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NASA Printer Technology

NASA Demonstrates a Breakthrough In 3D Printable High-Temperature Materials ( 51

NASA has developed a new superalloy called GRX-810 that could lead to stronger, more durable parts for airplanes and spacecraft. SciTechDaily reports: GRX-810 is an oxide dispersion strengthened alloy. In other words, tiny particles containing oxygen atoms spread throughout the alloy enhance its strength. Such alloys are excellent candidates to build aerospace parts for high-temperature applications, like those inside aircraft and rocket engines, because they can withstand harsher conditions before reaching their breaking points. Current state-of-the-art 3D printed superalloys can withstand temperatures up to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Compared to those, GRX-810 is twice as strong, over 1,000 times more durable, and twice as resistant to oxidation.

"This new alloy is a major achievement," said Dale Hopkins, deputy project manager of NASA's Transformational Tools and Technologies project. "In the very near future, it may well be one of the most successful technology patents NASA Glenn has ever produced." GRX-810 was developed under NASA's Transformational Tools and Technologies project, with support from the agency's Game Changing Development Program.
The peer-reviewed paper has been published in the journal Nature.
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NASA Demonstrates a Breakthrough In 3D Printable High-Temperature Materials

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  • American here (Score:5, Insightful)

    by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Tuesday April 25, 2023 @07:05AM (#63474776) Homepage Journal

    Beyond 500F, just give me temperatures in Celsius. If I can't relate to it as an outdoor temperature or oven temperature then it is easier just to get scientific.

    • This. Bonus points for using Kelvin for space or astronomy related stuff.
    • by Burdell ( 228580 )

      Aside from "everybody's doing it", how is Celsius any more "scientific" than Farenheit? If you want to be more "scientific", at least use a scale anchored at absolute zero, but even then, choosing the scale is pretty arbitrary.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by elcor ( 4519045 )
        because it's registered to an easy 0 is ice and 100 is steam. compared to whatever the fuck Fahrenheit is registered to.
        • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

          by Burdell ( 228580 )

          How is that more scientific? What relevance does the melting and boiling points of pure H20 at a particular pressure have to metal alloys?

          All the measurement scales are arbitrary, so preferring one's arbitrariness over another's is pretty silly. The temperature scales that aren't anchored to absolute zero are extra arbitrary, so declaring any one more "scientific" than another is silly.

          The primary advantage of the metric system is that powers of ten are easier for humans to remember (although the magnitudes

          • by wiggles ( 30088 )

            Then use Kelvin. Absolute zero is not arbitrary. The gradients are based on metric celsius for easy conversion there, but it is by no means arbitrary.B

        • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

          by Adambomb ( 118938 )

          Fahrenheit is still based on freezing and boiling points of water but with 180 degrees of separation instead of 100 and with 0 defined by the freezing point of an ammonium chloride solution for whatever dang reason.

          As a Canadian who lived a bit in the states I'm all kinds of messed up where I think of cold temperatures in C, higher weather temperatures in F, and cooking temperatures or higher in C. For some reason the upper range of weather temperatures just make more sense to me in F now heh.

          • by Burdell ( 228580 )

            Farenheit for weather temperatures makes more sense for me, in part because it's a finer scale. That means it doesn't require decimals in the commonly-referenced ranges to be more accurate (and so is easier/quicker to say). Also, 0-99 covers a much more common set of temperatures experienced, so negative and triple digits are much more indicative at a glance of extremes.

            But for scientific applications, stick to Kelvin. Aside from being properly anchored at absolute zero, it's also shorter to say/write (sinc

            • I'm still fine with either C or K for scientific applications, they're the same scale just the line is translated by a constant for absolute 0 vs freezing point of water.

            • I donâ(TM)t give a shit if itâ(TM)s 24ÂC or 25ÂC, so Celsius doesnâ(TM)t require decimals for weather either.

              • The breakthrough in 3D printable high-temperature materials is an exciting development for the aerospace industry. GRX-810's strength, durability, and resistance to oxidation make it an excellent candidate for high-temperature applications in aircraft and rocket engines. It demonstrates the power of innovation and the potential of science. Websites like [] provide excellent resources and ideas for scientific research. As a student who wants to work for NASA, I find this develo
            • I set my thermostat to 68F or 70F, and never to 69F (heh). I tend to either use even numbers or multiples of 5. For example, I might tell my wife that it will be 80F-85F this weekend. Maybe F is a little finer resolution when expressing it as an integer, and you also partially avoid awkward negative numbers in natural speech. But I feel like I don't take advantage of these features, so they are kind of worthless to me. (PS - doesn't get below 0C very often where I live either)

              I don't even like Celsius or Fa

            • Re:American here (Score:5, Informative)

              by tragedy ( 27079 ) on Tuesday April 25, 2023 @01:27PM (#63475652)

              That means it doesn't require decimals in the commonly-referenced ranges to be more accurate (and so is easier/quicker to say).

              To be more precise you mean. Important to understand the difference between precision and accuracy. For example, saying that you're exactly six feet, eight inches and 328 mils (an abomination of a unit of measurement) tall is highly precise but - if you're actually five feet, eight inches tall - is not very accurate. Whereas saying you're around 6 feet might be accurate, but not very precise. I'm not just saying this to nitpick on terminology btw. I think it speaks to your argument. The simple fact of the matter is that the vast majority of thermometers are not that accurate. The precision of the thermometer being 79 degrees or 80 degrees F does not help very much if it's actually 78 or 81 and very likely it is different from what you get on the thermometer. Integer Celsius values will provide just as much actual accuracy, even if they don't provide the same meaningless precision without using decimals. In cases where you are actually using very accurate, very precise scientific measurements with properly calibrated instruments and accounting for all environmental conditions, then you can just use decimals. For day to day temperatures, 28 degrees C realistically gives you just as much information as either 82 or 83 degrees F would when it comes to the temperature outside.

              Basically, you think that that the Fahrenheit degrees are more natural measurements for that sort of thing because that's what you are used to. I've heard the same argument over and over about all kinds of imperial measurements and it always seems to be this same claim that they're more natural and the metric units are either too big or too small and, somehow, the imperial measurements just happen to fit this perfect size for real world measurements. It's just a rationalization though. Because you're so familiar with those measurements, they just _seem_ natural.

              • I've heard the same argument over and over about all kinds of imperial measurements and it always seems to be this same claim that they're more natural

                Then they should love the most natural units of all []. 6 feet is kinda stupid and clunky compared to 1.1E35 plank lengths which is something everyone, no matter which galaxy you come from, can agree on.

            • I use Rankine, thankyouverymuch.

          • Re:American here (Score:4, Informative)

            by tragedy ( 27079 ) on Tuesday April 25, 2023 @12:36PM (#63475432)

            Fahrenheit is still based on freezing and boiling points of water but with 180 degrees of separation instead of 100 and with 0 defined by the freezing point of an ammonium chloride solution for whatever dang reason.

            My understanding of the ammonium chloride solution in question is that it is self-regulating. Basically, ammonium chloride dissolving in water is endothermic and chills the water but, below a certain point, the water can't hold any more ammonium chloride and it will fall out of solution. So you start with an icy slush and the ammonium chloride keeps it that way for a long period, keeping it at a specific temperature depending on the proportions. Basically it's a guaranteed way to use chemistry to get a stable temperature to regulate against. At the other end, Fahrenheit set 90 to be his approximation of human body temperature (later adjusted). Of course, even with those as calibration points, 0 and 100 could have been used for different points. That's just not the way it worked out.

            • Speaking from a country that decades ago went almost totally metric, I'll just add my $0.02.

              My heating system's thermostat reports the temperature to a precision of half a Centigrade degree.

              This means it is more precise than your single-Fahrenheit-degree devices. So there.:^)

          • Re:American here (Score:5, Informative)

            by tlhIngan ( 30335 ) <<ten.frow> <ta> <todhsals>> on Tuesday April 25, 2023 @02:30PM (#63475828)

            Fahrenheit is still based on freezing and boiling points of water but with 180 degrees of separation instead of 100 and with 0 defined by the freezing point of an ammonium chloride solution for whatever dang reason.

            The reason is 0F is defined as the coldest temperature Fahrenheit could've gotten with the materials at the time. It was basically "absolute zero" in his day. He then defined body temperature as 96F because it was a number with a lot of convenient divisors. He never defined the temperature of boiling water - it just landed wherever it landed.

            Of course, that went out the window, since average body temperature is defined as 98.1F.

            Metric was based on water, with 0C being the freezing point of water at 1 ATM, and 100C being the boiling point. Water had been used because it's a convenient unit to base things on, which is why 1L of water initially defined the kilogram (a 1cm x 1cm x 1cm cube defined the gram). Thus with water, you get temperature, mass, and length scales. Of course, these days we don't use water, but that was one of the original derivations for various units.

            Of course, we note the true history of the units, meter was defined as the length of the meridian running through Paris from the geographic North Pole to the equator which means gram was derived that way, while temperature was arrived at independently.

            Anyhow, the US is a metric country. All units are defined in terms of metric - the inch is 25.4mm by definition, for example. Everything else has exact conversions. So while you still use miles and Fahrenheit and ounces, all of those units are defined in terms of their metric counterparts and have been for decades now. The only thing is the "customary" units which is what units people use in day to day life.

        • by jbengt ( 874751 )

          because it's registered to an easy 0 is ice and 100 is steam.

          Well, freezing and boiling depend on pressure as well as temperature. So, to be slightly pedantic, it's tied to the triple point of water being 0.01 degrees and absolute zero to be -273.15 degrees. Though Wikipedia tells me the Kelvin was redefined in 2019 to be in terms of the Boltzmann constant and Celsius then defined to be equal to Kelvin + 273.15.

      • absolute zero scales are nice too. But I wouldn't necessarily want my numbers in Rankine either. Really this boils down to common convention. Celsius and Kelvin are what we're used to in science and engineering, even if we're just amateur scientists or enthusiast. If I read 10 articles on science topics and 3 of them use different measurement systems, that's pretty damn inconvenient to me.

        Convention is also why I don't use hexadecimal when I discuss economics and finance.

    • I think it wouldn't be freezing temperature, or boiling temperature, more a searing temperate.

  • by Paul Fernhout ( 109597 ) on Tuesday April 25, 2023 @07:38AM (#63474834) Homepage

    What are the odds some company gets an exclusive sweatheart deal and this technology is essentially locked up for 20 years?

    Related by me from twenty years ago: []
    "As a software developer and content creator, I find it continually frustrating to visit web sites of projects funded directly or indirectly by government agencies or foundations, only to discover I can't easily improve on those projects because of licensing restrictions both on redistribution and on making derived works of their content and software. ..."

    A shorter version of that: []
    "Foundations, other grantmaking agencies handling public tax-exempt dollars, and charitable donors need to consider the implications for their grantmaking or donation policies if they use a now obsolete charitable model of subsidizing proprietary publishing and proprietary research. In order to improve the effectiveness and collaborativeness of the non-profit sector overall, it is suggested these grantmaking organizations and donors move to requiring grantees to make any resulting copyrighted digital materials freely available on the internet, including free licenses granting the right for others to make and redistribute new derivative works without further permission. It is also suggested patents resulting from charitably subsidized research research also be made freely available for general use. The alternative of allowing charitable dollars to result in proprietary copyrights and proprietary patents is corrupting the non-profit sector as it results in a conflict of interest between a non-profit's primary mission of helping humanity through freely sharing knowledge (made possible at little cost by the internet) and a desire to maximize short term revenues through charging licensing fees for access to patents and copyrights. In essence, with the change of publishing and communication economics made possible by the wide spread use of the internet, tax-exempt non-profits have become, perhaps unwittingly, caught up in a new form of "self-dealing", and it is up to donors and grantmakers (and eventually lawmakers) to prevent this by requiring free licensing of results as a condition of their grants and donations."

  • I saw that he talked in detail about nasa 3d prints on this site: []
  • A major part of this is not just the temperature but the other properties. There are a whole bunch of high temperature alloys which have very high melting points but are brittle or have other issues. For example, Tantalum hafnium carbide has an extremely high melting point, over 4000 K, but it is extremely expensive, and lacks other properties that one would want in a material in an engine. []. These new materials are not as high temperature, but if they h
    • Yeah, these will get more use for engine and washing machine parts than rockets.

      • There are companies 3D printing rocket engines, and actively working on improving the metallurgy. Itâ(TM)s not coincidence that NASA is working on this problem too - theyâ(TM)re working directly with those companies to produce better engines. This, or some derivative, is almost certainly going to be used in rockets.

        • It’s a promising technology that with some methods you can continuously vary the material parameters (alloy) throughout the part to optimize its performance. Like I just did with my China all steel 12lb splitting maul that was soft as a baby’s butt and lost its edge on bark. Stick welded hard facing on and ground it down, now it leaves triangle divots in concrete or stone if it’s swung carelessly and it’s still sharp.
      • by hamburger lady ( 218108 ) on Tuesday April 25, 2023 @03:29PM (#63475962)

        washing machine parts

        i think you may want to turn your hot water heater down a bit

    • A major part of this is not just the temperature but the other properties.

      For example low creep under high temperature loading. Heat most metals and they soften far below the melting point.

  • Watch the movie Apollo 13 sometime. Then imagine how much easier it would be if they could have had a CAD file transmitted to them and just hit "print".

"The Mets were great in 'sixty eight, The Cards were fine in 'sixty nine, But the Cubs will be heavenly in nineteen and seventy." -- Ernie Banks
