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Scientists Build 'Baby' Wormhole ( 117

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: Scientists have long pursued a deeper understanding of wormholes and now appear to be making progress. Researchers announced on Wednesday that they forged two miniscule simulated black holes -- those extraordinarily dense celestial objects with gravity so powerful that not even light can escape -- in a quantum computer and transmitted a message between them through what amounted to a tunnel in space-time. It was a "baby wormhole," according to Caltech physicist Maria Spiropulu, a co-author of the research published in the journal Nature. But scientists are a long way from being able to send people or other living beings through such a portal, she said.

"Experimentally, for me, I will tell you that it's very, very far away. People come to me and they ask me, 'Can you put your dog in the wormhole?' So, no," Spiropulu told reporters during a video briefing. "...That's a huge leap." [...] Spiropulu said the researchers found a quantum system that exhibits key properties of a gravitational wormhole but was small enough to implement on existing quantum hardware. The researchers said no rupture of space and time was created in physical space in the experiment, though a traversable wormhole appeared to have emerged based on quantum information teleported using quantum codes on the quantum processor.
"There's a difference between something being possible in principle and possible in reality," added physicist and study co-author Joseph Lykken of Fermilab, America's particle physics and accelerator laboratory. "So don't hold your breath about sending your dog through the wormhole. But you have to start somewhere. And I think to me it's just exciting that we're able to get our hands on this at all."

"It looks like a duck, it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck. So that's what we can say at this point -- that we have something that in terms of the properties we look at, it looks like a wormhole," Lykken said.
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Scientists Build 'Baby' Wormhole

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  • This is the plot of Earth by David Brin.

    Just like in the book, I can't imagine it being a good idea...

    • Welp, nevermind; my sleep-addled brain saw "wormhole" and thought "black hole."
      • by Xenx ( 2211586 )
        I mean, the wormhole is two blackholes. However, it's all simulated and not real.
        • Black hole != Worm hole

          • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

            Oh, that is the very least of the correspondences they assume.

    • Lost the Plot (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Roger W Moore ( 538166 ) on Thursday December 01, 2022 @01:19AM (#63092906) Journal
      Anyone who believes that simulating something is the same as actually finding it has clearly lost the plot. Simulations are based on our best understanding of how the universe works. However, even our best understanding can sometimes be wrong.

      If computers had been around in the late 19th century they could have been used to simulate the observable effects of the aether. That would not have made the aether real though.
      • Yep. This. Underrated.

      • Not only simulated to the best of our knowledge but also simulated to the best that we can explain it to a quantum computer...
      • It's simulator Ng something real though, not the etherm

        But why do they think their SIMULATION has any remote possibility of being able to actually transfer stuff across spacetime like a real wormhole?

        That's like Flight Simulator taking passengers on trips.

        We must be missing something.
      • Beat me to it. Can someone who understands the physics translate "forged two miniscule simulated black holes in a quantum computer and transmitted a message between them through what amounted to a tunnel in space-time" into what they actually did? Which I suspect will be "held some things in quantum superposition for a few microseconds" or similar.
        • I had a look at the abstract for the LOLs, This what the is says they did. I don't think it will help :(

          The holographic principle, theorized to be a property of quantum gravity, postulates that the description of a volume of space can be encoded on a lower-dimensional boundary. The anti-de Sitter (AdS)/conformal field theory correspondence or duality is the principal example of holography. The Sachdev–Ye–Kitaev (SYK) model of N>>1 Majorana fermions has features suggesting the existence of a gravitational dual in AdS, and is a new realization of holography.

          We invoke the holographic correspondence of the SYK many-body system and gravity to probe the conjectured ER=EPR relation between entanglement and spacetime geometry through the traversable wormhole mechanism as implemented in the SYK model. A qubit can be used to probe the SYK traversable wormhole dynamics through the corresponding teleportation protoco. This can be realized as a quantum circuit, equivalent to the gravitational picture in the semiclassical limit of an infinite number of qubits. Here we use learning techniques to construct a sparsified SYK model that we experimentally realize with 164 two-qubit gates on a nine-qubit circuit and observe the corresponding traversable wormhole dynamics.

          Despite its approximate nature, the sparsified SYK model preserves key properties of the traversable wormhole physics: perfect size winding, coupling on either side of the wormhole that is consistent with a negative energy shockwave, a Shapiro time delay, causal time-order of signals emerging from the wormhole, and scrambling and thermalization dynamics.

          • And they say GPT-3 can't create lucid pseudoprose!
          • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

            Summary: they used machine learning (a new field), to design a black hole / worm hole set up (something we only theorize), using a quantum computer (very new field).

            I guess maybe this is interesting if you're heavily steeped in the physics side, maybe, but I doubt there was any quality science going in here. Looks more like they needed to produce a paper with lots of buzzwords to get funding for next cycle.

        • Physical Simulation (Score:4, Informative)

          by Roger W Moore ( 538166 ) on Thursday December 01, 2022 @09:35AM (#63093590) Journal
          Perhaps the simplest way to explain it is to say that they used a quantum computer to make a physical system that they think will behave the same way that they believe a wormhole will. They then used this to see if they could transmit information through it.

          We often see patterns of behaviour repeat in physics. For example, if you collide electrons and positrons you can see a so-called resonance around 91 GeV in energy due to production of the Z boson. This has the same mathematical properties as a driven mechanical harmonic oscillator (which is why we call it a resonance) but that does not mean you can attach a small motor to a mass-spring system, observe its behaviour and then claim you have created a Z boson!
        • by Calydor ( 739835 )

          They watched an episode of Stargate played off a quantum computer.

      • Look, most people are effectively unable to differ between TV series and reality. No, I am not exaggerating for a better argument, they simply aren't. So what do you expect?
  • by Joe_Dragon ( 2206452 ) on Wednesday November 30, 2022 @10:33PM (#63092720)

    you need an point of origin to make it work!

  • by Arzaboa ( 2804779 ) on Wednesday November 30, 2022 @11:03PM (#63092756)

    These guys are great. "We created a wormhole. Prove that it isn't." Cracks me up.

    This sounds like the equivalent to cold fusion.
    When I hear 'fusion,' I think of Tricky-Dick stuff - really hairy melodies played in unison. It's like, 'Why?' - Allan Holdsworth

    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      Saw this announced by the generally reliable Quanta. I thought it was parody. Something to mock the current Twitter policy of anything is true if it is posted on Twitter.
      • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

        The string theory people convinced Natalie Wolchover that AdS/CFT is a theorem, not a conjecture and that "A" at the beginning is of no matter, and those are sufficient assumptions for a remarkable amount of nonsense to follow.

  • by HiThere ( 15173 ) <> on Wednesday November 30, 2022 @11:03PM (#63092758)

    This is a simulation based on current theories. So what it implies is that if the theories are correct, then wormholes are possible.

    The problem, of course, is that we know the current theories are wrong, and we don't know how. Perhaps wormholes are possible, but this is just checking that the current theories predict them. (Of course, there's been a lot of argument about that, so it's probably worthwhile, but don't overread what is being claimed.)

    • by XXongo ( 3986865 )

      This is a simulation based on current theories. So what it implies is that if the theories are correct, then wormholes are possible.

      Not even that. This is a simulation based on a conjecture as to how to extend current theories.

      The conjecture is known as "ER=EPR". More at google, or here: []

      • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

        Not even that. It's a (shitty, because their computer is too small) simulation based on a conjecture about how things would work in a universe that is not ours.

        The conjecture is AdS/CFT, and the AdS stands for anti-deSitter space. Ours doesn't have the anti-, so this only (maybe) works in the mirror universe.

        Praise the Empire!

        • by q4Fry ( 1322209 )

          This is a simulation based on current theories. So what it implies is that if the theories are correct, then wormholes are possible. The problem, of course, is that we know the current theories are wrong, and we don't know how.

          Not even that. This is a simulation based on a conjecture as to how to extend current theories.

          Not even that. It's a (shitty, because their computer is too small) simulation based on a conjecture about how things would work in a universe that is not ours.

          Winsor, Frederick. "This is the Theory Jack Built." [] In The Space Child's Mother Goose. Simon and Schuster, 1956

          • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

            Lol. That was pretty good.

            • by q4Fry ( 1322209 )

              Thanks for replying. It also reminded me to link the second page. []

              (Slashdot: I understand the rationale behind the lack of an edit button, but sometimes it'd be nice.)

              • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

                Ha, even better.

                I do think he's missing a step back at the beginning though: the press release.

                • by q4Fry ( 1322209 )

                  I do think he's missing a step back at the beginning though: the press release.

                  Nice. Maybe things were different in the fifties. Or maybe "the summary based on the mummery" is the press release.

                  • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

                    The two physicists involved in this experiment do indeed seem to be rather accomplished mummers.


                    • by q4Fry ( 1322209 )

                      +1 Most informative commentary I've seen on the topic. Excellent excerpt:

                      I just saw that the New York Times also has a big story about this: Physicists Create ‘the Smallest, Crummiest Wormhole You Can Imagine’. [] At least this article has some sensible skeptical quotes, including:

                      “The most important thing I’d want New York Times readers to understand is this,” Scott Aaronson, a quantum computing expert at the University of Texas in Austin, wrote in an email. “If this experiment has brought a wormhole into actual physical existence, then a strong case could be made that you, too, bring a wormhole into actual physical existence every time you sketch one with pen and paper.”

                      Neo and Morpheus destroyed a dojo doing showy martial arts. Oh wait, no they didn't. They imagined doing it in VR.

  • by awwshit ( 6214476 ) on Wednesday November 30, 2022 @11:21PM (#63092772)

    > those extraordinarily dense celestial objects with gravity so powerful that not even light can escape -- in a quantum computer and transmitted a message between them

    No light can escape but a wormhole message can escape?

    • gravity escapes
      • Re:escape (Score:5, Insightful)

        by DamnOregonian ( 963763 ) on Thursday December 01, 2022 @12:12AM (#63092822)
        By current theory, gravity is not something that can escape.

        To say gravity escapes a black hole, would be like saying a paper airplane escapes the paper.
        • > To say gravity escapes a black hole, would be like saying a paper airplane escapes the paper.

          This is exceptionally insightful - a great way to explain to the layman exactly what a black hole _is_. Thank you.

      • That's kind of cool, but how do you modulate your gravitational pull?

    • radio data can go 2 ways other matter one way and in most cases about 38 min max open time

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 30, 2022 @11:21PM (#63092774)

    Witches burn because they are made of wood, and because wood floats like a duck .. So if the wormhole weighs as much as a duck then it's a witch!

  • by awwshit ( 6214476 ) on Wednesday November 30, 2022 @11:25PM (#63092780)

    > The researchers said no rupture of space and time was created in physical space in the experiment, though a traversable wormhole appeared to have emerged based on quantum information teleported using quantum codes on the quantum processor.

    Linux pipes on a quantum computer.

  • Apparently a lot of people hate their dogs.

    Either that, or they are saying "dogs" but we all know they are really speculating about something else. "Hey, honey, could you come look at this? A little closer, yeah no, closer? See?"


    Now I just close this end ....
    And Problem Solved.

  • by Jeremi ( 14640 ) on Wednesday November 30, 2022 @11:40PM (#63092790) Homepage

    Obviously you should first send a baby worm.

  • No they didn't (Score:5, Informative)

    by jemmyw ( 624065 ) on Wednesday November 30, 2022 @11:49PM (#63092800) [] They didn't make or build a wormhole. They ran a simulation on a quantum computer after running it on a classic computer and their excitement is that they got the same result.
    • Re:No they didn't (Score:5, Interesting)

      by DamnOregonian ( 963763 ) on Thursday December 01, 2022 @12:14AM (#63092824)
      Came here to say this.

      "No, they didn't." is really the best thing that can said about this.
      I've been seeing more and more science reporting like this on QM experimentation.
      Sabine Hossenfelder gives some great talks on how ridiculous it is.

      What they did, was simulate how they think a wormhole works, and their simulation confirmed that how they thought it works, works in the simulation.
      Which is neat. But nothing more than that.
    • So they could put a simulated dog into the simulated wormhole?
    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      The Scott Aaronson quote is the best.

  • by joe_frisch ( 1366229 ) on Thursday December 01, 2022 @12:51AM (#63092876)
    The work may be new and interesting, and it will be good to see the full publication BUT as far as I can tell they DID NOT MAKE A WORMHOLE. Similarly scientists have not made a black hole in the lab - as I've seen claimed in the media when what the did was make an ANALOG of a black hole.

    Analogs of physics, new computation methods, using quantum computation are all great and may represent real breakthroughs, but simulating / modeling something is NOT the same as actually constructing it. Black holes and wormholes (roughly) happen under conditions where the gravitational potential is very large, and as far as is known those conditions cannot be created with masses or energies that we have any hope of ever achieving in the laboratory. A laboratory wormhole is a literally unbelievable achievement.

    In a world where science is ever more complex, and the public is constantly being bombarded by fake-science, I think all legitimate scientists need to avoid making statements that they know will confuse / mislead the public.
    • Analogs of physics, new computation methods, using quantum computation are all great and may represent real breakthroughs, but simulating / modeling something is NOT the same as actually constructing it.

      What if we are living in a simulation? It's simulations all the way down, I tell you!

      The only thing that for some reason you can't send through a wormhole, is a turtle. Figure that one out and you'll have something!

    • by gtall ( 79522 )

      The article was not hyping anything and your main point was covered in the NYT article.

    • NYT article is much less optimistic than Reuters []

      Important line that reinforces your first sentence:

      âoeThe most important thing Iâ(TM)d want New York Times readers to understand is this,â Scott Aaronson, a quantum computing expert at the University of Texas in Austin, wrote in an email. âoeIf this experiment has brought a wormhole into actual physical existence, then a strong case could be made that you, too, bring a wormhole into actual physical existence

  • This means zero latency network transmission, right? You can bet your life there are hedge funds salivating at the possibilities for using this in low latency arbitrage. Money will pour in.
  • I mean, why not refer to a thing as a different thing entirely? Geez, Next thing you know we'll be calling event horizon analogues simulated using electron thermodynamics "Lab Grown Black Holes".

    Oh... Wait...
    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      Pfft. You need electron thermodynamics? Just fill up a tub with water and pull the plug.

  • I used an apple and an insect egg

  • EP = EPR (Score:4, Interesting)

    by cowdung ( 702933 ) on Thursday December 01, 2022 @07:11AM (#63093282)

    What the quantum experiment did was create a situation in the quantum realm that is conjectured to be equivalent to a wormhole and then demonstrate that they could send a qubit through it.

    What this does is that it adds some evidence to the conjecture that Wormholes are equivalent to quantum entanglement. (Tangentially, it seems to show some evidence that "negative energy" is possible)

    So while this doesn't conclusively prove that wormholes exist, it does lend credence to the conjecture that wormholes could be explained through quantum entanglement.

    This takes us closer to an explanation that could unite quantum theory with general relativity.

    So it is a big deal. And it opens new exciting possibilities and new ways to perform experiments as Quantum computers become more powerful.

  • "It looks like a duck, it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck. Then, you've got a pretty good simulation of that duck.
    • From what I can tell this is as if a person drew an animated cartoon (with sound) of an animal that looked, walked, and quacked like a duck. The cartoon may represent a duck, but it in itself is a cartoon, not a duck.

  • It's sad to see that bigshots in the HEP are stooping to such depths.
  • "It looks like a duck, it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck. So that's what we can say at this point -- that we have something that in terms of the properties we look at, it looks like a wormhole,"

    So in other words, SPACE MILFS

  • Would that be a... quantum leap? Thank you, I'll be here all week. Tip your waitresses. Try the veal.

  • I am definitely not smart enough to say for certain this is a load of BS. But this is a load of BS.

  • 'Simulated'? They're playing video games.
  • Obviously nobody is creating actual wormholes. The hype in this article is Wormhole X-Treme!

  • When you find out that it was simulated inside of minecraft...

  • I am not looking forward to the Gender Reveal party, not at all.

Living on Earth may be expensive, but it includes an annual free trip around the Sun.
