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Medicine Science

WHO Warns of 'Chaos' if Individuals Mix Covid Vaccines (theguardian.com) 195

The World Health Organization's chief scientist has advised individuals against mixing and matching Covid-19 vaccines from different manufacturers, saying such decisions should be left to public health authorities. From a report: "It's a little bit of a dangerous trend here," Soumya Swaminathan told an online briefing on Monday after a question about booster shots. "It will be a chaotic situation in countries if citizens start deciding when and who will be taking a second, a third and a fourth dose." Swaminathan had called mixing a âoedata-free zoneâ but later clarified her remarks in an overnight tweet. "Individuals should not decide for themselves, public health agencies can, based on available data," she said in the tweet. "Data from mix and match studies of different vaccines are awaited -- immunogenicity and safety both need to be evaluated."
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WHO Warns of 'Chaos' if Individuals Mix Covid Vaccines

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  • We must be making progress if we've moved from "barely getting the second dose" to mixing and matching.

    • Not necessarily, if supply is an issue an another vaccine is unpopular there might be people that just take the easiest route.

      For example in Denmark the use of AZ and JJ was discouraged nationally and a focus was put on mRNA vaccines, but as the stocks freed up and the govt wanted more coverage they allowed for younger persons to take AZ/JJ ahead of the planned schedule AGAINS'T the medical communitys wishes.

      Now these people that got it early might now be considering taking later shots of mRNA vaccines to g
  • by mark-t ( 151149 ) <markt@NOSPAm.nerdflat.com> on Friday July 16, 2021 @09:53AM (#61588315) Journal

    First they say that mixing vaccines is untested. Later they come out with reports that suggest that mixing vaccines may provide more robust and enduring protection than getting a second dose of the same vaccine. Now they are saying that it is problem again.

    I got two of the same vacciine, but I know a *LOT* of people who got Astrazenica first and then either Pfizer of Morderna second because at the time they started rolling out second doses here, that was actually the recommended policy for people who got Astrazenica in their first dose.

    • Later they come out with reports that suggest that mixing vaccines may provide more robust and enduring protection than getting a second dose of the same vaccine

      I think this is only correct for AstraZeneca because it uses the same vector for both shots and the body develops a partial immunity to the vector after the first one, lowering the second shot efficiency.

    • by Yo Grark ( 465041 ) on Friday July 16, 2021 @10:07AM (#61588365)

      No kidding.

      "such decisions should be left to public health authorities"

      Who the hell do you think told us to mix doses? Here in Ontario, Canada those of us who had the first dose of CrapaZenenca don't even have the option of not mixing if we want a second dose.

      A little anecdote, a week after I got my first shot at the advice of Public Health about not being picky, they stopped giving out AstraZeneca saying it wasn't as effective and that people should wait for Pfizer or Moderna. I was like what the hell? Now a few weeks after I get my SECOND dose, we hear that 1. oops, sorry we were wrong about the effectiveness and 2. You shouldn't be mixing.

      Misinformation is hard enough to wade through, but when it comes from your own seemingly competent health officials, us plebes have no chance!

      Yo Grark

    • by The Evil Atheist ( 2484676 ) on Friday July 16, 2021 @10:12AM (#61588385)
      If people learn to fucking read, maybe they won't be confused. HERE, they're talking about INDIVIDUALS taking it upon themselves to mix and match vaccines.
      • by MrL0G1C ( 867445 )

        Why? Because we're all to stupid to listen to scientific advice? I'd take an mRNA jab if I could since I've only had 2x AstraZenica jabs and those aren't as affective against the Delta variant.

        The scientists have said mixing works, so why ignore that?

        Swaminathan had called mixing a "data-free zone"

        Chief scientist at WHO should know what the fuck the current studies say before proclaiming there is no science on mixing jabs.

  • The Netherlands has already said mixing is safe though I don't see that they have adopted it as a policy yet. The UK has published studies on AstraZeneca + Pfizer though it's yet to be peer reviewed. At least that's what the press release said which didn't actually mention which study :-/

  • Doh, Eh? (Score:4, Informative)

    by grogger ( 638944 ) on Friday July 16, 2021 @10:00AM (#61588347)
    Just got my second shot last week - pfiser - first was AZ. The government of Canada first told everyone AZ was safe. Then decided it wasn't safe but if you got AZ once you should get AZ twice. Then decided no, you should not get AZ any more and get something else. Then stated it might be better to get two different vaccines like one of pfiser and one of mederna - but people should still get the second like the first if possible. And it is fine to send AZ to third world countries since... Government here also said you need to get your second shot 8 weeks after your first. Then you should get your second shot 16 weeks after your first. Then you should get your second shot as soon as possible but a least 8 weeks after your first. Finally you should get your second shot as soon as possible but at least 4 weeks after your first.
    • Re:Doh, Eh? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Dixie_Flatline ( 5077 ) <vincent,jan,goh&gmail,com> on Friday July 16, 2021 @12:12PM (#61588849) Homepage

      For chrissakes.

      1. AZ IS safe. It's certainly much safer than actually contracting COVID.
      2. While the risks of AZ should be more than acceptable, we were starting to get more doses of Pfizer anyway, due to better manufacturing.
      3. Getting 2 different vaccines was deemed better than NOT getting a second dose. Because of the supply situation, it was looking more likely that we would be forced into that position. Pfizer and Moderna were always considered basically interchangeable.
      4. As it turns out, mixing AZ+mRNA seems to produce even better immune responses than AZ+AZ or mRNA+mRNA. That wasn't clear at first, but there's more evidence for it now. At first it was deemed merely not dangerous. (Mixing vaccines is common, it's just that we've never paid attention to vaccine brands until now.)
      5. Any timing delays imposed by the government about how long you were supposed to wait for your second dose were largely based on availability, not efficacy. After some study, it looks like 12+ weeks is actually quite a sweet spot, but right now the advice is 4 weeks to strike a good balance between getting shots into arms and the best possible protection.

      The government's available data changed, and it has responded well to the data as it arrives. It's been a remarkably smooth vaccination campaign considering we don't manufacture any of these vaccines inside the country.

      You should only complain or worry if the government sets a policy and absolutely refuses to budge from it when there's new information.

    • Same... got AZ first, then Moderna second... It was a little bit chaotic at one point with the AZ saga in Canada...

  • by Echoez ( 562950 ) * on Friday July 16, 2021 @10:06AM (#61588361)

    As someone with family members who got the J&J shot (prior to the catastrophic decision to suspend giving it out), they're now looking at situations where people (such as the NY Yankees) are getting Covid while those who got Pfizer/Moderna are not. I received my 2 Moderna shots, and now my family is wondering if it makes sense to get that one as well.

    So the issue is that some vaccines (AZ, J&J) are performing worse than others. The Chinese vaccine especially seems to be almost useless. Who can blame folks for wanting to upgrade their vaccination status?

    If the concern is that it's tough for CDC/WHO to tease the data apart as to which vaccines are working, individuals won't care. They should be allowed to push for their maximum level of protection.

  • While it is technically true that the question of whether covid can be transmitted telepathically through 5g cell towers has not been definitely answered by a double-blind randomized control trial designed to deliberately sample the entire zodiac, and spanning the necessary time period to ensure that Mars is in retrograde in every celestial house, it is even more true that there is no plausible mechanism by which this happens and it is safe to say that it doesn't.

    Similarly...if a vaccine works the same way.

    • The vaccines do not all work the same; they do not all have the same ingredients. This is the point you are missing.
      • That's not true in this case. Every single one of the dna/rna vaccines as well as the Novavax vaccine introduces the sars-cov2 spike protein into the human body by delivering genetic material into muscle cells that cause them to present the spike protein.

        Killed virus vaccines directly inject all kinds of viral proteins including the spike and the Novavax vaccine directly injects the spike.

        Again: what is the rationale for thinking they are not interchangeable? "I don't understand how it works therefore I wil

        • That's not true in this case

          Stop right there. If some of the vaccines are not like other vaccines, you have defeated your own argument.

          • No I haven't.

            Some vaccines aren't like other vaccines:

            Live virus polio vaccines given orally are not like inactivated virus vaccines given as injections. One doses you with the real thing in a small amount and the other injects inactivated virue into you.

            How exactly does that defeat any argument at all?

            Do people really not understand how disease spreads and how the immune system works?

      • The ingredients donâ(TM)t matter. One vaccine: Step 1: vaccine is injected. Step n: There is stuff in your body that looks exactly like a Covid virus. Further steps: Your body does the rest. Second vaccine: Step 1: vaccine is injected. Step m: There is stuff in your body that looks exactly like a Covid virus. Further steps: Your body does the rest.

        Ingredients donâ(TM)t matter.
    • So how will we ever know?

  • XKCD (Score:5, Funny)

    by LatencyKills ( 1213908 ) on Friday July 16, 2021 @10:11AM (#61588377)
    XKCD already did a study. https://xkcd.com/2422/ [xkcd.com]
  • Of course they don't want you doing that. It would throw off their data in this experiment. How can the WHO tell the effectiveness of each individual vaccine if people mix them together?
  • WHO says if you mix vaccines, somewhere Nurgle laughs.

  • Government agency says government agencies, not individuals, should make the decisions. (Film at 11:00.)

    Why am I not surprised?

  • The UK has been conducting extensive trials into mixing vaccines not just from different manufacturers but mixing different types, i.e mixing mRNA with retrovirus.
  • by cantsleep ( 2723025 ) on Friday July 16, 2021 @11:12AM (#61588657)

    I'm one dose of AstraZeneca short on my Covid-19 Vaccine Bingo card [mfbc.us]

  • What will the result of mixing be? That the people who aren't collecting statistics won't be able to isolate non-working vaccines?

    Is the WHO person one of those people who don't like it when food on the plate touches other foods on the plate?

  • With the rise of the Delta variant, now the most common one in the U.S., the pace of deaths is picking up. No longer is it the frail and elderly who are dying. Now it's those who claim to be impervious from the virus, the young [cbsnews.com], who wanted to wait for more data on the vaccines [businessinsider.com], or believe a mythological being will protect them [thehill.com]. At this point, over 99% of all covid deaths are from people who refused to be vaccinated, including a nurse [theadvocate.com]. The good thing about her death is she was only 24 and hadn't yet repro
  • by gklyber ( 5133 ) on Friday July 16, 2021 @11:33AM (#61588739)

    The RF signals from the competing tracking chips in the vaccines will cause interference and the grand plan will fail. Also, it is possible that the kill switches will be disabled if the wrong combination of shots is given.

  • Taiwan (Score:5, Insightful)

    by bill_mcgonigle ( 4333 ) * on Friday July 16, 2021 @11:53AM (#61588791) Homepage Journal

    I'm old enough to remember when Tedros, the WHO Chief and Marxist politician by background, hung up the Zoom call when somebody asked him about Taiwan.

    These are mendacious politicians, not serious scientists, that we're hearing from. There are surely decent scientists in the WHO's employ, but they don't get to talk to the population of this planet.

    The US funding ought to be re-directed to Doctors without Borders (MSF) which actually does good work. Except the US bombed their hospital instead, found itself "not guilty" and offered $6000 condolence payments to the families of each person murdered in the hospital.

    So that might not work out.

  • I'm here to kill Chaos

  • 1 dose of Johnson, two doses of Astra. Both vector vaccines, Astra and Sputnik were tested in a Russian study, and nothing alarming came out *except* the CVT risk (thrombosis), Been two weeks after my lasts shot, and feeling fine. The thirst for brains is not so bad yet that I actually need to eat them, so I am safe? Oh yeah, and tested safety during two events with a lot of unvaccinated youth (and likely infecter, we are talking Thr Netherlands here) over two weeks, also there no infection for me. N=1, but
  • This directly conflicts with the guidance that France and Germany are sharing with their citizens.

    Health agencies in France and Germany are already encouraging people who've gotten the AstraZeneca vaccine to consider getting one of the mRNA vaccines for their second shot.

    The source was an NPR interview, transcript here. https://www.npr.org/sections/h... [npr.org]

One good reason why computers can do more work than people is that they never have to stop and answer the phone.
