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Long Naps May Be Early Sign of Alzheimer's Disease, Study Shows ( 25

Taking long naps could be a precursor of Alzheimer's disease, according to a study that tracked the daytime sleeping habits of elderly people. From a report: The findings could help resolve the conflicting results of the effects of napping on cognition in older adults, with some previous studies highlighting the benefits of a siesta on mood, alertness and performance on mental tasks. The latest study suggests that an increase over time in naps was linked to a higher chance of developing mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer's. The scientists think it is more likely that excessive napping could be an early warning sign, rather than it causing mental decline.

"It might be a signal of accelerated ageing," said Dr Yue Leng, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. "The main takeaway is if you didn't used to take naps and you notice you're starting to get more sleepy in the day, it might be a signal of declining cognitive health." The scientists tracked more than 1,000 people, with an average age of 81, over several years. Each year, the participants wore a watch-like device to track mobility for up to 14 days. Each prolonged period of non-activity from 9am to 7pm was interpreted as a nap. The participants also underwent tests to evaluate cognition each year. At the start of the study 76% of participants had no cognitive impairment, 20% had mild cognitive impairment and 4% had Alzheimer's disease.

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Long Naps May Be Early Sign of Alzheimer's Disease, Study Shows

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