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Coronavirus Pandemic Accelerating, Warns WHO ( 226

The global coronavirus pandemic is accelerating, with Thursday's 150,000 new cases the highest in a single day, World Health Organization (WHO) director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. From a report: "Almost half of the cases reported were from the Americas," he told a virtual briefing. "The world is in a new and dangerous phase ... the virus is still spreading fast, it is still deadly, and most people are still susceptible."
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Coronavirus Pandemic Accelerating, Warns WHO

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  • by Xenographic ( 557057 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @12:29PM (#60202704) Journal

    It's a good thing this virus was smart enough to avoid all those mass protests or it'd be even worse.

    • Another wasted FP, eh? 'Nuff said and I feel free to change the Subject to something more relevant.

      Not claiming to be psychic, but I just started wondering about Patient Zero. Each fresh outbreak of Covid-19 must have a Patient Zero, right?

      Obviously and perhaps unfortunately, WHO has no authority to seek out any Patient Zero. That's within the purview of each affected country. Too bad that many of the most badly affected countries are completely lacking in the resources to pursue Patient Zero before it was

      • Each fresh outbreak of Covid-19 must have a Patient Zero, right?

        No. Each fresh outbreak is part of the original outbreak. It never went away

        Think about it in the context of a country with enemies.

        It's probably more useful to think about it in the context of an infectious disease..

      • by HiThere ( 15173 )

        You misunderstand "patient zero". "Patient zero" is the "we can't trace this outbreak back any further" patient. You've got to remember that a very large number of cases are asymptomatic. In the recent outbreak in Beijing they could only trace it back to a fish market. Well, fish can't carry COVID, so all we know is that one of the customers was probably a carrier. If it were a clerk, they'd have been able to trace it further. So somebody, possibly a housewife with a college kid, brought the disease t

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by rogoshen1 ( 2922505 )

      Why mod this troll? The media's cognitive dissonance on this is amazing.

      It's fascinating seeing things like: "physicians have joined the protests across the country, and an open letter by 1,200 health professionals say protests should not be shut down to fears of covid-19 transmission"
      and "hundreds of far-right protests defy covid-19 restrictions.."

      Time magazine: The same goddamn day (June 13th).

      I haven't exactly looked, but from perusing cnn/msnbc i've yet to see a single mention of the possibility that ma

      • by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @01:28PM (#60203014)

        but from perusing cnn/msnbc i've yet to see a single mention of the possibility that massive rallies across the world have spread covid.

        Then you're blind. May 31st []. June 1st []. Also June 1st []. June 3rd []. Also June 3rd []. June 4th (use of tear gas may aid spreading). [] June 15th (not national news) [].

        Would you like me to continue, or would you like to blame real news media for doing their job? Even the Fox tabloid had an article (one article only, Vasily) on June 1st with the same question: will these protests lead to spread of the virus?

      • I haven't exactly looked, but from perusing cnn/msnbc i've yet to see a single mention of the possibility that massive rallies across the world have spread covid.

        Are you kidding? With the Seattle protests that seemed to be what the local media spent most of their time talking about - how the protests could become "super spreader" events.

        On a side note: I have also read speculative-but-reasonable stories arguing that outdoor gatherings - even without adequate social distancing - might not be problematic with regards to spreading COVID-19 for various reasons. That's one of the reasons some people were saying that if Trump wants to have his rallies, he should at least

        • by nomadic ( 141991 )

          Whenever a right-winger says "the media is ignoring X," the media is always actually talking about X plenty.

      • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @02:24PM (#60203252) Journal

        It's fascinating seeing things like: "physicians have joined the protests across the country, and an open letter by 1,200 health professionals say protests should not be shut down to fears of covid-19 transmission"
        and "hundreds of far-right protests defy covid-19 restrictions.."

        The difference is that the former group wore masks and actually worked to maintain some level of social distancing. The latter group did not make any efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus.

      • by Slayer ( 6656 )

        The argument about protests leading to mass spreader events appears many times in main stream media, however, it never happened in reality. You can look at the COVID-19 charts for Minnesota, Washington and all these places with big and out of control protests. There is nothing worth noting in Minnesota, there is some rise in Washington. There are catastrophic rises in COVID-19 infections in all those places which just had to open their businesses, but not in those places mostly known for their large protest

      • by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @03:30PM (#60203444)

        It's fascinating seeing things like: "physicians have joined the protests across the country, and an open letter by 1,200 health professionals say protests should not be shut down to fears of covid-19 transmission"

        Given how the overwhelming majority of protestors covered their faces far more than joe-blow-don't-give-a-shit does when he goes to pick up beer from the shops, there is no cognitive dissonance here.

        Do you still not understand that this virus doesn't magically radiate between people but actually has certain transmission vectors that among other people physicians are actually good at controlling?

        Hell even the police were in good shape thanks to riot helmets.

      • by sjames ( 1099 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @05:22PM (#60203846) Homepage Journal

        Perhaps that's because protests generally happen outside and most of the protesters are smart enough and courteous enough to wear a mask. Also they tend to be somewhat spaced apart.

        That's a bit different than packing people shoulder to shoulder to hear a speech. Especially when the speaker sets the poor example of refusing to wear a mask, even in a sterile manufacturing facility.

    • by AmazingRuss ( 555076 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @01:10PM (#60202942)
      And lots of group sex.
    • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @03:23PM (#60203418)
      and social distanced. I've watched a few hours of coverage and they were keeping it safe. Also the risk of Transmission is much, much lower outdoors than indoors.

      It's still not a good idea, but given the alternative (keep getting shot by cops) I can't say I blame them.

      Moreover, the reason the protests were so large was high numbers of unemployed who are about to get evicted or foreclosed on. There is a massive, massive housing crisis about to take off in 12 days when the emergency anti-eviction protections expire and are not renewed. These are folks panicking and unable to know how to deal with the panic because in America you're not allowed to talk about your bad financial situation.

      The goal here is to force these folks back to work so the economy will get moving again and the GOP can win in November. The trouble is that it will spike cases and lead to hospitals being overwhelmed. When that happens folks start dropping like flies. COVID-19's high survivalist rate goes to shit when there's not enough beds.

      Meanwhile the Republican led Senate is blocking any relief to those folks. If you think the last round of protests were fun wait and see what 2 million homeless do in about 45 days. It's a dangerous game they're playing with your life.
    • by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @03:39PM (#60203494) Journal
      Coronavirus doesn't seem to spread well outdoors. Multiple studies have confirmed this. That doesn't mean protestors are immune outdoors, but the growth in cases isn't in the areas that are protesting. The places that are seeing the biggest growth are places where people don't want to wear masks. Hello Texas.
    • Good things protesters wear masks to limit the spread. Meanwhile, our libertarian friends think their right to not wear a mask is more important than other people's lives. We'd probably be beating this thing by now if just 40% of people in public would wear a mask.
  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @12:30PM (#60202708)

    Stop freaking out about what was always an expected result of re-opening - a rise in new cases.

    Some of that is from testing, some of it is from people being out more. But in the end, hospitals still have plenty of capacity and that is the important thing to monitor - which states that have reopened, are monitoring.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Exactly. Closing was to "flatten the curve" not "stop the spread." We can stay shut "until there is a vaccine" or "a cure" or "herd immunity". None of which MAY ever happen. How long will they shut everything down waiting? How long will farms and many other people work while everyone else is living on a government check eroding the value of the money that the farmer etc are being paid with?

      The correct response is: if you are >=65, stay home. If you have a comorbidity, stay home. Everyone else, go

      • by jonbryce ( 703250 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @01:33PM (#60203034) Homepage

        Or, until, like New Zealand, you have completely eliminated it within your borders. Then you be super careful not to let any infected people in, except they failed there.

        • Or, until, like New Zealand, you have completely eliminated it within your borders. Then you be super careful not to let any infected people in, except they failed there.

          They haven't exactly failed. There's still no new case known of someone getting infected in NZ even from the two UK people they allowed through. Came close to failure? Yes. Made mistakes? Yes. Actually failed? Not in any serious way.

          The China cases are more serious since it seems to have been days of circulation before they spotted the problem; still, it's much easier to eliminate a few hundred cases than thousands so they start from a much better situation.

    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      by timeOday ( 582209 )
      Ahh, the pee-wee Herman "I meant to do that" defense.
    • by geekmux ( 1040042 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @01:02PM (#60202886)

      Stop freaking out about what was always an expected result of re-opening - a rise in new cases.

      Some of that is from testing, some of it is from people being out more. But in the end, hospitals still have plenty of capacity and that is the important thing to monitor - which states that have reopened, are monitoring.

      Most states have reopened at this point, but those same states haven't done much to actually prepare for any type of considerable uptick in patients needing critical care/ICU. Arizona opens up, and starts complaining about hospitals reaching capacity within two weeks? Even a bad tarot card hack can accurately predict this future.

      Exactly where are all those automaker-manufactured ventilators? Still being manufactured, or sitting in upgraded hospital rooms? Where are the billions of masks, gloves, and other PPE at right now? Civilians can barely put their hands on PPE stock, which tends to say a lot as to how large that shortage still is, and how unprepared hospitals are to handle any kind of considerable outbreak.

      "Monitoring" dangerously low levels of ICU capacity won't do jack shit here. Actually doing something about that problem, is what will prevent us from having this same conversation a month from now, when we learn that 30 days of "monitoring" did nothing but confirm what Captain Obvious was saying 3 months ago; Not Enough Capacity.

      And let's remember why people actually freak out here. They're worried that the only resource that can save their life, will be at capacity. Stop assuming this is all about new case numbers.

      • those same states haven't done much to actually prepare for any type of considerable uptick in patients needing critical care/ICU.

        They all have, in preparation for the initial wave that was never as large as the maximum predictions.

        As a result, lots of cities set up convention centers and hotels with beds, and other things along those lines.

        Most of that is shut down, but the result is that they all have practice scaling up capacity if needed.

        • those same states haven't done much to actually prepare for any type of considerable uptick in patients needing critical care/ICU.

          They all have, in preparation for the initial wave that was never as large as the maximum predictions.

          As a result, lots of cities set up convention centers and hotels with beds, and other things along those lines.

          Most of that is shut down, but the result is that they all have practice scaling up capacity if needed.

          Have they practiced for what they're going to do to replace the dead nurses and doctors around the world? (We had already lost over 1,000 of them by March.)

          It takes a hell of a lot more than rubber gloves and empty convention centers (that don't yet have ICU equipment) to prepare to keep tens of thousands of humans alive on machines.

          • We had already lost over 1,000 of them by March

            Only source I could find, said 600 by June [].

            Reminder that the total number of health care workers in the U.S. is well over 16 *million* [].

            empty convention centers (that don't yet have ICU equipment)

            When they had them set up they did [].

            Since they had practice putting them up, they could be set up again quickly if needed - though so far, no-one needs to.

            That stuff is all in storage now, but can easily be pulled out... and at this point millions more ventilators have b

    • by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @01:05PM (#60202912)

      But in the end, hospitals still have plenty of capacity and that is the important thing to monitor

      Not in Florida they don't. Florida ICUs are running out of capacity []. Palm beach county hospitals are an example. As of yesterday they were at 74% ICU utilization [] and only 8 pediatric beds available out of 32.

      Obviously not all these beds being used are from covid-19. However, as the number of cases in Florida keep hitting new daily highs, expect more virus patients to be admitted which will lead to bed rationing if not outright shortages.

    • by hey! ( 33014 )

      It's not true that reopening local economies inevitably results in an upward trend in new cases. States have had mixed results. Some have continued to see downward trends in new cases even after they lift restrictions.

      I recognize this isn't necessarily the product of better management. Circumstances differ between states. Economic sacrifices that might be tolerable for one state could be intolerable in another. But in either case it's important to monitor the situation so you know when transmission is goi

  • Christ, the solution here is absurdly simple. Everyone wears a mask, whether they think they've been exposed or not, whether they show symptoms or not. The mask only needs to be about 50% effective to have population level effects [citation] []. Why is it so controversial to wear a friggin' mask?

    Then the pandemic will be over, and we can go back to normal, if that's really, ultimately your goal. A couple months of having to have a pocket full of breath mints and we're done.

    • by JoshuaZ ( 1134087 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @12:44PM (#60202798) Homepage

      Why is it so controversial to wear a friggin' mask?

      Because we live in a hyperpartisan political age where even basic science has to become politicized. People in one of the two large groups have decided that masks are a symbol of the Hated Other Tribe. And this isn't just a US thing, because nationalism and authoritarianism don't stop at borders. That said, in the US, at least a majority of self-identified Republicans and self-identified Democrats do support mask wearing although the fraction of Republicans appears to be declining []. And even with the Black-Lives-Matter protesters, while many of them are wearing masks, a substantial fraction are not. And even masks won't by themselves be great protection when one has very large crowds engaging in chanting and singing, both of which are behaviors which make spread much more easy; it isn't a coincidence that many of the superspreader events have been at choirs and religious groups [].

      • by shanen ( 462549 )

        Deserves "Insightful" moderation, but I never see a mod point to give, so I can't help.

        However this discussion on this very Slashdot is excellent evidence of your thesis. The entire topic of Covid-19, every aspect of the disease, from Patient Zero to masks to medications to social distancing to ventilators, has become a political football. There is a neutral and even a scientific perspective, but you'll be hard-pressed to detect it.

        Let me try a different angle on the topic. Maybe this is a controversial sta

      • Because we live in a hyperpartisan political age where even basic science has to become politicized.

        You make it way more complicated than it seems. The reality is Americans have an endless problem with "MUH RIGHTS"! You know, somehow those same people who are happy to see the government stomp on peaceful right to assembly are the first to say "help help I'm being oppressed" when someone asks for them not to spray their bodily fluids on others.

    • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @12:44PM (#60202800)
      from reopening. At risk folks will not go back to normal. Many who aren't will still not go back to normal. Less travel, no cruise ships, no car rentals, fewer and smaller parties, no sporting events and no packed restaurants (no, you can just take a bite of your Hot Dog through the mask).

      Trouble is, this is an election year. So we cannot have the economy be bad.

      Now, we could fix the bad Main Street Economy just like we did with the Bad Wall Street Economy: by pumping Trillions of dollars into it. We've got the money. The things that are shut down right now are not essential services, they're fun events & places to eat out and date. We could divert the resources from those to supporting folks sheltering in place.

      Trouble with that is it means handing out "free money". And the trouble with that is that once the American working class gets a taste of freedom from living paycheck to paycheck and being constantly on the edge of homelessness they're going to come to expect it as a right, not a privilege.

      And make no mistake, that cannot be allowed to happen. It is absolutely critical that 60-70% of Americans live every day of their lives one paycheck away from disaster. Otherwise they won't have the requisite hate and anger needed to properly divide and rule them via bigotry and wedge issues. Take away the Welfare Queen story and Americans work together in harmony, and the 1% can't live like God-Kings anymore.

      It's a dangerous line our ruling class is walking. If they screw it up we'll get a dictator and military Junta...
      • by Bodhammer ( 559311 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @12:58PM (#60202876)

        We've got the money. .

        What! Where?

        • Print it. (Score:2, Troll)

          by rsilvergun ( 571051 )
          You can safely print money so long as there are enough good and services for people to buy with that money. We have that. There's plenty of food, shelter and healthcare and most entertainment goods are digital.

          For basic needs there are no shortages except the ones we create for ourselves. Usually for the express purpose of keeping people in a constant state of mild terror at the thought of becoming homeless. Frightened people are much easier to take freedom away from.
          • The problem is that the rich and establishment are terrified of Modern Monetary Theory. Firstly just a lot of them are ignorant trolls that pander to other ignorant trolls who can't wrap their head around something that is counter to everything they've been fed for generations.

            But then there is also, if we used MMT and implemented UBI, suddenly, you don't have to take shit from rich people anymore. Sure, anyone that wants more than the basics in life will want to work, but it means if you've got a shit jo

        • He said it right there, the trillions going to Wall Street, just gotta redirect it. Don't believe the neo-liberal propaganda about "debts" and austerity.

    • by dbrueck ( 1872018 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @12:48PM (#60202810)

      the solution here is absurdly simple. Everyone wears a mask, whether they think they've been exposed or not, whether they show symptoms or not...Why is it so controversial to wear a friggin' mask?

      I agree, although as to why people aren't wearing masks, my guess is that, for many people, the virus is still mostly an abstract thing. Sure, it's constantly on the news, but cable news in particular has a penchant for hype, so I think some of that is taken with a grain of salt. And anecdotally, up until about two weeks ago, I didn't know a single person that has had the virus, and knew one person who knew one person who has had the virus. Since then, this older couple I know has tested positive, and another person told me the one of their relatives has it, but that's it.

      My guess is that as the virus hits closer to home, there is a tendency to take it more seriously, so mask usage would go up, even though using a mask earlier would likely prevent the virus from hitting closer to home in the first place. It's just human nature.

      • I didn't know a single person that has had the virus, and knew one person who knew one person who has had the virus.

        Ditto. Though my anecdote is a bit older than "up till two weeks ago" - more like up till April.

        Still, as of today, I don't personally know anyone who has had the virus....

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by geekmux ( 1040042 )

      Christ, the solution here is absurdly simple. Everyone wears a mask, whether they think they've been exposed or not, whether they show symptoms or not. The mask only needs to be about 50% effective to have population level effects [citation] []. Why is it so controversial to wear a friggin' mask?

      How hard is it for you to grasp that people don't like being told what to do, no matter how it may benefit them or us? Smoking, drinking, drugs, obesity, texting and driving, casual sex. Which one of those can I bolt on a "Why is it so hard for you to stop?" for you? Which one would you obey, you know for the rest of us?

      Then the pandemic will be over, and we can go back to normal, if that's really, ultimately your goal. A couple months of having to have a pocket full of breath mints and we're done.

      Oh for FUCKS sake. Masks or not, no way in hell is this is over in "a couple months". These idiotic "studies" must not account for actual humans being involved when they assume 100% fac

    • by Targon ( 17348 )

      Considering that if things continue, there WILL be a full scale revolution against the incompetent and corrupt politicians, I am really surprised that more isn't being done to really get on top of it, make everyone wear masks, keep people from socializing in person, and get this resolved QUICKLY. These politicians probably haven't stopped to think that once we start seeing 85+ degree temperatures that the current protests may seem like a warm-up to the big event in July/August where government may collaps

    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      That's not quite right. Masks help, but social distancing remains necessary. I suspect that redesigning air flow patterns within buildings so that they were vertical rather than horizontal would be nearly as effective. Both cut down on the amount of social distancing needed. So would a faster airflow.

  • WHO CARES (Score:4, Insightful)

    by nevermindme ( 912672 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @12:36PM (#60202744)
    I got to ask, after a few months of isolation, who exactly cares to respect the risk? I certainly carry the hand sanitizer and only eat at on the outdoor patio, but I sort of did that last year also. Lot more carry out, but over all, lifestyle wise, other than the canceled vaction days in summer for most nerds did this matter. I certainly spent my time keeping VPN and the systems in the DCs working and got nothing but micromanagement by leadership because they were not at a in person conference discussing their technical prowess.

    I would say for the monks of technology this was nothing other than a blip.
  • by mordred99 ( 895063 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @12:40PM (#60202776)

    "Americas", which over 1/2 the cases being reported, also includes South America. Peru for example had almost 40k of those 150k cases.

    US cases have had a slight uptick in the last week (up like 5-10% off the lows) but nothing like we saw 5-7 weeks ago.

    • Sorry - Chile - not Peru. Went back to the data and my brain crossed those two countries.

    • by Targon ( 17348 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @03:08PM (#60203360)

      You are looking at things as a "total cases" here in the USA, without realizing that things are accelerating across The South and Midwest, and slowing in the Northeast. If you look at it from a county by county basis, then the Northeast(where the majority of the population is) has slowed down due to social distancing, but is ACCELERATING in places like Nevada, Mississippi, and Florida. The USA is really more a combination of five regions than just a single big entity, and you can't assume that the improvements in the Northeast reflect what is happening in other places.

      Remember as well that while the New York City area had a LOT of cases early on and the rest of the country didn't see a lot of cases, we are now seeing that the New York City area is getting better while things are getting a lot worse in other parts of the country. Florida is exploding with a number of hospitals exceeding capacity.

    • "Americas", which over 1/2 the cases being reported, also includes South America. Peru for example had almost 40k of those 150k cases.

      Quick quick look over there!

  • To praise Germany and China without any further distinction is an act of resignation. When people's lives are at risk and leaders need to be held responsible can one not hand out praise just for participation. One cannot lead with praise alone. Germany has done exceptionally well and it is because of China that we are in this trouble.

  • But it's Tedros speaking. It was probably said in some context to make China look like the most wonderful country on the planet. He does not bite the hand that feeds him.
  • It looks like it's just hitting India and Brazil now and it's hitting them hard. Unfortunately those are 2 very populous countries so that's going to spike the numbers no matter what else is going on.
  • by Targon ( 17348 ) on Friday June 19, 2020 @03:03PM (#60203348)

    There are too many people out there who assume that they are healthy, so they forget that they can spread the disease to others, even if they show no symptoms. They also still believe what Trump said early on about it being a Democratic Hoax, even after that has been proven to be incorrect. Those are the people who are still spreading the disease around the country, refusing to wear masks, refusing to follow social distancing, or even considering that they may be killing others due to their lack of understanding about what is going on.

    They also can't figure out that in the Northeast, 5000 people may be only one percent of the population, while in their own small town, that might be 40 percent of the population. That means that if they see 5000 people where they are have the disease, that is REALLY serious, yet in New York City, 5000 wouldn't be seen as terribly serious(compared to what we have already been dealing with).

    So, the disease is still spreading quickly in the first wave where they are across The South and Midwest, while the Northeast is in the general calm between waves.

    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      There are a large number of people who figure that if they don't show up for work, they won't eat next week. They've got to be REALLY sick before they avoid taking transit to work.

We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
