The World Needs Syringes. He Jumped In To Make 5,900 Per Minute. (nytimes.com) 139
In late November, an urgent email popped up in the inbox of Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices, one of the world's largest syringe makers. It was from UNICEF, the United Nations agency for children, and it was desperately seeking syringes. Not just any would do. These syringes must be smaller than usual. They had to break if used a second time, to prevent spreading disease through accidental recycling. Most important, UNICEF needed them in vast quantities. Now. From a report: "I thought, 'No issues,'" said Rajiv Nath, the company's managing director, who has sunk millions of dollars into preparing his syringe factories for the vaccination onslaught. "We could deliver it possibly faster than anybody else." As countries jostle to secure enough vaccine doses to put an end to the Covid-19 outbreak, a second scramble is unfolding for syringes. Vaccines aren't all that useful if health care professionals lack a way to inject them into people.
Officials in the United States and the European Union have said they don't have enough vaccine syringes. In January, Brazil restricted exports of syringes and needles when its vaccination effort fell short. Further complicating the rush, the syringes have to be the right type. Japan revealed last month that it might have to discard millions of doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine if it couldn't secure enough special syringes that could draw out a sixth dose from its vials. In January, the Food and Drug Administration advised health care providers in the United States that they could extract more doses from the Pfizer vials after hospitals there discovered that some contained enough for a sixth -- or even a seventh -- person. "A lot of countries were caught flat-footed," said Ingrid Katz, the associate director of the Harvard Global Health Institute. "It seems like a fundamental irony that countries around the world have not been fully prepared to get these types of syringes." The world needs between eight billion and 10 billion syringes for Covid-19 vaccinations alone, experts say. In previous years, only 5 percent to 10 percent of the estimated 16 billion syringes used worldwide were meant for vaccination and immunization, said Prashant Yadav, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development, a think tank in Washington, and an expert on health care supply chains.
Officials in the United States and the European Union have said they don't have enough vaccine syringes. In January, Brazil restricted exports of syringes and needles when its vaccination effort fell short. Further complicating the rush, the syringes have to be the right type. Japan revealed last month that it might have to discard millions of doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine if it couldn't secure enough special syringes that could draw out a sixth dose from its vials. In January, the Food and Drug Administration advised health care providers in the United States that they could extract more doses from the Pfizer vials after hospitals there discovered that some contained enough for a sixth -- or even a seventh -- person. "A lot of countries were caught flat-footed," said Ingrid Katz, the associate director of the Harvard Global Health Institute. "It seems like a fundamental irony that countries around the world have not been fully prepared to get these types of syringes." The world needs between eight billion and 10 billion syringes for Covid-19 vaccinations alone, experts say. In previous years, only 5 percent to 10 percent of the estimated 16 billion syringes used worldwide were meant for vaccination and immunization, said Prashant Yadav, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development, a think tank in Washington, and an expert on health care supply chains.
Charlie Foxtrot (Score:1)
"the syringes have to be the right type. Japan revealed last month that it might have to discard millions of doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine if it couldn't secure enough special syringes that could draw out a sixth dose from its vials."
Talk about your major clusterfucks. And naturally pointing fingers at everyone else rather than ensuring required syringes were included with the product, is what is going to happen.
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Talk about your major clusterfucks. And naturally pointing fingers at everyone else rather than ensuring required syringes were included with the product, is what is going to happen.
What if the problem is the vials that the vaccine is shipped in and not the standard syringes that the country was using?
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Talk about your major clusterfucks. And naturally pointing fingers at everyone else rather than ensuring required syringes were included with the product, is what is going to happen.
What if the problem is the vials that the vaccine is shipped in and not the standard syringes that the country was using?
That is exactly why I suggested this burden be on the manufacturer. If your product requires specialized hardware to extract it, then include it. It's that damn simple.
Re:Charlie Foxtrot (Score:4, Informative)
The product does not require specialized hardware. Normal syringes have a 'dead space', which leaves some medicine still in the syringe. The 'special' syringes are 'low dead space', so less of the medicine gets wasted. The requirement for low dead space syringes comes from a desire to use every available drop of vaccine, not from any special requirement the vaccine manufacturers have.
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The product does not require specialized hardware. Normal syringes have a 'dead space', which leaves some medicine still in the syringe. The 'special' syringes are 'low dead space', so less of the medicine gets wasted. The requirement for low dead space syringes comes from a desire to use every available drop of vaccine, not from any special requirement the vaccine manufacturers have.
Since a planet is in need of this shot to save many lives, any desire to avoid waste, becomes a mandate rather quickly.
In other words, we should have probably thought about and solved this low dead space problem, long ago.
Re: Charlie Foxtrot (Score:2)
We did, which is why they exist.
We are in an unusual situation where the demand outstrips supply by orders of magnitude and so every dose lost to the inherent waste of any process is precious. For most drugs and vaccines that is not the case and the impact of waste is not as severe.
There is no such thing as a zero-waste manufacturing process.
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There is nothing simple at all about forcing Vaccine producers to include the needles as well.
1. These needles can be used for other products as well. So most healthcare organizations already have/had a supply of these, which they get supplied from a trusted source and meets what ever crazy local regulations they require. Also they are often able to get them at bulk price.
2. How many needles do you need to provide for a lot? If you are shipping 500 doses in a lot do you ship 500 needles and what will happe
Re:Charlie Foxtrot (Score:5, Interesting)
Why would you expect a vaccine manufacturer to ship syringes? Are you asking for inefficient price gouging?
Hospitals get vaccines and other medications from the various pharmaceutical companies that make them. And they get syringes from the various medical supply companies that make those. Having the supply companies ship syringes to the pharmaceutical companies who have no history of dealing with them is just asking for larger clusterfucks.
Really, this whole ordeal has shown just how bad hospitals are at dealing with even the most basic requirements of a pandemic. They had a year to stockpile syringes and make plans for efficiently distributing vaccines - months since they knew *exactly* what they'd be dealing with. Instead we're still seeing shortages, and multi-hour waiting lines for a scheduled appointment because they couldn't be bothered to set up scheduling systems that were efficient for anyone but themselves. I shudder to think of the hundreds of millions of man-hours that will be wasted by people waiting in line, just in the US alone. Billions of dollars of productivity just tossed out the window.
Charlie & his productive chocolate factory. (Score:2)
Billions of dollars of productivity just tossed out the window.
Implying there's productivity to be lost. Isn't part of the point of vaccination is so people can start socializing, and go back to work?
Re:Charlie Foxtrot (Score:4, Informative)
Still suffering from TDS, eh? Pfizer (for one) announced the start of phase 3 trials in JUNE. They said they would have data in November/December. Saying they only knew of the 'possibility of a vaccine in September' because of Trump is laughable at best. Operation Warp Speed got the manufacturing of vaccines started during the trials, so as soon as the results were in they could start distributing. None of this was a surprise to anyone.
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None of this was a surprise to anyone.
It was a surprise to quonset, and that is all TRUMP's fault! /s
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They had a year to stockpile syringes and make plans for efficiently distributing vaccines
No they did not. They only knew about the possibility of a vaccine in late September/early October. Conveniently right before the election. They were given no advanced notice on when to expect any vaccine because the con artist never gave any details. He wanted to reveal to the world how things were going so he could take credit for anything which came up.
The fucking human race was working on a COVID vaccine. Don't give me this "no advanced notice" bullshit. The world was put on notice when they were developing many vaccines that literally billions of syringes were going to be specifically needed for COVID-19. Then the world was put on notice once again when it was confirmed long ago that multiple injections would be required for a full inoculation. Not sure why the hell syringe makers weren't ordered to start manufacturing required stockpiles back when
Re:Charlie Foxtrot (Score:4, Interesting)
In part it's because the healthcare industry expects the government to do all the work for them and feed them dinner pre-chewed. They don't have anyone on staff competent to do that sort of planning because until the prior Sadministration they had never been needed. Even the incoming Biden administration, who thought they were prepared for the worst, was shocked by the complete lack of any sort of plan for the vaccine distribution that was already under way and the industry was caught totally flat-footed.
As enthusiastic as the corporations were about the rolling back of regulations and non-enforcement of laws it became glaringly apparent that the banana republic-level incompetence was an order of magnitude beyond what a stable society would be able to endure for very long. Biden didn't win the election, Rump lost it because even the ultra-conservatives were horrified at what was unfolding.
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If you're going to sell a product that requires specialized hardware to extract it, then you should be including it with your product.
It doesn't require specialized hardware. The special syringes just give you very slightly better utilization.
In normal times, it's just no big deal if you discard a tiny bit of vaccine along with the needle after a vaccination. With the vaccine in short supply for the period of time while production is still ramping up, though, people care about even that last little bit.
Wait another 2 months, and it will no longer be an issue: we won't care if we waste that last little drop, because it's predicted that w
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If you're going to sell a product that requires specialized hardware to extract it, then you should be including it with your product.
It doesn't require specialized hardware. The special syringes just give you very slightly better utilization.
In normal times, it's just no big deal if you discard a tiny bit of vaccine along with the needle after a vaccination. With the vaccine in short supply for the period of time while production is still ramping up, though, people care about even that last little bit.
Wait another 2 months, and it will no longer be an issue: we won't care if we waste that last little drop, because it's predicted that we will be "swimming in vaccine". [yahoo.com]
It was realized long ago that we would be swimming in deaths by the time any vaccine was viable. Therefore, the manufacturer knew damn well that every drop would be critical in the first weeks and months leading up to actually having stock on hand.
Once again, there will be plenty of finger pointing, but that doesn't dismiss the obvious that takes all of 10 seconds to realize. Either ship the vials with the necessary syringes, or make a better vial. Should have been the plan from Day Zero.
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It has nothing to do with the vials. It has to do with how much vaccine is left in the syringe after the injection. For instance, if there is a 'dead space' of 0.1CC in the syringe, then in order to inject the patient with 1.0CC you will have to fill the syringe with 1.1CC. The syringes are calibrated for this. That extra 0.1CC of vaccine remains in the syringe and is discarded with it. The special syringes have much less dead space, so less vaccine is discarded with each dose.
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It's a 20% or possibly even a 40% improvement. That's not "very slightly better".
Re: Charlie Foxtrot (Score:2)
If you think that is not a possible 40% improvement then you need remedial reading and comprehension.
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And if you don't have the specialized syringes, it sounds as though with appropriate techniques you can get the six doses out of the vial anyway:
https://www.stuff.co.nz/nation... [stuff.co.nz]
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The vials were sold as containing X doses
Hospitals have found that they can get X+1 doses out by using specific syringes
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The vials were sold as containing X doses
Hospitals have found that they can get X+1 doses out by using specific syringes
Actually, the only requirement for X+1 doses is enough precision. Any standard 1CC syringe will give you that.
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No, the requirement for X+1 doses is not leaving any of the vaccine in the syringe after the shot. The low dead space syringes do that.
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It actually is both. But the "low dead space" 1ccm syringes are in no way special or rare. In fact, here German-made ones cost about half of what the 3 part (regular) ones cost and my usual online supplier even has them on offer at 20% off right this time, so around 13EUR/100. I find it hard to believe any kind of shortage is happening here in particular as they have a shelf-life of 5 years for medical use and every manufacturer has known for while they will be needed.
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Straw man.
A sale at your local supplier who may have a few thousand in the warehouse probably approaching expiration date (hence sale) in not any kind of indicator regarding global availability in the ~10-billion-unit quantity.
They're not made with magic pixie dust, but they're not currently the standard syringe type. To speculate on why - one could imagine manufacturers WANT waste so they can sell more drugs. This aligns well with the covid vaccine distribution and the extra dose (or 2) per vial - a 20%
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The "low dead space" 1ml ones are the standard for tuberculosis vaccination ("Tuberkulin syringes") and they are not a new or particularly difficult or rare design. They are in regular production. The ones I use for technical applications are made from Polypropylene/Polyethylene, hence no special materials used.
Incidentally, my usual supplier is a national one. Hence they would be affected by any national shortage of these syringes. Did not happen though, there are enough of the right syringes available, be
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Sounds more like somebody in Japan does not know what they are talking about or it is about them not wanting to use some "foreign" produced syringes. There really is not shortage of the 1cc syringes you need. At least not in Europe. They are like $15 for 100 for a quality product, e.g. made by B.Braun in Germany. Shelf life for medical use is 5 years, much longer for technical use. The only additional requirement is "must not be usable 2x", but that is a 3rd World requirement.
I use them for precision mixing
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No win scenario.
For absolutely stupid reasons the COVID response had became crazy political showing a major flaw in leaders around the world to jump into action to solve a problem that can not be fixed with warfare.
So you are giving these people heat for not giving the drug with the proper equipment. However if these places were to improvise and say use needles that will not have the safety feature of breaking on being used twice, or getting the extra dose in the bottle. Then they are going to be under pre
Re: Charlie Foxtrot (Score:2)
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They aren't required syringes they're just ideal syringes.
Imagine you have a very valuable drug that costs $1,000/vial and can medicate 5 people with $1 syringes or 6 people with $10 syringes.
Total cost $1 syringe: $1,000+$5 = $1005 \ 5 = $201/dose
Total cost $10 syringe $1,000+$60 = $1060 \ 6 = $176/dose
The $10 syringe is absolutely worth the cost! It reduces the cost per dose by about 15%. So you of course exclusively use the $10 syringes since they overall save you $25/dose. Great investment. You're us
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The only reason we're talking about it being worth the more expensive syringe is because we're completely production constrained. The "$100" vial of vaccine is essentially priceless since it results in thousands of lives saved and trillions of dollars of economic activity being re-opened. So the "expensive" syringe is a means of virtually boosting production by 20% which at this moment in time is an enormous value.
Which is exactly why the proper syringe should have been prioritized in manufacturing and distribution a year ago. No matter when the vaccines were going to be approved, one thing was known long ago; every single drop of it was going to be critical at this moment in time.
I grow tired of listening to the excuses of Greed, especially when that $100 vial of vaccine costs $10 to make, and will be corruptly reimbursed through the taxpayer wallet at $1000/vial, providing many an executive bonus in the Medical I
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so how does one get the vaccine into the body.
looks to me like this is real choke point.
and a hell of fine problem for good engineers to solve
Bad analogy. Poor understanding of issue. (Score:5, Informative)
You're basically blaming the producer of the FUEL for your car, because of your car's poor mileage per liter.
It's you who should have bought a better car - that way you could have gotten more bang for the buck out of the fuel they sold you.
https://fortune.com/2021/02/21... [fortune.com]
Soon after the first shipments of Pfizer/BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine began arriving in December, health care workers and administrators discovered a precious opportunity.
Though the vaccine vials were labeled as containing five doses, experienced health workers found that they could sometimes extract a sixth dose, effectively expanding their vaccine supply by 20%.
But Pfizer's extra dose comes with a catch. To consistently deliver it, health workers would ideally be using specialized equipment known as a low dead space syringe, or LDS syringe.
While standard syringes retain a small amount of medicine after an injection, LDS syringes are designed to push nearly all of the liquid into a patientâ(TM)s arm.
That waste reduction is enough to turn five doses into six.
The problem is that LDS syringes are normally a niche product, and there are not enough available, either in the U.S. or worldwide, to administer all of those extra doses over coming weeks and months.
Most producers of the syringes have said they cannot expand production capacity.
Re: Bad analogy. Poor understanding of issue. (Score:2)
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If I understood you correctly,
You didn't.
Re:Bad analogy. Poor understanding of issue. (Score:4, Insightful)
No. This isn't wasting. This is figuring out a way to minimize the already expected and planned for waste.
Pfizer shipped out the vial with the right amount in it so that the syringes available to most workers would get 5 doses. It was intended for them to get 5 doses and then discard. This is standard practice. But some health care workers thought, gee, wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to waste this little bit at the end.
This would be like if someone figured out how to make something edible from a banana peel or a peach pit. That would be great, but you aren't gonna start punishing all the people who have been throwing them away for years.
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Well that's certainly unfortunate. But please reread the thread. The context is that the post I replied to was discussing " criminal lawsuits or even crimes against humanity" because people that only had standard syringes available to them were wasting the little bit that they couldn't reach. I'm not sure what your reply has to do with that.
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that means they're thinking about discarding vaccine vials because they can only extract five doses from them instead of six doses
dose != the whole vial
They have to discard the sixth dose with the syringe because they can't extract it.
Here's a decent explanation of the issue. [youtube.com]
It's sort of like leaving the last bit of jam in a jar because you don't have a long enough knife. It's a shame, but there's aught anyone can do about it lacking the proper tool.
Re: Bad analogy. Poor understanding of issue. (Score:2)
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A junkie would re-use the needle... which doctors can't do for what (I hope are) obvious reasons.
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They had to break if used a second time, to prevent spreading disease through accidental recycling.
Have they tried buying them from Wish.com? They're experts in providing stuff that breaks when you use it.
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Yeah, I guess I'm the guy who doesn't ship the cars unless they actually have wheels on them. How silly of me to think the manufacturer would actually consider including required hardware to be able to actually use the damn product.
What you are assuming, or at least suggesting is necessary, is for drug manufacturer to have more vertical integration within their product lines. There are likely no products where a single company owns the entire process from mining the materials to delivering the product. Each company decides just how much responsibility it wants to take on.
If a company tries the vertically integrate too much, they are a monopolist. They they don't do it enough, they are failing their customers. Online forums are a tough
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wouldn't expecting vaccine manufacturers to ship syringes with the vaccine be like expecting Asprin manufactures to include enough swallows of water with a bottle of Asprin to be able to take the pills?
Two different conversations [Re:Charlie Foxtrot] (Score:4, Insightful)
The comments in the thread are talking about two different things.
One set of people are talking about the availability of syringes, which are needed to do vaccination.
Another set of people are talking about the availability of special syringes that are optimized to get one more dose out of the vial, allowing six vaccinations per vaccine vial instead of five.
Yes, you should ship vaccines even if you don't have the special syringes to get six doses instead of five. No, there's no point in shipping vaccines if you don't have any syringes to inject them.
The special syringes are like getting the last little bit out of your ketchup bottle. Most of the time, you don't really care if you don't waste a little bit of ketchup in the bottle. But, if people were dying because of a shortage of ketchup, yes, you might want to make a special tool to get the last bit out.
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The comments in the thread are talking about two different things.
One set of people are talking about the availability of syringes, which are needed to do vaccination.
Another set of people are talking about the availability of special syringes that are optimized to get one more dose out of the vial, allowing six vaccinations per vaccine vial instead of five.
And are low dead space syringes really all that "special", or are high dead space syringes simply an outdated design that we (as in the planet) should have been gotten rid of long ago? What exactly is the 21st Century value-add for a high dead space syringe?
Yes, I'm getting very specific here after being educated on the actual technical issues (thank you for that), and now I'm struggling as to why the hell we haven't gotten rid of wasteful medical designs that are now causing harm and stress during a globa
Re: Two different conversations [Re:Charlie Foxtro (Score:2)
Manufacturing costs, obviously.
Assume target is 30 doses. Does it cost more to make 6 vials with syringes for 5 doses, or 5 vials with syringes for 6 doses. With all the complexities of different suppliers for vials vs syringes, and the challenges of different types of syringes being usable for other applications (presumably this type of syringe isnâ(TM)t suitable for certain classes of drugs or injection requirements) itâ(TM)s easy to see how the "standard" type of syringe in use would end up bei
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Manufacturing costs, obviously.
Assume target is 30 doses. Does it cost more to make 6 vials with syringes for 5 doses, or 5 vials with syringes for 6 doses.
Guess that depends on if you're only going to discuss a single global pandemic where wasted doses equates to deaths rather quickly, or if you're going to accurately include every wasted dose and life that has been lost to inferior syringe designs since the invention of low head space syringes decades ago.
This isn't like arguing about the number of total airbags in a car. This is akin to questioning why we're still making a car without any airbags at all. High dead space syringes are also referred to as "
Re: Two different conversations [Re:Charlie Foxtr (Score:2)
No, this is like continuing to sell a car with tires rated for 35K miles when someone has figured out that tires rated for 40K miles will fit the car as well. Actually, itâ(TM)s not like that at all because the tires are sold separately from different store than the car.
You asked a question and I gave you an answer. Why are you so intent on trying to prove the entire pharmaceutical industry is stupid compared to your armchair quarterbacking with 20-20 hindsight?
Maybe, just maybe, you are being naively
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No, this is like continuing to sell a car with tires rated for 35K miles when someone has figured out that tires rated for 40K miles will fit the car as well. Actually, itâ(TM)s not like that at all because the tires are sold separately from different store than the car.
You asked a question and I gave you an answer. Why are you so intent on trying to prove the entire pharmaceutical industry is stupid compared to your armchair quarterbacking with 20-20 hindsight?
Maybe, just maybe, you are being naively over-simplistic in your portrayal of the situation and the myriad of complications involved in supply-chain management involving millions to billions of items being produced and delivered in a matter of months?
Yes, or maybe those in the industry who are knowledgeable about low dead space syringes and the impact during a global pandemic, didn't have either the support or forethought to prioritize designs and funds to avoid this problem altogether? Upwards of 1 in 6 inoculations are affected by this, which was a known problem long ago. You do the math to calculate the impact of that as people die waiting for a vaccine.
Again, the world has been working on a COVID-19 vaccine for a year now. I'm sorry, but even wit
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Wow, and no-one across the world ever thought about prioritizing LDS syringes, which is why this manufacturer wasn't ready to switch when the order came. You are the only person seeing clearly that this should have been prioritized. The attention on this one particular set of vial sizes and syringe types clearly is the only concern, and the other types of vaccines, other vial sizes, other types of syringes/applicators and complex supply chains of all of those should all have been sacrificed because everyone
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Wow, and no-one across the world ever thought about prioritizing LDS syringes, which is why this manufacturer wasn't ready to switch when the order came. You are the only person seeing clearly that this should have been prioritized. The attention on this one particular set of vial sizes and syringe types clearly is the only concern, and the other types of vaccines, other vial sizes, other types of syringes/applicators and complex supply chains of all of those should all have been sacrificed because everyone's attentions should have been on this one.
An entire planet, is sacrificing a lot right now, including lives. Yeah, I am oversimpfying this, because using LDS syringes a rather simple problem to understand, along with the impact, which should have driven priority.
In December there were 2 vaccines reaching approval, and dozens more in progress. By January enough doses were being distributed that we could start to learn from large-scale distribution and figure out what changes could make it better. The potential for extra doses became known in January...
Known in January? Liquid enters a high dead space syringe in the same wasteful way today as it did decades ago. Dosage and vial designs hardly matter if the actual waste is happening in each syringe. The problem of wasting precious vaccine using "traditional" syringes was known to those in this manufacturing industry long ago. And the impact of not using low dead space syringes to deploy a life-saving vaccine to our country and ultimately the planet, was also known.
This article is about one manufacturer of syringes who was able to pivot on a moment's notice, because they were prepared for the change in demand.
And I wonder how they were able to do
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Do you really want answers? Or do you just want to vent? Because your reply and most of your others in this thread look like the latter, not the former.
Every time you ask a question and someone gives an answer, you dismiss it and go on your repetitive rant on how this all should have been magically obvious at some nebulous point in the past. Most people won't want to engage with you on those terms because it doesn't look like you are asking questions in good faith. It looks like you are asking questions so
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As a syringe manufacturer, we will not ship medication inside it unless the medication can be stored inside it during the manufacturing process. As a medication manufacturer, we will not let our medication inside a syringe in a shelf unless a lot of storage precautions are taken. Until very recently, nobody knew how much was needed for a dose of COVID vaccine because it was new for everyone. So a bit hard to plan on the right sized product when you are lost on the dosage.
Lost on the dosage? Rather weak ass excuse since trials went on for months and dosage instructions are now quite old. And do you know what was known for well over a year now? The fact that low dead space syringes are critical when vaccine quantities and timelines are critical. The fact that every COVID vaccine was going to be in liquid injectable form, and therefore a few billion additional syringes were going to be needed for a planet in need in the year 2021. How much of THAT, was actually planned fo
Have to prevent second use? (Score:4, Interesting)
I looked at the article and couldn't find it - does anyone know what the mechanism is to prevent a second use? How does it "break" if used a second time? I had never heard of that, although it makes complete sense.
Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)
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How does a ratcheting system substantially increase the cost? That doesn't make any sense. It's a change in the molding, which already has to be produced. It's not like you need new parts, only modifications to existing parts. Is the problem a patent or something?
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>- You have mechanical locks (such as a one-way ratcheting system)
I don't think that would work - after all the syringe needs to move both directions to be filled then used. You need something a bit more clever to only allow it to be used once. Maybe a single ratchet right at the very end so the syringe would start with an air bubble in it, and once it's expelled and the shot fully given, then it can't be reused?
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Clever indeed - not just a ratcheting mechanism, but also a mechanism to keep the ratchet from engaging until the plunger is depressed for the first time.
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There are various options:
Okay, dumb question. If the point is to make sure syringes can't be used again, why not just break the syringe with a hammer or some type of crushing device, similar to the one we have at work which crushes SSDs since they can't be degaussed.
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That's like saying if the goal is to stop the neighbour getting drunk and beating their wife you yourself should not drink. The issue here is the very people they are giving these to are the ones likely to re-use and spread disease. The only way to stop this is to stop the widespread availability of reusable syringes through flooding the market with single use ones, or by providing syringes for free to remove the incentive to reuse. Many western countries opt for the latter.
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Because staff can't be trusted to do it everywhere every time. People are fallible, and some are incompetent. This is especially true when you're dealing with a crash program where a large amount of people have to be hired rapidly and on a temporary basis.
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Because the people who reuse the syringes know not to smash them in order to reuse them.
In general though the ratchet is on the needle and not on the syringe itself - the syringe locks the needle in and attempts to remove the needle to reuse the syringe will break the syringe.
Another mechanism is the retractable needle - the injection happens and you break the syringe which pulls the needle in and turns a sharp pointy thing into a less sharp pointy thing so its easier to discard. Single dose vaccines can be
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Do you think that better labeling would prevent "the illegal doctor reusing ordinary syringes" scenario? I don't even read the labels on syringes and I only use a couple of them a year, is someone using hundreds of them a month going to?
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I looked at the article and couldn't find it - does anyone know what the mechanism is to prevent a second use? How does it "break" if used a second time? I had never heard of that, although it makes complete sense.
Doubtful that the wording is correct. Seems like it would simply break upon the first use rather than appear to be just fine until you try to reuse it.
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I looked at the article and couldn't find it - does anyone know what the mechanism is to prevent a second use? How does it "break" if used a second time? I had never heard of that, although it makes complete sense.
Doubtful that the wording is correct. Seems like it would simply break upon the first use rather than appear to be just fine until you try to reuse it.
A syringe has two motions: pulling the plunger out, and pushing the plunger in, which are done in that order.
You "break" it by having the motion of pushing the plunger in break the mechanism allowing you to pull the plunger out.
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My guess would be the plunger latches after being inserted and any tampering will cause damage.
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Alternatives. (Score:2)
Maybe check with their local drug pusher. They should have plenty of syringes.
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If we divert syringes away from Portland, San Francisco, LA, Vancouver... how will the disenfranchised get their daily heroin?! Priorities people! - the left
Just like they used to. They will reuse syringes spreading disease. Just like they used to.
Air Injection (Score:2, Informative)
Aside from the fact that each vial needs to be reconstituted with saline before use, why hasn't anyone designed distribution via an air injection device? They were very effective in the past when properly administered and they were safe and waste free. If you are a needle phobic they're a dream come true.
Surely there's an expert here to provide further data.
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Doesn’t the military use these to vaccinate people?
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I too was the recipient of who knows how many, I think I had 2 yellow cards filled up. I never had an issue with them, I found them to be pain free [probably due to my needle fear]. And, I don't know what they were using but apparently there are IM devices available. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]
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If you are a needle phobic they're a dream come true.
Sure, if your dream is a big fucking bruise on your arm.
They use air hypos in the military. It helps them hide what they're injecting into enlisted, who give up the right to refuse injections AND to know what's in them when they sign on the line. And they're much faster and easier than using needles, and who cares if soldiers are bruised and their arm hurts for a week?
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they're much faster and easier than using needles, and who cares if soldiers are bruised and their arm hurts for a week?
Aww come on, he at least wins a drink from the fire hose.
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If you are a needle phobic they're a dream come true.
Sure, if your dream is a big fucking bruise on your arm.
Stop moving. You won't end up with a big fucking bruise on your arm. It's really that simple.
They use air hypos in the military. It helps them hide what they're injecting into enlisted, who give up the right to refuse injections AND to know what's in them when they sign on the line. And they're much faster and easier than using needles, and who cares if soldiers are bruised and their arm hurts for a week?
Well, that's quite the rant. Care to explain how the hell you know exactly what's being injected into your arm, and are magically affording the right to refuse, all based on the syringe type? Give me a break. You don't really know what's going in your arm unless you literally concocted it yourself. That doesn't change with an air hypo.
Air hypos are safe and efficient and been around for decades now. That's ab
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You are putting a negative spin on this.
If you are enlisted in the military, you are called at a moment notice to be anywhere in the world, to help fight and defend your country. When going abroad you need a set of Vaccines to help your immunity deal with viruses at that location. Refusing to take them, will put the rest of your unit at risk, as if you spread the virus other in your unit may too (as most vaccines are not 100% effective) and giving each serviceman a choice in the matter would often lead t
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''The military stopped using "traditional" jet injectors 20 years ago.''
[clears throat]... a there are a number of people here who actually experienced this manner of inoculations. Most likely those that did, experienced this more than 20 years ago [20 years.. it's a flash kid].
You are correct in the fact that there was never a time that those who wanted to know what was being administered, weren't freely provided the information [I for one] and it was never hidden. And yes, there were fucktards who decide
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Not all solutions are air injectable, it could be that the vaccine is too thick, the particles don't aerasolize (sp?) well, or simply that the vials aren't compatible with that sort of equipment (don't they use a bigger bottle with more doses?)
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One thing that is important for a Health Care Emergency like a Pandemic is to try to make sure you keep the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) engineering principals in effect.
There is already enough stupid people out there who are Anti-Vaxers, Conspiracy Nuts, and Social Media Opportunist who push confusion and doubt about the Vaccine already. To have alternate methods of injections, will just add to that.
Also it is easier to train people to use the drug one way, vs having someone trained with the Air Pump vs a
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Well, we were much better prepared for a pandemic or bio-terrorism (which we're even less prepared for) before Shrub killed off the Clinton Administration "Push Packs", slashed the budget, and moved the planning and preparation from the CDC to FEMA under "Heck of a job Brownie". Even under FEMA they at least had some expertise and organization, until Rump disbanded that group as well.
As Grover Norquist told a group of neo-conservative congresscritters in the 1990s, "The best way to convince voters that gov
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The speech used to be on his web site, along with the quote where they intended to run the deficit up so high that there was no room for anything but debt repayment and the military, to shrink the Federal government to size where "I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in my tub." Both have been scrubbed now.
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Research Grover Norquist, the neo-con 'thought leader'. The man is scum of the highest order.
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They're called jet injectors and the big problem with them is they tend to get contaminated. One of the things the 21st century has brought is ultrafast cameras so now we can actually now see this happening. Interestingly this is fine if you're the only user (like diabetics), you are not likely to catch something from yourself that you do not already have. At some point, someone will probably perfect the tech, which will make me happy as whilst I don't mind needles my veins automatically contract and make
Let us salute this brave ingenious hero (Score:2)
With the incredible skill of directing other people to sign cheques to pay people to actually do the work involved in making these syringes.
It's been a goddamn year.
Regular syringes don't waste much (Score:2)
As a heroin addict, I use syringes daily, and I've received the first Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine shot.
The most common syringe is a so-called "insulin" syringe. This is not considered a Low Dead Space (LDS) syringe. The 1-milliliter (or 1 cc) kind is the most popular. The amount of liquid wasted is tiny - less than a hundredth of a milliter.
I didn't notice how big the vaccination was, but I imagine it was around half a milliliter. I don't see how you could squeeze another full dose from the wasted liquid of 5
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Maybe you should read the summary? There is no syringe shortage, there are just badly informed "officials".
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You should work on your reading comprehension.
No, your epoxy syringes are not appropriate for this application.
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You should work on your reading comprehension.
No, your epoxy syringes are not appropriate for this application.
They are. These are B.Braun Inject-F 1ml.
Note: Just because you are clueless as to how things work does not mean the same applies to me.
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No one believes you.
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No one believes you.
Nope. _You_ do not believe me because you are deeply stupid and are confused about reality.