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Johnson & Johnson's Covid-19 Vaccine Produces Strong Immune Response in Early Trial (newsweek.com) 48

Newsweek reports: Pharmaceutical manufacturer Johnson & Johnson announced Friday that early trials of a COVID-19 vaccine showed a 98 percent success rate in showing a boost in the immune system. According to research from Johnson & Johnson, the vaccine enabled 98 percent of those who took it to create antibodies that fight off the coronavirus infection. Those neutralizing antibodies were present 29 days after receiving the vaccination...

Currently, four U.S. vaccines are in the final trial stages. Vaccines from other pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and Moderna are administered in two doses while the Johnson & Johnson vaccine only requires one.

"Based on the current results, Johnson & Johnson on Wednesday kicked off a final 60,000-person trial," reports Reuters, "which could pave the way for an application for regulatory approval. The company said it expects results of that so-called Phase 3 trial by the end of the year or early next year."
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Johnson & Johnson's Covid-19 Vaccine Produces Strong Immune Response in Early Trial

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  • I still want to know what really happened to all the Russian elite and their relatives who got a jab after trial of dozens. Was it useless? Did some get infected by the shot? Did it work. Insanely irresponsible and not how vaccines are developed.

    • I still want to know what really happened to all the Russian elite and their relatives who got a jab

      They all got autism.

      It turns out that Jenny McCarthy was right.

    • It passed stage 1 (and possibly stage 2) trials before being released for limited use in Russia. That means it was administered to hundreds if not thousands of people without causing serious problems.
      • Stage 1 is tiny though, they should not skip any stage and put into their own children, that's dangerous and reckless. People sometimes get maiming infections from vaccine trials; the particular type Russia is using is especially risky for weird things to happen.

    • by gtall ( 79522 )

      Latest news was Moscow was getting nailed with new infections. If they had a vaccine, and could produce it in mass quantities, and it worked, and they could deliver it properly, then this shouldn't be happening. Somewhere in that trail is Russian failure.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      I still want to know what really happened to all the Russian elite and their relatives who got a jab after trial of dozens. Was it useless? Did some get infected by the shot? Did it work. Insanely irresponsible and not how vaccines are developed.

      Probably nothing happened. They will have been careful nonetheless so probably no infections. They were too few to see adverse reactions, unless they are exceptionally likely with that vaccine.

    • The KGB, the FBI and the CIA are all trying to prove they are the best at catching criminals. The Secretary General of the UN decides to set them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest, and each of them has to catch it. The CIA people go in. They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations, they conclude that the rabbit does not exist. The FBI goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and make no apologies: the rabbit had it coming. The KGB goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: "Okay! Okay! I'm a rabbit! I'm a rabbit!"

      Okay! Okay! It's a vaccine! It's a vaccine!

  • However I have heard that there are indications that this will be less well tolerated in the elderly, who really are the ones that need it badly.
    • less well tolerated in the elderly, who really are the ones that need it badly.

      The primary benefit of vaccines is herd immunity, which will benefit the elderly even if they are not vaccinated.

      • by HiThere ( 15173 )

        It's still not certain that herd immunity is even possible with this virus. There are other corona viruses for which it isn't possible, including some varieties of the "common cold".

    • by godrik ( 1287354 )

      Well, if you can vaccinate all medical personel and care taker. That would already provide significant health outcomes for the elderly.

    • by ranton ( 36917 )

      However I have heard that there are indications that this will be less well tolerated in the elderly, who really are the ones that need it badly.

      They are the ones who are at most risk, but everyone needs it badly. If you can get our kids enough immunity so they can go to school without bringing the virus home, you have already made it safer for their grandparents.

  • by bill_mcgonigle ( 4333 ) * on Saturday September 26, 2020 @11:16AM (#60545800) Homepage Journal

    Now we have to make sure nCov-19 doesn't trigger ADE. If it does, the conserved-region "common cold" beta-coronavirus vaccines ought to be effective enough.

    Those should have started trials in May too. Parallelism, people.

    • fyi ADE: Adverse Drug Event (*I had to look it up), we aren't all all-knowing..
      • ADE also = Antibody Dependent Enhancement [nature.com].
        Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of disease is a general concern for the development of vaccines and antibody therapies because the mechanisms that underlie antibody protection against any virus have a theoretical potential to amplify the infection or trigger harmful immunopathology.

        ADE triggered by repeated influenza vaccinations may already have played a role increasing the lethality of Covid-19 in certain countries like the USA and the UK where influenza va

        • What would help this effort is sourcing additional flu vaccination statistics (% for over-65s vaccinated in each year for the past 20 years) from other countries for the past 20 years.

        • The possible underlying mechanism may be that repeated challenges to the immune system by vaccination potentiate the impact of COVID-19 on vaccinated populations. This is not implausible--the recent paper describes how historical viral infections can make certain populations susceptible to the current pandemic:

          Antibody Dependent Enhancement Due to Original Antigenic Sin and the Development of SARS.
          https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/p... [nih.gov]

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  • by WaffleMonster ( 969671 ) on Saturday September 26, 2020 @04:49PM (#60546652)

    The only "success rate" that matters is peoples actual response to the actual virus not measurements of antibodies.

    • by Octorian ( 14086 )

      Unfortunately, the kind of result mentioned in the article is all we've got from any of the candidate vaccines right now.
      I'm eagerly awaiting results from any of the ongoing trials, but I feel like its been radio silence on that front since July.

  • Somebody pressured these companies to announce progress... any progress... but particularly optimistic full speed ahead damn the torpedos type progress... just in time for the election. Somebody did that, yes somebody did.

    Doesn't change the fact that Trump is guilty of mass negligent homicide.

  • How long do these antibodies last?
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  • According to the movie "Toxic Beauty" (and the trials & science experiments it relates), Johnson & Johnson was (and probably still is) selling, for *decades*, beauty products (particularly "baby talc") that are known (including by their internal researchers) to be cancerous? How could we trust them today ? How can we trust they're not bullshitting us with their current vaccine? And particularly under a Trump administration that openly flags science (like pollution, climate change, chemical toxicity,

If you do something right once, someone will ask you to do it again.
