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Earth Science

World Registers Hottest Day Ever Recorded on July 3 ( 126

July 3 was the hottest day ever recorded globally, according to data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction. From a report: The average global temperature reached 17.01 degrees Celsius (62.62 Fahrenheit), surpassing the August 2016 record of 16.92C (62.46F) as heatwaves sizzled around the world. The southern U.S. has been suffering under an intense heat dome in recent weeks. In China, an enduring heatwave continued, with temperatures above 35C (95F). North Africa has seen temperatures near 50C (122F). And even Antarctica, currently in its winter, registered anomalously high temperatures. Ukraine's Vernadsky Research Base in the white continent's Argentine Islands recently broke its July temperature record with 8.7C (47.6F).
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World Registers Hottest Day Ever Recorded on July 3

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  • Puts hands over ears and says "I am not listening..."

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      Somebody must have done that here in Manhattan Beach because apparently we missed the memo. It was fucking cold here yesterday.

      • Re: (Score:1, Flamebait)

        by CmdrPorno ( 115048 )

        See, global warming isn't really a thing! /s

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Like when the teacher tells the class the average for the math exam was 87, and then Paul looking puzzled says "87? I don't get it, I got 63".

      • Somebody must have done that here in Manhattan Beach because apparently we missed the memo. It was fucking cold here yesterday.

        Thanks for explaining the difference between Climate and Weather. :-)

        • Thanks for explaining the difference between Climate and Weather.

          Since the topic article reported on the global temperature for one single day, obviously we should be discussing "weather", not "climate".

          Incidentally, I am interested in the methods and techniques used to obtain that "record high temperature". For a start, how was the day "3rd June" defined? If it was the temperatures all around the world during the day of 3rd June in the USA, it would be night time in nearly half the world. Or if it was the daytime temperature everywhere, it could not represent the temper

          • by hey! ( 33014 )

            Can anyone follow the link to the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction and tell us how the global temperatures for that single day were measured?

            Yes. Any one of us here could go to the source and to the body of literature the methods used are based on. But suppose one of us did that. Why would you trust that person's word any more than you would someone who did those things as part of his job (i.e., a professional scientist working in the field)?

      • Re: (Score:2, Offtopic)

        by Archtech ( 159117 )

        Somebody must have done that here in Manhattan Beach because apparently we missed the memo. It was fucking cold here yesterday.

        Likewise here in southern England. It's long been my custom, as soon as the weather gets warm enough in April or May, to don my "summer uniform" of shorts and a short-sleeved shirt. I also look forward to hot sunny days when I can sunbathe and soak up UV, which boosts Vitamin D, nitric oxide, and other chemicals essential to health.

        Well, it's been summertime for quite a while now, but there have been no more than two or three weeks of proper summer weather. For the past few days the temperature has been qui

      • by Reziac ( 43301 ) *

        Same in Montana. We're consistently about 20 degrees below normal, and have had ONE day that approached normal summer temps (but was still well below average). Hard freeze three days in a row a week before that (end of June). Gave up on the idea of a garden this year, it's been too cold and wet.

        If you look at the upper wind patterns -- for the northern hemisphere they're still stuck in winter mode, with weather coming off Siberia instead of off the central Pacific.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Puts hands over ears and says "I am not listening..."

      Which is what got us in this mess in the first place. And the moronic masses continue to do it.

    • Burn! Burn! Yeah you're gonna burn!
  • You know, I'd just once like to see someone actually just own it and say they don't care about climate change not because they're dismissive of the science, but because they know they'll be dead before it really starts screwing things up for humanity. Take Denis Leary's lead [] and just admit it.

    • You know, I'd just once like to see someone actually just own it and say they don't care about climate change not because they're dismissive of the science, but because they know they'll be dead before it really starts screwing things up for humanity. Take Denis Leary's lead [] and just admit it.

      That won't happen. Largely, because that opinion doesn't exist.

      I'm not going to say that *no one* has that opinion, there are a lot of people with crazy ideas, but the number is so small as to be negligible. No large group of people have that opinion, it's not mainstream.

      The belief in that opinion arose from cognitive dissonance. You find someone who doesn't believe what to you is obvious, and rather than questioning your own beliefs your mind uses the fundamental attribution error [] to sort of "fill in the b

      • by Xenx ( 2211586 )
        I think you're being disingenuously literally in your interpretation. "I don't care, it doesn't affect me." is a very commonly held belief. It's to different levels, about different things, but it's there. Couple that with the fact that people are known to lie (to others and themselves) about topics like this, and I think their point is far from irrational. We know, from their actions, that many people do what is best for themselves regardless of the impact it has on others. I'm not trying to call them out
        • "Lying to themselves" hits the nail on the head. I'm sure there are people somewhere who really, truly believe it's made-up because they lack the knowledge to evaluate it. People with no exposure to science or the broader world at all: The truly illiterate, voodoo practitioners in the jungle, isolated tribes who live off the land and only speak the same language as 50 other people, that sort of thing.

          Everyone else is lying to themselves. Climate denial is exactly the right term - they're in denial. Humans h

          • by Xenx ( 2211586 )

            Even people who accept the reality of climate change are typically in denial about the sacrifices and changes in lifestyle that will be required to stop it.

            I noted my lack of change in lifestyle. It's a lack of will to follow through when the easy/cheap options are there. I cannot say with 100% certainty, but in general I would support laws that take away the conveniences I enjoy that are causing the most damage.

            • You're in the minority, then. Many people are under the impression that the electric company is just going to install some windmills, they'll buy an electric car on their next upgrade. That that will be sufficient, and all the funds are going to come out of the same bills they're used to paying. That it's going to be some near-automatic change, the path of least resistance enabled by technology.

              That's certainly the scenario D-politicians are pushing, anyway. I suppose it's a natural stance to take when you'

      • Re:Never happen (Score:5, Insightful)

        by youngone ( 975102 ) on Tuesday July 04, 2023 @10:14PM (#63657422)
        The problem with asking people about why they don't believe in climate change is that their answers are either incoherent, or a deliberate mis-stating of the science, as we see in this thread.
        Most of the misinformation comes from a few sources and they're all connected to the fossil fuels industry.
        • I don't think we should believe in climate change. I don't believe in science. The best of my layperson scientific knowledge says we are pulling all the wrong levers. Or better, because I think a time for all things, we are failing to address the current situation. The time for burning dead dinos and ferns is over and should have been mid-century last maybe.

          I believe in things that I can't prove. And those things are vanishingly few. And I have a whole other group trying to profane the stuff I take

          • I'm unsure what point you're making there, but "believing" in science is unfortunately what people do claim, although I agree that science doesn't require belief.
            You're wrong about a terrarium though. That is not going to give you much useful data about a planetary atmosphere, although they are fun.
      • by hey! ( 33014 )

        There's another point you're missing. You're not necessarily saddling your children and grandchildren with the impact of climate change if you make them rich enough to be able to afford to evade those impacts. It's kind of like being an Russian oligarch; what you're doing is terrible for your country but your kids will do fine.

    • I have several times pointed out a list of lifestyle changes that individuals can make which would dramatically reduce their carbon footprint. People refuse to do these things, not because they know they will be dead before it starts screwing things up, but because they think the ask is unreasonable.

      1. Go vegetarian or vegan. (Let's not argue about nutrition or ethics, I am ONLY pointing out that meat production is an enormous polluter, whereas plant production pollutes way less, and if vegetarianism beca

      • by cats-paw ( 34890 )

        Notice that making some small amount of effort to any of those things works too.

        1 eat _less_ meat
        2 stop flying as much.
        3 drive to work less
        4 have fewer kids
        5 live in a smaller place

        The numbers got us into this mess and they can get lessen the impact.

        The majority of people in the world cannot take your list and look at it objectively.

        It becomes an emotional and personal thing.

        That's part of the problem, and apparently a large part of the problem.

        I look forward to someone in the psychological sciences explain

      • The Don't have kids thing is already happening among rich countries by itself. Asking poor countries to stop making kids is impossible in practice and considered unfair. Overall, the current situation being most people believe in climate change, they also believe its their neighbor fault. Nobody want to renounce to their comfort. The few having the lifestyle you described are doing so because it makes them happy, they renounced to nothing, it is just their thing. Only coercion will make it happen, same as
    • by Duds ( 100634 )

      As a childless person it's really bloody tempting to have that view, especially when it's becoming clear those in charge will not be doing anything substansive.

      Avoiding buying things with crappy packaging feels increasingly worthless.

  • by wakeboarder ( 2695839 ) on Tuesday July 04, 2023 @10:01PM (#63657402)
    We will all die
    • There was a series of advisory books on driving and travelling published many years ago by Shell with the title: "Shell helps"

      I really like how some climate activists in the Netherlands turned this marketing on its head:
      "Dood gaan we allemaal - Shell helpt"
      "We will all die - Shell helps"

      https://www.zwartekatkollektie... []

  • by Sydin ( 2598829 ) on Tuesday July 04, 2023 @10:39PM (#63657472)

    Anybody paying even a modicum of sense to the science knows climate change is real. But it doesn't matter and will continue not to matter so long as companies that dump carbon into the atmosphere are able to privatize their profits and socialize the cost of doing so. If our governments charged BP, or Chevron, or Shell more money per ton of carbon they dumped into the atmosphere than they could make off an equivalent amount of refined gasoline, things would change in a hurry. The people running those companies don't care about the long term impacts: they'll be long dead by the time those chickens come home to roost. And they get to live in the lap of luxury in the meantime.

    • and will continue not to matter so long as companies that dump carbon into the atmosphere are able to privatize their profits and socialize the cost of doing so.

      And yet we continue to blame the companies for our own problems. I just bought a new monitor, you know what I was concerned about? Price. So it stands to reason that this monitor will have been manufactured where it was cheapest, and then shipped to me through the power of burning fuel oil and diesel to my doorstep where it is now sitting plugged into a wall being fed with power provided by natural gas. And I like any normal person chose the natural gas option for power as the one being the cheapest.


  • I'm on a good trajectory lately. Over the last four months I've lost 30 pounds. The way it happens is that if I'm 195, I'll suddenly drop to 192. Then I'll bump back up to 194; and spend a week around there. Then I'll suddenly drop back and go to 190,

    Depending when you ask me if I'm losing weight, my answer might be different. Mid-plateau I might say no. But if you chart that, it becomes clear that I am.

    Global temperatures are plateau hell. It's easy to pretend it's not real if you refuse to draw the chart

  • It's probably the coolest day of the future.

Top Ten Things Overheard At The ANSI C Draft Committee Meetings: (4) How many times do we have to tell you, "No prior art!"
