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NASA seeks to verify Gravity shield

NASA is trying to replicate Eugene Podkletnov's gravitational shield results, and an Italian scientist, Giovanni Modanese, has developed a theory of gravity at the quantum level that could explain the results. I find it unbelievable that 2 universities feel they have to hide their results not to be ridiculed publicly. The main task of scientists once a theory appears to stand is to break it. This is vital to avoid people clinging to their reputation instead of advancing science. Unfortunately the fact that Einstein's theories are still unchallenged does not prove that they are the best approximation to reality, it might also prove that we have not been trying to break them hard enough. And the way people dismiss results out of hand without even looking at them is no different from the Vatican and Galileo. Thanks to contibutor Mydraal and Clifton for verifying the link. update err... sorry old news, but still interesting. Podkletnov's paper is available on-line, as is a Nasa report.
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NASA seeks to verify Gravity shield

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