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The LHC Finds a Tantalizing Hint of New Physics ( 64

ytene writes: As reported by the BBC, a team at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are reporting a hint of new physics thanks to analysis of results from exploring the so-called beauty quark. Results from the LHCb are currently standing at three-sigma -- offering a roughly one-in-one-thousand chance that the measurements reported are a statistical coincidence, still considered short of the so-called "gold-standard" of five-sigma [in which there is a one in 3.5 million chance of the result being a fluke]. If further analysis and experiments confirm these results, they might point the way to an as-yet undiscovered particle, hints of something beyond the Standard Model.
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The LHC Finds a Tantalizing Hint of New Physics

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  • by Ginger_Chris ( 1068390 ) on Wednesday March 24, 2021 @02:29AM (#61191746)

    'Beauty' Quark sounds so much better than 'Bottom'.

    Bottom is its proper name. No one calls it beauty. But I guess that doesn't make as catchy a news headline.

  • An unaccounted for systematic error may also be the source of this "signal". We will need to wait for someone else to replicate.
  • Angry DBZA Vegeta voice: "Do I hear THIRTY-SEVEN?"

  • by igreaterthanu ( 1942456 ) on Wednesday March 24, 2021 @04:48AM (#61191940)
    A p-value of 0.001 doesn't mean a 1/1000 chance of it being a fluke, it means that if the null hypothesis is correct, there is a 1/1000 chance that we would get this or more significant evidence by chance alone. There is a very big distinction between these two things. The chance of it being a fluke depends as well on the prior probability.
    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      "a roughly one-in-one-thousand chance that the measurements reported are a statistical coincidence"

      If you're going to make a pedantic criticism, you should at least read the summary. I don't expect they did it on purpose, but it doesn't claim a one in a thousand chance a new force exists.

    • It means that if they performed 1000 experiments similar to this, they would have gotten a result like this approximately once just by chance.

      How many experiments on various topics have been performed with the LHC since it opened? More than 1000, I would guess.

      So I am skeptical.

      Obligatory XKCD []

  • I can't count the number of 3-sigma effects, and even larger ones, that I've seen come and go in nearly 45 years of being a professional scientist. 3-sigma sounds like a lot, but it's nothing in the grand scheme of things and there's a reason that the standard for discovery is set so high.
  • Truth decays into beauty, while beauty soon becomes merely charm. Charm ends up as strangeness, and even that doesn't last, but up and down are forever.

If you do something right once, someone will ask you to do it again.
