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NASA Communications

NASA's First Two-Way End-to-End Laser Communications System (nasa.gov) 14

NASA is demonstrating laser communications on multiple missions -- showcasing the benefits infrared light can have for science and exploration missions transmitting terabytes of important data. NASA: The International Space Station is getting a "flashy" technology demonstration this November. The ILLUMA-T (Integrated Laser Communications Relay Demonstration Low Earth Orbit User Modem and Amplifier Terminal) payload is launching to the International Space Station to demonstrate how missions in low Earth orbit can benefit from laser communications. Laser communications uses invisible infrared light to send and receive information at higher data rates, providing spacecraft with the capability to send more data back to Earth in a single transmission and expediting discoveries for researchers.

Managed by NASA's Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) program, ILLUMA-T is completing NASA's first bi-directional, end-to-end laser communications relay by working with the agency's LCRD (Laser Communications Relay Demonstration). LCRD launched in December 2021 and is currently demonstrating the benefits of laser communications from geosynchronous orbit by transmitting data between two ground stations on Earth in a series of experiments. Some of LCRD's experiments include studying atmospheric impact on laser signals, confirming LCRD's ability to work with multiple users, testing network capabilities like delay/disruption tolerant networking (DTN) over laser links, and investigating improved navigation capabilities.

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NASA's First Two-Way End-to-End Laser Communications System

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  • Made a wireless gigabit interface that easily can reach mars years ago. Bit error rate is high but manageable. Half of the bits transmitted are received correct.
    • What frequency, how large were the dishes, and what transmit power did you need? The transmit beam width scales as wavelenth/dish_diameter so getting enough power on the receiving dish requires a large transmit power * large transmit dish / wavelength. If you go to short wavelength (light) you can greatly reduce the size and / or power of the transmitter.
      • Frequency does not matter for this tech. No dish needed. Depending on the bitrate, I'd estimate 5 Watt for full speed communication. For lower bitrates, i e. a few mbits it would consume a few milliwats.
        • How? You need to get power from the transmitter to the receiver. The angular width of the transmitter beam depends on the transmitting antenna size / wavelength. (diffraction limit), no way around that. The receiver area / beam area tells you how much of that power is received. So for a constant receiver and transmitter antenna (or dish ) size, the the received power drops as 1/r^2. R for interplanetary is very big, so you quickly run out of signal to noise even for a cryogenic receiver. (the effecti
  • "The International Space Station is getting a flashy technology demonstration this November."

    I'm 100% in favor of the dad jokes... please keep 'em coming slashdot!

  • I thought flash/flashy communications were disabled due to security issues?

  • There was a movie about this titled "Real Genius [wikipedia.org]. We know what's really going on. /s
  • by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Wednesday October 25, 2023 @05:48PM (#63954429)

    Next up: a giant Chinese TV-B-Gone sattelite to dazzle and confuse US satellites.

Only great masters of style can succeed in being obtuse. -- Oscar Wilde Most UNIX programmers are great masters of style. -- The Unnamed Usenetter
