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Atomic Scientists Adjust 'Doomsday Clock' Closer Than Ever To Midnight ( 162

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moved their Doomsday Clock to 89 seconds before midnight on Tuesday, the closest to catastrophe in the timepiece's 78-year history. The Chicago-based group cited Russia's nuclear threats during its Ukraine invasion, growing tensions in the Middle East, China's military pressure near Taiwan, and the rapid advancement of AI as key factors. The symbolic clock, created in 1947 by scientists including Albert Einstein, moved one second closer than last year's setting.
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Atomic Scientists Adjust 'Doomsday Clock' Closer Than Ever To Midnight

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  • Who cares? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @01:15PM (#65125473)

    This is a recurring political stunt by people with no special claim to knowledge who are going with whatever their gut tells them.

    Giving it credence is just... silly.

    • Re:Who cares? (Score:5, Informative)

      by MacMann ( 7518492 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @01:52PM (#65125579)

      The people over at The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (BAS) can be safely ignored. While they claim to be "atomic scientists" the articles I've read from them show they are quite ignorant on how modern nuclear power plants work. Maybe by "atomic scientists" they mean "scientists made of atoms"? A political scientists is still technically a scientist but that doesn't mean they can speak on nuclear physics with any authority.

      The original goal of BAS was to warn people of the danger of nuclear weapons and use that as leverage against politicians to reduce nuclear weapons, eliminate them entirely, or at least put in controls among the nations with nuclear weapons to avoid "mutually assured destruction". In my opinion (and it's worth what you paid for it) they've been successful. I see no harm in them publishing a bulletin for the public, but I also don't see the utility in their "doomsday clock".

      Once treaties were put in place to put the real risk of nuclear weapons used in war again BAS lost most any reason to exist. If they didn't expand their scope of political action then they'd get little interest for membership as there would be next to nothing to talk about. So, they expanded their scope to opposing nuclear power, and did so with tortured logic on how nuclear power leads to nuclear weapons. If anything "nukulur" means someone is going to level a major city at some point then do we include nuclear medicine? Research and development of nuclear medicine has saved many lives and improved the health of many more. Many of the isotopes used in medicine come from nuclear power. Also from nuclear power comes isotopes for industry and science, especially anything that explores space. Nuclear power is also low in CO2 emissions, very safe, and at a cost competitive with fossil fuels.

      When nuclear power comes up there's always a mention of decades old reactors like those that self destructed at Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and Fukushima. Nobody is going to build a reactor like those again. Instead look at newer designs like CANDU, a pressurized heavy water reactor that can use a variety of fuels (including thorium), produces valued isotopes for industry and medicine, has an established record of safety and affordability, and as a proven design we don't need new rules or studies to complicate licensing. We only need people in the NRC to issue permits than object to them over BS they made up, and a little help from our cousins to the north on training up some engineers and technicians.

      BAS talking about global warming is a bit of a chuckle. If they hadn't been so vocally opposed to nuclear power for the last 50+ years then we would not be facing the same kind of threat of global warming, and threats of an energy shortage, and possibly resource wars like in Ukraine and more, and as much global poverty. They aren't alone in this, Greenpeace needs a mention as a cure worse than the disease.

      • Re:Who cares? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by JBMcB ( 73720 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @02:46PM (#65125753)

        When nuclear power comes up there's always a mention of decades old reactors like those that self destructed at Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and Fukushima. Nobody is going to build a reactor like those again.

        This is usually my first point of argument for nuclear power. Most of the power plants in the US were designed in the 1960s and built in the 1970s. Gauging how efficient or safe they are is like talking about automotive safety and bringing up AMC Matadors or Dodge Diplomats. These things were designed on graph paper using slide rules and printed engineering tables. Technology has advanced since then.

        • They're not wrong that nuclear power plants could be used to make nuclear weapons. Of course that risk can be negated by having an untrickable unbribable inspector make sure they're not using the reactor to make plutonium nor the centrifuges to make weapons-grade uranium. But opposition to nuclear may have been a mistake -- it may be the fact that we didn't switch from coal to nuclear 50 years ago that might cause the next global war.

          As for the Doomsday Clock, the planet has been closer to the next thousand

          • They're not wrong that nuclear power plants could be used to make nuclear weapons. Of course that risk can be negated by having an untrickable unbribable inspector make sure they're not using the reactor to make plutonium...

            To produce weapon grade plutonium in a power plant means they'd be switching out fuel rods very often. I don't know how often but more often than the typical 18 to 24 month fuel cycle most every civil nuclear power plant is on. Satellites can detect when a nuclear power plant is operating based off heat and other activity. There doesn't need to be an inspector on the ground for this, and there's ample opportunity for many nations to check the work of others with this technology.

            One reason there were no c

    • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Tablizer ( 95088 )

      Agreed. It puts politics into the scientific profession where it doesn't belong, harming its reputation.

      Nuke the clock!

    • And a lot of specific detail related to them. When those factors increase they adjust the likelihood of doomsday. It's not silly it's a fairly good indicator for tracking several extremely high risk scenarios that we are blowing off.

      That said at least in America about 60% of the country is a few paychecks away from homelessness and we are brutal to the homeless. So yeah nobody's going to give a shit about this when They are barely on the edge.

      And incidentally that's by design.
      • ... it's a fairly good indicator for tracking several extremely high risk scenarios that we are blowing off.

        How do you judge the goodness of this indicator?

    • Re:Who cares? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by thrasher thetic ( 4566717 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @02:08PM (#65125629)
      Do you think that when the missiles finally fly anyone will bother to adjust the clock?
    • by Powercntrl ( 458442 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @02:08PM (#65125631) Homepage

      Nah, the problem is they just need to rename it to something more appropriate for the Idiocracy timeline we're living in, like "Fucked-o-Meter".

    • Forever to be known as the Fundraising Clock.

    • This is a recurring political stunt by people with no special claim to knowledge who are going with whatever their gut tells them.

      Giving it credence is just... silly.

      This reminds me of the current failure of the Marvell movies. We just have to keep topping the latest bad guy so every new movie has greater and greater stakes. Doesn't really work in the long run.

  • by Joe_Dragon ( 2206452 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @01:16PM (#65125481)

    joshua what are you doing?

  • Meh (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Baron_Yam ( 643147 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @01:19PM (#65125493)

    Bring it. This was a useful kind of stunt during the Cold War, but right now we're in the reality of 'fight or capitulate'.

    We will never have a paradise if we keep giving in to sociopaths when they threaten us.

  • Obligatory (Score:5, Interesting)

    by dontbemad ( 2683011 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @01:19PM (#65125497)
    My favorite quote around the Doomsday Clock has always been from Dr. Manhattan in Watchmen:

    I would only agree that a symbolic clock is as nourishing to the intellect as a photograph of oxygen to a drowning man.

  • The Doomsday clock won't "spring forward" by an hour anytime soon

    • Re: (Score:1, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      It only springs forward when a Republican is in office. It basically amounts to a bunch of liberal scientists angrily waving their hankies anytime they lose an election.

      Note that there hasn't been a nuclear war since 1945, no matter what the damn clock says.

      • Re:Hopefully (Score:4, Insightful)

        by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @02:25PM (#65125697)

        It basically amounts to a bunch of liberal scientists angrily waving their hankies anytime they lose an election.

        Well, most reasonable people will take that over the ultra-right storming Congress when they lose an election, any day.

      • by rossdee ( 243626 )

        "Note that there hasn't been a nuclear war since 1945, no matter what the damn clock says."

        Well it only takes one nuclear war to wipe out civilisation.

        But I think the current doomsday clock also takes into account other civilisation-ending probabilities like climate change and pandemics.

        And maybe even some non human-caused events (asteroids, supervolcanoes)

        • But I think the current doomsday clock also takes into account other civilisation-ending probabilities like climate change and pandemics.

          If the clock is about threats other than anything "atomic" then shouldn't they give themselves a new name? Like "Union of Concerned Scientists"? Oh, right, there's a group by that name already. If this is about keeping things "green" and peaceful then "Green Peace"? No, that's taken too. "Science for the People"? No. "Center for Science in the Public Interest"? Dammit, that's taken too.

          If they want to pick a specific area of concern then that's great. If they spread their areas of concern too thin

        • There was no nuclear war in 1945 either, there were two nuclear bombs.

          Here's an interesting thought experiment: let's say Donald Trump decides to drop a nuclear bomb on Suriname for absolutely no reason, just because he thinks it's fun. Of course it would be supremely bad for diplomatic relations but I don't think any country will retaliate with another nuclear bomb for it. They will send vast humanitarian aid to Suriname and pretty much the entire world will paint it as a horrible act, or not, because they

      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        It only springs forward when a Republican is in office.

        This doesn't tie in with the timeline [], as we moved 14 minutes further away from midnight in the G.H.W.Bush administration, and then sprang forward a total of 8 minutes in the Clinton administration.

      • Well to be fair, that's when most wars by the U.S.A. tend to start, no?

  • Iron Maiden when you need them?
  • If it keeps up like this, they're gonna need to change the Doomsday Clock from clockwork to atomic.
    • They are victims of Zeno's paradox. Every year we get halfway to midnight relative to last year. Luckily, that means we never reach midnight! (And don't tell me that's not exactly what Zeno's paradox[es] is.)

  • by greytree ( 7124971 ) on Tuesday January 28, 2025 @02:23PM (#65125687)
    Clicked on their board members. All I found were professional political activists. Gave up before finding an atomic scientist. Too busy doing science to whine for a living?
  • I guess that means Max Headroom's world has blown up.

  • Here's a number with no scale. Be afraid!

    When you learn that their absolute best time was 11:47 (13 to midnight) and not noon you know these are non-credible people.

    They diminish actual credible people who have actual credible warnings. Watch Scott Ritter's warning on Judging Freedom from just before the election where he brought the receipts as an actual weapons inspector.

    And don't worry, he thinks Trump may screw this up too.

    But nobody should give this Doomsday Clock any oxygen.

    Feds are running a nuclea

  • would give them more room to keep tweaking the hands. Instead of running out of seconds in only the next 90 years or so, they'd have 180 or more years to keep inching the hands forward, before they have to move to milliseconds.

  • crap.

    So in THEIR opinion they think it's an arbitrary number like 89 seconds?

    What does that even mean? Seeing as a second represents many years, I'm not at all worried. It may have been a neat idea back in the late 40's sure but really it seems to be just another way to get your photo taken as you sit down with a bunch of people, go knows who they are, to randomly decide to inform the world that you randomly chose this arbitrary number that represents nothing as a means to get you worried enough to get the

Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced. - John Keats
