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Medicine Education

California Orders Online Schooling In Hardest-Hit Counties ( 65

California said public schools in the state's hardest hit counties won't be able to open for on-campus classes until the spread of the coronavirus in that area is contained. The order means that students in counties accounting for more than 70% of the state's population will likely switch to remote learning for the beginning of the school year. Bloomberg reports: "The virus will be with us for a year or more, and school districts must provide meaningful instruction in the midst of this pandemic," Governor Gavin Newsom said in a statement. "In California, health data will determine when a school can be physically open --- and when it must close -- but learning should never stop. Students, staff, and parents all prefer in-classroom instruction, but only if it can be done safely."

School districts in Los Angeles, San Diego and Sacramento had already decided they would offer remote learning only, despite calls by the Trump administration for classrooms to fully reopen. Schools located in counties that are on the state's virus monitoring list must not physically open for in-person instruction until their county has come off the list for 14 consecutive days. All staff and students in 3rd grade and above will be required to wear a mask or face covering. Students in 2nd grade and below are strongly encouraged to wear a face covering.

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California Orders Online Schooling In Hardest-Hit Counties

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  • []

    Look, can we just admit they're making shit up for political purposes at this point?

    • No school age kids have died from Covid-19. Most are asymptomatic. The rest get better quickly. The absurd response to OLDER ADULTS getting sick is to keep kids out of school? That smacks of politics and not intelligent reasoning.
      • by ghoul ( 157158 )

        Most parents are working from home because their companies have told them to work remotely till 2021. Even though logically Children wont get sick, parents feel it weird that they are working from home to stay safe yet sending their kids out into the world. Its not built into our psychology to send our children to face a danger which we wont face ourselves.

        • Not ever job can work from home. How nice of you to ignore the lower classes of society. Ones that work 1 maybe 2 jobs. Daycares have closed back down. Who is watching the 6-12yr olds while mom or dad is busting his/her ass for minimum wage?

          Sure the lexus driving pieces of crap, with their arm-candy westport wives, whose daily activity include yoga and pta meetings, can stay home. The rest of society now had to quit working again. The worst economic classes dont even have internet. The teachers did not do s

          • by ghoul ( 157158 )

            For those who cant work from home the govt is putting through PUA and stimulus checks so those with small children should collect the 6000 dollars of unemployment. Essential jobs can be done by young adults and teenagers who dont have children to watch.

            • Its not an endless pool. PPP dried up. Now we learn the catholic church got a shit ton of it. So did mega corps. As well as the guy in LA that drew out $9M and spent it gambling in vegas. Theres only so much to go around. You cannot get blood from a turnip. I would count on the govmt like id count on herpes.

              • by ghoul ( 157158 )

                PPP was a huge giveaway to those who can well afford to take a hit on their income. Business owners whould always have cash reserves not live month to month.
                Instead of wasting 3 trillion on bailouts to companies and businesses so that they can keep paying their bank loans (in effect a bailout of the banks AGAIN) there should have been a moratorium on all loans , rents. The cash should have been used to cover unemployment, stimulus and to give bonuses to essential workers (grocery store clerks etc) . Also PU

            • PUA and stimulus checks

              Bad time to be 100% cash

              • by ghoul ( 157158 )

                Well if you dont contribute to society then you cant expect society to give you a safety net during bad times. Even illegals pay taxes using an ITIN so if you are working fully cash I dont really ahve any sympathy for you. The Church /temple/mosque however does not judge so you can go get free food there if you have not been paying your taxes.

                • by ghoul ( 157158 )

                  Actually the worst off are legal aliens working here on visas. If they get fired they cant claim unemployment. They cant go back to their countries as international travel is blocked. They cant claim anything from the safety net even though they have been paying all their taxes including FICA, income and local taxes. They cant even get Obamacare as it would be against the conditions of their visa so they are jobless, cashless and uninsured stranded away from their home countries in the middle of an epidemic

        • Most parents are working from home because their companies have told them to work remotely till 2021.

          Your mistaken. The vast majority of workers are not able to work from home.There are MUCH more jobs that require physical presence than not.

          • by ghoul ( 157158 )

            I said most parents. The low skill jobs are generally held by the childless young. For the rest one parent can stay home on PUA.

      • by DRJlaw ( 946416 )

        No school age kids have died from Covid-19.

        False []

        Most are asymptomatic.

        And not at all in contact with bigger brother, bigger sister, dad, mom, and the grandparents.

        The rest get better quickly.

        Or not []. Whatever.

        The absurd response to OLDER ADULTS getting sick is to keep kids out of school? That smacks of politics and not intelligent reasoning.

        Or a lesson learned from others []. Whatever.

      • by crgrace ( 220738 )

        Setting aside that you are factually incorrect, it is generally true younger people are less affected by the virus.

        However, teachers are adults, and many are older or vulnerable. Also, many children live in multi-generational households.

        I have kids in school and this is killing me (in terms of being a huge inconvenience to deal with), but now, it doesn't smack of politics to me.

      • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

        No school age kids have died from Covid-19. Most are asymptomatic. The rest get better quickly. The absurd response to OLDER ADULTS getting sick is to keep kids out of school? That smacks of politics and not intelligent reasoning.

        Sure, we can send independent 8-16 year olds to school. They have no parents. Everyone else, those kids are by definition in contact with "older adults" (e.g., parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, etc). Given even teenagers can get extremely sick, and even 26 year old personal

      • No school age kids have died from Covid-19.

        Bullshit []. Bullshit []. And more bullshit []. Still more bullshit []. And even more bullshit [].

        Let's hear the excuses.

        • Hmm, from the CDC database of 15JUL2020, looks like 31 have died of covid19. Out of about 11K deaths from all causes in the age group(s) in question (0-14 years of age)....
      • Except you're wrong: []

        COVID-19 infections on the rise in kids and teens with school approaching

        WASHINGTON, D.C. — As the school year draws near, children and teens represent a ballooning percentage of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. as the youngest Americans increasingly venture outside their homes and are able to get tested.

        While the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has long maintained on its website that those younger than 18 make up only 2% of cases, state d

      • Kids have parent.
        Parents have parents.
        Kids infect parents.
        Parents infect their parents.
        Grandchildren infect Grandparents.

        Actually super simple.

        No idea why you needed one to explain it to you.

        • by serbanp ( 139486 )

          Actually super simple

          It's clear that you don't understand at all how the in-class schooling is set to operate. Hint: search for the keyword "cohort".

      • No school age kids have died from Covid-19

        Others have already posted links to show the falsity of this claim.

        However, is death the only concern? Some of those kids survive but suffer serious health issues. [] Ongoing heath issues should not be ignored.

      • by barakn ( 641218 )

        And as we know, no OLDER ADULTS are involved in education. Children do the teaching, children cook the lunches, children answer the phones, children do the nursing and children run the security. Children empty the trash and children mop the floors. Children drive the other children to school.

        Fucking idiot.

      • Because children never come in contact with adults.

        You're a goddamn idiot.
    • by DRJlaw ( 946416 ) on Friday July 17, 2020 @04:50PM (#60301777)

      Look, can we just admit they're making shit up for political purposes at this point?

      By "they're," do you mean you, the one linking to a former neurologist now working as a policy flack at the Hoover Institute [] because he happens to agree with you and has "Dr." as a title?

      Not an epidemiologist, not even a pediatrician, but he's the authority for how the epidemiologists and pediatricians are "making shit up."

    • by dgatwood ( 11270 ) on Friday July 17, 2020 @05:06PM (#60301837) Homepage Journal

      The problem here is that a neurosurgeon who quite clearly has not kept up with the science is speaking with presumed authority on the subject. I'll counter that with this news story from Fox News (just to get a nice conservative source to avoid any claims of liberal bias):

      Missouri Summer Camp Closes After 82 Kids, Staffers Infected with Coronavirus []

      Note that this is a right-leaning news source about a right-leaning (evangelical Christian) teen camp in a somewhat right-leaning state. Here's a summary of their 31-point plan [] to prevent coronavirus from spreading at their overnight teen camp:

      • Active, ionizing air filtration
      • Health screenings before admission
      • Daily temperature checks
      • On-site doctors and nurses
      • Hand sanitizer everywhere
      • Limits on access by non-campers
      • Various quarantine protocols
      • Regular rigorous cleaning
      • Ban on all touching, sharing of food/utensils/*, etc.
      • Two weeks of recommended self-isolation with temperature logging before the camp started

      About the only thing they didn't do was require continuous mask use. And yet coronavirus spread like wildfire through their camp.

      Any doctor who would say something as preposterous as "there’s no rational reason or science to say that children transmit the disease significantly" is being incredibly reckless. And to do so a week after the Missouri camp story broke... I just can't imagine how any doctor could be so poorly informed.

      The science is actually very clear. Young people can and do spread the virus. Period.

      • https://www.washingtonexaminer... []

        Cliffs: ‘Absolutely' reopen schools: 5 of 5 pediatricians would send their kids back to class

        • by dgatwood ( 11270 )

          Yay. They found five pediatricians who are so fed up with their kids being at home that they no longer give a crap. :-D

          • by dgatwood ( 11270 )

            Or to be even more cynical, five pediatricians aren't seeing enough patients, because they aren't getting sick.

        • Why are you sooooooooooo eager to put other people at risk?

          You either don't understand how this works or you're lying, and I'm not sure which is worse.

          • Why are you so trusting of the bullshit you're being fed? Agree with me or not, you have to recognize this entire situation has been politicized by all sides. Simply accepting what you're being told in such a climate is a sure way to make the situation worse.

            Do your own research, look at things with an critical mind. I suspect you'd quickly realize you at least partially agree with me.

            • Why are you so trusting of the bullshit you're being fed?

              Due, I've seen the COVID patients at Evergreen hospital in Kirkland WA myself 2 days ago. They aren't faking it.

              Agree with me or not, you have to recognize this entire situation has been politicized by all sides.

              One side has certainly politicized it, up to where the simple act of wearing a mask is now a flash point. President Dotard is basically pretending it isn't happening and that ain't gonna work.

              Do your own research, look at things with an critical mind. I suspect you'd quickly realize you at least partially agree with me.

              I usually let people who've spent their lives learning about this stuff and wh actually know what they're talking about.

              For example, Dr Fauci...
              In 1968, Fauci joined the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as

              • Why are you so trusting of the bullshit you're being fed?

                Due, I've seen the COVID patients at Evergreen hospital in Kirkland WA myself 2 days ago. They aren't faking it.

                I'm not suggesting they are. The best lies are built on facts.

                What I am saying is that both sides are playing games with this. It's easy to pick experts that say things you agree with, seems like there's a team of 'experts' out there that will support whatever you might want. Lacking understanding, that makes it little better than picking your favorite sports team.

                So gain that understanding. Dive into the data, really try to understand what's going on. You'll see what I'm talking about if you take that

                • by DRJlaw ( 946416 )

                  So gain that understanding. Dive into the data, really try to understand what's going on. You'll see what I'm talking about if you take that step, hard though it may be.

                  Dude, you've posted one piece by an out-of-touch neurosurgeon and one opinion piece that quotes five, let's repeat that, FIVE, pediatricians apparently selected by the opinion writer himself, as saying that they'll send their children back to completely unspecified school in the fall.

                  Don't pretend that you have superior understanding. Don't

                • So gain that understanding. Dive into the data, really try to understand what's going on.

                  Fuck you and your gaslighting bullshit. I've seen the patients, I even know a couple of them personally. They exist, and in huge fucking numbers. Drop by sometime and I'll show you. We still can't even get tested here. So stop with your armchair 'research'- you have no idea what you're talking about.

                  You'll see what I'm talking about if you take that step, hard though it may be.

                  Please fuck off and go back to your safe little bubble where the coronavirus doesn't exist. It's all just a big scam, so please feel free to gather with all of your goober drinking buddies and have a party.

                • The best lies are built on facts.

                  Yes, like the ones you're trying to spew.

    • It's easy to cherry-pick doctors who match your preferred outcome. Thus, this link is not very meaningful. What would be more helpful is a fair poll of experts and perhaps a debate among experts who disagree.

      I will point out cherry-picking is done by news leaning on both ends of the political spectrum.

      Anyhow, red counties around the country are going to test Dr. Atlas's theory directly...

    • []

      Look, can we just admit they're making shit up for political purposes at this point?

      There are much bigger issues at play here than politic gamesmanship and the economy. Educators who are opposed to reopening schools are opposed for legitimate reasons. Educators and social workers who want to reopen schools also tend to have good reasons. Countless children are stuck at home with abusive, stressed parents right now, with no access to outside help or social services. But teachers, students, and students' families will die as a result of premature school reopenings. Other than dealing with th

      • I'm an essential worker, so salary aside I'm already working with the public. I have no fears about my life, nor the life of my child regarding c19. Point of fact, I DO fear what more social isolation will bring my child. Depression for her and millions of other kids is something that's already happening, how damaging will this continue to be?

        It's not about a "day care", although I can appreciate that argument from an economic perspective as well. It's about socialization. It's about learning how to wo

        • It's about socialization. It's about learning how to work with others.

          Yes, and sometimes socialization means learning to stay the fuck away from other people when you or they may be infectious.

          And don't worry, your precious little snowflake Jimmy or Janey won't be warped into a social misfit because they couldn't interact in a classroom for a while.

          Tell ya what- you institute 100% testing of everyone -and I mean everyone- in the United States 3 times per week for the next few months and I might, just might think there's a case there for reopening schools.

        • by DRJlaw ( 946416 )

          Meanwhile, there are plenty of docs saying the kids need to go back to school

          There are the same 5 that you keep citing from the vey same article, over and over again. Meanwhile, Trump's own guy says []:

          "If you're in the part of a country where the dynamics of the outbreak are really minimal, if at all, then there's no problem at all in getting back. If youâ(TM)re in a situation where youâ(TM)re in outbreak mode, then you leave it up to the local individuals."

          Guess what mode 18 states are in []. Hint:

        • by DRJlaw ( 946416 )

          I'm an essential worker, so salary aside I'm already working with the public.

          You realize we can read you comment history, right? [] You're not an essential worker, no matter your opinion of yourself, and you certainly don't work with the public

          You're buried deep within your fortress of IT administration, safe from any unwanted contact with the hoi polloi. So don't pretend for an instant that you're facing risks comparable to those that you want to place upon teachers.

    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      The sad thing is that if we are to make the best decision, we need to have an honest discussion that is, by it nature, political. There are many interests here. The safety of the students which is involves risks beyond COVID-19. The safety of school staff. The cost of implementing safe schools. The damage to the economy.

      The AAP has a certain set of expertise. They are not epidemiologists Th e are not brain or lung specialists, two areas we suspect are damaged by COVID-19, and they are not experts in g

    • Look, can we just admit they're making shit up for political purposes at this point?

      No, because that's not what's happening.

      Engaging in magical thinking and pretending it isn't a huge fucking problem is NOT going to make it go away.

      Go ahead- see if you can bluff this virus into submission.

  • Notice how teachers are so adamant that they "want to be with the kids". I call bullshit. They want to post up at home and cadillac while their betters (taxpayers) go out and work to pay their salary. Schoolteachers are the kind of people who whine and bitch constantly about anything and everything they can think of that might give their public union a chance to boost their pay or give them more time off. They also are the worst kind of mask nazis. So, I find it rather delicious that they now have essential
  • When you get fifty e-mails from a teacher, most of which are random new educational websites and a spreadsheet full of passwords for that really distance learning? I don't think so, and that's what we encountered March-May with our child. So let's call this what it is; it's not distance, or remote learning. This is home schooling.

    • by Ogive17 ( 691899 ) on Friday July 17, 2020 @06:02PM (#60302109)
      Give the teachers a pass last year. No one planned for an online curriculum to end the school year. My son's school had some teachers adapt very well while others struggled.

      If they have remote learning this coming school year and teachers are not prepared, then you have a right to complain.
  • Your a business owner: Do you hired students who went to online schooling and "all passed" despite not doing or learning anything, or do you hire student who had to learn the material and get tested to get their diploma?
  • I wonder if the current reaction, which I believe to be an overreaction, is because we've had it good for so long most of us can't remember a time when we lived with diseases like polio, measles, and small pox and just got on with our lives.
    • by ghoul ( 157158 )

      The excessive levels of panic for this disease is because it disproportionately kills the part of the population which makes the decisions - over 50s. Also now we have internet and work from home technologies where the decision makers can actually work from home. If such technologies were not available we would do what we always did in epidemics - stay at home while only the breadwinner (and it was always dad when we had epidemics) would venture out to earn a living and take the risk of death. Assumption wa

The first time, it's a KLUDGE! The second, a trick. Later, it's a well-established technique! -- Mike Broido, Intermetrics
