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Identical Twins Carry Genetic Modifications No One Else Has ( 17

sciencehabit shares a report from Identical twins are living proof of how genetics shapes our looks and traits. Now, researchers have found they carry a molecular signature on their DNA that no one else has -- one that becomes fixed in their cells early in development and stays with them into adulthood. This signature doesn't seem to influence a twin's health, but it could offer insights into how identical twinning happens. "It is a starting point" for solving "what is really an enigma," says Jenny van Dongen, a twin genetics researcher at Free University (VU), Amsterdam. The signature could also be used to test whether a person had a "vanishing twin," an identical twin that died in the womb.

An international team led by van Dongen and VU twin genetics researcher Dorret Boomsma looked for clues in what's known as the epigenome. Patterns of chemical tags called methyl groups glom onto genes, turning them on or off. (Such epigenetic changes are responsible for everything from enabling Peruvians to live at high altitudes to helping the placenta develop.) Using blood and cheek cell samples, the researchers scanned the epigenomes of more than 3000 identical twins, as well as a comparable number of fraternal twins and some twins' parents. They looked at 400,000 different places on each person's genome. About 800 locations had differences in methylation that set identical twins apart from everyone else, the team reports today in Nature Communications. "It's likely something established very early on that is propagated to subsequent cells," van Dongen says.

Some of the methylated or unmethylated spots made sense, such as tags on genes involved in cell adhesion that might influence how easily a fertilized egg splits into two embryos. But changes in other locations, such as the ends of chromosomes, don't have an obvious explanation. These regions have been associated with aging, yet identical twins' life spans are similar to other people's. An epigenetic test might also be useful to determine whether a person once had an identical twin that vanished in the uterus, perhaps because it didn't have enough room or nutrients to grow. Sometimes a twin fetus appears in an ultrasound before vanishing, but other times it may be absorbed without leaving a trace. As many as 12% of pregnancies start out as multiples (including fraternal twins), according to some estimates, but only 2% of twin pairs survive. Using a separate data set, the epigenetic signature could predict whether someone was an identical twin in 70% to 80% of cases, van Dongen says. With data from a large enough group of people, the test would get even better, she says, and it could also help "predict the exact rate" of vanishing twins. That figure would be useful not only for researchers, but also "of broad interest" to twins themselves and to families who are mourning the loss of an identical twin, Boomsma says.

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Identical Twins Carry Genetic Modifications No One Else Has

Comments Filter:
  • Jesus Christ. Now we'll have laws to protect the absorbed and give them a virtual burial in the name of their Lord.
  • Mammals (Score:4, Interesting)

    by ghoul ( 157158 ) on Tuesday September 28, 2021 @10:03PM (#61843159)
    Many mammals have litters. Maybe look for the gene in dogs and cats. it will probably be more expressed there. Their may be a more general gene for multiple birth with a particular variation for identical. if identified we could then move on to the next stage of family planning. If you do not want multiple births (And its a real problem with IVF - parents having more kids than they can handle at one time , then the egg and sperm could be screened to remove the ones which have the gene for multiple birth expressed strongly) . Will reduce the need for selective abortion in multiple pregnancies.
    • Re:Mammals (Score:5, Interesting)

      by awarre ( 1321439 ) on Tuesday September 28, 2021 @11:34PM (#61843263)
      Litters are because multiple eggs were released at the same time so this doesn't apply.Only Armadillos in genus Dasypus consistently give birth to identical quadruplets-- one fertilized egg one fertilizing sperm but four embryos.So yes study them and also figure out are conjoined twins failed identical twins or something more complicated.
  • by swell ( 195815 ) <> on Tuesday September 28, 2021 @11:53PM (#61843277)

    Isn't it nice that now and then, here and there, someone uncovers some obscure new fact about twins. Then our minds swirl and pecrol as the twin mystery comes back to mind. We may think about all the stories, all the tales of twin tecritude and alasses or we may just think of other little twin discoveries.

    You may have heard of Mark Twain's interest in twins revealed in stories and performances. But have you heard him tell the strange tale of his own twin, as in this interview? []

  • Science seems to misunderstand the finding. The genes themselves are normal. The methylation, i.e. markers on the DNA, is different. "Identical Twins Carry Genetic Markers No One Else Has" would be more appropriate.

    • by doom ( 14564 )

      "Identical Twins Carry Genetic Markers No One Else Has" would be more appropriate.

      Which is how I understood it, though you have a point that "modifications" suggests some human agency is inducing them.

      But then, there are drugs that increase the odds of twin births, so maybe that's not such an absurd idea.

      What I was wondering is what this does for "twin studies". Whenever you hear anyone talking about "nature" being stronger than "nurture" they're basing their opinion on studies of fraternal vs. gen

  • Scientific Team Reduces Clone Army Maturation Costs By 50%

    Much better.

