New element produced Z=114 83
Anonymous Coward writes "American and Russian scientists claim to have produced a new element with 114 protons. Apparently this discovery could lead to a new family of superheavy and stable elements. What are these exotic element used for anyhow? No name for this new element has been mentioned. Any suggestions? The article requires Physics World access."
Promethium? (Score:1)
Well, okay, maybe this isn't all that common; but at least it could be used for something:
chad at glendenin dot org
The Anti PC (Score:1)
I enjoy calling things "gay", and using as many racial slurs as possible, just because I know how stupid it all is. If you judge on those criteria, you're nothing in my book anyway...
Stupid homo faggot jew nigger kike spic honky chink-gooks with no sense of humour, I say.
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multiple reply (Score:1)
i don't feel like doing more than one reply, so please excuse.
yes the A-10 [warthog] uses U shells in it's 30mm anti-tank gun, those planes are the shit, the pilot sits in a titanium bathtub to survive ground fire, and the plane is designed to be able to fly around with half it's tail and only one engine, sort of a flying tank.... remember when one got stolen from that AF base down somewhere in S US somewhere? i think they found it crashed into a mountain a week or so later... anyway the point of this is that the M1-A1 (wahtever) Abrhams tank (the ones we used to drive over the branch dividian compount in waco a few years ago, and the ones we used in Desert Storm too) use U for armor.
"wonder where we make depleted U"
-it's a byproduct of nuclear reactors.
just because the elment is heavy doesn't necessaraly mean that it's gonna be incorperated into bullets and armor, depleted U is basically free since it is a byproduct or making enriched U anyway. ???-114 is probably not free nor will it be in the forseeable future since they had to "bombard it for a day and a night" to get any tangable amounts of it. so i wouldnt be worrying abuot health effects any time soon, you'd be better off worrying about real threats to your health like AIDS, Influenza, Malaria. (herpes, not a problem i use VALTREX! actually i just like the "we have herpes but we're fighting it together" commercial i always see
also worthy of interest is [in regards to the US vs Iraq deal] that prior to saddam's invasion of kuwait he specifically asked the US if we would do anything if he started invading his neighbors. we responded before congress by saying something along the lines of "if saddam would invade kuwait for example, the United States would probably turn our backs on the incident. . . " (mind you this is off the top of my head, i saw a documentry a few years back on like CNN or something) and now look, oh, gosh...now we have an excuse to have a couple of carriers and a few subs and several otehr ships floating around the persian gulf and red sea to make sure our oil supply is safe...
seem fishy? nah, i'm sure a government with as much to lose as America wouldn't to some under-the-table dealings to protect its assets. i mean that's not how buisnesses succede *cough* Micro$lut *clears throat* kinda makes you wonder if the fall of the asian economy might have been not completely "natural" considering indonesia was supposed to have like the biggest sky-scapers in teh world by 2002, and hong kong was supposed to have some of the best research labs in the world by 97/98 hm... that hasn't happened, and America's still pretty much ahead of the game still (note: this is not to say that tons of good shit still doesn't come from europe, japan, russia, etc... but you know what i mean)
and on a different note KMFDM officially disbanded on jan 22
the more i open my eyes the less i see.
now there's an idea! (Score:1)
now just amalgamage the micro-machine idea with the anti-tank shell idea, and WHOOOLAH - you get anti-micro-machine-tank ammunition.
gosh that would make a great movie like all these military toys that hang around and think and stuff, that'll be a multi-million dollar idea....wait they already thought of it, "Toy Soldiers" --hm....nevermind that idea sucks.
Anyone remember Bob Lazar and his gravity drive (Score:1)
His claim is that you get an unstable element, which decays back to 115, releasing anti-matter as one of the decay products.
This would produce antimatter with considerably less energy than is currently required, if true.
That he managed to predict the stable island's location so well is impressive, although not conclusive, by any stretch of the imagination. He claims to be a physicist, and so could have worked out this stuff on his own. The implication of that, though, is that some of his other claims (MINUS the UFO aspect) may also be true and worth looking into.
If he's =that= good a physicist, I don't care if he claims he was told that element 115 was stable by a mulberry bush, whilst sunbathing in the Antarctic! IMHO, the =ONLY= important question, WRT Bob Lazar, is "=IS= he that good a physicist?"
anyone happen to have it in thier cache? (Score:1)
NeverMind, got it :-) (Score:1)
name for new element - Yep. (Score:1)
I thought.. (Score:1)
Element 95 == Americium (Score:1)
(Please pardon the momentary humor-impairment.)
This is impossible, Captain... (Score:1)
113? (Score:1)
Did they skip those?
Chandrasekhar (Score:1)
Also the name of the guy who built the Hal 9000 in 2001/2010. They shortened it to Dr. Chandra in the movie so they could cast a white guy. (we all know there are NO English speaking Indian actors, right?
wasn't that the U.S.? (Score:1)
They need energy. Lots of it. Centrifuges also require great underground space, such as used coal mines.
Look for any mostly undergroud government contractor that hase nice power lines running to it. The type of power lines to look for can run through the city on large metal poles, three phase heavy conductors, with very long insulators. The wires will hold close to the maximum voltage that can be held without escaping into weather conditions.
Imagine a small complex with a massive security retaining wall using billions of watts. Where does all that energy go? Its used underground. Such a small building would melt if it could use the capacity of that electrical line.
I know of one such building that uses an inordinate amount of electricity and does not seem to manufacture anything. "We are not involved in weapons production." Any casual observer should wonder what is going on.
What's it for, you ask? (Score:1)
OK, OK, nevermind.
(Remove "x"'s from
Humans doncha love 'em (Score:1)
I wanna pick myself a new species, this one sucks.
Americinium Used in Fire Detectors (Score:1)
Reactionless Drive (Score:1)
Well, it looked good on paper but tell me has anyone put one of these bad boys together and plugged it in?
More Info (Score:1)
http://www.vol.at/tmh/zr/na tional/wissen/news-19133.asp [www.vol.at]
Island of stability (Score:1)
UFOs? (Score:1)
114 was _not_ thought up by Lazaar (Score:1)
Suggested use: Armor piercing shells! (Score:1)
Suggested Name (Score:1)
Leave it to Microsoft... (Score:1)
name for new element (Score:1)
wasn't that the U.S.? (Score:1)
Physical Properties? (Score:1)
Scifi... today (Score:1)
World War III (Score:1)
Super Heavy Elements and the Island of Stability (Score:2)
World War III (Score:1)
Could be the solution for the Iraque-crisis...
Some more info (Score:1)
113 has not been sythesised, but 112 has been. This information appeared in the last issue of Science, and the only information not mentioned is that the atom hangs around for about 30 seconds, which is pretty cool, considering 112 only existed for about 280 ms before decaying into something else.
About the naming: the element will assume the name ununquadium (as explained at
http://www.chemicalelements.com/sup/sysname.html) until it is given an official name by IUPAC (assuming there is no conflict between them and ACS, of course).
For more info about these elements, go to my web site at http://www.chemicalelements.com
One wonders if this is possible (Score:1)
At some point a photon transformed from mass to energy, and started to travel at c. If we could do a mass fluctuation large enough, the velocity gained would also be large, I think...
But the energy needed would also be stupendous...
Would one 'launch' a propulsionless drive with some initial velocity, and have the drive actually kick in later to decellerate the ship? IE, launch it from space, the earth, or the moon, or an asteroid, so it itself would not need to, but onboard functions would deploy halfway or something to slow down and stop the ship...
Heck, I wonder if we could also bend spacetime into a well, drop a ship at the lip, and use boosters at the other side to complete the trip, ala a skateboard in a half-pipe =)