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New Research Argues It's 'Extraordinarily Clear' The Pandemic Started at the Wuhan Market ( 245

The New York times reports that two extensive new studies released today "point to a market in Wuhan, China as the origin of the coronavirus pandemic." The researchers analyzed data from a range of sources to look for clues to how the pandemic arose. They concluded that the coronavirus was present in live mammals sold in the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in late 2019. The research suggests that the virus very likely twice spilled over into people working or shopping at the market.

The researchers said they found no support for an alternate hypothesis that the coronavirus escaped from a lab in Wuhan.

"When you look at all of the evidence together, it's an extraordinarily clear picture that the pandemic started at the Huanan market," said Michael Worobey, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Arizona and a co-author of both studies....

Many of the first cases of Covid-19 clustered around the Huanan market.

Worobey posted an animated GIF on Twitter summarizing what he sees as some of the most compelling evidence that the virus originated from the market.

it includes the fact that "the vast majority" of cases at the market came specifically from where wildlife was being sold — and that an animal cage and a freezer at the market even tested positive for the presence of Covid-19.

According to CNN the lead researcher "called the findings 'game, set and match' for the theory that the pandemic originated in a lab. 'It's no longer something that makes sense to imagine that this started any other way.'"
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New Research Argues It's 'Extraordinarily Clear' The Pandemic Started at the Wuhan Market

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  • by narcc ( 412956 ) on Saturday February 26, 2022 @04:48PM (#62306741) Journal

    The conspiracy nuts will still claim that Dr. Fauci personally lead the team that engineered the virus an underground bio weapons facility in mainland China, in cooperation with Obama and the Clintons, in an attempt to steal the election.

    • And traffic child sex slaves while enjoying great pizza under a Baphomet idol.
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      The evidence that COVID began in China at Wuhan has been known since the very beginning. Unfortunately, Donald Trump was president at the time, so all claims about the origin of COVID's origin were dismissed as just more of Trump's retarded bullshit.
    • He didn't "personall lead the team", but he did sign off on the funding. Let's get some perspective folks.

      • by Ed Tice ( 3732157 ) on Sunday February 27, 2022 @08:26AM (#62308315)
        He signed off on the funding for the laboratory. The lab was there specifically because there had breakouts of other coronaviruses in the region. The idea was to study them to prevent a pandemic.

        If you want to study groundwater pollution, where do you go? To where the ground water is polluted!

        Playing basketball doesn't make you tall. Studying coronaviruses near coronaviruses doesn't mean that you created the coronaviruses.

        The perspective we need to get is that, if the lab were responsible, the best cover-up that money can buy would be to blame the lab without evidence such that everybody who puts forth that hypothesis is branded a conspiracy-theory nut.

  • Does it matter? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by korgitser ( 1809018 ) on Saturday February 26, 2022 @04:56PM (#62306765)
    The origin of the virus is such a heavily politicized topic now that there is no possibility of ever finding out the truth. Even if it is out there, it will drown in a sea of bullshit and bickering. And the thing is, the origin does not matter one bit. What matters is the reality that is unfolding after the fact, and this reality is quite worrying indeed.
    • The demonstrable willingness of the Chinese to obstruct the investigation renders the detail about the actual origin almost irrelevant; we were taught that the Chinese are not to be trusted. All comments by Chinese government institutions need to be treated with the same scepticism as those of President Trump...

      • The CCP certainly has given the world plenty of reason not to trust it. But, in fairness to China (And assuming that this study is correct and the âoelab releaseâ accusations are, in fact, bogus) I can certainly understand their reaction. Imagine some random MAGA types decided to get their jollies for the day by accusing *you* of wrongdoings you did not commit, demanding that you âoecooperateâ with them to âoeproveâ your own guilt. How would *you* react? In that scenario, my o

        • by Bruce66423 ( 1678196 ) on Saturday February 26, 2022 @07:53PM (#62307251)

          There is zero doubt that the Chinese failed to provide the data required to fulfil their undertakings both before the pandemic emerged and then later in allowing an international investigation of what had happened. Both are, I believe, required as part of WHO protocols to enable everyone to learn the lessons of incidents. If the Chinese had refused permission for the international team to visit on the grounds you suggest, that would have been honest. Slyly failing to produce the data required to allow the mission they had agreed to to do their job is surely unacceptable behaviour. Given their treatment of Hong Kong in recent months in blatant violation of their international obligations agree to at the time of its return by the UK, this doesn't come as a surprise, but merely proves they are untrustworthy, dishonourable and their word is not to be taken seriously.

    • And the thing is, the origin does not matter one bit.

      It doesn't? You mean to say COVID-19 is the only known virus capable of making an instantaneous jump from a non-human reservoir to humans and wreaking havoc globally? It matters an extreme amount where COVID came from in order to prevent this BS from happening again.

      Whether it was due to poor handling in a lab, or because of a sub-human wet meat market, it was preventable and came out of an environment that is totally avoidable in this day and age.

      • There were warnings about coronaviruses by scientists for years. I watched a video from pre-pandemic where one was talking about the dangers of bat populations.
    • Re:Does it matter? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Saturday February 26, 2022 @05:59PM (#62306931) Homepage Journal

      A pandemic was inevitable. If it didn't start there it would have started somewhere else eventually.

      We should have been more prepared.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by gtall ( 79522 )

        No, scientists want to know the origin so they can stop the next one or at least be better warned. Most people don't give a damn.

    • There's a sure fire way to prove the market hypothesis, find ancestors of the virus in the wild. Evolution leaves trails, locate the trail and you have your proof. But sadly intensive searching has not located a trail.

      • BTW, the SARS and MERS evolutionary trails were located in the wild within a couple months of their outbreaks.

    • The origin of the virus will heavily inform future public policy. Specifically China needs to clean up the wet markets while cutting back on the massive deforestation they've been doing which is increasing the odds of people coming into contact with wild animals. They don't want to do that because it'll be bad for the rural economies.

      They were really hoping we would all just think it came out of a lab and that instead of needing to make massive changes to their deforestation policy we'd all just blame Ant
    • huh? so two independent studies on top of the many other studies is written off because some arsehole pollies want to score political points with conspiracy thoeries?
    • And the thing is, the origin does not matter one bit.

      You are wrong about this point. Knowing it's origin could be the key to preventing the next would-be pandemic.

      • If it was just some rando that got bit by a bat then we could inform the populous to immediate seek medical attention where they could be quarantined.
      • If it was from the wet market then consuming infected animals is the issue. More stringent measures by local authorities could be enacted to prevent people from eating wildlife.
      • If it was from a farm then farm animal testing would be a go to move.
      • If
      • When a natural source is identified humans are going to wipe out that population of animals. Because if that population could evolve one pandemic, it is very likely it could evolve another, slightly different, one. The natural source for this has to be located so that it can be eliminated. This does not imply eliminating a whole species, only the specific group that is infected would be eliminated.

        • It's FAR too late for that to do any good. SARS-CoV-2 has spread to animal populations all over the world at this point. Eliminating it from potential animal sources would take a mass extinction event, because it's now everywhere, and the next SARS-CoV-2 variant is FAR more likely to come from a human anyway.

          An original animal source is completely irrelevant at this point when it comes to this particular virus. Could have been relevant in mid-2019, would just be another Four Pests Campaign [] disaster now.


        • When a natural source is identified humans are going to wipe out that population of animals.

          Nah, pangolins are a protected species. It's better to just vaccinate them.

    • by gtall ( 79522 )

      Bullshit, politicization has nothing to do with finding the truth. It does have something to do accepting the truth.

    • The origin of the virus is such a heavily politicized topic now that there is no possibility of ever finding out the truth. Even if it is out there, it will drown in a sea of bullshit and bickering. And the thing is, the origin does not matter one bit. What matters is the reality that is unfolding after the fact, and this reality is quite worrying indeed.

      Yes, I agree; the tactic of creating a whirlwind shitstorm of conspiracy theories guaranteed (by design?) to make The Truth, impossible to find, should be quite worrying. That's a tactic that can be now used by every side everywhere against everyone, since COVID proved to Greed just how easy it is to spread lies as facts.

      But the unfolding reality is there are way too many sheep, and not enough citizens in the world. Corruption is now quite comfortable for the flock.

    • The origin of the virus is such a heavily politicized topic now that there is no possibility of ever finding out the truth.

      Horseshit. The studies don't care about your politics. If you want politics wait for Fox News to give you a summary, but there is still perfectly adequate bias free investigations underway and source material for you to read.

      And interestingly these studies all seem to be converging on the same conclusion, that the lab was not the source and the wet market was. This is just the latest study to come to this conclusion. You could broaden your view to political pundits and talkshow guests then if you want polit

  • Misinformation! (Score:2, Flamebait)

    by Thaelon ( 250687 )

    Remember when this was a "racist conspiracy theory" that would get you banned from twitter/reddit/facebook/youtube for "misinformation"?

  • It is funny watching these jackasses pretend that they know what they are talking about and expecting anyone to believe them. The best that they will ever surmise is that it likely started in that region.
  • So what the data seems to say is that the first human spread was tracked to the market. The conclusion is that because the first infected were near the live animal section that the virus originated there, which is reasonable.

    However, it's just as reasonable to say that one of the lab workers went to the market to get dinner and dropped off some COVID.

    Accidents happen. I mean they just found a bunch of smallpox in the back of a freezer last year, and that stuff is known to be deadly.

    • However, it's just as reasonable to say that one of the lab workers went to the market to get dinner and dropped off some COVID.

      Get dinner at the other side of the city without infecting people on the way? That is not possible "accidentally". The only way that kind of scenario happens is if it is done on purpose. If this was an infectious person accidentally breaching lab safety protocols the origin wouldn't have been traced to the market.

    • So what the data seems to say is that the first human spread was tracked to the market.

      If you filter the data until it fits your narrative, then yes. But if you take all data available, a different picture emerges. Consider that the virus was already found in samples taken in September 2019 in Italy, outside of the reach of CCP propaganda. This means the virus infected humans from at least summer 2019 on, if not earlier. We also know that all viruses evolve to become more infectious, so the initial spread was slower than the one seen from December 2019 on, the earliest time for which CCP pro

      • All news about occurrence of the virus in Europe before December 2019 or even January 2020 has been debunked, due to false positives or retesting older sampling whilst contaminating them freshly.

Biology is the only science in which multiplication means the same thing as division.
