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Suicide Pods Now Legal In Switzerland, Providing Users With a Painless Death ( 363

Switzerland is giving the green light to so-called "suicide capsules" -- 3-D printed pods that allow people to choose the place where they want to die an assisted death. Global News reports: The country's medical review board announced the legalization of the Sarco Suicide Pods this week. They can be operated by the user from the inside. Dr. Philip Nitschke, the developer of the pods and founder of Exit International, a pro-euthanasia group, told the machines can be "towed anywhere for the death" and one of the most positive features of the capsules is that they can be transported to an "idyllic outdoor setting."

Currently, assisted suicide in Switzerland means swallowing a capsule filled with a cocktail of controlled substances that puts the person into a deep coma before they die. But Sarco pods -- short for sarcophagus -- allow a person to control their death inside the pod by quickly reducing internal oxygen levels. The person intending to end their life is required to answer a set of pre-recorded questions, then press a button that floods the interior with nitrogen. The oxygen level inside is quickly reduced from 21 per cent to one per cent. After death, the pod can be used as a coffin. [...]

Nitschke said his method of death is painless, and the person will feel a little bit disoriented and/or euphoric before they lose consciousness. He said there are only two capsule prototypes in existence, but a third machine is being printed now, and he expects this method to become available to the Swiss public next year.

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Suicide Pods Now Legal In Switzerland, Providing Users With a Painless Death

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  • Good news (Score:5, Insightful)

    by AcidFnTonic ( 791034 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2021 @08:37PM (#62061337) Homepage

    This is good stuff actually. It's amazing that we give our animals a better death than humans. Especially in the case of terminal illness.

    • Yep. This is fantastic.

      I just found out that only a few miles from me there's a green burial park. No headstones, no embalming, just a simple wood or cardbood coffin, lots of fields and trees with paths between them.

      Combine these two? Sounds like a pretty amazing way to say goodbye to the world to me.

      • Re:Good news (Score:5, Informative)

        by Immerman ( 2627577 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2021 @10:56PM (#62061693)

        I agree, aside from the whole pod part. I'm not clear on what the point is - seems like an expensive way to go out with a bizarre sci-fi sarcophagus bang. Which, I suppose if that's your thing, why not? I mean, you only get to die once, why not have some fun with it? It's certainly less messy than a lot of options.

        When my time comes though, I think I'll opt for sitting under a tree, perhaps in a park like yours, with a simple nitrogen-fed "oxygen" mask. Securely fastened, because I do *not* want to wake up with my brain only half-dead from interrupted oxygen deprivation. Hmm... I begin to see the point of a pod. Just seems a shame to cut yourself off from the world before you leave it.

        I also seem to recall that Oregon recently legalized human mulching for body disposal - I like that idea far more than being buried in a sci-fi movie prop. Mulch me, and maybe plant plant a nice shrub or something in my remains as a nice symbolic marker of my passing back into the world.

        • Oregon got the idea from watching the movie Fargo.

    • Nitschke added that people who use the capsule will not feel any type of suffocation or choking in the low-oxygen environment. Rather, they will “feel their best.”

      I could use a pick-me-up. Is there a model where death is optional?

    • by quenda ( 644621 )

      "... everyone!" - Was that meat to be a Futurama reference? You sound like Farnworth to me.

      Suicide Booth 25c []

      It looks more like a cryo-capsule though.

  • by ffkom ( 3519199 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2021 @08:45PM (#62061353)
    Bender would be dissatisfied by the outrageous pricing (which cannot be evaded by hacking a coin slot), also the "slow and horrible" mode option is missing.

    But apart from these shortcomings, I agree it is a good thing Switzerland approved such devices.
  • Using nitrogen (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Valgrus Thunderaxe ( 8769977 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2021 @08:49PM (#62061361)
    Why not just a bottle of nitrogen and a mask?
    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      Or just lock yourself in a garage with you car. Oh, Switzerland is now 40% electric car in terms of sales. Unintended consequences. Back in the day, all you needed to commit suicide is leave back windiw open on your SUV.
  • Reminds me of something out of Harry Harrison's novel "Make room, make room" - the inspiration for "Soylent Green".
  • Oh great (Score:5, Funny)

    by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2021 @09:00PM (#62061391)

    I ordered an iPod and one of these showed up instead. I thought it was a giant pod for listening to music.

  • by Geste ( 527302 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2021 @09:29PM (#62061461)

    An Amazonian neighbor here in Seattle hinted that there is already a new product suite being developed for this space. Code name is "Done For". Will leverage existing assets in typical Azon full-vertical fashion with emphasis on re-usable components set up in a la carte offering, so if you want to project your vacation or breakup pics from the "Sled" -- Sled is the rented/licensed/proprietary pod-thingie --you just agreed and Alexa puts that on the tab. Lots of poems and quotes from famous people are included gratis; other PD stuff, too.

    The whole nitrogen thing is a known thing. and grey integrated Sprinter vans will could dispense the sled/pod at the desired location. You trigger the process with agreed 2FA prompts (think "Alexa, I am done for"). Once you press the Gone button, you are dead and shrink-wrapped in under 5 minutes.

    I'll try to get additional dope.

  • With these available, why does the United States invent one horrific, terrifying method of execution after another to administer capital punishment?

    I'm not an American, but I thought the eighth amendment to the US constitution outlaws "cruel and unusual punishment", and my American friends insist that the US system of justice is the best in the world.

  • by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2021 @10:03PM (#62061539)

    Obviously thought of this from the Futurama pilot ...

    [Scene: Fry with Bender, in a suicide booth, thinking it's a telephone booth.]

    Suicide Booth: Please select mode of death: Quick and painless, or slow and horrible.
    Fry: Yes, I'd like to make a collect call.
    Suicide Booth: You have selected slow and horrible.
    Bender: Good choice.

  • Why do people continue to invent news ways of ending a life when we already have and understand Inert Gas Asphyxiation? All you need is a tank of Nitrogen, a pressure regulator and a mask that covers the nose and mouth. Turn it on and you quickly lose consciousness and then die.

    • by pz ( 113803 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2021 @11:01PM (#62061703) Journal

      Inert gas asphyxiation what this new pod is: a user-initiated flooding of N2 into a confined space.

      For those who do not know, one of the odd bugs in the mammalian biological system is that O2 levels are not included in determining breath hunger (the desire to breathe, or, conversely, the feeling of asphyxiation), but, rather only CO2 levels. The O2 concentration in the atmosphere can go to zero, and you will not be aware of it happening, especially if the transition is sudden. That is exactly the reason that we have the message "put your mask on first before you help others" on airplanes -- if you suddenly lose O2 in the atmosphere around you during a rapid decompression that empties your lungs, you have about 10 seconds of consciousness left, and nothing you can really do about it. So, you make sure you are conscious first so that you can successfully help your child or anyone else who needs assistance.

      Getting back to euthanasia, if the atmosphere around a person or animal is suddenly made O2-free (by flooding with pure N2), the response is to feel a little light-headed, giddy, and then to fall permanently asleep. The video channel Smarter Every Day has done a related experiment [] that reviews O2 deprivation at altitude and the results are both entertaining and deeply serious.

      Also note that flooding the chamber with CO2 would be deeply traumatic, causing a full-on panic from air hunger.

      • by etash ( 1907284 )
        my question is: why do we have that response in particular to CO2 but not to N2? some biological/evolutionary reason?
        • by Vario ( 120611 )

          That is an interesting question but consider the evolutionary scenario where you might enter a room with concentrated N2.

          This was almost impossible until the last centuries and so therefore there is zero evolutionary incentive to develop a response to that. On the other hand scenarios that include too much CO2 are abundant, from holding your breath for too long, a small cave, and many other situations lead to an excess of CO2. And additionally if your lungs don't fully work you can compensate that to some

  • or do you have to have proof of a terminal disease or depression?

"Who cares if it doesn't do anything? It was made with our new Triple-Iso-Bifurcated-Krypton-Gate-MOS process ..."
