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With the Most Deaths In 150 Years, Sweden Reveals New COVID-19 Test-and-Trace Strategy ( 249

AleRunner writes: In the first half of 2020, Sweden has recorded its highest death total in 150 years. "In total, 51,405 Swedes died in the six-month period, a higher number than in any year since 1869, when 55,431 people died, partly as a result of a famine," reports The Guardian. In what may be a reaction to this failure, which makes Sweden the worst coronavirus country in Scandinavia, Sweden has announced a change to their new contact-tracing policy. The Local explains: "If you test positive for the coronavirus you may now be given instructions to call people with whom you have been in contact and may have infected, instead of healthcare staff doing the job for you, or it not being done at all."

In early June, Sweden switched from its failed "herd immunity" strategy to a contact-tracing strategy and has since seen a strong fall in new infections, though with a recent slight increase. The new contact-tracing strategy will be critical for the return of the Swedish economy with Sweden currently facing travel restrictions from Scandinavian neighbors such as Finland, whilst other Scandinavian and Baltic countries are already open for trade and tourism. Swedes will be hoping that the adjustment of their new coronavirus strategy will be a signpost for other countries rather than the warning of their old strategy.

Not so long ago, in June, we discussed how Sweden's old strategy had made Sweden a Pariah state and in May we had discussed how Sweden's old strategy caused many deaths whilst failing to deliver immunity.

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With the Most Deaths In 150 Years, Sweden Reveals New COVID-19 Test-and-Trace Strategy

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  • Bad Journalism (Score:2, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Sweden health officials have said, over and over, the goal was never herd immunity! The goal is to be sustainable in the long term. I'm tired of seeing crappy journalists write about Sweden trying to achieve herd immunity when that is incorrect.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by AleRunner ( 4556245 )

      Sweden health officials have said, over and over, the goal was never herd immunity!

      They lied [].

      • Re:Bad Journalism (Score:4, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 20, 2020 @04:27AM (#60421761)

        Sweden health officials have said, over and over, the goal was never herd immunity!

        They lied [].

        No, they did not. The emails in question don't contain the conclusions or any decisions on policy. They discuss possible outcomes, risks and the value of different scenarios. It's possible to investigate possible scenarios without actively working towards them.

        It's basically a large trolley problem. Is it worth letting 10 % of the old and sick (say, people with fewer than two years left to live) die, if that keeps the country out of a recession that would eventually lead to younger people falling into depression, becoming homeless, committing suicide, etc.?

        This is not to say that Sweden has done everything exemplary, or even good. The economy is

        It's also worth noting that Sweden counts every death of someone with covid-19 in the official number. This includes people who die of other causes. Estimates put around 15% as not caused by covid-19, and 70% as only partially caused by it.

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by dHagger ( 1192545 )
        Not really - if you read the article you link to, you will see that they are quoting excerpts from discussions on possible effects - which are different from goals. So it still holds true that there has never been a goal to achieve herd immunity. This is the third article from The Guardian I read about COVID in Sweden that is misleading. Nothing in them have been directly wrong, but you really need to read EVERYTHING in them to not draw faulty conclusions!
      • Re:Bad Journalism (Score:4, Informative)

        by skoskav ( 1551805 ) on Thursday August 20, 2020 @06:21AM (#60421921)

        I read the article you linked, and the original article [] it cited, which showed the released emails in question.

        In one email the Swedish chief epidemiologist asked his Finnish counterpart what keeping schools open would do towards achieving herd immunity, to which the Finn replied that their modeling work suggested a reduction in the elderly's infection rate by 10%, to which the Swede asked whether he thought it might be worth it.

        In another email the Swedish chief epidemiologist asked a new consultant whether the infection's basic reproduction number (R) could be modeled against the population's immunity for an illustration.

        The emails were published without fully including either what he was replying to or the subsequent replies, making it difficult to get the full context. But there is no smoking-gun evidence here. Just two mildly suspicious mail exchanges out of a large release of their emails. It reminds me of the Climategate email [] conspiracy theory about the out-of-context quote to "hide the decline."

  • Total deaths? (Score:5, Informative)

    by bobbied ( 2522392 ) on Wednesday August 19, 2020 @06:31PM (#60420489)

    I'm sure they didn't INTEND to make it look like 50K died from the Virus in Sweden, when the REAL number is just over 5K. Do read the Fine article...

    Just so you don't miss this slight of hand... They included ALL deaths in the 50K number, not just the COVID deaths...I get the distinct impression the reporter is TRYING to drive opinion here by making the headline numbers as high as they could, and then putting the salient facts in the fine print....

    Figures never lie, but liars figure..

    • I'm sure they didn't INTEND to make it look like 50K died from the Virus in Sweden, when the REAL number is just over 5K. Do read the Fine article...

      Just so you don't miss this slight of hand... They included ALL deaths in the 50K number, not just the COVID deaths...I get the distinct impression the reporter is TRYING to drive opinion here by making the headline numbers as high as they could, and then putting the salient facts in the fine print....

      Figures never lie, but liars figure..

      You may have been the only one that felt misled by the article consider the VERY FIRST FUCKING WORDS are

      ""In total, 51,405 Swedes died in the six-month period, a higher number than in any year since 1869, when 55,431 people died, partly as a result of a famine,"

      Reading comprehension is a clever adversary indeed. ALWAYS trying to trick us into not understanding plain English

      • I was going to point out to him how it is "sleight" of hand, but he probably would have thought I meant that thing that Santa drives at Christmas.
    • by AK Marc ( 707885 )
      Shutting down the post office in the middle of a pandemic is killing diabetics. The total death number is how we measured the impact of the Black Plague, the Spanish Flu, and makes sense for measuring COVID-19, because the Government is lying to hide their incompetence.

      Total death represents the true impact, and isn't skewed by testing numbers or other lies.
  • by NotTheSame ( 6161704 ) on Wednesday August 19, 2020 @06:35PM (#60420511)

    Sweden's population has risen every year for decades. Larger populations have higher numbers of deaths.The data shows a "new record number of deaths" in 2010, 2012, 2017 and 2018: []

    Death rate per 1000 people would have been a far more meaningful statistic, but that might have required a little effort from the reporting newspaper.

    • by taustin ( 171655 )

      Death rate per 1000 people would have been a far more meaningful statistic, but that might have required a little effort from the reporting newspaper.

      That also would have been harder to spin into propaganda that certain groups desperately want people to believe.

      • by bloodhawk ( 813939 ) on Thursday August 20, 2020 @03:57AM (#60421727)
        even some rough calculations show they are roughly 30% higher this year per 1000. Requires more work but I think it would actually make the numbers look even more dire, it really has been an unmitigated failure despite some trying to spin it as a success, even the government there has backed away from the strategy as Herd immunity isn't going to happen and there economy is still sinking while others are recovering.
    • by h33t l4x0r ( 4107715 ) on Wednesday August 19, 2020 @08:46PM (#60420917)
      Right, the only alarming thing about that headline was that something really bad happened 150 years ago to Sweden.
    • The data shows a "new record number of deaths" in 2010, 2012, 2017 and 2018

      Divide all those years by 2 (since they are talking about a 6 month period) and the largest number of deaths is 46092. Surely you can see that 51405 is considerably higher than any of those years in the stats you provided?

      Death rate per 1000 people would have been a far more meaningful statistic, but that might have required a little effort from the reporting newspaper.

      And reading would have required a little more effort on your part. Here is third paragraph from the article, which is the one that provides the 51405 figure:

      In total, 51,405 Swedes died in the six-month period, a higher number than in any year since 1869, when 55,431 people died, partly a

      • I don't really see the point of your complaint, other than perhaps trying to distract from the poor performance of the Swedish government.

        They used a statistic as their headline. It was their responsibility to get that statistic right. At a minimum, they could have shown both the deaths per 1000 and total number of deaths together.

        Many other posters have provided interesting commentary on the actions of the Swedish government. It's rather silly to conclude that I have some sort of agenda because I made a post about statistics.

  • by Dan East ( 318230 ) on Wednesday August 19, 2020 @07:10PM (#60420627) Journal

    Sweden has one of the longest life expediencies of any country. They also have a very large elderly population. It is mainly their elderly who are succumbing, and due to the size of that population they are being hit disproportionately hard.

    • >It is mainly their elderly who are succumbing
      Why would that be the case, when COVID19 can be stopped by quarantine measures? That sounds silly.
      That is also ignoring the problems with straining the healthcare systems, max number of beds, possibly deaths due respiratory failure outside of hospitals, and long term health complicate due lung damage.
      Herd immunity seems like a good idea until you remember that 1% is fucking huge, and you only got a limited number of respirator, medications, beds and staff.

    • Re:Elderly (Score:4, Informative)

      by bluegutang ( 2814641 ) on Thursday August 20, 2020 @02:06AM (#60421537)

      Other Scandinavian countries have just as many elderly people, but around 1/10 the death rate.

    • Re:Elderly (Score:4, Informative)

      by Misagon ( 1135 ) on Thursday August 20, 2020 @02:09AM (#60421543)

      It has been striking elderly the most because of glaring deficiencies in Sweden's care system for elderly. To be blunt, they have been treated like s*it*.

      First, the disease had spread like wildfire in crowded old people's homes.
      Next, instead of mobilising the actual health care system to care for them, they have been cared for by understaffed caregivers with low pay and only rudimentary medical training. Doctors had routinely ordered palliative care for elderly infected on first news of infection without examination in person.

      As an example, at a old people's home up the street from where I live, out of 96 elderly, all had been infected. Back in June, half of them had died.

    • Yeah fuck the elderly right? They are expendable according to our herd immunity overlords.

  • Your Zapp Brannigan strategy is bound to start working once you run out of old people. []

  • by bongey ( 974911 ) on Wednesday August 19, 2020 @10:44PM (#60421195)
    1) The haven't change anything. []
  • If Stockholm has the same level people with antibodies as London that locked down, with similar death rates, similar population density, what exactly did the lock down accomplish?
    • Stockholm and London do not have similar death rates and similar population density and we do not know if they have the same level people with antibodies

    • London locked down when it had massive numbers of infections already, because it's a major travel destination.

      Stockholm is a small peripheral city, it had only a handful of cases when it began social distancing.

      Despite its good initial situation, Stockholm managed to "catch up" in deaths due to its herd immunity policy.

  • by Misagon ( 1135 ) on Thursday August 20, 2020 @02:14AM (#60421549)

    Herd immunity has never been Sweden's official strategy. That is a misunderstanding that has been blown out of proportion.

    It is one of several strategies that have been presented as an option for discussion by Sweden's public health authority but it has never been implemented.

    • but it has never been implemented

      No it's never been openly announced as implemented.

      I heard the options were:
      a) Herd Immunity
      b) Population reduction
      c) Old weak people culling
      d) Make some phrase up so we don't need to call it one of the above which makes us look bad.

      For some reason option d looks identical to the herd immunity option presented.

  • Finland is a Nordic country, but Finland is NOT a Scandinavian country. This both has roots in history and in language. (And the fact that Finland used to be a dominion under Sweden doesn't help.) But by all modern definitions, Scandinavia is only Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

People who go to conferences are the ones who shouldn't.
