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Study Confirms Einstein Prediction: Black Holes Have a 'Plunging Region' ( 61

"Albert Einstein was right," reports CNN. "There is an area at the edge of black holes where matter can no longer stay in orbit and instead falls in, as predicted by his theory of gravity."

The proof came by combining NASA's earth-orbiting NuSTAR telescope with the NICER telescope on the International Space Station to detect X-rays: A team of astronomers has for the first time observed this area — called the "plunging region" — in a black hole about 10,000 light-years from Earth. "We've been ignoring this region, because we didn't have the data," said research scientist Andrew Mummery, lead author of the study published Thursday in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. "But now that we do, we couldn't explain it any other way."
Mummery — also a Fellow in Oxford's physics department — told CNN, "We went out searching for this one specifically — that was always the plan. We've argued about whether we'd ever be able to find it for a really long time. People said it would be impossible, so confirming it's there is really exciting."

Mummery described the plunging region as "like the edge of a waterfall." Unlike the event horizon, which is closer to the center of the black hole and doesn't let anything escape, including light and radiation, in the "plunging region" light can still escape, but matter is doomed by the powerful gravitational pull, Mummery explained. The study's findings could help astronomers better understand the formation and evolution of black holes. "We can really learn about them by studying this region, because it's right at the edge, so it gives us the most information," Mummery said...

According to Christopher Reynolds, a professor of astronomy at the University of Maryland, College Park, finding actual evidence for the "plunging region" is an important step that will let scientists significantly refine models for how matter behaves around a black hole. "For example, it can be used to measure the rotation rate of the black hole," said Reynolds, who was not involved in the study.

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Study Confirms Einstein Prediction: Black Holes Have a 'Plunging Region'

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  • This was in doubt? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by iAmWaySmarterThanYou ( 10095012 ) on Saturday May 18, 2024 @03:46PM (#64481615)

    I'm no astrophysics by any measure but it seems like a common sense idea that a black hole would have a distance at which light can still squirm out but heavier masses will get pulled in.

    Was this some huge academic astrophysicist-world dispute us normies didn't know about?

    • Im sure this was discussed in academic circles just like gravitational waves before they were proven beyond a doubt. E=MC2 is the formula everyone knows but the real formula is far more complex for anyone studying physics.
    • Yea, and if there was a doubt, what was the presumed mechanism of it *not* happening?
      I assume anything with non-zero rest mass must move with speeds lower than max, right?, hence its "event" (point of no-return) horizon is farther out of the center of the black hole, where escape velocity is lower.
      Although, with speeds c there is theoretical limit on how much mass can move so fast (well there is the energy required to accelerate it so perhaps there is some balance of what's possible)? And, when speeds spee

    • the "common sense" or classical physics view would be that matter could orbit arbitrarily close to the event horizon.

      Yet that is not the case. Why?

      • Arbitrarily? That doesn't sound right.
        • why not? one would think that with enough kinetic energy a particle with mass could be zooming around close to the event horizon, however with other reply with link jfdavis668 shared there is a GR effect that makes it impossible to orbit any closer than 3 times the Schwartzchild radius for particles with mass, it's unstable any closer. That's actually pretty far away, fascinating!

          • Physics is the opposite of arbitrary. Einstein predicted it. This confirmed the existence of his non-arbitrary understanding of blackholes that has been around since the inception of blackholes. Darkstars were a more classical way of thinking about it but blackholes were born out of relativity and ended darkstars with light that slows down and falls backwards.
            • What if black holes have tides so things fall away from it as they orbit, like the Moon is getting farther away from the Earth?

              • I'm no orbital mechanics expert but there's likely a formula for the distance and trajectory needed for X mass to have that type of orbit.
            • actually, Einstein himself didn't come up with any notion of black holes and doubted they could form even as late as 1939. Worth noting that the math of a black hole forming has intractable equations no one can solve. Instead, we have models of four kinds of eternal black holes that always existed and always will exist that satisfy GR. The real things we observe could be quite different from those models, maybe totally different from event horizon on down!

      • Just guessing here, but maybe if the required orbital speed exceeds the speed of light? Maybe some physicist will take pity on us and explain...
        • by jfdavis668 ( 1414919 ) on Saturday May 18, 2024 @05:53PM (#64481783)
          The event horizon is the distance that orbital speed is the speed of light. This is a bit farther out than that. It has to do with using the equation with a particle with mass, vs massless. Detailed description here: []
          • thanks, very interesting stuff and purely due to general relativity, unlike thinking a particle with enough velocity could orbit at any distance. 3 times the S. radius, that's pretty far out actually!

          • by Roger W Moore ( 538166 ) on Saturday May 18, 2024 @07:22PM (#64481875) Journal

            The event horizon is the distance that orbital speed is the speed of light.

            No, the event horizon is where the escape velocity is the speed of light. This is larger than the orbital velocity. because, any object with this velocity will escape the gravitational well unlike orbital velocity where it cannot escape since it is in a bound orbit.

            • Why can't it escape like the Moon is getting farther away from the Earth?

              • Escape velocity is the velocity you need to escape the gravitational well without any additional energy being added. If you are in an orbit then you can alway add enough energy to escape (at least for classical systems). In the Earth-moon system the Earth is losing rotational energy to the moon which causes its orbit to raise.
    • I am no astrophysicists, but it seems like common sense that in real life there are no "singularities" of any kind. Something that is beaten hard unto you early in your physics course is that to get a meaningful, physical solution in a situation where exponents arise in your answer is to find a way to multiply them by zero and get rid of them.

      But once you get your BSc, stop doing problems and start drinking seriously and write grant proposals and articles, that common sense evaporates, and you come up with

      • I am no astrophysicists, but it seems like common sense that in real life there are no "singularities" of any kind.

        Nature does not care what you think "common sense" says it should do. If it did we would not have quantum mechanics.

        • Quantum mechanics isn't "nature", it is a mathematical model.

      • Common sense is based on life experience, and nobody has any life experience with black holes. Therefore, trying to use common sense to reason about black holes is a fool's errand.

        • Show me a single thing in the universe that we have direct observational data about, which disproves the common sense that there are no physical "singularities" and I'll buy your point.

          • How singular are bands in rocks at scales from kilometer to micrometer?

            • Not singular at all.

              • How singular is an observer who denies singularities in nature evident to any other observer that does not share his peculiar mood affiliation, would you guess?

                To put it another way, aren't we just talking about personal preferences and cherry-picking and handwaving and hallucinating coherent theories to explain singularly incoherent and noisy actual data? So what gives your idiosyncratic personal preference for the current consensus any real validity other than pure popularity, which has so often proven an

                • who denies singularities in nature evident to any other observer

                  Singularities are "evident" only in theoretical papers. They do not exist in nature, because they are completely non-physical, as they imply unlimited something, and as far as our experience in things physical goes, there are no non-physical physical things.

                  So, wherever you see "singularity" in a piece of theoretical work, you're actually seeing "I don't know".

                  That's all.

                  • What kind of hubris leads you to think that that "I don't know" has to be reducible to some local experience of your own, though? What if you are handwaving away innumerable singularities all around you, under the pure assumption that all those "i don't know"s are explainable using the most naively realist interpretation of the current consensus on the rules of physics?

                    • What if you are handwaving away innumerable singularities all around you

                      Indeed. What if I were walking around, performing successfully divisions by zero that go against everything we know about physics?

                      I would be able to time-travel, I'd have at my disposal several perpetual engines to choose from, superconductivity at any temperature, FTL travel and who knows what else.

                      Alas, my naïveté has prevented me from enjoying these apparently multiple manifestations of singularity to my own detriment... How disappointing :)

                    • Can this sentence be a lie?

                      Is your experience cherry-picked?

                      Why could suddenly everyone run 4-minute miles after the first guy did? Are your barriers just psychological?

                    • Unless you happen to have an example of a physical singularity that can be verified by an experiment, and a sufficiently detailed description thereof, continuing this conversation appears quite pointless.

    • The description of this as a "plunging region" is... kinda dumb. They are seizing on the single offhand use of the term in the MNRAS letter in reference to the innermost stable orbit of the Schwarzchild (or Kerr) metric. The doubt was probably of the region ever being directly observed/detected in action.

      As the curvature of space becomes dominated by higher-order post-Newtonian terms near the event horizon, stable circular orbits are no longer possible. The slightest disturbance will make a particle spir
  • "Physics, bitches!" (Mic drop)

  • “The essential result of this investigation,” claimed Einstein, who at the time was six years into his appointment as a Professor at the Institute [], “is a clear understanding as to why the ‘Schwarzschild singularities’ do not exist in physical reality.”
    • If the current consensus is that the universe has turned out to be stranger than even Einstein could imagine, what gives it the hubris to think it has it all figured out?

      • The current consensus is that it is unclear what's happening inside a "black hole". Hence a convenient mathematical crutch is used to skirt this over until there is enough understanding to described it. It may not be possible to model under what's known as "Einsteinian interpretation" of relativity, though :)

  • Ah-ooo-gah!

  • While, by definition, only black holes can have relativistic event horizons that capture everything, even light, can't other extra-dense objects have such "plunging regions" where orbits become impossible to maintain?

    Also, in a possibly unrelated note, AFAIK, any macroscopic object close enough to, for example, a pulsar, is expected to quickly be pulverized apart by the tidal forces. Is this somehow related?

    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      Yes, neutron stars are also expected to have regions where there are no stable orbits. For anything less dense, the innermost stable orbit is below the surface.

      The innermost stable orbit isn't related to the Roche limit or tides.

  • "Study Confirms Einstein Prediction: Black Holes Have a 'Plunging Region' "

    Insert obligatory "So does your mom" joke here...

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