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'We Won't Remember Much of What We Did in the Pandemic' ( 77

Tim Harford, writing for Financial Times (not paywalled): Last spring, I returned from the holiday of a lifetime in Japan, and reflected on the richness of the memories it had generated. Time flew by while I was there, but in hindsight 10 days somewhere vividly new had produced more memories than 10 weeks back home. I likened the effect to the compression of a film. Instead of storing each frame separately, video compression algorithms will start with the first frame of a scene and then store a series of "diffs" -- changes from one frame to the next. A slow, contemplative movie with long scenes and fixed cameras can be compressed more than a fast-moving action flick. Similarly, a week full of new experiences will seem longer in retrospect. A month of repeating the same routine might seem endless, but will be barely a blip in the memory: the "diffs" are not significant enough for the brain to bother with. After months of working from home, I now realise that there was something incomplete about this account. New experiences are indeed important for planting a rich crop of memories. But, by itself, that is not enough. A new physical space seems to be important if our brains are to pay attention.

The Covid-19 lockdown, after all, was full of new experiences. Some were grim: I lost a friend to the disease; I smashed my face up in an accident; we had to wear masks and avoid physical contact and worry about where the next roll of toilet paper was coming from. Some were more positive: the discovery of new pleasures, the honing of new skills, the overcoming of new challenges. But I doubt I am alone in finding that my memory of the lockdown months is rather thin. No matter how many new people or old friends you talk to on Zoom or Skype, they all start to smear together because the physical context is monotonous: the conversations take place while one sits in the same chair, in the same room, staring at the same computer screen.
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'We Won't Remember Much of What We Did in the Pandemic'

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  • Is anyone making a diary of what they experienced, thoughts in real time by the hour or day, and all the shit that happened? Don't lie or make up stuff but make it readable please, because in probably one hundred years from now, some poor grad student will have to read it and their professor will have to make up some false conclusions about us. Can you imagine having to pore through all the media -- tweets, video clips, news, etc.?

    • Diary is the leading advised method. There's other ways to fight it but keeping a diary is still the most efficient, if you do it right. As a bonus, a diary is also a lot more useful to other people after you're dead than say, abstract paintings of the sources of your torment, or an epic saga in interpretive dance, or an entire room filled with bottles of your own pee, for example.

    • "Is anyone making a diary of what they experienced, thoughts in real time by the hour or day, and all the shit that happened? "

      Yes, those of us not trusting any stupid Bluetooth app from Apple and Google.
      We write down every person we come in contact with and the date and time and location.
      Not because we are special, but when the back-tracers come calling to follow up on an infection, we know when and where we were.
      And we don't want to risk people's lives.

      Because, we forget.
      Because we're old fucks.

      And now ge

  • I already don't. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday August 17, 2020 @06:11PM (#60412545)

    This year has been stressful.

    There are a few years I don't remember well in my life. The year my father died and my longtime girlfriend left me is a complete blur. The year a previous longtime girlfriend dumped me over the phone when I was out of town isn't much better.

    2020 will be one of those years. I'll remember that it was bad. I won't remember the details. And I'm fine with that.

  • Does this include the economic fallout which may last longer than the pandemic?

    • Re: (Score:1, Troll)

      by iggymanz ( 596061 )

      we're killing more with the shutdown than the virus has and will. The absurd degree to which the shutdown was done benefited some large corporations, their competition from small and medium business eliminated.

      • we're killing more with the shutdown than the virus has and will.

        Also note that we spent WAY more fixing that Y2K bug than the damage the bug has and will cause.

      • we're killing more with the shutdown than the virus has and will

        Are you sure about that? If you are just looking at the economic damage, realize that the virus does more than just kill. It can cause major internal damage to lungs and just about every organ in the body. So don't just look at the number of deaths (right now Covid is the #3 cause of death in the US, behind cancer and heart disease despite infecting a relatively small minority of the population). There will be a lot of long-term damage to those who got it which, economically, costs a lot.

        Also, there are a l

        • you do know that colds and flu do that to for some people? let's not get hysterical over typical things viruses do.

          I am complaining about the degree to which lockdown done, not arguing against safeguards smart places doing. Very bad to say a business that is supporting a family is "non-essential", it's more essential than big corp that can take a hit for a while.

          1918 flu much worse than this thing, by the way.

      • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

        I will agree the cost/benefit analysis is sticky. I don't know that the shutdown is actually "killing" more, but it does have big psychological, sociological, and educational implications.

        However, a lot of the business loss is just people avoiding going out as part of their own decision. Even if local gov't didn't have bans, a lot of customers would simply not show up anyhow.

        Let's say 1/3 of the population is "at risk". About 2/3 of them will avoid restaurants, while about 1/3 of the non-at-risk population

  • Meh. 10 days at home working vs 10 days in the office working - both unmemorable! The reason a vacation stick out is because a vacation is normally a special event that doesn't happen all the time. A vacation overseas is a rare event for most people.

  • I've worked / programmed probably more hours than pre-pandemic, so it's really just the same old blur minus commute and non-household social interaction. With that being said, I think I'm starting to go crazy.
  • I don't care if you consider yourself a "creator" or not: if you want to remember a moment, make something at that moment. It could be a flower made out of pipe cleaners. It could be an origami bow tie. It could be a poem or a song. The point is simply to create a tangible thing you can refer back to and remember the circumstances under which it was created.

  • by crgrace ( 220738 ) on Monday August 17, 2020 @07:15PM (#60412753)

    I think any time that is routine will blend together. Of course.

    If the COVID times were monotonous, you won't remmeber much because your brain can simplify.

    For me, I had more Dad time in a few months than I was able to have the previous year put together. No commute, no work travel, schools closed... it was hard to be sure, but the silver lining for me was family time and new memories I will always cherish.

    If your days were novel, you will remember them. If not, you won't.

  • alcohol (Score:4, Funny)

    by Anonymouse Cowtard ( 6211666 ) on Monday August 17, 2020 @07:33PM (#60412805) Homepage
    ... consumption is up significantly. More people are drinking daily and starting earlier in the day. I can't remember what we were just talking about. Something to do with covid?
    • Fill them up with antidepressants. Hey, that's what they did with the people who didn't go out before to make them more "outgoing", let's see if it works better on them.

    • There's free alcohol at every entrance. A few days ago, this Finnish comic told about a guy saving money by getting a non-alcoholic beer and topping it up with hand sanitizer: [] It was funny until today, as the local town paper wrote about hobos getting wasted on sanitizers.
  • The Douchebag author is writing as if the pandemic is over. its just getting started. The fun really starts when we finally accept the fact that most people who are recovering are only having antibodies for 2 months meaning a vaccine will also be pretty useless (2 shots over 28 days which gives you 2 months of immunity) means a shot every 3 months. Most Amercans wont do that so this thing will be around for years if not decades.

    • that is false information, the majority consensus is that immunity lasts much longer. T cell responses even occur in people who have had a very mild infection with no remaining antibodies. You biology 101 understanding isn't enough to understand the immune system []

    • he fun really starts when we finally accept the fact that most people who are recovering are only having antibodies for 2 months meaning a vaccine will also be pretty useless (2 shots over 28 days which gives you 2 months of immunity) means a shot every 3 months

      Seriously? What other virus since the history of the world began has gotten people sick every three months? That's not a thing that happens.

      • by ghoul ( 157158 )

        Oh let me see? The common cold which is.... wait for it.... another coronavirus.

      • Seriously? What other virus since the history of the world began has gotten people sick every three months? That's not a thing that happens.

        Norovirus (stomach flu) gets close: "After infection, immunity to the same strain of the virus â" the genotype â" protects against reinfection for between 6 months to 2 years.[56]"

        Norovirus is also extremely infectious (foodborne, airborne, and fomites). There have been outbreaks with R0=14. Fortunately, it doesn't have Covid's stealthy asymptomatic transmission and simple hygiene measures are effective. [] []

        • That's because Norovirus isn't a single virus, it's a family of similar viruses. If you get it twice, then the second time you got infected with the viral cousin of the first one.
    • by MrL0G1C ( 867445 )

      I'm agreeing with the others here, anti-bodies are only half the equation, it doesn't matter if they disappear, the T-cells remember the virus and will get the body to generate more anti-bodies. And luckily this virus doesn't mutate much, I seriously wish the US would get it's act together though because the more people who get the virus the more chance it has to mutate into something more deadly.

      Still though, it's not over until safe vaccines are administered population-wide. And I mean safe, half the popu

      • by ghoul ( 157158 )

        Antibodies are generated by B cells not T cells. T cells kill infected cells (T stands for terminator) while antibodies prevent cells from being infected. T cell immunity may mean you get a milder form of it but you still get infected and are infectious and can spread it to other people.

    • by nasch ( 598556 )

      Is the duration of natural immunity necessarily the same as the duration of vaccine induced immunity? If we have to get boosters every two months... well I can't see that lasting long.

    • by spitzak ( 4019 )

      It is believed that your body remembers how to make the antibodies, so not having them is not proof you are not immune. At least that is kind of what I hope, I am pretty certain I had it (AWFUL btw!) but 3 months later got a negative anitbody test. Considering I have not gotten sick again I do feel the immunity is working.

      PS: It is really really awful, though short-lived. You don't want it. And if you think you somehow got immune without getting any symptoms because you are special, I guess, you need to thi

  • VR definitely helps out with this feeling. Google Earth VR is an interesting way to experience a new place
  • Some of us have had a VERY eventful pandemic.

    My family had a relative move in with us to ride out the lockdowns. Next a young foreign relative came to stay with us through the summer, between college semesters. We saw the crowded beaches first-hand. We were there when the churches began to re-open, only to re-close. We went out to eat on the second day the restaurants re-opened. We met a close friend for dinner out, who works with COVID patients in a hospital, and dared to hug her. We say hello to people we

    • by fph il quozientatore ( 971015 ) on Tuesday August 18, 2020 @02:13AM (#60413657)
      You forgot "we probably infected 10 or 20 other people, and some of them may have died".
      • You forgot "we probably infected 10 or 20 other people, and some of them may have died".

        And given the high percentage of asymptomatic carriers, you may have as well without ever thinking you were sick: []

        • I'm pretty sure none of those asymptomatic spreaders were people who _already had_ the disease and recovered from it.

      • by Tony Isaac ( 1301187 ) on Tuesday August 18, 2020 @08:39AM (#60414299) Homepage

        My father, who is 80, started going to church after it reopened. My brother and I said to him, "You could get sick and even die from someone coming without a mask!" His answer: "I'm going to have to die of something, sometime. I'm not going to stop living because I'm afraid!"

        • by swillden ( 191260 ) <> on Tuesday August 18, 2020 @09:22AM (#60414465) Journal

          My father, who is 80, started going to church after it reopened. My brother and I said to him, "You could get sick and even die from someone coming without a mask!" His answer: "I'm going to have to die of something, sometime. I'm not going to stop living because I'm afraid!"

          You should have pointed out to him that your he might also infect several other people, some of whom might be permanently injured or die.

          This is a point I have to make to my brother-in-law all the time. COVID would almost certainly kill him and he's okay with dying, which is his right, but his cavalier and self-centered attitude ignores the fact that he would likely kill or injure others in the process.

          • Go on and live in the fear my friend. Something to remember, if you're afraid of getting sick, then YOU should isolate. Don't bother telling others what to do. I totally agree with this 80 year old man, who I'm assuming has lived a bit more life than all of us. You can get a different perspective.

            Also, lets be real and stop spearing the fear. COVID would almost certainly kill him. IF he has some kind of condition then he would have a much higher chance of dieing. If not, then this statement is totall

            • You apparently did not read the post you responded to. Or else you're just completely incapable of understanding that your choices impact others.

        • "I'm going to have to die of something, sometime. I'm not going to stop living because I'm afraid!"

          That would be bold talk from someone who hasn't had the opportunity to live a full life. I only hope that next time he's suicidal he jumps of a bridge rather than trying to spread an infectious disease onto others who may not have made it to 80.

    • So basically you have been flaunting risk. Beaches, churches, dining in.

      You are the reason why the pandemic is still a pandemic.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Tony Isaac ( 1301187 )

        For every person who has gotten sick, lockdowns have put 30 out of work.

        We could eliminate car accident deaths and injuries by outlawing cars. Are you ready to live that way?

        When the cure is worse than the disease, it's not a good cure.

        • For every person who has gotten sick, lockdowns have put 30 out of work.

          In a real country with a real government there would be mitigations in place to protect those people, so that they could stay home, and the pandemic could be over sooner.

          We could eliminate car accident deaths and injuries by outlawing cars. Are you ready to live that way?

          We should replace cars with PRT on rail, starting in city centers (ranked by population) and working outwards. Yes, I'm ready to live that way.

          When the cure is worse than the disease, it's not a good cure.

          The cure is not worse than the disease. The failing model of government is.

          • You clearly have no understanding of the vast scale of the United States. There is no way mass transit would reach the many rural inhabitants of this country. But that's really beside the point. Mass transit has its accidents too, and people die as a result. Will you stop riding? No, life goes on, while we work to reduce risk.

            The United States has its flaws, to be sure. But Europe didn't escape the pandemic unscathed. As much as you socialists would like to pretend otherwise, money has to come from somewhe

    • This is what selfishness personified looks like. I am sure you didn't wear a mask either cause 'mah freedumb'.
      • Selfishness personified says, "I believe masks are important, so you must wear one too." or "I believe it's important to stay 6 feet apart, so you must do so too."

        I'm not telling you what to do. Stay holed up in your house to protect yourself! By all means! Then you won't even encounter me or my kind in public places. But don't impose your beliefs on me!

        The shutdowns have disproportionately impacted the poor among us, those who can't work remotely, and whose jobs were locked down, while those of us who are

        • by spitzak ( 4019 )

          The true proof of "selfishness" is the apparent inability to even acknoledge which way the mask protects people. You wear the mask to protect others, idiot.

    • Same here. I went to the ocean, swam at the beach, and did a lot of sightseeing around the States. It's been a great Summer.
  • there wasn't much to do during the pandemic.
  • For me, it's just business as usual. Though I will remember fondly how I could work from home and didn't have to go to work.

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Tuesday August 18, 2020 @02:37AM (#60413693)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • So if you are bored, you could try to catch the virus. With some luck you will see some very memorable new events.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Finally, no more social bullshit, no more hugging, kissing, shaking hands. No more having to have these huge meetings face to face and wasting time with chit-chat when people should directly go to the bottom line. No more commuting and going to the office, to see all these old sad faces who are just waiting for Friday Every day is now Saturday. I can code, I can do my garden, take care of my house and family. I don’t need to see the in-laws anymore, and I don’t need to go to these stupid school
    • by bn-7bc ( 909819 )
      No ypu euoød. Ot, because the wrld economy is still dependent on the servuicesectot, you now restayrants, bars, cinemas etc. Which do not tonell eith long shutdowns/restrictions and oncethose strart fuereing at karge scale you will see any workless statistic shoot up FAST ( yeas even thu the parameters might be tweeked to make dthe numbers look less horrible) those people wil cut their discrasionarty soending to 0 ( well after the rent, electrick and food thay have nothing left) and the knok on effect
  • And worked. I'm at work right now. Nothing has changed other than watching people panic and say stupid shit on the internet. Flame on, flamers.
  • in November.
  • Yeah it's a bit monotonous being in the house all the time. Every day feels like another day. Wake up just before you're expected to be at work, flip open the laptop, jump on a teams meeting, stare at the same walls.
  • Most people are experiencing some degree of depression, which inhibits the formation of memory. We are wired to forget the excruciating texture of pain, remembering it only in vague terms of intensity. As we become unable to feel good, we become unable to remember. The minutes seem interminable but the months, and for some, years, pass in a blink. For those of us with chronic, life-long depression, this is just a particularly irksome bout of it--same old syndrome, different day.

    Those who have never felt it

  • Lots of things I did were one off, or first times, and as such I'll remember them for the rest of my life, as well as that Corona / Covid19 were the reason things went the way they went. Hint: all the regular stuff gets forgotten, all the special stuff is remembered. And that's how it's supposed to be.

    Work was (is) a madhouse, I did home office for the first time, got called in after 6 weeks, during which I figured out how to invest in the stock market, made a decent start there, sold my first company sto

  • Maybe, but I'm sure we won't remember this guy's article.

Philosophy: A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing. -- Ambrose Bierce
