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COVID Vaccines To Reach Poorest Countries in 2023 -- Despite Recent Pledges ( 164

Most people in the poorest countries will need to wait another two years before they are vaccinated against COVID-19, researchers have told Nature. From a report: Around 11 billion doses are needed to fully vaccinate 70% of the world's population against COVID-19. As of 4 July, 3.2 billion doses had been administered. At the current vaccination rate, this will increase to around six billion doses by the end of the year, researchers from the International Monetary Fund, based in Washington DC, project. But so far, more than 80% of the doses have gone to people in high-income and upper-middle-income countries. Only 1% of people in low-income countries have been given at least one dose, according to the website Our World in Data.

Last month, the leaders of the G7 group of wealthy nations pledged extra doses for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) by the end of 2022, at a summit in Cornwall, UK. The centrepiece was a promise from US President Joe Biden to donate 500 million doses of the vaccine made by pharmaceutical company Pfizer of New York City and biotechnology company BioNTech in Mainz, Germany. This is in addition to 87.5 million previously pledged. The United Kingdom pledged 100 million, and France, Germany and Japan have pledged around 30 million each.

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COVID Vaccines To Reach Poorest Countries in 2023 -- Despite Recent Pledges

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  • Astraya (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymouse Cowtard ( 6211666 ) on Monday July 05, 2021 @07:49PM (#61554020) Homepage
    Fuck all cunts getting the jab here in Australia. The conservative government are making one fucked call after the next. People in the mining industry are getting vaccinated at a faster rate than front line workers in aged care and hospitals. I visited my GP and asked if I could receive it and was denied. What a arse-about, second rate, holes in the ground shithole my country has become.
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      > Fuck all cunts getting the jab here in Australia.

      > I visited my GP and asked if I could receive it...

      You a wannabe cunt, mate? Put another IQ point on the barbie.

    • Re: Astraya (Score:5, Informative)

      by Anonymouse Cowtard ( 6211666 ) on Monday July 05, 2021 @09:15PM (#61554160) Homepage

      Fuck all cunts getting the jab here in Australia. I should translate for non-Australians. "Fuck all" means there is none or hardly any. I'm not saying to fuck everyone getting the jab. Hah

      • Re: Astraya (Score:5, Funny)

        by fph il quozientatore ( 971015 ) on Tuesday July 06, 2021 @01:02AM (#61554492)
        As a non-native English speaker, this language is fascinating and absolutely terrifying at the same time.
        • Re: Astraya (Score:5, Funny)

          by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Tuesday July 06, 2021 @03:27AM (#61554688) Homepage Journal

          Saw a sign the other day that read "Do not ride bikes or scooters in the park. Children and the elderly may be injured."

          Thought that was a bit daft, no riding your bike but beating up old people and kids is okay?!

        • Wait until you translate the rest of the sentence.
          Fuck all - already covered
          cunts - upstanding ladies or gentlemen, a term of endearment to fellow members of the human race.
          jab - an injection commonly referring specifically to a commonly widely distributed injection for example vaccination.
          Australia - Commonly referring to 5 of the 6 states and both of the territories of the country of Australia, because no one likes Tasmania and we are all hoping it drifts further away from the mainland.

        • by WallyL ( 4154209 )
          I'm a native English speaker, and it still terrifies me.
      • Its nice to know that other nations use the word cunt as a generic term. In Scotland its barely even a swear (although maybe don't call your mother in law a cunt).

        Stolen from Joe Heenan on twitter - A Scottish guide to the word cunt.

        Good cunt = nice person
        Daft cunt = silly person
        Thick cunt = stupid person
        Bunch of cunts = Tories
        That cunt = Him/her
        Total cunt = Nigel Farage
        Kick his cunt in = Fight that man
        Ooo ya cunt ye = that’s sore

    • Re:Astraya (Score:4, Interesting)

      by Krishnoid ( 984597 ) on Monday July 05, 2021 @09:33PM (#61554196) Journal
      You should have shown up in your GP's office looking like this [], then. In fairness, there's far worse open-air circulation in mineshafts, so maybe that was taken into consideration when determining sorting weights. But that would have been science, so ... ?
    • What a arse-about, second rate, holes in the ground shithole my country has become.

      What I'd give to be back in Australia, a country largely living a normal life throughout all of last year while much of the rest of the world was in lockdown.I can't believe I actually got jealous of my mother posting photos on Facebook drinking a wheat beer in the German Club in an Australian city while I was standing in fucking Germany staring at closed pubs.

      Stop your bitcharse whining. It's un-Australian, and be thankful our craps his own pants in a McDonalds PM and a few moron Premiers gave you a life l

  • by Rei ( 128717 ) on Monday July 05, 2021 @08:14PM (#61554044) Homepage

    They need production facilities.

    When it became clear that Pfizer was working great and the AZ rollout was a trainwreck, Pfizer started work on a new facility in Europe and a couple months later dramatically increased out production capacity. This is needed all over the world For initial shots, for boosters, and then - down the road - for other mRNA treatments. It's not like Africa has a shortage of diseases that need vaccines.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by lipof86677 ( 7388932 )
      You cannot just drop production facilities in a country and make them magically produce product. You need expertise and staff and a supply chain.
      • Well, it won't be fast, but if we start now we have a better chance of having the capacity in place for the next pandemic. There will be one.

    • It's not like Africa has a shortage of diseases that need vaccines.

      No, but it has a shortage of money to pay for those vaccines to be developed and then produced. Commercial drug research is always going to focus on the diseases and problems afflicting those with the largest bank balances. Just look at how at least some of these companies extort money from rich countries - and even the well-behaved companies are only one takeover or new CEO from becoming just as bad. They can't do that to poor countries because they simply don't have the money to pay....and frankly soon n

    • by sinij ( 911942 ) on Monday July 05, 2021 @09:02PM (#61554136)

      They need production facilities.

      Building vaccine production facility in Somalia is entirely different challenge from building one in Europe. More so, people in Somalia are not stupid and would not trust vaccines produced there. Similar situation in Russia - they have very low uptake of vaccines because nobody trusts the process.

      • Build on ships. Sail to where needed.

        • You might implicitly trust something produced in the USA, Germany, UK, France, maybe a few more countries (Switzerland, Italy, Austria, ...).
          You might implicitly trust something produced under Renault brand in Turkey.

          However, many ships sail under "flags of convenience". Would you trust something produced in a Liberian, or Panaman ship?
          Also, ships are not usually paragons of sanitation - see some sanitary crises on cruise ships, promoted by some as the "ultimate vacation".

    • Right. You're going to build a high-tech, cutting edge pharma production facility in places where farmers can't install irrigation systems because people steal the water pipes.

      It's all well and good to talk about "leapfrogging", i..e, skipping generations of technology. However, there are limits: you can't skip past what the local populace is capable of supporting. Whatever the reasons (and that's a whole different discussion), certain parts of the world are simply incompatible with a high-tech society.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • We don't actually need new facilities. We need existing facilities capable of producing the Pfizer vaccine to be subcontracted to manufacture them.

      That is what happened in Europe. No new facilities were built. Just a few existing bio facilities were additionally qualified by Pfizer and the regulator to produce the vaccine. And that isn't just Pfizer, they are doing that for all the vaccines.

      E.g. Halix was recently qualified in the Netherlands to produce more AZ
      The BioNTech facility in Marburg has always bee

      • by Rei ( 128717 )

        That is what happened in Europe. No new facilities were built. Just a few existing bio facilities were additionally qualified by Pfizer and the regulator to produce the vaccine. And that isn't just Pfizer, they are doing that for all the vaccines.

        Nobody had a spare mRNA vaccine production facility lying around. To be fair, full production is not done in Europe - the plasmids are shipped over from the US. But the mRNA production and subsequent lipid nanoparticle encapsulation are done in Europe.

        Also, while

        • Grateful that some of the economies in Africa are improving.

          I also have friends from Cape Town. They leave me the impression that the economy is fine, and it is of course full of natural beauty, but crime is a HUGE problem, even compared to otherwise comparable cities in the US.

          I value my family's safety more than I do widescreen TVs or yearly vacations or a new car every 3 years. I suspect most folks do. The safety problem, in places where it is a problem (including right here where I already am), needs

        • Nobody had a spare mRNA vaccine production facility lying around.

          Please stop using the word facility. No new facilities have been built. None. And that despite every increasing production capacities and ever more existing facilities producing the vaccine. This isn't about the ability to make the vaccine but being certified to produce specific components. Again You said "spare mRNA production facility", and I remind you the company which developed the fucking vaccine itself wasn't *allowed* to produce it and it had nothing to do with production limitations of its facilit

          • by Rei ( 128717 )

            Okay, fine - what were the industrial scale mRNA bioreactors being used for beforehand? And the lipid nanoparticle encapsulation system, what was it being used for before it was repurposed? If you're going to argue that nothing new was built, then please describe what they were doing beforehand.

            The Marburg facility was a Novartis facility used for producing a rabies and a tick-borne encephalitis vaccine. Both are extremely old-school tech: inactivated pathogen grown in fertilized chicken eggs. The plant's

    • by spth ( 5126797 )

      Pfizer's new facility in Marburg wasn't created from scratch. It was an existing Novartis facility that was repurposed to produce the new vaccine.

      Also, Marburg has been a center of biomedical research and production for a while, so qualified personnel was there.

      It still took months. But creating the same from scratch elsewhere would have taken much longer.

  • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 ) on Monday July 05, 2021 @10:02PM (#61554252)

    Linear extrapolation is certainly the easiest thing to do. Meanwhile in the real world, vaccine production is still increasing every day, vaccine distribution too. In the first few months the US sucked up the lion's share of the supply, then that started going to Canada and Europe. Once they're having trouble giving it away it will flood the next tier of countries and so on. It doesn't matter how many doses the politicos announce, everyone making COVID vaccines are going to continue churning them out as fast as possible until they can't sell them anymore because the big costs are already sunk.

    It sucks to be poor and/or unprepared. Usually it means you go without. This time it means you wait a bit.

    • by Dastardly ( 4204 )

      At the current rate my math says that there will be enough doses by the end of 2022 based on the article. Unless there is a word missing from the article. The article says 11 billion doses are needed. There will be 6 billion doses this year which includes the ramp up phase. The average production rate this year is quite a bit less than the current production rate. So, producing another 6 billion doses next year is pretty much guaranteed which makes 12 billion doses by the end of 2022 which is >11 billion

      • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

        That sounds about right. "end of 2022" is "2023" if you're a bit pessimistic or want to round up for your headline. So if you make pessimistic assumptions about the rate of vaccination, it is conceivable that somebody somewhere will not have access to a vaccine until the calendar says 2023.

        It makes a better story than "holy shit, we're vaccinating people fast, and even starting to actually share!"

  • Will be interesting to see whether the current vaccinations will be effective at all after the virus had _that_ much time to get more infections and potentially more deadly. We either get this thing under control globally, or we do not get it under control.

  • so it's only to be expected that the initial majority of cases to be treated were there, Part of the plan was for India to mass produce AZ vaccine for export, but the much faster spread of the Delta variant means they've chosen to keep it for themselves. Now do they count as an evil richer country, or a poor country with a vast population suffering?

  • We have to pay people to get vaccinated because none of us have lived without it before and don't know what it's like.
  • A big part of problem in US is that vaccine is given for free and everyone is begging people to get the shots. This devalues the shots and gives rise to instinctive perception of ulterior motive. When someone keeps nagging you to buy a timeshare, wouldn't you suspect that the "deal" is too good to be true?

    Instead, give eligible adults a couple of months to either get the shots or donate their vaccine internationally. The later group can still get a certificate to go back to office / not wear masks because i

    • I would even charge $50 for the shots, but with an honor system option to pay less, potentially $0, in case of financial hardship. So that recipients know that the vaccine has a value and billions are still waiting for their chance to get it.

      And you'd immediately be branded a racist because such a charge would "disproportionately affect communities of brown and Black people." Not saying I agree with it, but that is absolutely what would be said, with much hand-waving, shrieking, and cardboard signs.

      And y

  • ...the countries that can afford to vaccinate their populations have prioritized their own people before those of countries that can't afford it. No big surprise there.

    What I would find surprising is if these poor countries have similar or better vaccination rates than wealthy nations or if they ever actually say thank you for the continued handouts we always seem to be on the hook for.

"I have just one word for you, my boy...plastics." - from "The Graduate"
