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New 'Game-Changing' Technology Removes 99% of CO2 From the Air ( 165

Engineers from the University of Delaware developed a method for effectively capturing 99 percent of carbon dioxide from the air using an electrochemical system powered by hydrogen, a press statement reveals. Interesting Engineering reports: The new system, outlined in a new paper in the journal Nature Energy, was actually born out of a setback in another research project. The team behind the new technology was originally working on hydroxide exchange membrane (HEM) fuel cells, a more affordable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional acid-based fuel cells. While working on that technology, the team was faced with a serious obstacle. HEM fuel cells, they found, are very sensitive to carbon dioxide in the air, making it hard for the batteries to function properly.

Fast forward a few years later, and the researchers that once tried to combat the effects of carbon dioxide on HEM fuel cells are now using it to our advantage. "Once we dug into the mechanism, we realized the fuel cells were capturing just about every bit of carbon dioxide that came into them, and they were really good at separating it to the other side," said Brian Setzler, a co-author on the paper. The team leveraged the built-in "self-purging" process seen in HEM fuel cells to create a carbon dioxide separator that could be placed upstream from their fuel cell stacks. "It turns out our approach is very effective. We can capture 99 percent of the carbon dioxide out of the air in one pass if we have the right design and right configuration," said study lead and UD Professor Yushan Yan.

Today, the team has a more compact system that is capable of filtering greater quantities of air. According to the researchers, their soda can-sized early prototype device is capable of filtering roughly 10 liters of air per minute and of removing about 98 percent of CO2. What's more, they found that a smaller electrochemical cell measuring 2 inches by 2 inches could be used to continuously remove roughly 99 percent of CO2 found in the air flowing at a rate of approximately two liters per minute. The team's prototype is designed to scrub CO2 out of a vehicle's exhaust, though it could also be used for a number of other applications, including aircraft, spacecraft, and submarines.

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New 'Game-Changing' Technology Removes 99% of CO2 From the Air

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  • well that's a new one, didn't think much came out of this place
  • ... Most Plants Die. Film at 11.
  • I hope this scales (Score:5, Informative)

    by ThumpBzztZoom ( 6976422 ) on Saturday February 05, 2022 @03:46AM (#62239491)

    I really hope they're on to something here, but it's way too early to get your hopes up. The soda can sized one filtering 2L of air per minute would require 1,200 of the devices to clean up one 2L engine running at 2,400 RPM. (4 stroke engines only have 1 power stroke on each cylinder every 2 revolutions) And that's a relatively low RPM.

    It would need to scale down so a device small enough to put in a car can handle 10,000L of air or so to be practical. I wish them the best of luck and hope they succeed, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Especially since you'd need 3 of these devices to handle normal human breathing (12 breaths per minute @ 0.5L per breath).

    • And in addition, remember to add in also the carbon costs of necessary materials, and for disposing of or sequestering safely the captured carbon.
      • to produce the electricity to power one of these things?

        I suspect that plants are actually better for CO2 removal as they power themselves. But then you need to bury them somewhere very, very deep.

        • I suspect that plants are actually better for CO2 removal as they power themselves. But then you need to bury them somewhere very, very deep.

          Plants can be converted to biochar which locks away the carbon safely and stably whilst improving soil to encourage other plant growth. The process also produces energy.

    • by tinkerton ( 199273 ) on Saturday February 05, 2022 @06:19AM (#62239639)

      They call this a breakthrough because of a percentage. The percentage is not important at all. A breakthrough would be in amounts. We need amounts in the order of a gigaton per year.
      I wonder how much hydrogen they need btw. Maybe when they scale it up for a car they find out it is easier just to make the car run on hydrogen instead.

    • So I guess when they plug us all into the matrix they are all set
    • > The soda can sized one filtering 2L of air per minute

      It means I never need to buy a tank refill for my Sodastream again. Since the tank and hoses were $90, I wonder how cheap these could be. No fuss, no muss, they could do $150 easily.

  • by VicVegas ( 990077 ) on Saturday February 05, 2022 @03:46AM (#62239493) Homepage

    is rolling in his grave. Clearly, this is part of a Sontaran plot to use all of our cars, outfitted with this ATMOS (Atmospheric Omission System) thing, to transform our planet into lush, fertile, breeding grounds. Not for our future alien overlords, because we'll all be dead. Sontar, ha! Sontar, ha!

    • by jools33 ( 252092 )

      But Dr Who never dies, he/she just regenerates for another go, so no grave to roll in, perhaps he/she is rolling in the Tardis?

    • I recall that the doctor at the end fixed things by burning up all the gas and converting it to carbon dioxide. Some way to save the planet!

    • by jd ( 1658 )

      Fortunately, ATMOS runs on Windows 95.

  • by rwwh ( 989154 ) on Saturday February 05, 2022 @04:42AM (#62239553) Homepage
    Unfortunately, the laws of thermodynamics are really harsh, so it may be a “breakthrough” but it is not going to save us from global warming. Thermodynamics tell us that extracting CO2 from the air can never be better than not putting it there in the first place. You can not gain more usable energy by producing CO2 in a process and then capturing it, than by doing it in one process. Furthermore, the step of diluting CO2 in the atmosphere “spoils” energy: undoing that dilution necessarily makes any concentration step use even more energy. Or produce even more waste. Or both.
    • Both have to happen you cant just pick one. There are two sides to an equation and we are at the point where we have to manipulate both sides. We need to produce less but we also need to remove the excess as we previously produced.
    • by jd ( 1658 )

      You can't gain energy, true. And entropy is complicated, yes. This is limited the same way as Maxwell's Demon is. But if it can slow the rate of CO2 increase, it can buy time to eliminate fossil fuels.

    • by Curtman ( 556920 ) *
      The article has a link to a carbon capture facility in Scotland..

      The facility will extract the equivalent carbon of 40 million trees annually.

      Wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to maintain the 40 million trees? It really seems like there's a more reliable technology available that builds itself, and requires no electricity whatsoever.

    • It can indeed "save us from global warming", if the energy used to produce hydrogen is carbon-free. Time to build a bunch of nuclear plants to oversupply energy and use the surplus for carbon removal?

    • Unfortunately, the laws of thermodynamics are really harsh, so it may be a “breakthrough” but it is not going to save us from global warming.

      Thermodynamics tell us that extracting CO2 from the air can never be better than not putting it there in the first place. You can not gain more usable energy by producing CO2 in a process and then capturing it, than by doing it in one process.

      Furthermore, the step of diluting CO2 in the atmosphere “spoils” energy: undoing that dilution necessarily makes any concentration step use even more energy. Or produce even more waste. Or both.

      Fortunately thermodynamics doesn't really apply to this problem.

      The energy gain from burning fossil fuels doesn't come from putting CO2 into the atmosphere, it comes from the process of breaking down complex hydrocarbons into simpler chemicals such as CO2 (and H2O). Those chemicals just end up in the air as a byproduct of the reaction.

      Capturing the CO2 from the air doesn't present a "thermodynamics problem" any more than a thin cloth absorbing steam from the air would.

      Now if you tried to use that CO2 and H2

    • It could be useful for fitting to gas fired water boilers, common here in the UK for heating homes.
    • Yes and no?

      Sure it takes energy to remove CO2 from the air.

      And it takes energy to generate H2 required to remove CO2.

      However, the energy required to generate H2 does not have to come from a CO2-generating source of energy. Even if unfortunately, as of today: industrial H2 production is mainly from steam reforming of natural gas, oil reforming, or coal gasification. Who knows, maybe there is a way to generate H2 differently?

  • This is understandably missing certain details, but it's usefulness is depending on what form the co2 is (solid/gas) and if it can be easily collected/removed from the filter. This could mean new filters for industrial usage. And new storage/shipping for the co2 for workers to deal with. The one I really have in mind though is wondering the mechanics of a large scale version to be dropped on Venus, the co2 planet. Will the collected co2 rejoin the atmosphere? Or can it just be heaped up somewhere?
  • by Petr Blazek ( 8018844 ) on Saturday February 05, 2022 @04:47AM (#62239561)

    This is just another fact-thin piece on Slashdot based on a Press Release...

    The Abstract contains much more info:

    The alkaline environment of hydroxide exchange membrane fuel cells (HEMFCs) potentially allows use of cost-effective catalysts and bipolar plates in devices. However, HEMFC performance is adversely affected by CO2 present in the ambient air feed. Here, we demonstrate an electrochemically driven CO2 separator (EDCS) to remove CO2 from the air feed using a shorted membrane that conducts both anions and electrons. This EDCS is powered by hydrogen like a fuel cell but needs no electrical wires, bipolar plates or current collectors, and thus can be modularized like a typical separation membrane. We show that a 25cm2 shorted membrane EDCS can achieve >99% CO2 removal from 2,000standard cubic centimetres per minute (sccm) of air for 450hours and operate effectively under load-following dynamic conditions. A spiral-wound EDCS module can remove >98% CO2 from 10,000sccm of air. Our technoeconomic analysis indicates a compact and efficient module at >99% CO2 removal costs US$112 for an 80kWnet HEMFC stack.

    • Also, they need to show some math that says this is better than trees. You can pay non-profits $1 per tree to plant trees in developing countries and I don't see anything beating the carbon offset at that price point.
      • by Gravis Zero ( 934156 ) on Saturday February 05, 2022 @08:48AM (#62239829)

        Oh you poor fool, trees are carbon neutral. You see, when a tree dies microorganisms consume it in a process called decay. The decay process results in the sequestered CO2 being released into the atmosphere. At most, you are locking up carbon for the lifetime of the tree, assuming it grows in the first place.

        • Tell this to the 300+ year old wood in the house I live in as well as the 1st edition books on my bookshelf, retard.
          • Yes, some tree species can live for thousands of years... but most trees die in decades. Furthermore, the more crowded they are, the shorter their lifespans. Furthermore, the environment is the deciding factor of which kind of tree should be planted.

            So yeah, you're just kicking can down the road... but I'm sure a man as intelligent as you already knew that, right?

            • No, I'm pretty sure he means the wood in his house and book was cut down 300 years ago and hasn't been broken down by microorganisms.
        • This is all false, so it's not clear why you're so smug about it. The tree has mass both above and below the ground, some of the carbon from both roots and leaves winds up in the soil. Aerobic decomposition returns quite a bit of carbon to the soil while anaerobic decomposition doesn't, which is why rainforests don't sequester as much carbon as other kinds of forest.

    • Sounds like they are not trying to remove CO2 from the atmosphere at all, but improve fuel cell performance.

    • by phlawed ( 29334 )

      Anyone able to translate that into kWh/metric tonne of CO2? At whatever pressure is standard for these comparisons,
      Cost and longevity of device?

    • Three questions

      What does a 2”X2” lab benchmark mean orthogonally for scaling to anti-pollution purposes?

      Does battery pre-filter CO2 cost of $112 per 85 kW fuel cell beat in a TCO to LiON?

      What is the cost to apply CO2 scrubbing tailpipe exhaust .vs. BEV?

  • Nice solution to a problem we fixed using other technology by not using ICE. So this technology should be used for scrubbing the air iself, so have lots of these (big version) devices on buildings in cities and where needed. But the article is only talking about a sodacan device to scrub it from a tailpipe or in front of the fuelcell.
    • Youre not very good at thinking outside the box are you? They briefly mentioned automobiles but that does not have to be the only means of removing carbon dioxide. The current system aboard our subs is pretty dangerous. To perform the maintenance the PM calls for senior ranked machinists to be present. Something less dangerous would be welcome in closed sealed space designs. Think of the diving possibilities of an air scrubber regulation system instead of just compressed air tanks.
  • And how much CO2 will be emitted by generating that energy?
    That is the big question. CO2 capturing techniques already exist, but so far they have not shown a net benefit.
  • "The team's prototype is designed to scrub CO2 out of a vehicle's exhaust"

    Not much utility in that. Also capturing 99% is nothing to brag about if you feed it engine exhaust to begin with, do that with normal atmospheric concentration and then you have something interesting.

  • Just plant trees... not burn them.

  • "Game Changing" - This over-used term can be put to rest please. I've read about so many "Game-Changing" technologies and great future things to come, but the game of life is still the same.
    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      Meh, people will just replace it with some other sports-related buzz word. My new hobby is to make up new ones and work them into conversation. My current favourite is "ball carrier."

  • Here's an article that is not behind a paywall and giving quite a bit more detail; []

    I guess to make this viable as an atmospheric scrubber at industrial scale you would use renewables to power electrolysis to get the hydrogen (which requires water, and probably fresh water). But maybe it isn't very much, and they appear to be able to recycle at least some of it;
    "minimal hydrogen will be required to power the CO2 separation, thereby allowing the use of purged hydrogen from the

  • The method is capable to process 10L per minute.
    A 2.0-liter engine can flow 9,000L per minute.

  • per ton CO2?

    • It doesn't matter in terms of environmental repair on a global scale. CO2 is the product of energy-releasing chemistry - reactions we use to generate heat to power things with. It would take at least as much energy as previously released to re-capture CO2, and that's before allowing for any process having inefficiencies in it.

      The short of the long of it is that so long as we have things burning stuff for power, it makes more sense to put clean energy towards replacing those things rather than CO2 sequest

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
