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Medicine Education

Johns Hopkins Med School Will Be Free For Most After $1 Billion Donation ( 135

Starting this fall, most students at Johns Hopkins' medical school will attend tuition-free thanks to a $1 billion donation from billionaire Mike Bloomberg. From a report: The generous gift is intended to address "twin challenges of declining levels of health and education," Bloomberg said in a letter Monday. The donation will cover the full cost of tuition for medical students from families earning less than $300,000, Bloomberg Industries announced Monday. It will also cover living expenses and other fees for students from families earning up to $175,000.

Currently, nearly two-thirds of medical students at the school qualify for financial aid. Johns Hopkins' medical students graduate with an average student loan debt of about $104,000. The donation will also increase financial aid at some of the university's other graduate schools, including the schools of nursing and public health.

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Johns Hopkins Med School Will Be Free For Most After $1 Billion Donation

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Mike Bloomberg gave less than 1/100th of his total worth. Imagine the benefit to society if more followed suit.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by phantomfive ( 622387 )
      Still, he didn't have to give anything. I didn't like Bloomberg before, but credit where it is due.
      • by Koen Lefever ( 2543028 ) on Tuesday July 09, 2024 @11:07AM (#64612545)

        Still, he didn't have to give anything.

        And that is a problem: now your vital institutions are dependent on charity and "philanthropy" (*), they should be funded by taxes.

        (*) Between quotes, because what nowadays is called "philanthropy" are often tax deduction or tax and regulation evasion schemes.

        • Re:For the record (Score:4, Informative)

          by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Tuesday July 09, 2024 @11:24AM (#64612609) Journal
          There's place in society for government funded and for philanthropy funded. If someone wants to do something good with their money, we should encourage it not stop it.
          • There's place in society for government funded and for philanthropy funded. If someone wants to do something good with their money, we should encourage it not stop it.

            Yes sir. It is also precisely why those tax breaks are there in the first place, to give some encouragement to give up wealth to your chosen charitable causes rather than have it taxed and used for whatever the government decides to piss our taxes away on today.

          • by jacks smirking reven ( 909048 ) on Tuesday July 09, 2024 @12:44PM (#64612873)

            we should encourage it not stop it.

            That can be debatable and doesn't really deal with the very real issue the OP describes not the mention that "good" is entirely subjective. If it's something we would consider vital for life then the possiblity of having negative externalities simply as a side effect of good intentions is increased.

            For example one issue around the homeless is there is a lot of volunteer, direct action sutff; soup kitchens, church charities, nonprofits and they are doing something good for those individuals and their hearts are absolutely in the right place but on the other hand they can provide cover that allow towns to shirk their responsibility on the issue and continue shuffling it around and that really only allows continue the cycle to continue, the charities don't really have the means or expectation to correct the core issues that cause homeslessness. There is an argument to be made that if none of those charities were around would that force your town to actually do something about the issue?

            So while all the people volunteering and donating have the best intentions and are doing "good" things they contribue long term to a problem that is really not solvable by chairty, only really through public action. So while it's not a question of "fault" but rather tha good intetions and actions can lead down the line to negative outcomes. We just have to recognize that when it's happening.

            • the charities don't really have the means or expectation to correct the core issues that cause homeslessness.

              Who can correct the core issues that cause homelessness?

          • by dirk ( 87083 )

            No one is suggesting that we should stop him from doing it. What is being suggested is that this is not the net good it is being portrayed to be. The institutions shouldn't have to rely on someone doing something like this, they should be properly funded to begin with. When institutions are reliant on these types of gifts, they also become beholden to them. So then they worry about making sure they don't do anything that could jeopardize their money. That is an issue.

          • Yes they should, but we shouldn't be in a situation where several people accumulate wealth while we are unable to fund basic services without their generosity. In a more ideal world his billions would be taxed and the government would provide necessary education.

        • by Hodr ( 219920 )

          I thought billionaires didn't have to pay taxes? What need does Bloomberg have for a write-off? In all seriousness, even if this wasn't a capital gains and he was able to write down pure income at the highest taxed percentage for both Federal and NY State that's still only about 47%. So at the very worst this was a real actual loss of $530M.

          But we all know most of what Bloomberg pays in taxes are capital gains which so his overall tax burden is likely closer to 30%, meaning this cost him $700M.

          So cry all

      • He kind of did (Score:2, Insightful)

        by rsilvergun ( 571051 )
        because there's serious talk of making college tuition free, and the only way to pay for that would be taxes on the ultra rich.

        So he splashes out $1bn now, which is peanuts to him, and he shuts down a *lot* of talk about tuition free college because when you point out you're being crushed by debt somebody can just shoot back "why didn't you go to John Hopskins?".

        It's the same trick Elon Musk used with the Hyperloop to shut down high speed rail. He got a lot of praise and good vibes for it and got ou
        • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

          by phantomfive ( 622387 )
          Rsilvergun, when was the last time you made a charitable donation to anything?
          • You don't have any viable arguments against the points I made so instead you're trying to divert the conversation away from the points I made.

            The best way to defeat a straw man argument is to point it out. Care to address the fundamental reality that the billion dollars this guy handed out has no effect on his financial life whatsoever but that it does shuts down discourse around tuition free college nationwide? No? Didn't think so. Didn't think so.
      • by ranton ( 36917 )

        Still, he didn't have to give anything.

        Which really is the problem. The top 1% have seen their effective tax rate drop from 40% 50 years ago to 25% today. At the same time their share of the nation's wealth has increased by over 33%. Even getting back to a 40% effective tax rate would bring in $1.2 trillion per year in additional revenue. This one time donation is less than 0.1% what we should be requiring of the wealthy every year in additional taxes.

    • Yup. It's equivalent to an average person making a one-time donation of a few hundred bucks. Certainly nothing to sneeze at, but not the colossal act of philanthropy it sounds like on paper. What's outrageous is the outsized impact it has, proving the extreme disparity of our economic system. At very least for essential professions like medicine, education and training should be universally free. It's outrageous that anyone with the talent and will to become a doctor might be denied or deterred from it
  • ABout time (Score:3, Insightful)

    by CEC-P ( 10248912 ) on Tuesday July 09, 2024 @10:59AM (#64612497)
    I'll take anything other than the Dems printing more money to try and bribe college students by paying off their student debts after the Supreme Court already said it's illegal. However, the real problem is the last 50 years the amount of middle management style administration staff have skyrocketed at large colleges. THAT is the actual problem with tuition. Fire half of them and we wouldn't have to wait for a giant donation.
    • by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) on Tuesday July 09, 2024 @11:11AM (#64612557)

      You brought up a good point. Biden canceling debt is an official act which grants him immunity. Thanks Supreme Court!

      • Re:ABout time (Score:4, Insightful)

        by dave314159259 ( 1107469 ) on Tuesday July 09, 2024 @11:44AM (#64612675)

        You brought up a good point. Biden canceling debt is an official act which grants him immunity. Thanks Supreme Court!

        Biden couldn't cancel student debt any more now than he could before. Congress has to approve the spending.

        What the Supreme Court decision means is that he couldn't be prosecuted for trying. But that would never happen anyways.

        • How is what Biden doing any different from joining the military and having tax payers fund tuition?

          • Free money for nothing in return? Joining the military implies they are giving their time to the government... How does getting free college equate? Are they working for the public for free for X amount of time? I'd bet behind that. 4 years of public service = free college. Deal. Nothing but sitting on your ass = free college, no deal.

          • How is what Biden doing any different from joining the military and having tax payers fund tuition?

            The veteran's tuition benefit is funded by the Department of Defense budget, which DOES get approved by Congress.

        • Re:ABout time (Score:5, Interesting)

          by Gilgaron ( 575091 ) on Tuesday July 09, 2024 @01:36PM (#64613149)
          It went a little crazier than that, in fact shielding official communications from being able to be used to prosecute him. That's why the ruling is so weird. Biden could call the DBAs and have them provide login credentials and delete the records of the debt and backups himself and be scott free, excepting of course the current SCOTUS's calvinball regard of stare decisis even for its own recent decisions within a given session.
      • all he did was have DOJ lawyers find a bunch of loans where the terms had already been met and force the loan companies to discharge the illegal loans.

        You'd think we'd be talking more about how there was $150bn in illegal loans being collected on but nope. The media buried that story next to Trump's (alleged) raping 12 & 13 year old girls.
      • Lower courts still have to decide what constitutes an official act of the president within the duties explicitly delegated by the constitution. If said courts decide that interfering in debt agreements brokered by Congress is a core function of the presidency, then Biden could claim immunity.
      • by CEC-P ( 10248912 )
        The proper process, according to their findings, are to impeach them while they're in office. No charges, no impeachment, no crime occurred. But we have a useless congress and a braindead president so that'll never happen.
    • Re:ABout time (Score:5, Informative)

      by godrik ( 1287354 ) on Tuesday July 09, 2024 @11:30AM (#64612635)

      However, the real problem is the last 50 years the amount of middle management style administration staff have skyrocketed at large colleges. THAT is the actual problem with tuition. Fire half of them and we wouldn't have to wait for a giant donation.

      Unfortunately, that is not THE problem. Though I agree that it is A problem.

      Governments, federal and states, have decreased their funding in education since the 90s. That decrease has been significant. Let's pick an example. Ohio university. In 1980, UG tuition was $400; there were 14209 students. The tuition revenue for the university was $5.68Million. But their budget was $55M. So tuition was about 10% of their budget. Jump to 2024, 21k students, UG tuition of $6.1k/y that's a budget of $146M from tuition. With a budget of $650M. That's 23% of budget from tuition. The government use to fund 90% of the university's operation, now they fund 78%.
      BTW, I picked ohio university randomly. But it is similar to what I have seen in other places.

      Another problem is that in the US, universities are bound by state regulations, but they are forced to act as a business. They need to attract customers (students). And it turns out that to increase your customer base, the easier thing to do is marketing, not improving the education (product). We know that from the industry, marketing is more important than product quality. So universities have resorted to boost their appeal through education neutral initiatives. Things like let build a better gym, let's rebuild some roads, let's repaint our dining halls. Let's have retention officer, let's have customer acquisition offices.

      Regulations on universities by states are ridiculously complicated and obscure, and so they force university to add administration just to interpret and conform with state regulations. (I'll give you one example, at $LOCALUNIVERSITY need 3 different forms to justify using an airBNB which cost less than federal housing per diem for the destination.)

      These are REALLY expensive in people. And that's where you see a rise in administration in universities the most.

      So if you want tuition to go down, tell your state senators to fund appropriately their universities and to stop harassing them with the most ridiculous regulations.

      Source: [] [] []

      • but for the last point that sort of Bureaucracy is nothing new. It was there back before the tuition spikes and debt crisis.

        I am seeing the Universities treated as business as a huge problem though. In Arizona the former governor put one of his cronies in charge of the State University. Said Crony spent $100m+ on an online diploma mill he had financial ties to. The University has a major financial crisis now and he's likely going to make off like a bandit. Even if he doesn't get direct cash I'm sure the
      • $55M in 1980 is roughly equivalent to $205M today. Student population is up about 50%, so let’s say $310M. That’s a far cry from $650M.
      • It’s an interesting analysis, but too simplistic. University budgets are a lot more complicated than the impression you are giving here. For one, total budget - tuition revenue != state appropriations. To get the actual state revenue you have to look at the audited budget which provides a lot more insight, []

        In 2023, OU received $186M in appropriations from the state, which accounted for 26% of its total revenue and did not include appropriations for capital improvements

    • I'll take anything other than the Dems printing more money to try and bribe college students by paying off their student debts after the Supreme Court already said it's illegal.

      The Supreme Court said his original debt forgiveness policy was illegal (based on a vague new standard they made up).

      So he made up a different debt forgiveness policy based on different legislation that is clearly legal.

      You may not like the policy (I don't) but it's not illegal nor defying the court in any way.

  • Here's what I don't understand: what medical student's family makes $300K?

    These are 23-, 24-, 25-year-olds who are full grown adults usually taking on debt to pay for medical school. Plenty of them are getting help from their parents but aren't they technically not dependent on their parents' income from a financial aid perspective? Sure plenty of these students have parents earning over $300K, but is that relevant for the financial aid calculation? Isn't the student's family defined as them + spouse and
    • Parents income is used in most cases until 25 on the (justifiable) assumption that people under 25 are not adults. Traditional timeline for a bachelor's is 4 years, so unless you're off your timeline (and likely not getting into Johns Hopkins), you'll likely still fall into the dependent category.

      • by ffejie ( 779512 )
        I have definitely heard of this for undergrad, but didn't realize they kept doing it for graduate school. Seems like it would be worth it to emancipate yourself as a 22- or 23-year-old (is this even possible?) if you get into Johns Hopkins!
        • That is a valid workaround. But emancipation can be tricky if you're not pulling in a big salary as a child or you have abusive parents.

        • by hawk ( 1151 )

          note that not all schools recognize emancipation, independent status, and so forth.

          The FAFSA has its rules, but they don't bind schools.

          And some (e.g., Harvard) still want parental (and trust fund!) information at *any* age.

    • Quite a few come from "medical" families, and these aren't too poor, on average.

  • Fun fact (Score:5, Informative)

    by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Tuesday July 09, 2024 @11:18AM (#64612579)
    in the 60s nearly all college was tuition free. From the 70s though the early 2000s government paid for 70% of tuition. Now it's 30%.

    This billionaire's think tanks lobbied to cut the funding to those schools. His $1b for 1 school doesn't change that.

    Just say No to billionaires.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by backslashdot ( 95548 )

      Got any proof he his think tanks lobbied for that, or that he helped cause the funding cuts? Actually, got any proof any of the BS you say is true? Of course not. More people than ever go to college now, even though somehow it's unaffordable? That's a good one. Maybe you should have gone, to elementary school where they teach basic logic.

      • that's like asking me if I got any proof fish swim. You're gonna have to do better with your "gimme sources" trolling.

        And yes, college is unaffordable. The debt from it is crushing our economy. Boomers account for something like 70-80% of all discretionary spending in a service sector economy!.

        This is not sustainable. We can't just keep shoveling all the money up the top and expect the system to function. Capitalism needs consumers, and we're killing them.
    • in the 60s nearly all college was tuition free. From the 70s though the early 2000s government paid for 70% of tuition. Now it's 30%.

      This doesn't necessarily indicate funding cuts.

      In 1971, the average tuition to a public university was $1,410. By 2019, it had reached $21,370. The costs per student have increased dramatically. When costs increase so much, the percentage subsidized will decrease, even if funding has increased in absolute dollars (and it has). As a result, tuition is higher, government funding is higher, and students' costs are higher, all at the same time.

    • Really? It was free to go to private, elite universities like Johns Hopkins? I'm sure everyone would like to see your citation for this "fact."
    • by PeeAitchPee ( 712652 ) on Tuesday July 09, 2024 @12:58PM (#64612951)

      Before you start spouting nonsense about think tanks and God knows what other irrelevant craziness, perhaps some unbiased, historical facts are in order for this specific situation. Hopkins is Mike Bloomberg's alma mater. It is also his long-time and favorite recipient for his charitable donations. He's already given the school many billions of dollars, including $1.8 billion for financial aid to low- and -middle income undergrads in 2018 [], over $600 millions for the purchase of the Newseum building at the foot of Capitol Hill in 2023 for the new Hopkins Bloomberg Center [] and related residences (their school of international policy), massive donations to the Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (which also bears his name), and a whole lot more. Anything you ever wanted to know about his philanthropy with the school can be found at []

      Not everything is a conspiracy of evil Republicans trying to fuck you over. You may hate the guy because he's rich, but many thousands of Hopkins students -- a lot of them too poor to attend the school otherwise -- will benefit from his donations now and far, far into the future.

    • by RobinH ( 124750 )
      The thing is, back when government paid 70% of tuition, where do you think that money came from? Tax payers. Do you think anyone getting a tax payer funded degree thought to be thankful to the tax payers for the fact that they were now going to earn a lot more money for the rest of their lives, or were they too busy looking down their noses at the 50 year old plumber whose taxes paid for their education? Nobody's thankful for anything, and you prove it by hating the guy that gave a billion dollars to pay
    • Just say No to billionaires.

      Why? Before you answer:

      Let's say you were able to make a "battery" with materials you have on hand from the land that you bought. Let's say you were able to make a billion of them and sell them for a dollar. Do you "deserve" that billion dollars?

      If not, then fuck off.

  • Bit of a shady character in general, but damn. Sometimes decency shows up in unexpected places.

    His news organization is still bullshit though.
    • by flink ( 18449 )

      For sure. But there's obviously a larger systemic issue that should be addressed regarding college affordability. There shouldn't be any need for billionaires to make personal donations.

      • Absolutely. The fact that the whims of a single man can completely change the lives of thousands of people who should already be secure is unacceptable. Donate a billion dollars to a med school after paying 50% taxes that already meets the school's basic needs, then I'll nominate someone for sainthood.
  • ok, good, but (Score:5, Insightful)

    by groobly ( 6155920 ) on Tuesday July 09, 2024 @12:08PM (#64612765)

    Does not attack the problem is why med school is so expensive in the first place.

    • Capitalism.

    • Does not attack the problem is why med school is so expensive in the first place.

      Ummm, med school would be difficult to get into regardless of the method used. In this case, it is only partially money that is blocking the entrance.

      TL;DR, the medical mafia keeps the prices high so there is less competition.

  • When stories about billionaires paying off student loans or, like Bloomberg, donating a large sum to make tuition cheap, I think about the students who missed the opportunity because they weren't in the right class at the right time.

    For example, in 2019, Robert F. Smith, the billionaire founder and chief executive officer of Vista Equity Partners, was the commencement speaker during Morehouse College's graduation ceremony. During his speech, he announced he would pay off the loan debt for about 400 seniors,

  • ...used to be the norm in the UK & included living costs. In theory, any student from any background could study based on merit, i.e. good grades, rather than ability to pay. Graduates typically left university with little or no debt & could find a job & get on with their lives. Nowadays, they pay tuition fees & living expenses & leave uni with an average debt of 50,000 GBP. Then there's no jobs that pay enough to live comfortably & pay off the debt. Unsurprisingly, fewer & fewer
  • If tuition is "free," students will not have reason to be invested in their education. Students who have no interest in being educated, might be pushed by their parents to "just try it" only to flunk out in a year or two.

    While I agree that college tuition is out of control, I don't think the opposite extreme (free) is the right answer.

  • The problem with this is that we need *more* med students, not "help" for the ones who were going into medicine anyway to save money even though most of them were going to be wealthy anyway. This is more of a gift than a donation.

You can bring any calculator you like to the midterm, as long as it doesn't dim the lights when you turn it on. -- Hepler, Systems Design 182
