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Black Holes Can Behave Like Quantum Particles (space.com) 42

Black holes have properties characteristic of quantum particles, a new study reveals, suggesting that the puzzling cosmic objects can be at the same time small and big, heavy and light, or dead and alive, just like the legendary Schrodinger's cat. Space.com reports: The new study, based on computer modeling, aimed to find the elusive connection between the mind-boggling time-warping physics of supermassive objects such as black holes and the principles guiding the behavior of the tiniest subatomic particles. The study team developed a mathematical framework that placed a simulated quantum particle just outside a giant simulated black hole. The simulation revealed that the black hole showed signs of quantum superposition, the ability to exist in multiple states at once -- in this case, to be at the same time both massive and not massive at all.

The best known example of quantum superposition is the legendary SchrÃdinger's cat, a thought experiment designed by early 20th century physicist Erwin Schrodinger to demonstrate some of the key issues with quantum physics. According to quantum theories, subatomic particles exist in multiple states simultaneously until they interact with the external world. This interaction, which could be the simple act of being measured or observed, throws the particle into one of the possible states. Schrodinger, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933, intended the experiment to demonstrate the absurdity of quantum theory, as it would suggest that a cat locked in a box can be at the same time dead and alive based on the random behavior of atoms, until an observer breaks the superposition. However, as it turned out, while a cat in a box could be dead regardless of the observer's actions, a quantum particle may indeed exist in a double state. And the new study indicates that a black hole does as well.
The new study was published online in the journal Physical Review Letters on Friday.
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Black Holes Can Behave Like Quantum Particles

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  • by Narcocide ( 102829 ) on Wednesday November 02, 2022 @03:34AM (#63017983) Homepage

    Quantum improbability drive anyone? The hard part is just getting the cat in the box.

  • by Sique ( 173459 ) on Wednesday November 02, 2022 @03:47AM (#63018003) Homepage
    Lets say, I am intrigued, but not totally surprised by this finding. Black holes in General Relativity are completely described by three parameters, their mass, their spin and their charge. This is strikingly similar to elementary particles, which also are described by the same few parameters.
    • by piojo ( 995934 )

      Black holes in General Relativity are completely described by three parameters, their mass, their spin and their charge.

      Note: this is the no-hair theorem [wikipedia.org] (or no-hair conjecture). It's not proven, but that doesn't mean it's not an actual property of the universe. An interesting example from the wiki is that a black hole made of antimatter would be externally identical to a black hole made of normal matter.

      • by Sique ( 173459 )
        It still means a pin-up calendar of the most stunning black holes in the Universe looks rater bland.
  • So what you are saying is that Bethany is part black?

  • And...? (Score:1, Funny)

    by JockTroll ( 996521 )
    Black holes can behave as they damn want to. It's the perk of being a black hole. They can have a shit ton of mass in a minuscule volume, talk about slim-fast. They can consume stars without ever getting fat. What they do in private is forever their own business because you can't see inside the even horizon. Take that, you pervert. They can give out radiation bursts that mess up your planets pretty bad if they feel like it. They slow time so much people would die of boredom before you turn into spaghetti. T
  • by Crashmarik ( 635988 ) on Wednesday November 02, 2022 @04:36AM (#63018063)

    You have a black hole being observed by a telescope thousands of light years away, when exactly does it's wave function collapse?

    If you have an intelligent life form on a planet much closer that invents the telescope after you have observed the black hole but before the light cone could make it back what do they see ?

    • Being observed from within the influence of a black hole I think is the same way domains are described. The the existence of one is defined by the relationship of the points inside the domain yet it cannot be defined as a domain except from a point outside the domain. From another domain in other words....

    • You have a black hole being observed by a telescope thousands of light years away, when exactly does it's wave function collapse?

      You can't observe black holes.

      (that's why they're called "black")

      • by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Wednesday November 02, 2022 @06:23AM (#63018189)

        You have a black hole being observed by a telescope thousands of light years away, when exactly does it's wave function collapse?

        You can't observe black holes.

        (that's why they're called "black")

        That's not entirely accurate [nasa.gov].

        • by HiThere ( 15173 )

          Headline writers don't pay much attention to the science. You can't observe a black hole. You can only observe things happening outside the black hole, which is what that's a picture of.

          That said, I've always wondered about charge and magnetic fields. ISTM those might be observable from outside (but I'm no expert in that area). This is tricky, because the magnetic fields would be generated outside the black hole, but one end could be swallowed by one. However magnetic fields aren't point particles, so

          • You can observe a black hole. They interact with the exterior if only by their gravity. You "feel" the gravity coming form the mass of a black hole, not only the gravity of what revolves around. That is a direct observation.

            By the way cool comment section on this article. :)

            • You can observe a black hole.

              Not in the quantum physics sense of the word "observe".

              • You mean because gravitons are hypothetical ? So we cannot say we make a "measure" through them ? :)

                Because to make a quantum measure you are not limited to photons or electrons.

                • You mean because gravitons are hypothetical ?

                  Kind of.

                  Black holes are proof that gravitons aren't real. Gravity is just a distortion of spacetime.

        • by bodog ( 231448 )

          This image is also not entirely accurate, NASA artistically enhances images like these. The originals would be rather disappointing in comparison.

      • You can make an observation about it's state. AKA it's spin, it's charge, it's mass. Hmmm If gravity quantized as particles how do they escape the event horizon?

  • by Anonymouse Cowtard ( 6211666 ) on Wednesday November 02, 2022 @05:08AM (#63018091) Homepage

    This is pretty huge. I've long hoped that in my lifetime we'd reach the Grand Unified Theory / Theory Of Everything. This and another thing [nytimes.com] and other stuff we've seen recently has put us, I reckon, within a few steps of the prize. To put it in fusion terms, let's give it 20 years?

    Ultimately, everything is connected, there is no objective reality and the universe itself is likely the interior of a black hole.

    • by gtall ( 79522 )

      If the universe is the interior of a black hole, why is it expanding? This sounds like another take on the "gee, we live in a simulation" due to the holographic principle. That principle, from the aDS/CFT (anti-Desitter Space/Conformal Field Theory) correspondence, is merely a mathematical relationship between two theories. And ant-Desitter space has a negative cosmological constant whereas out universe has a positive cosmological constant. In addition, the anti-Desitter space is assumed to be described by

      • If the universe is the interior of a black hole, why is it expanding?

        Is it? Or is the frame of reference within the black hole (that which we cal "space") shrinking relative to the fixed(?) boundary of the enclosing black hole?

  • The whole point was that the cat obviously is not at the same time dead and alive. It was used as an obviously ridiculous rhetoric example to illustrate what Schrödinger saw as the problems of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. "One can even set up quite ridiculous cases" was literally part of his original text.
  • If black holes in the middle of the galaxies are in superposition, does this mean whole galaxy is in superposition? (gravity to stars)
  • Objects move around black holes on constant orbits. This means the black hole has a certain mass. It can't be light and heavy at the same time, if it changed mass the orbits would change.
    But I bet the actual scientific work says something that makes more sense.
    • It can't be light and heavy at the same time, if it changed mass the orbits would change.

      That's my problem with any "massless" particle, such as photons. If it exists, it has to have mass. There is no way around it. If the photon is nothing but energy then E=MC2 comes into play which clearly indicates there has to be mass.
      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        Photons get around that by always moving at the speed of light. They are simply an exception, a hard-coded special case, so to say. If this universe was designed, photons would be an indication that the designer was unable to get things to work as intended without them and hence had to put them in. Special cases like this always screw up a lot of things (as the photon nicely demonstrates) so you always want to avoid them. One more indication that if there is a designer, it is somebody not very good at their

        • It is my understanding that anything moving at the speed of limit should be infinitely heavy. That the faster you go, the heavier you become.

          While photons are carriers, they exist with the physical realm. They must have mass.

  • Maybe your simulator needs a rethink. Or just admit you don't know, there is no shame in it - I don't know either. But then I'm not looking for grant moneys. And stop using that silly Cat experiment, it just proves how much you don't know.
  • It doesn't 'prove' anything.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Indeed. Too many people pray to the computer god though and believe it can do anything, including being smarter than people.

  • Sure, the observer's consciousness extends to many worldlines, some in which the cat is dead, and some in which it is alive. Then the observer's state of awareness is changed by opening the box. This effectively creates two states of awareness (states of consciousness), each across fewer worldlines, where only one previously existed across more worldlines. It's not the universes splitting, just your sense of awareness or, as some prefer to call it, consciousness.

    Where it starts to get weird is when you h
  • by muh_freeze_peach ( 9622152 ) on Wednesday November 02, 2022 @01:17PM (#63019353)
    Who the fuck is SchrÃdinger?
  • ... produce bullshit simulations. Would not be the first time Physics has suffered that.

Top Ten Things Overheard At The ANSI C Draft Committee Meetings: (1) Gee, I wish we hadn't backed down on 'noalias'.
