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Space Science

Deep Space Astronauts May Be Prone To Erectile Dysfunction, Study Finds ( 85

As if homesickness, wasting muscles, thinner bones, an elevated cancer risk, the inescapable company of overachievers and the prospect of death in the endless vacuum of space were not enough to contend with, male astronauts may return from deep space prone to erectile dysfunction, scientists say. From a report: In what is claimed to be the first study to assess the impact of galactic radiation and weightlessness on male sexual health, Nasa-funded researchers found that galactic cosmic rays, and to a lesser extent microgravity, can impair the function of erectile tissues, with effects lasting potentially for decades. Raising their concerns in a report on Wednesday, the US researchers said they had identified "a new health risk to consider with deep space exploration." They called for the sexual health of astronauts to be closely monitored on their return from future deep space missions, noting that certain antioxidants may help to counteract the ill-effects by blocking harmful biological processes.

"While the negative impacts of galactic cosmic radiation were long-lasting, functional improvements induced by acutely targeting the redox and nitric oxide pathways in the tissues suggest that the erectile dysfunction may be treatable," said Dr Justin La Favor, an expert in neurovascular dysfunction at Florida State University and a senior author on the study. The warning comes amid a renewed focus on deep space missions, with Nasa and other major space agencies preparing for long-term expeditions to the moon and more ambitious voyages to Mars. Nasa's Artemis programme aspires to send astronauts to the moon as early as next year, with crewed missions to Mars tentatively lined up for as early as 2040.

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Deep Space Astronauts May Be Prone To Erectile Dysfunction, Study Finds

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  • must come down. Sometimes permanently.

  • Only send females to mars to be sure

  • Buzz Aldrin (second person to walk on the moon) got married earlier this year at age 93. Reference: []

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Conventional wisdom holds that marriage has basically nothing to do with sex.

        Everybody has sex prior to marriage these days. The frequency of sex falls off a cliff once one gets married. Infidelity is common. The notion that marriage is some sort of lock-in for access to regular sex died generations ago.

        What is marriage really about? Primarily its about joint ownership of wealth and income. That's what the contract focuses on, and the majority of legal activity around marriage is focused on dealing wit

        • Everybody has sex prior to marriage these days.

          I think that the Amish and the Mennonites would disagree with that statement.
          • Yes, any general statement has exceptions.

            I suppose "religious reasons" would qualify as the primary reason for marriage in the case of people still trapped by religion. The world is getting more educated though, so more and more people are breaking free.

            • by cstacy ( 534252 )

              people still trapped by religion. The world is getting more educated though, so more and more people are breaking free.

              That's just your bubble. There is a decline in Christianity in the USA, but in general, regarding the world, you are incorrect. The religious people of the world are breeding like crazy.

              "The projections anticipate that the vast majority of the world’s people will continue to identify with a religion, including about six-in-ten who will be either Christian (31%) or Muslim (30%) in 2050. Just 13% are projected to have no religion."

              Key Findings From the Global Religious Futures Project (December 21, 2022 []

          • Well they would disagree publicly at any rate.

            They still do it of course, they just lie about it.

      • The little blue pill only works if the problem is in or before the systems that open up the blood vessels. Damaging the erectile tissue would stop even it from working.

        • by HBI ( 10338492 )

          You're generally correct. What happens is that prostaglandins (think of them as localized hormones) tell the erectile tissue to pool up blood, making the penis erect. If the tissue is damaged, then the prostaglandins can't do anything.

          The blue pills are only useful if the issue is that the vessels are obstructed, say by plaques. Viagra, Levitra, Cialis - all vasodilators that just increase blood flow, they don't actually do anything about erections.

          The usual course of events is:

          1) Vasodilator treatment

          • Comment removed based on user account deletion
            • by HBI ( 10338492 )

              I take daily 5mg Cialis for vasodilation - i'm diabetic and some related issues. It did nothing for erectile issues, even when I quadrupled the dose. Getting my mind on straight was far more useful.

    • Considering that the moon landings were all faked in Hollywood, Buzz should be in good health!
    • His testicles are 66% copper. Copper is a good shield against cosmic rays. He's probably got more testosterone in his left pinky than the entirety of the male population of the US, so he's got that going for him.
    • Yeah, it took over 50 years for the effects to wear off; now he's ready for action!

  • do it in zero-g

  • by spaceman375 ( 780812 ) on Wednesday November 22, 2023 @11:03AM (#64024093)
    It's not easy to get it up when there's no such thing as "up" in space.
  • Well at least we don't have to worry about pregnancies in deep space now

    • Another one too, space women might be risking less instances of rape, at least where penetration of male sexual organ is involved.

      While space men depression might become a widely spread issue.

  • So I guess Kirk just cuddled all those green women.

    • So I guess Kirk just cuddled all those green women.

      Kirk had a deflector dish to protect him.

    • Kirk had access to structural integrity field technology.

    • So I guess Kirk just cuddled all those green women.

      Kirk had 50% more testosterone in his body, as compared to today.

      (I wish I was making that up.)

      • (I wish I was making that up.)

        Why? Are you insecure about your serum hormone levels?

        • (I wish I was making that up.)

          Why? Are you insecure about your serum hormone levels?

          No. I wish I was making it up for the generation who isn't procreating. And in many cases isn't even getting the chance to, thanks to 'modern' dating standards established by 'modern' feminism. From a 2007 and 2021 study:

          Both studies observed significant reductions in testosterone levels over time. In the 2007 study, testosterone decreased by about 22% when comparing 1985-1987 levels to those from 2002-2004. In the 2021 study, researchers found a roughly 25% decrease between 1999 and 2016.

          That's not just a 'slight' decline. It's rather horrific.

          This also means they won't have the representation to carry on whatever ideology they wish is important in future generations. Sadly, there are many who feel that is some kind of good thing, which only reinforces the problem. Th

          • No. I wish I was making it up for the generation who isn't procreating. And in many cases isn't even getting the chance to, thanks to 'modern' dating standards established by 'modern' feminism. From a 2007 and 2021 study:

            I'm not sure that testosterone and feminism are strongly linked. The link looks very weak at best.

            That's not just a 'slight' decline. It's rather horrific.

            You're doing it again. Why is it horrific?
            What is this value you're placing on serum testosterone levels that you feel is gone for those who do not have it?

            This also means they won't have the representation to carry on whatever ideology they wish is important in future generations. Sadly, there are many who feel that is some kind of good thing, which only reinforces the problem. Thank fuck I'm well beyond all this nonsense, but it doesn't mean I'm ignorant of the problem. Forget ideologies. What language do you want your grandchildren to be speaking...

            Oh absolutely. This goes back to the idiocracy argument. If smart people keep breeding at lower rates, we're going to be left with morons.

            But ultimately, again, the correlation between testosterone and couple fertility isn't a very good one at all. In the

            • No. I wish I was making it up for the generation who isn't procreating. And in many cases isn't even getting the chance to, thanks to 'modern' dating standards established by 'modern' feminism. From a 2007 and 2021 study:

              I'm not sure that testosterone and feminism are strongly linked. The link looks very weak at best.

              OK, what other metric would you like to look at? "Modern" feminism represented by the average twentysomething riddled with a body count they'll never admit to regardless of the rather horrific rate of STDs? Think the massive rise of fatherless homes is somehow beneficial to society as we watch disrespect rise to obscene levels feeding crime? Believe all women who champion some don't-need-a-man ideology while also being that hypocrite-stupid as damn near everything in their lives is built, serviced, or re

              • OK, what other metric would you like to look at? "Modern" feminism represented by the average twentysomething riddled with a body count they'll never admit to regardless of the rather horrific rate of STDs? Think the massive rise of fatherless homes is somehow beneficial to society as we watch disrespect rise to obscene levels feeding crime? Believe all women who champion some don't-need-a-man ideology while also being that hypocrite-stupid as damn near everything in their lives is built, serviced, or repaired by men? You really think an exponential rise in LGBTQ+ statistics within a single generation is realistic or believable? Is a considerable decline in recruitment for the United States Military something that will ultimately be a good thing for America, or a world that is often dependent on that armed force?

                This is a weird diatribe as a response to the comment:

                I'm not sure that testosterone and feminism are strongly linked. The link looks very weak at best.

                Because not a single thing you mentioned lends any evidence that testosterone is linked to any of it.

                Given all of the points I've raised, explain to me why it's not. With examples not contained inside 'levels' in a test tube.

                Because your points are not points of evidence.
                They're wild assertions with no evidence to back them up.
                If we're not to constrain ourselves by evidence, well we can make any points we want to support any conclusion we want, now can't we?

                I'd say the only thing leveling off are abortions being abused as contraception by the repeat customers dominating that space now. Take a good hard look around you. Forget ideologies. Look at 10 families and tell me the chances of the family linage surviving the next generation or two. The financial constraints alone make it difficult to afford to procreate. Much less ideologies warped by social media.

                You just made my point, not yours.
                That fertility isn't related to testosterone in the way you claim. It's related to

                • If you demand that women accept you as a "protector", or a "provider", with the implicit control that both of those bring along, it's no surprise that they're rejecting people who think like you.

                  Oh, people who think like me? You mean vulnerable women? The ones men are supposed to protect, and have quite literally throughout all of human history? You mean agreeing with Common F. Sense when it comes to mitigating the risk of considerably stronger and faster males who hold the capability to rape, abuse, and harm because they are considerably stronger and faster? You mean defend the concept of fathers who are no longer in the home because 'modern' women feel they don't need a man? Ever? Rather ir

    • Kirk doesn't cuddle, he commands!

  • They still think we can live on Mars though. Certainly not on the surface! I can't believe people still suggest that seriously like it's a thing that's possible. Oh, okay, let's just bring a billion megawatt generator to build an Earth-caliber magnetic field to deflect it all.
  • No Generation Ships then? Not that they were practical anyway.
  • Space Station Fluffers to the rescue.

  • Is why all astronauts are women now.

  • Get word out that some cosmic rays reach the ground. (True)
    Add that exposure to them is higher at airliner altitudes. (Also true.)
    Sell "shielded" undies containing RFX1 plastic to lots of worried men.

    • by cstacy ( 534252 )

      Get word out that some cosmic rays reach the ground. (True)
      Add that exposure to them is higher at airliner altitudes. (Also true.)
      Sell "shielded" undies containing RFX1 plastic to lots of worried men.

      Better act fast before the gnomes are no longer reproducing and you lose your workforce.

  • "...wait, nevermind, it was just being shy."
  • Someone will make a better thrust booster.
  • Turns out it isn't that hard after all.

  • It would seem the famous "10,9,8" countdown might deliver a different that won't, unfortunately, involve "lift-off".

  • You don't actually have to build spaceships without "deflector shields" to protect against cosmic radiation. There are viable alternatives. []

  • ...I'm crossing "Be an Astronaut" off the list of things I want to be when I grow up :)
  • In man plus a book by Fred Pohl the first man on mars was adapted to life on mars with new eyes, an ibm brain and no sexual devices.

    Man plus has been adapted by hollywood think the Titan but i am not sure ethnic diversity nasa could do this to astronauts.

  • Alternitive title: Deep Space feels better than sex!! You'll never need a woman again!!!

  • Cucks in.... SPACE!!!
  • Well, this complicates things for anyone wanting to colonise other planets naturally, doesn't it?
    • Well, this complicates things for anyone wanting to colonise other planets naturally, doesn't it?

      It certainly does.

  • Captain Kirks girlie mannerisms
  • There is a group of people who are so opposed to putting any effort into human space travel that they will say or do anything to bork it.

  • "The impacts of galactic cosmic radiation were long-lasting functional improvements, induced by acutely targeting the redox and nitric oxide pathways in the tissues." said Dr Richard Reed. After returning to Earth, and discovering his body's new powers, he quipped: "In fact, I feel great, and my girlfriend now refers to me as Mister Fantastic!"

    Colleague and fellow astronaut on the flight Ben Grimm experienced markedly different effects from the cosmic radiation. "I never had no problem with the ladies befor

A committee is a group that keeps the minutes and loses hours. -- Milton Berle
