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Coronavirus Infection Rates: 10 US States Higher Than Any Country in the World ( 355

The New York Times has created a surprising interactive analysis of the number of coronavirus cases (per million residents) in different countries: With its cases surging since mid-June, the United States is squarely in the top 10. Leading the outbreak now are countries in the Persian Gulf, where the virus has spread rapidly among foreign laborers. [Oman, Bahrain, and Kuwait.] Rounding out the top 10 are South Africa, Israel and several countries in Latin America. [Panama, Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia]

The current U.S. outbreak is especially stark when compared to other large, high-income countries. All have few cases today compared to the United States... Italy and Spain saw some of the worst early outbreaks, before strict control measures brought cases down. Now, some schools are open, adults are back at work and tourists are on vacation. Even Sweden, where cases surged after the government chose to forgo the strict lockdowns of its neighbors, has seen cases drop.

The surge in the United States is so extreme that, once adjusted for population, these 10 states are recording more new cases than any country in the world. [Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, Arizona, Alabama, South Carolina, Texas, Idaho, and Tennessee].

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Coronavirus Infection Rates: 10 US States Higher Than Any Country in the World

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 25, 2020 @10:41AM (#60329933)

    Is it really a surprise that a racist scam artist whose chief accomplishments in the business world is a string of bankruptcies would kill thousands of Americans through sheer incompetence?

    Come on people... be less gullible...

    • USA is a society in Stockholm Syndrom.

  • by Applehu Akbar ( 2968043 ) on Saturday July 25, 2020 @10:50AM (#60329961)

    ...For people who don't 'believe in' science.

    • by sg_oneill ( 159032 ) on Saturday July 25, 2020 @11:05AM (#60330029)

      2150: The Hawking-IV deep space relativistic lander sets foot upon the second planet of the TRAPIST system. Its AI files its report:

      Plenty of evidence of a formerly advanced civilization. Basic turing machine computer systems, hydrocabon powered transportation devices. Even a unique entertainment form based on rhythmically modulating infrared waves analogous to the music of humans. But theres nobody left alive. The automatic linguistics learner has translated a message found scrawled upon the wall of what appears to have been an Infrared performance hall. It translates as "Fuck you! I won't wear that mask! Viruses are just a myth by THE MAN to get us to accept microchips implanted in our probiscuses!". Analysis of a corpse shows a virus that would have been easily prevented by the medications of their species.

        Official analysis: This civilization died of stupidity.

      Extremely large numbers of cats present. What does this mean?

    • I think the leaders for it here in Sweden want to think they had the most evidence based approach to handling the virus.

      Didn't worked well.

      My other response came to the wrong post.

      • Here, as on the other post, you're really in need of looking up the English word "evidence" and then the phrase "evidence-based" and compare that to the word "theory."

        I'm going to presume you don't understand what the words mean, that you're a major ignoramus, because the alternative is that you're a complete moron.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by grasshoppa ( 657393 )

      Not exactly. C19 during an election year...there's a ton of politics mixed in with this.

      Politics or incompetence, however, it's worth being skeptical of the numbers given the nonsense we've seen already with some of the reporting.

      • Actually it's more like there is a tiny bit of an attempt to actually fix the mess mixed into the politics.

      • by Aighearach ( 97333 ) on Saturday July 25, 2020 @12:04PM (#60330245)

        For morons who don't listen to the doctors, there is politics involved.

        For most people, they just listen to the doctors and there isn't any politics involved.

        Just because somebody else is being a moron and responding politically to a medical situation, that does not cause the actions of people listening to the doctors to become political. That is just part of the hyperbole that the morons are spewing.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Even if the numbers are double the real figure they are still terrible.

  • by jonsmirl ( 114798 )

    You can't really compare this without also knowing how many tests per million people were done. For example a country doing a large number of tests on random people is going to find a lot of asymptomatic people. A country that is only testing people with symptoms will miss all of the asymptomatic people. The first country will have a much high number of tests per million than the second country.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by thegarbz ( 1787294 )

      That's okay. You don't need to test people to look at Death statistics. Funny enough the graphs look similar.

    • by dryeo ( 100693 )

      Recently did a serology survey here in BC, seems the total infection rate was about 8x what tests showed, still way lower numbers then neighbouring Washington State.

  • by Midnight_Falcon ( 2432802 ) on Saturday July 25, 2020 @11:11AM (#60330047)
    I've been saying this for a while, but, soon the streets will flow with the blood of the non-believers. In this case, believers indicate not religiosity, but in their non-belief in basic science, such as the germ theory of infections.

    I've seen such stupid memes circulating amongst people in these states on social media. For example, one claims that because one can smell a fart through a mask, they are obviously not effective at stopping viruses and should not be worn. Another claims that the virus is everywhere, but so is God, so the faithful will be protected.

    This is the predictable result to politicizing masks and protective equipment. States with the highest number of die-hard ideologues with a history of rejecting science (Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, Arizona, Alabama, South Carolina, Texas, Idaho, and Tennessee), and coming up with alternative science to justify their racism, are now seeing what happens when convenient beliefs meet reality.

    In short, is anyone surprised that states who didn't want to teach evolution are now making the United States the sick man of the OECD?

    • So scientists are a race now? Well, I'm proudly racistic then.
      • I was referring to using pseudoscience such as craniometry, especially during the Antebellum period, to justify Jim Crow laws and segregation among other racist beliefs. You can read more about it here [] and also here [].
  • Grabs popcorn (Score:3, Insightful)

    by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Saturday July 25, 2020 @11:15AM (#60330051)

    I'm just here to see what all the trolls have to say about this. I can hear the excuses now.

    "What about how many people are being tested compared to other countries? If we test more we find more."

    "These charts are meaningless, just like the 150,000+ dead. What we need are statistics to lean against like a drunk uses a light pole."

    "This is just that lefty New York Times wanting to make the con artist look bad."

    "Anyone can put up a chart. We need to see the numbers behind this."

    "States are deliberately overcounting positive cases except in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Iowa, and Texas where they're deliberately undercounting so we can't trust anything."

    "I saw on Facebook from my brother's wife's second cousin who reads Qanon stories that this isn't a big deal, that's it's made up."

    "People believe what the mainstream media says? They've been discredited time and again. The con artist said so."

    Did I miss any?

    P.S. Florida is reporting more daily positive cases than South Korea has reported for its entire country. South Korea also has twice the population of Florida.

    • Re:Grabs popcorn (Score:5, Insightful)

      by iggymanz ( 596061 ) on Saturday July 25, 2020 @11:19AM (#60330079)

      You are missing the fundamental issue. The virus will continue to circulate in the human population and in many animals including house pets and farm animals. It will come back in places where it is "under control" now unless working vaccine distributed. Pointless to take this point in time and harp about anything. T

      • At the end of the day, protect the fragile, it will spread, maybe we'll get lucky with a vaccine, but otherwise a controlled spread ideally not overwhelming hospitals will happen, whether we like it or not.

        It's happening anyway, which is the elephant in the room. "Look, that country has a much better train engineer because only the engine, tender, and first three cars have gone over the cliff so far!"

      • Not really (Score:5, Insightful)

        by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Saturday July 25, 2020 @12:15PM (#60330331)
        if we would just all wear masks, social distance, shelter in place we'd have it under control in 2-3 months. Then we'd need to deploy an army of contact tracers to stamp out flare ups. The rest of the world did / is doing this (Brazil excepted because their leaders are nut jobs and India Excepted because of massive poverty) and they're doing just fine.

        If we did what we were supposed to it wouldn't be an issue. But to do that would require massive changes to our society of a more socialistic...y(?) bent. Our ruling class doesn't like that, because they don't like socialism. They leverage their control of limited resources and the threat of homelessness and starvation to make us do as they say, and if we start building Star Trek style systems where basic needs are met they become powerless. Can't let that happen.
        • You do realize for that to be effective, the entire WORLD would have to do the exact same thing for 2-3 months.

          Either that or lock down the borders until an antivirus is created. No one in or out. In the US, that would never happen. Both sides of the political spectrum would fight against that.

          The problem with your solution, is that as soon as restrictions are relaxed, someone outside the area is going to re-introduce the virus to that population and we start over. The genie is out of the bottle.
      • Well, you know, don't try to confuse people with simple facts. It ruins a good argument.
    • Think you got it pretty much covered.

      Here's a beer, pass the popcorn.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      South Korea has competent leadership. It is unfortunate Trumpers here have mod points today.
    • You missed, "Something something, Murka bad, France!!!"

  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Saturday July 25, 2020 @11:32AM (#60330123)

    Considering that Slashdot is... well, supposedly, at least it used to be... populated by people who are on average a wee bit more capable than the average idiot out there, and even here you see the same shit going down as everywhere: Instead of trying to figure out what to do, people are busy shifting blame. And the creativity on what HAS TO be guilty of spreading the plague knows no bounds. I come here every day for the latest Covid stories because I know for a fact that I'll be treated with even more creative excuses why SOMEONE ELSE is to blame.

    I wonder how many people have to die before they start to notice that shifting blame about does not solve problems. Anyone got a betting pool going?

    • You worry about who is on Slashdot, you worry about people dying, you rather want to worry about how to save the world, you call others idiots and probably consider yourself smarter than them, but what is it you are actually doing? You're blaming others for not thinking like you do. It makes you the idiot.

      Let people cast blame. It shows that they know who is responsible. They then already know what to do. Let them be disobedient, let them cast away their worries and fears, let them have their protests. Thei

      • Because sadly, I do care. And I wish that we would finally get our act together and DO something. Preferably without resorting to what was done in Europe. Because it saddens me that this seems to be how you can get people to do what's necessary for survival.

        I live in a country that dealt with the whole mess in a pretty "good" way. We have a fairly low body count despite being hit early with the virus and despite sitting right next to a country that was hit VERY severely and the whole mess sloshed across our

        • What's unambiguously bad and sad about it is that humans are apparently not capable of acting rationally and sensibly without being forced to.

          Every slave overseer who ever lived shares your pain. They're applauding you from their graves.

    • "a wee bit more capable than the average idiot" - Someone always makes a better idiot, but yeah, I'm also surprised by the low level of any discourse on Covid19. Most commenters seem to be scared beyond reason and cannot interpret the most basic statistics, graphs or maths.
  • What did you expect? You always knew where this was headed, between corporate greed and Republican pearl-clutching.

    Die for the economy. Sacrifice the weak. []

Evolution is a million line computer program falling into place by accident.
