Burrow Owl,
    Burrow Owl,
    Burrow Owl,
    Burrow Owl,

  • How did he figure that stuff out?! There must be a security hole in Linux since his web server is running Linux! I'm going to make sure not to go to any more Linux web servers until this security hole get patched!!

  • > Does your April Fool's day end at
    > noon or something?

    By popular decree, all April's fools jokes played
    after 12:00 noon are reversed, so that the
    person playing the prank is the fool :-)

    So, yes :-)

  • My first thought was that IBM had done something new with the GNU/Linux port of NetObjects Fusion.
  • OK, lets do some analytical thinking about this (I know, it's 4/1, we're supposed to be cracking jokes, but I'm fresh out of 'em).

    Asummption #1: Illiad is not rich
    Assumption #2: Canadian lawers are just as expensive as American ones

    OK, with these two assumptions, one can figure out quite a bit.

    Deduction #!: Illiad can't buy the best lawers on the west coast of Canada with his own money
    Deduction #2: Therefore the lawers, if they exist, are doing this one pro bono
    How likely is that ?

    While it is quite possible that the litigation is real, why would Illiad not say who was suing him? That is a matter of Public Record !!! I do not have access to an electronic Canadian phonebook to search, so I cannot tell if Mr. DeWitt really exists. Could someone who does know where such a database can be found check?

    One last point: What legal basis is there for shutting down all of UserFriendly? It would be reasonable for a temporary agreement to be reached where Illiad did not reference the plaintiff in any cartoons until the matter had been resolved. But shut down the whole site? Gimme a break man!

  • hehe - interesting reading this in the UK - our April fools ended about 5 hours ago :) still nice idea Tom

  • Is this gonna go on all day?
  • At first, i was struck by the idea of getting linux on a furby. Then re-apholstering the furby into a penguin.
    If i had to choose an insanely mumuring stuffed penguin overheating on my desk, i know i'd want it to be a penguin.
    But then i thought that that might give penguins a bad name. Clearly no creature as invalid as the furby could sustain such a powerful operating system.
    The solution: empeg. somebody's got to get a stuffed penguin, and mount an empeg inside.
    Just imagine. A stuffed, linux-running penguin, sitting on your desk, belting out the hits of the 80's.
    Come on... you know you want it. :)
  • err... losing ability of concious thought.
    that was supposed to read, "if i wanted an insanely murmuring penguin overheating penguin on my desk, i'd want it to be running linux"
  • You know, they're supposed to be completely unplausible... this one really isn't.
  • Okay, now I get it.

    Let's see...
    - Mouse powers a whole laptop
    - Sunsite going down, replaced by
    - Linux Advocates RIOT on MS doorstep
    - Cold fusion working with no fanfare

    AND, most telling - No links to actual stories in the articles.

    How about this story:

    "IMAFAKE wrote in with this tidbit about Microsoft announcing that it has dumped it's entire line of Windows products and will immediately begin freely distributing Linux on it's web site. All Microsoft technical support staff will be retrained to offer free technical support for all distro's of Linux downloaded at the site, and Bill Gates is selling off his holdings in the empire so that he can spend more time on his true passion, Buddhism."
  • Nah, just get some good AI going and have them network, and watch them interact with each other and network them into your computer and watch them pop up 100 sessions of icq and watch them host conversations with people.. Boy that would be annoying..
  • Ah, yes. The Furby collective. Can you image a couple dozen of those little guys screeching "Cock-a-doodle-doo!" in unison?
  • I might as well write the day off as a loss as far as news on the 'net goes. Hmm. Wonder if the the freshmeat thing is a hoax too. Be bad for Scoop if it isn't.

    Too bad for mankind in general if Cold Fusion actually was here and now. =)
  • ... and monkeys will fly out of my a$$...

    ... and I'm a Chinese fighter pilot...

  • Well the last time I brushed was lets say.... two weeks ago.

    Beau C
  • ... and nano is making quantum computers a real possibility as well. can't wait for the day when one is built!
  • Linux ported to a furby?

    A Beowulf of palm pilots running linux?

    CmdrTaco starts posting a "Learning to program with MFC" series on slashdot?
  • Turns out I'm gay, but at least everyone knows who to blame since they have my Mother's_maiden_name. Explains why my high_school_gpa was so low.
  • And why waste banana peels on a time machine, when you can smoke 'em.
  • has anyone ever SEEN a jini-enabled appliance? i mean, jini seems doomed to fail if only for social reasons...
  • And on a completely unrelated topic... anyone checked their cookies file today? Rob, stop it, you're killing me here. I can't get anything done when I'm ROTFLMAO all day!

  • At least the jokes are on topic... Jokes for nerds
  • Screw that too. NASA has been working on a facility to do normal fusion. They claim they can get it about 1/2 the heat they need and they would need 4x the equipment to get "hot" fusion to work.

    Brute force, you got to love it.
  • Speaking of Quantum Computers, Discover Magazine released an article on Quantum Computers. Also reported was that a four-bit Q-Computer exsists right now. Check out the full article at

    The article is named "The Great Quantum Number Cruncher"
  • Dang dang double-dang!
    I hate this day...
    Oh well, Never mind that I didn't go to work until after noon just to avoid this sort of thing.
    All hail the international community. ;>

    I thought it was fishy, though. Sure, I love /. but I figured something like this I would have heard from somewhere else, first. ;>

    Too bad Jon Katz' article on SexBots didn't get posted until today. ;>
  • submersing the nanomachines in deturium-rich polywater.

  • Just imagine: cold fusion, nano technology, holography and computers...

    Cold fusion provides the power, the nano tech provides the cold fusion capabality and the solidity of the objects, the holography the looks of the objects and the computers the interactivity...

    Man, I love this world.

    Chase the dream, not the competition.
  • That's why cryofusion is much better--fusion performed at extremely low temperatures (billionth Kelvin or so). Granted, it takes some pretty fancy laser cooling to achieve that, but having the dihydrogen mass in a solid makes it *so* much easier to handle (not to mention useful for cooling down your PII). Basically it uses the burst of protons streaming forth from the hydrogen to induce an eletric current.

Once it hits the fan, the only rational choice is to sweep it up, package it, and sell it as fertilizer.
