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Shot To Prevent HIV Works Better Than Daily Pill in Women ( 45

A single shot given every two months has proved to be more effective than a daily pill at preventing H.I.V. in women, researchers reported on Monday, an advance that medical experts hailed as groundbreaking in the fight against the deadly virus that causes AIDS. From a report: The finding that the long-acting drug would prevent H.I.V. in six doses taken over a year instead of the 365 required for the prevention pill currently on the market was so convincing the researchers decided to end their clinical trial of the drug early. "It's a game changer for women," said Dr. Sigal Yawetz, an expert on women with H.I.V. at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston who was not involved in the trial. Women and girls accounted for about half of all new H.I.V. infections in 2019, according to Unaids, a United Nations organization that leads the global fight against H.I.V. and AIDS. In sub-Saharan Africa, five in six new infections among adolescents ages 15 to 19 are among girls. "If we're going to get to the end of the epidemic, we have to do something to stem the tide of infection in those women," said Dr. Kimberly Smith, head of research and development at ViiV Healthcare, which manufactures the injection. "That is why this study is so important. It gives a new, incredibly effective option for women." Women have had only one approved option for pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, a course of drugs taken to prevent contracting H.I.V.: the daily pill Truvada, made by Gilead Sciences. (A second pill also made by Gilead, called Descovy, was approved in October 2019, but only for men and transgender women.)
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Shot To Prevent HIV Works Better Than Daily Pill in Women

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  • Two in one day (Score:3, Insightful)

    by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Monday November 09, 2020 @12:35PM (#60703808) Homepage Journal

    Great news, two medical advances in one day against really nasty diseases.

    • Well, it would just been just the HIV shot as I suspect Pfizer hates Trump so they likely held out their good news until now otherwise it might have pushed Trump over the edge to win the election

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        I guess now you know how Clinton felt with that dodgy FBI investigation a week before polling day.

  • Primitives cannot afford the inconvenience and expense (your time is money when you're abysmally poor and must eke out a living) of daily prophylaxis but an annual injection can be practical for governments to administer.
    Third world governments tend even more dysfunctional than those in the civilized world and need simple tools and simple systems, but this is also good news for the "civilized" world where sex workers also operate under third world conditions. Practical measures for those who will never leav

  • by BAReFO0t ( 6240524 ) on Monday November 09, 2020 @02:41PM (#60704274)

    Can anyone explain why it only works in women?
    I didn't think HIV acted in any way different between sexes.
    And it cannot be that hard to make it work for men too, no?

    • Different tissues have different susceptibility to the virus, and drugs intended to block viral cell entry develop differing concentrations in tissues. For example, in two individuals of similar weight given the same dose of an anti-hiv drug, vaginal tissue and rectal tissue may not accumulate the same drug concentrations. This can mean that a drug effective against most forms of transmission among men produces a different outcome among women.
  • by blindseer ( 891256 ) <blindseer&earthlink,net> on Monday November 09, 2020 @03:32PM (#60704562)

    It appears they left out why the most infections are among young women. The reason is because there is a widespread superstition in African developing nations that having sex with a virgin woman is a cure for AIDS. So men with the disease will rape young women until they are cured, which of course doesn't happen because that's not how cures for disease work.

    Then comes poor education on the use of condoms. These are inexpensive items, and many health agencies in these places offer them freely. They are often ignored and when used they are often not used correctly.

    Then there is just generally poor hygiene, even in hospitals. There's many cases of nurses reusing syringes. This is not because they don't have enough clean ones to use, it's because they are ignorant of the potential to spread disease. Then comes the reuse of syringes by drug addicts. They are not aware of the dangers of sharing needles. It's possible that they don't care enough about their own health or that of others, but then that tells me this is a matter of being ignorant of the longstanding issues of their actions. They don't care because they don't know. If they know and still don't care then they are acting criminally.

    This is not about poverty because there's enough people around the world willing to give them what they need to stop the spread of HIV. The problem is a lack of education. One problem with educating these people is that there are others in the world that feel some need to "preserve their culture". Well, it's their culture that is killing them. They will have to learn this lesson one way or another or they will continue to fail to stop the spread of disease. They demand help in solving this but when help conflicts with "culture" then, unfortunately, culture wins.

    Part of their culture takes me back to my original point, that raping young women is believed to be a cure for AIDS. They need to end this cultural practice or they will not stop the spread of disease.

    • Women are also overrepresented in the worst job in America:
      Assistant crack whore.
    • The irony of a comment made by someone as COVID-19 rages through their country thanks to willful ignorance and a culture that worships selfishness is not lost on me.

  • What about a shot of tiger blood? It seems to have worked for Charlie Sheen.

  • Women and girls accounted for about half of all new H.I.V. infections

    Ok...I feel a little guilty for pointing it out...

  • Please excuse me, it was too easy.

  • Sex is fun. Sex with multiple partners doubly so. At least that's what my grand parents say. I'm on slashdot, how would I know?

"Experience has proved that some people indeed know everything." -- Russell Baker
