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Bonobos Can Tell When They Know Something You Don't ( 54

A study found that bonobos can recognize when someone lacks knowledge they possess and take action to help, demonstrating a basic form of theory of mind. This suggests that the ability to understand others' perspectives is evolutionarily older than previously thought and may have existed in our common ancestors to enhance cooperation and coordination. New Scientist reports: [W]e have been missing clear evidence from controlled settings that primates can track a perspective that differs from their own and then act upon it, says Luke Townrow at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland. To investigate this, Townrow and Christopher Krupenye, also at Johns Hopkins University, tested if three male bonobos at the Ape Initiative research centre in Iowa could identify ignorance in someone they were trying to cooperate with, and then gesture to them to help solve the task. On a table between the bonobo and an experimenter were three upturned plastic cups. A second researcher placed a barrier between the experimenter and the cups, then hid a treat, like a juicy grape, under one of them.

In one version of the experiment, the "knowledge condition," a window in the barrier allowed the experimenter to watch where the treat was placed. In the "ignorance condition," their view was completely blocked. If the experimenter found the food, they would give it to the bonobo, providing a motivation for the apes to share what they knew. Townrow and Krupenye looked at whether the ape pointed at the cup, and how quickly they pointed, after the barrier had been removed over 24 trials for each condition. They found that, on average, the bonobos took 1.5 seconds less time to point and pointed in approximately 20 per cent more trials in the ignorance condition. "This shows that they can actually take action when they realize that somebody has a different perspective from their own," says Krupenye. It appears that bonobos understand features of what others are thinking that researchers have historically assumed they didn't comprehend, he adds.
The findings have been published in the journal PNAS.
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Bonobos Can Tell When They Know Something You Don't

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  • And who is paying for this?

    • And who is paying for this?

      Funding came from several sources. They are listed in the "Acknowledgment" section of the paper.

      Here's the link: [].

      Sponsors include John Hopkins University, a Templeton charity, and a Canadian institute.

    • My 1st thought was: did they show them so much footage of Trump they felt smart?

      It's far cheaper and ethically accepted to experiment on primates so knowing the extent they are like us is useful. Also it tells you what is nature vs nurture since if they do it then it's biologically inherited. It's far better than putting an Orangutan in charge of humans.

      • by GrahamJ ( 241784 )


        > This suggests that the ability to understand others' perspectives is evolutionarily older than previously thought

        It also suggests commander cheeto is stupider than a chimp

        • Re: (Score:1, Redundant)

          ... stupider than a chimp.

          I don't think so. He understands so many people are doing the cheating, stealing and dishonesty for him, he doesn't have to 'negotiate' with anyone. Ignorance of this fact is why so many people are surprised that Trump's racism, misogyny and blackmail affects them: They thought Trump had "perspective" when really, he had a brainwashed audience who would excuse any dumb shit he did, until was too late.

          A few days ago, someone used the concept of Status Anxiety to explain the swing toward Trump. A fear o

    • And who is paying for this?

      Probably someone who doesn’t have a clue if you lack knowledge they posses.

      Otherwise, they might have sensed just how many readers were thinking ”the fuck is a bonobo?” practically in unison.

    • Donations. Just like how Eight Sleep donated AI-powered sleep pods to the DOGE office so that Elon Musk and his staff can work 24/7.

  • by Tony Isaac ( 1301187 ) on Monday February 03, 2025 @09:29PM (#65139941) Homepage

    *Always* think they know something you don't.

  • by dohzer ( 867770 ) on Monday February 03, 2025 @09:45PM (#65139979)

    The bonobo knows what it knows at all times. It knows this because it knows what you don't. By subtracting what it knows from what the you don't, or what you don't know from what it does (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The bonobo uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive you from a position where you don't know to a position where you do.

    • by ls671 ( 1122017 )

      By subtracting what it knows from what the you don't, or what you don't know from what it does (whichever is greater),

      Are you suggesting bonobos can't handle negative numbers?


    • The bonobo knows what it knows at all times. It knows this because it knows what you don't. By subtracting what it knows from what the you don't, or what you don't know from what it does (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The bonobo uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive you from a position where you don't know to a position where you do.

      It’s probably a lot easier to assume that theory is true if you ensure that humans are already in a confused state of being at the very start.

      You know, like calling them “bonobos”. In order to watch the higher primates run around with that the fuck is a bonobo look on their face as they wonder how big that deviation really is.

    • by dfghjk ( 711126 )

      A fancy way of saying "there's something in a bonobo that does that".

      One thing's for sure, a bonobo does NOT "know what it knows at all times". No animal has that characteristic. This is raw stupidity in the classic /. tradition.

  • when we finally decide to grow up and accept that life and consciousness are the same, stuff like this will seem a lot less mysterious. What WILL be mysterious is how fucking cruel we have been, as anyone who's seen those leaked abattoir videos will know. If we then come to understand that it isn't life that comes first in that equation, well, that does change the game a bit...

    • I don't find how cruel we are at all mysterious, we put ourselves first, any organism/group that does not will lose to an organism/group that does. Its a survival mechanism. E.g. a lion that doesn't want to be "cruel" to its pray will simply die. Also do you think gazelle thinks of the poor grass its eating?

      Should we try to change and be less cruel, sure, but do we need to beat ourselves up about and judge others for behaviors that evolved over thousands of years can't just be wiped away by being nagged at

      • It's a low consciousness animalistic survival mechanism, yes, exactly. you almost understood! so close.

        If you find what I said mysterious, you definitely don't understand the situation. (see how that's a rude and ignorant thing to tag on, aggressor? You're talking to a biologist)

      • If you actually want to learn something you clearly aren't aware of, go read up on Stuart Hameroff's work on anaesthesiology and microtubules, and then watch any of Curt Jaimungal's recent vids on quantum consciousness to help you connect the dots on why it's plausible.

        It's not a field most people are aware of; you, obviously, are "most people."

        Good luck!

  • by q_e_t ( 5104099 ) on Tuesday February 04, 2025 @02:16AM (#65140267)
    One of my dogs, when young, had an "accident" in the house, but was playing happily with me. As soon as I got up and started to get to the bathroom it apparently went and hid in shame even before I got to the bathroom. The happy play and change in demeanour suggests to me that the dog initially knew I didn't know about the accident but knew I was going to find out. It would need rigorous scientific testing, but it is suggestive of a theory of mind. Work on crows has suggested that they posses model of mind too.
    • by Viol8 ( 599362 )

      I suspect that any animal that lives in social groups whether apes, crows, dogs/wolves etc , needs some kind of theory of mind otherwise the social group simply won't function except as a loose collection of individuals. Eg lions hunting need to understand what the other lions are going to do in an upcoming attack, not just what they're doing at the moment.

    • When I'm sad my cat brings me her toys. When she is hungry she paws at me and meows. When I'm angry, even when not loud and not at her she hides. When she is sick she wants to lay on you. When she is scared she wants to climb inside your shirt. She was pregnant when she was found and to this day has socks that she treats as kittens and brings into rooms where she intends to stay. If she wants to go do something else, she brings the 'kittens' to you and expects you to watch them.

      She has spent quite a few hou

      • Thank you for sharing. Beauty in life can be found in lots of places. Regarding your last line, I'm not so sure, but just in case, make sure she can get out even if you should be incapacitated and she got hungry....
  • Sometimes I think about the dumb people I met in university that were academically successful through rote effort and in part due to that didn't realize how unintelligent they were, and thus also seemed to vastly underestimate everyone else's comprehension of the worldâ"for example many an anthropology student or even prof for whom the idea that cultural values aren't universal seemed like such a mindblowing idea they couldn't imagine people having come to such (frankly obvious) conclusions on their own. When I hear stuff like "that researchers have historically assumed they didn't comprehend" I just have to sigh, clearly an entire field run by egotistical dolts, the kind of people who kept ignoring Neanderthal tools in archaeological digs because they *must* be Human ones because only Humans could make fancy tools like thatâ" The dolphins say so long and thanks for all the fish.
    • Oof, the year is 2025 and Slashdot is still mangling post formatting when using the mobile web UI eh?
    • Yeah a lot of that is hereditary from old victorian ideals about the 'specialness of mankind'. And while it is likely that the smartest animal on the planet is a human, there's quite the range and I'm sure some overlap from some other species.
    • To me the only surprising thing about this is that the did an experiment to show its true. But that is what science is about, making assumptions and then showing them to be true/false.

    • Yep, early American researchers couldn't fathom that indigenous people in the western hemisphere could be as advanced as discovered. The indigenous people weren't white: how dare they be intelligent! Read 1491 by Charles Mann, for example.
  • Pro-bonobos can tell when you know they know something they don't.

    And they won't charge you, either.
  • I've been to the zoo and I am 100% confident that some of those bonobos are hiding something. So apparently we also share that trait.
  • I do believe that's a PNAS
  • I guess they only help if they are not busy rubbing one off.

  • "This shows that they can actually take action when they realize that somebody has a different perspective from their own," says Krupenye

    Uh, no it doesn't. It shows that they can learn to point faster when the window is closed.

  • Humans, on the other hand, routinely think they know something you don't, when actually they don't know something that you do.

An optimist believes we live in the best world possible; a pessimist fears this is true.
