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China Medicine Science

Where Did the Pandemic Start? Anywhere But Here, Chinese Scientists Argue ( 205

sciencehabit writes: From the start of the pandemic, the Chinese government -- like many foreign researchers -- has vigorously rejected the idea that SARS-CoV-2 somehow originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and escaped. But over the past 2 years, it has also started to push back against what many regard as the only plausible alternative scenario: The pandemic started in China with a virus that naturally jumped from bats to an "intermediate" species and then to humans -- most likely at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan. Beijing was open to the idea at first. But today it points to myriad ways SARS-CoV-2 could have arrived in Wuhan from abroad, borne by contaminated frozen food or infected foreigners -- perhaps at the Military World Games in Wuhan, in October 2019 -- or released accidentally by a U.S. military lab located more than 12,000 kilometers from Wuhan. Its goal is to avoid being blamed for the pandemic in any way, says Filippa Lentzos, a sociologist at King's College London who studies biological threats and health security. "China just doesn't want to look bad," she says. "They need to maintain an image of control and competence. And that is what goes through everything they do."

The idea of a pandemic origin outside China is preposterous to many scientists, regardless of their position on whether the virus started with a lab leak or a natural jump from animals. There's simply no way SARS-CoV-2 could have come from some foreign place to Wuhan and triggered an explosive outbreak there without first racing through humans at the site of its origin. "The idea that the pandemic didn't originate in China is inconsistent with so many other things," says Jesse Bloom, a virologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center who has argued for more intensive studies of the WIV lab accident scenario. "When you eliminate the absurd, it's Wuhan," says virologist Gregory Towers of University College London, who leans toward a natural origin. Yet Chinese researchers have published a flurry of papers supporting their government's "anywhere-but-here" position. Multiple studies report finding no signs of SARS-CoV-2 related viruses or antibodies in bats and other wild and captive animals in China. Others offer clues that the virus hitched a ride to China on imported food or its packaging. On the flip side, Chinese researchers are not pursuing -- or at least not publishing -- obvious efforts to trace the sources of the mammals sold at the Huanan market, which could yield clues to the virus' origins.

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Where Did the Pandemic Start? Anywhere But Here, Chinese Scientists Argue

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  • uh (Score:4, Insightful)

    by hamburger lady ( 218108 ) on Thursday August 18, 2022 @02:50PM (#62801105)

    it has also started to push back against what many regard as the only plausible alternative scenario: The pandemic started in China with a virus that naturally jumped from bats to an "intermediate" species and then to humans -- most likely at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan.

    you mean the only plausible scenario period. the graf makes it sound like the 'lab leak' and 'wet market' scenarios are somehow competing in the realm of plausibility, when the former is a conspiracy theory

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by grogger ( 638944 )
      So there are no possible conspiracies - only conspiracy theories. A viral outbreak takes place in a city where they are actively studying that virus and then the government works very hard at preventing news of the virus escaping. The first scientist to flag the virus is silenced and then dies. That is a possible conspiracy, not a "conspiracy theory." Using "conspiracy theory" to cover up possible conspiracies is also a possible conspiracy. Not saying there was a conspiracy but hammering anybody that s
      • Your argument is sound but invalid. All of those things are true. But none of them support the lab-leak conspiracy. The lab was located there *because* the wet markets were identified as a potential source of a pandemic. And sure enough a pandemic broke out in Wuhan. The labs tried to work quickly to figure out what was going on but then the scientists also got sick. And after that a bunch of futile attempts to cover things up (which are still happening today). There definitely *is* conspiracy but th
      • no, they were not "actively studying that virus" in a lab in wuhan.

    • I think that's the point, though. Even the conspiracy theories make more sense than the idea that it originated outside of China.

    • a conspiracy theory.. that the head of the Lance'ts COVID-19 investigative group thinks needs investigation. [] I find it fascinating how desperate some people are to declare the lab leak a "conspiracy theory." What's your motive? Is it that Trump once suggested it that you've deemed it impossible?
      • It is worth investigating whether or not there was a lab leak. Maybe there was. It should be investigated. But the evidence that we have so far is that it originated at the wet markets. You can still investigate alternative hypothesis even if the data is consistent with current understanding. But you can't declare such an alternative hypothesis to be true until some evidence is gathered.
      • it was worth the scientific community looking in to it. they looked in to it. they found it not at all plausible. this happened a while ago.

        • Literally the link I posted, from the head of the Lancet COVID investigative committee, makes clear that they didn't look into it.
          • some bigshot architects and engineers spent years bitching that "we didn't look deep enough into 9/11 possibly being an inside job". so fuckin' what? the theory is stupid and they are stupid, and their complaints don't mean it wasn't looked into and shown to be stupid.

    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      That COVID started from a lab leak is not unreasonable. There's just no particular reason to believe it. And the wet market is a perfectly reasonable site to assume.

      FWIW, believing that it started outside of China is also reasonable, depending on what you mean by "it". There's a closely related bat virus that lives in, I think it was, Cambodia. Somewhere in SouthEast Asia, anyway. It's a quite plausible ancestor to the virus that acquired human-human transmission capability. But this doesn't mean or i

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday August 18, 2022 @02:59PM (#62801137)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • clearly, polio must have been a lab leak. in fact, i'll bet there's a lab somewhere in NY state that at one point studied the pathogen. case closed, QED, ipso facto summa cum laude etc etc

      • Well, was the lab in the city where it first started appearing? Is the lab called the [that city's name] Novel Polio Virus Research Laboratory?
  • We know the cause (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Thursday August 18, 2022 @03:00PM (#62801141)
    slash and burn forestry policies put humans in close contact with wild animals and wet markets make this worse.

    But China needs both those things to keep their rural economies going. They long since reopened the wet markets and they never stopped the slash & burn.

    And China needs non stop crazy growth because they're an authoritarian kleptocratic capitalist dictatorship. Idle hands are the devil's plaything, and they need to keep their citizens pressing forward and never looking back to ask "hey, why don't we have civil rights?".
    • Wet markets are not an essential part of Chinese economic growth. Super markets could serve the exact same function and their economy is advanced enough to where they could afford them in most parts of the country. The Chinese just like the wet markets because they're traditional.

  • It was some woman named Ida Know.
  • I thought we decided it came from China.
    By either it jumping animals, poor food safety practices, or a lab accident.
  • Reliable source? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by ebonum ( 830686 )

    The country that has worked hard to help scientists outside of China who have no real access to or knowledge of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and had no ability to test people and animals in the area of the wet market in Wuhan immediately after cases started to emerge come to the "scientifically proven" conclusion that the virus did not escape Wuhan Institute of Virology is also pushing the theory that it came from a US military lab... Just how many papers by western scientists have already "proven" or i

    • I read that COVID19 has genetic markers that it has been modified. So, maybe it did go from bats to humans, but it seems to have taken the long route through a virology institute bearing its name.
    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      If you don't want this to happen again then you need to make sure that the next country to be ground zero doesn't get the same treatment. Blame, accusations, lawsuits, animosity.

      Otherwise they aren't going to invite outside help in, or share their raw data. People complain that the WHO wasn't willing to blame or criticise China, and this is the reason why.

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday August 18, 2022 @03:05PM (#62801165)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • There was one plot where Hercule Poirot recognizes, all the clues led away from one person. Multiple people who knew the perp did their own bit to misdirect the investigation. Each planting evidence to point to someone else, including themselves but every planted clue always exonerated one person. So that person must be the Perp. QED. Interesting plot by Agatha Christie.
  • about what the PRC government says? That's new.

  • Yet Chinese researchers have published a flurry of papers supporting their government's "anywhere-but-here" position.

    Is it any wonder why every time there is a post on /. about 'Chinese researchers discovered/proved/invented X', that we all ignore or mock it?

  • This whole pandemic has shown us what can happen when you have a culture where admitting fault or showing vulnerability is an invitation for vultures to dine upon your entrails.

    The origins of the pandemic were an entirely random event, even if some human error along the way enabled it. The Chinese government trying to deflect it reflects the deepest, most fragile version of this kind of culture, and this story is only the latest iteration. There have been plenty of stories on this site about the technolog

    • The thing about China is that the CCP's justification for its suppression of freedom is that it does a perfect job governing China, nobody could do better and they should stay in power. So everything that rains on that parade needs to be shot down. So the idea that they have any responsibility for the pandemic is perceived as a threat, however unrealistic.

  • Donald Trump cooked it up in Fauci's kitchen in a mad ploy sunshine and lollipops. Yeah.

  • needs an enema.
  • All that trying to figure out where it started at this point accomplishes is a whole bunch finger-pointing that doesn't help anyone.

    Why can't we just work the fuck together towards a common solution instead of always blaming the "other guy"?

    • All that trying to figure out where it started at this point accomplishes is a whole bunch finger-pointing that doesn't help anyone.

      Why can't we just work the fuck together towards a common solution instead of always blaming the "other guy"?

      OK, take the most logical and innocent reason this happened (animal-to-human crossover). What part of Wet Market do you understand is "common" across the rest of the world? Think the rest of the planet will convince a society who's been buying and consuming food from wet markets for hundreds of years, is going to be successful in stopping that practice altogether?

      Let me know how you feel we (the planet) could even "work the fuck together" to eliminate even that risk from happening again, because I sure as

  • by kbahey ( 102895 ) on Thursday August 18, 2022 @08:34PM (#62802077) Homepage

    Here is an extensive article in a science publication that lists the evidence for the natural origin, in Wuhan, China and around the Huanan wet market.

    Call Of The Wild: Why Many Scientists Say It Is Unlikely SARS-CoV-2 Originated In A Lab Leak [].

    There are also these two studies [] that confirm the findings so far.

    And just think about it for a second: how many Coronaviruses jumped to humans in the two decades before the current pandemic?
    The answer is two: SARS in 2002 (from China, racoon dogs), and MERS in 2012 (camels).

    Why should this one be any different? Just because of the level of disruption to humans?

  • The caves where the bat lady started her collection is a 19 hour drive from the wet market while the lab is a few minutes away.

    Common sense tells you what is more likely to have happened.

  • I expect to see the normal Chinese trolls here backing Xi on this. China's only real crime in this was covering it up, and then pushing foreign governments to not isolate Chinese that were coming back from china's holiday. Italy, parts of africa, NYC, etc are just a few of the areas that China pushed it
  • by denny_deluxe ( 1693548 ) on Friday August 19, 2022 @11:08AM (#62803717)
    Because the Chinese government never, ever tries to revise history to cover things up. That's why they always cover the Tiananmen Square massacre in their schools, after all.
  • Every study and article about the origins of covid is and will be nothing more than disinformation ax-grinding until approximately the year 2070, when most of the actors will be dead, and most people won't really any longer care how it started. Only then can disinterested studies be done.

It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem.
