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Conflicting Values For Hubble Constant Not Due To Measurement Error, Study Finds ( 64

Jennifer Ouellette reports via Ars Technica: Astronomers have made new measurements of the Hubble Constant, a measure of how quickly the Universe is expanding, by combining data from the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope. Their results confirmed the accuracy of Hubble's earlier measurement of the constant's value, according to their recent paper published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, with implications for a long-standing discrepancy in values obtained by different observational methods known as the "Hubble tension."

There was a time when scientists believed the Universe was static, but that changed with Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. Alexander Friedmann published a set of equations showing that the Universe might actually be expanding in 1922, with Georges Lemaitre later making an independent derivation to arrive at that same conclusion. Edwin Hubble confirmed this expansion with observational data in 1929. Prior to this, Einstein had been trying to modify general relativity by adding a cosmological constant in order to get a static universe from his theory; after Hubble's discovery, legend has it, he referred to that effort as his biggest blunder.
The article notes how scientists have employed different methods to calculate the Hubble Constant, including observing nearby celestial objects, analyzing gravitational waves from cosmic events, and examining the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). However, these approaches yield differing values, highlighting the challenge in pinning down the constant precisely. A recent effort involved making additional observations of Cepheid variable stars, correlating them with the Hubble data. The results further confirmed the accuracy of the Hubble data.

"We've now spanned the whole range of what Hubble observed, and we can rule out a measurement error as the cause of the Hubble Tension with very high confidence," said co-author and team leader Adam Riess, a physicist at Johns Hopkins University. "Combining Webb and Hubble gives us the best of both worlds. We find that the Hubble measurements remain reliable as we climb farther along the cosmic distance ladder. With measurement errors negated, what remains is the real and exciting possibility that we have misunderstood the Universe."
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Conflicting Values For Hubble Constant Not Due To Measurement Error, Study Finds

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  • by Errol backfiring ( 1280012 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2024 @05:23AM (#64309131) Journal
    It is well known that things expand as they heat up. Due to global warming, even the universe expands more quickly!
    • by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2024 @05:45AM (#64309151)

      Like that empty bag on top of your neck.

    • Good one.

    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      It is well known that things expand as they heat up. Due to global warming, even the universe expands more quickly!

      Global warming only applies to the globe. But the earth is a disc, and not a globe, so global warming doesn't apply. Quit thinking the earth is a globe.

      Likewise, global warming is not universe warming. You need universe warming for the increased expansion rate.

      (/s poking fun at both flat earthers while I'm at it).

    • At the same time; things cool down as the expand. Any refrigerator knows this.

  • Fun MOTD (Score:5, Funny)

    by Dictator For Life ( 8829 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2024 @07:09AM (#64309233) Homepage
    At the bottom of every /. page on the morning I first read this: "In any formula, constants (especially those obtained from handbooks) are to be treated as variables."
    • I have never seen that before, on /. or not. But I see the validity in that.

      • I always assumed that was generated by something related to "fortune" (, but whether renewed daily, hourly, or by each new connection, I've never bothered to investigate.
  • Or, in the case of particle physicists, how much money do they need for a new accelerator?
    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 )

      Or, in the case of particle physicists, how much money do they need for a new accelerator?

      There is a difference. Each telescope actually does a lot of work.

      Particle accelerators now might find one thing that they already knew existed.

      Hubble and now Web continue to provide "scientists are stunned" discoveries.

      Latest accelerator found a Higgs Boson.

      • by Sique ( 173459 )

        Latest accelerator found a Higgs Boson.

        It actually so many of them that their existence was proven by the statistic abberation they caused.

      • Next up lets build an accelerator around the entire earth and see if we can prdouce anti atter in quantity to use as space fuel.

        • by dryeo ( 100693 )

          How would you harness the gamma rays from matter antimatter.

          • How would you harness the gamma rays from matter antimatter.

            I'd expose scientists to it to create an army of Incredible Hulks.

  • by necro81 ( 917438 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2024 @07:18AM (#64309239) Journal
    For those not keeping track of this conundrum, Dr Becky [] (PhD astrophysicist) on Youtube has a whole series of videos [] on the crisis in cosmology, particularly how there are these two independent estimates of the Hubble constant that are stubbornly different [].
    • How big is the discrepancy?

      The fact that they differ at all is interesting, just curious whether we're talking about a few percent, or a few orders of magnitude, or what?

      • I believe they started calling it a crisis when they got to the point that the error bars did not overlap.
      • by Geoffrey.landis ( 926948 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2024 @08:58AM (#64309441) Homepage

        How big is the discrepancy? The fact that they differ at all is interesting, just curious whether we're talking about a few percent, or a few orders of magnitude, or what?

        A few percent.

        Wikipedia has a good graph of Hubble constant measurements here: [] (but not including this just-published result.) The discripancy is between "early universe" measurements (in red, about 68.3 k/s per MPc) and "late universe" measurements (in blue, about 73) on the right side of the graph.

        • I appreciate your post and I would add another consideration that answers the question, "Why do the numbers change with distance?" The answer is "standard candles." Close to Earth, we can use direct observation, and those markers have anomalies, due to local gravity influences. As we climb the distance ladder, we depend on standard candles that, "on average," exhibit predictable consistencies.

          An obvious problem is the word, "average." That introduces wiggle room; a variation that we don't want. As we move o

      • by rbenson ( 903023 )
        The discrepancy is much larger than the "error bars".
        The fun thing, for me, is that I did some modeling for my Masters degree and my model didn't match either the other theoretical models, or the models from observation. It was in between them.
        This was 20+ years ago, and they still haven't managed to align theory and observation :(
    • For those not keeping track of this conundrum, Dr Becky [] (PhD astrophysicist) on Youtube has a whole series of videos [] on the crisis in cosmology, particularly how there are these two independent estimates of the Hubble constant that are stubbornly different [].

      Dr Becky might be catering to the crowd that believes with every new discovery or every unsolved physics issue, that "scientists are stunned". Pop culture science maybe? I'll have to take a look.

      Crisis in Cosmology? A crisis for physicists is when an argument breaks out over which pizza delivery to get.

      • by hackertourist ( 2202674 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2024 @08:28AM (#64309389)

        No. She's providing an insider perspective (her own work is in this area) that is thankfully free of the "scientists are stunned" nonsense. She presents popular science in the sense that she makes complicated subjects accessible to non-scientists, not in the sense that she sensationalizes things.

      • by necro81 ( 917438 )
        I do find the "shocked face in video thumbnail" gets old really quickly, along with the sensational headlines (Superlatives! Exclamation Points!). Unfortunately, that's catering to the Youtube algorithm rather than "catering to the crowd".
    • One potential explanation for this H. constant discrepancy might be the super-void our galaxy is on the "edge" on: PBS Space Time: Can The Crisis in Cosmology Be SOLVED With Cosmic Voids? []

  • Intermingles Hubble the person with Hubble the constant with Hubble the telescope.

  • But don't worry, everyone, we know 100% of everything accurately because it's 2024 and we're really super smart and have really good telescopes and stuff and we 10000% understand spatial expansion and gravity and dark matter is TOTALLY real and not just a math or measurement error despite it never being directly detected ever.
  • I did a double-take when I read this. I haven't seen Jennifer Oueletteâ(TM)s name in years! I was an avid reader of Cocktail Party Physics, read a couple of her books, but haven't seen her in the scientific circles in what seems like a decade. Flash back Tuesday?

  • An expanding universe is non-sensical. You all would realize that if you hadn't been brain-washed and dumbed down in government schools your entire lives.

    Instead, you should be thinking about: what *is* "space"? Is there any smallest unit, and if so how could that possibly work? Largest unit? Or infinitely fractal?

    This expanding universe stuff is a religious pseudoscience.

    We live in a dark age. Future generations will laugh at our "consensus" ideas... if we haven't descended into full-on idiocracy

    • by jythie ( 914043 )
      Gotta love the anti-science crowd. Any time a story comes out about some particular field looking into something they don't know, people come out of the woodwork to claim that the whole field must be wrong then and whatever crackpot idea they subscribe to must be right since THEY never admit they are wrong!
    • Let me guess, you subscribe to either flat earth or electric universe or whatever it's called.

      • The universe is expanding, get over it. But most people see the universe as flat, as in 3D-flat, this is a misconception because it's a hard concept to wring your brain to understand without at least a couple of headaches, if the universe on the other hand is the surface of a sphere, it's easy to see how such a sphere can be expanding. I suspect it expands with a fixed rate, that's just me. Also I believe we (the scientific society consensus (some opposition exists)) got the age/size of the universe all wro

        • by nasch ( 598556 )

          I suspect it expands with a fixed rate, that's just me.

          Evidence indicates it's expanding at an increasing rate.

          • Yes, it would look like that from this point of view. I am not convinced that the model is correct, and calculations based on a faulty model might get skewed results.

            The main issue is that it's hard to measure space expansion on very distant objects reliably in the short delta t we have had.

            An accelerating expansion would make our universe even unfriendlier to travel, so I might base my beliefs on a more optimistic view.

  • by groobly ( 6155920 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2024 @12:54PM (#64309977)

    That the disparate estimates of the Hubble constant are very unlikely to be experimental error has been known for something like a year or more.

  • by Retired Chemist ( 5039029 ) on Tuesday March 12, 2024 @02:21PM (#64310205)
    It is important to remember that they are not measuring the expansion of the universe. They are measuring various phenomena and then feeding the data into complex models of the universe. It is clear that at least one of these models contains a false assumption. Instead of measuring the values to ever greater accuracy, they need to go back and figure out what is wrong with their calculations.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      why didn't they think of that...

The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. -- Franklin P. Jones
