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'Murder Hornet' Meme Inspires Stupid Americans To Kill Pollinators En Masse ( 169

An anonymous reader writes: You really can't make this stuff up, but Americans across the country, out of fear of "murder hornets," have begun killing all kinds of bees en masse. According to Doug Yanega, senior museum scientist for the Department of Entomology at UC Riverside, a national panic has led to the needless slaughter of native wasps and bees, beneficial insects whose populations are already threatened...

"Folks in China, Korea and Japan have lived side by side with these hornets for hundreds of years, and it has not caused the collapse of human society there. My colleagues in Japan, China and Korea are just rolling their eyes in disbelief at what kind of snowflakes we are..."

"I don't want to downplay this — they are logistically dangerous insects. But having people in Tennessee worry about this is just ridiculous. The only people who should be bothering experts with concerns about wasp IDs are living in the northwest quadrant of Washington (state). And really, right now, nobody else in the country should even be thinking about this stuff," he continued.

"The facts are, experts said, two dead hornets were found in Washington last December, a lone Canadian live nest was found and wiped out last September and no live hornets have yet been seen this year," reports the Associated Press.

And when they spoke to the Washington Agriculture Department entomologist working on the state's response, he issued an additional correction for all the journalists covering this story. "They are not 'murder hornets.' "They are just hornets."
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'Murder Hornet' Meme Inspires Stupid Americans To Kill Pollinators En Masse

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  • Not surprising (Score:4, Insightful)

    by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @12:40PM (#60044176)

    We're talking about Americans, after all. The same group of people who keep believing if you give tax cuts to corporations that money will trickle down to them in the form of higher salaries, or who are worried about the lazy, drug dealing, rapist illegals taking away their jobs.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 10, 2020 @12:51PM (#60044216)
      It's called Schrödinger's Immigrant.
      He's too lazy to work and lives off benefits, while at the same time taking away your job.
      • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @01:31PM (#60044364)

        And he does either oddly only when you're not looking.

      • Also, he's gay and he steals our women.
      • trickle is a perfectly acceptable and meaningful word in econ; if you inject money anywhere into an economy it will trickle out from there. If you tip your waiters more, they will buy more clothes, if you buy more clothes, the tailor will go out to dinner more, it's unavoidable.

        so while I endorse all snarkiness on emotional grounds, on a rational basis you are actually completely wrong: trickle down is the correct term for what happens when you cut any taxes.

    • Re: Not surprising (Score:5, Interesting)

      by NagrothAgain ( 4130865 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @12:52PM (#60044224)
      The story is a pile of bullshit. Their "evidence" is that people are putting out bee traps. Uh, ya it's spring that's what people do. And no, wasps and Hornets are not pollinators, they kill regular bees and destroy their nests. Yes, beetraps will often catch more than just hornets but not if you put them in the right places. I have one over my porch, and one behind my shed where the trashcans sit, and they catch tons of wasps and Hornets but rarely, if ever, a regular honeybee and never a bumblebee, despite my yard and garden having tons of them.
      • Re: Not surprising (Score:5, Informative)

        by TurboStar ( 712836 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @01:10PM (#60044292)

        You are wrong. Wasps and hornets are very important pollenators.

        • Re: Not surprising (Score:5, Informative)

          by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @02:30PM (#60044642)

          The person to whom you're responding was correct in his assessment of the story. I just read it, and it provides absolutely no evidence, anecdotal or otherwise, that the stated premise of the story is true.

          The closest they come is to say that beekeepers in Tennessee are setting out traps to monitor for the things. Yes, that's still unnecessary - but there's quite a logical chasm between that and "Americans are killing millions of native bees and wasps".

          • Re: (Score:2, Flamebait)

            by thegarbz ( 1787294 )

            that the stated premise of the story is true.

            People are setting 5G mobile phone towers on fire, and the worlds most retarded TV boss is running the most important country in the world. At this point "intelligence" is the extraordinary claim which requires extraordinary evidence, and people themselves are utterly braindead meaning a story about braindeadedness is automatically given the benefit of doubt.

        • I haven't eaten a fig* since I found about that a few years ago.

          Yes, California figs are self-pollinating but wasps still climb in and die.

          Bug-eating's for Europeans.

      • Re: Not surprising (Score:4, Informative)

        by Oligonicella ( 659917 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @01:49PM (#60044470)

        And no, wasps and Hornets are not pollinators, they kill regular bees and destroy their nests.

        Only a few hunt bees and then they drag them back to *their* nests. Bee hives that fail afterward do so because of number depletion if anything. Most hunt caterpillars and spiders. The vast majority of wasps are indeed pollinators (typically the male) and some plants rely on them exclusively.

        So no, you don't know as much about wasps/bees as you believe you do.

        • Re: Not surprising (Score:4, Informative)

          by Lonng_Time_Lurker ( 6285236 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @02:21PM (#60044610)

          You could at least post to something besides *statements*.


          - bees do 90% of pollination
          - wasps / hornets do some pollination, especially of certain particular species as you noted, but those species from what I read in that article aren't anywhere near where people put hornet / wasp traps.

          Can we try to be sensible, or should we just call people stupid ?

          You are all stupid.

          Also, the actual article is behind a paywall, but I can only assume it doesn't say anything close to what the summary implied, and is much closer to *putting up wasp traps*

          • Liar Alert! Link does not contain purported statistics, or support any of the claims made. (and a beekeeping website wouldn't be a good source of data anyway)

            You are all stupid.

            You don't even know what numbers are.

        • by flink ( 18449 )

          Asian giant hornets will kill the majority of the workers in a nest, efficiently biting their heads off. The don't eat them. Instead, they raid the now defenseless nest for the brood, which they take back to their own nest for food. This effectively "kills" the nest.

      • by idji ( 984038 )
        Please go and google what animals pollinate figs. Let me save you some time, only wasps can pollinate figs, and wasp figs need figs for their lifecycle.
    • Re:Not surprising (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Frank Burly ( 4247955 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @01:04PM (#60044268)

      In fairness, the people voting for this are only doing so because they are being reliably told that they are the real America, and better than "those people."

      Seriously though, I saw a protest in England and people were calling for the arrest of Bill Gates because he is paying to develop a covid vaccine which some apparently believe will contain a microchip etc. There is a lot of uncertainty and people are reacting to a narrative that makes the situation that makes sense to them. "I can get things under control by killing these bugs." "I can express my dominance over current events by taking a bazooka Subway and eating it in an imprudent manor."

      There is a news item going around about some boys from Tonga who were shipwrecked for 15 months in the '60s and survived without devolving into a Lord of the Flies situation. But their entire world of concerns (food, water, shelter, etc.--other than rescue) was within their control.

      In a complex society you will never have that level of control, and I see the appeal of stocking up and being a prepper for WTSHTF. But it turns out that when a bad fart hits the fan, these people don't want to wear a mask and get take out, but instead demand a return to normalcy without a long-term strategy, because predictability (and comfort/convenience) have been a substitute for control since the days of bread and circus.

    • We're talking about Americans, after all.

      Simpletons preyed upon and riled-up by the media; no one with a brain is surprised.

      "Yellow journalism" and all that.

    • Some other commenter summed it up quite well, the story is bullshit: []

      Making it more of an example of people falling for fake news because they want to feel smug and superior over others in political rants based on notions fostered by even more fake news.

      • Speaking strictly for myself, I could not even read TFA. All I got to see was a frontal pic of some insect's head. I don't know if the LA Times don't like my browser, my regional settings or whatever, but that stupid headline was all I have to go on.

        • Learn how to internet. It is a major site, and it isn't actually paywalled.

          Just use the eye-dropper in your adblocker to block all the overlays. Done. Now the website works in that browser forever!

          You can probably also just turn off style sheets and it will show, because ADA.

    • by Way Smarter Than You ( 6157664 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @02:09PM (#60044554)
      If you actually read the article you would see the ENTIRE story is based on ONE GUY saying the meme MIGHT cause people to kill lots of beneficial bugs.

      There is ZERO EVIDENCE presented of ANYONE killing anything that wasn't already going on before so-called murder hoernet stories started appearing.

      The article itself and the /. editorialized version are pure FAKE NEWS and YOU FELL FOR IT!

      You're exactly the kind of gullible sheep that makes things suck.

      If you were really concerned about dumb asses doing really stupid and VERIFIED dumb ass shit then look at the morons in the UK destroying cell phone towers because "5G, corona virus, Bill Gates, yeah man!"

      Again, there is ZERO EVIDENCE that anyone, American or otherwise, is killing anything because of silly murder hornet stories.

      The idiot here is you for falling for it.
      • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

        by thegarbz ( 1787294 )

        There is ZERO EVIDENCE presented of ANYONE killing anything that wasn't already going on before so-called murder hoernet stories started appearing.

        People are setting 5G towers on fire, and Donald Trump is president of the USA. At this point it would be better to simply provide evidence that people aren't going to do something incredibly stupid when faced with a dumb meme.

    • We in Europe have the same kind of idiots. Anti-vaccers. And the morons setting fire to cell phone towers because "5G = radiation". Or the gullible people who believe that inchecked import of other cultures will bring nothing but good, or nothing but bad (take your pick). We have it all.
    • What do you expect when your population is bombarded by sensationalist stories about invading "murder hornets".

      Why criticize the people and let the media completely off the hook? Is everyone supposed to be sophisticated enough to know their mainstream news are lying to them about everything to push fear so they'll tune in?

    • This story is bullshit. It is click bait. This isn't happening "en masse." It is just the media being the kind of media we have trained them to be. And then you jump on their bandwagon believing the first paragraph you read about it and painting 330 million people with a broad brush. You and people who react like you are the reason we have the morally lazy media we have now.
    • Yeah, we're talking about people who believe absurd vaccines and flat earth conspiracies and go around destroying cell towers because of conspiracies about 5G and COVID-19. It's not surprising in the least. What surprises me more is that these people live past the age of 40 without dying due to some Darwin-award worthy stupidity.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by skids ( 119237 )

        These days "the media" is taking its cue from social media. They see a trending topic and they try to generate content that will reach people looking at the topic so they can get clicks on their online site's ads and won't be accused of "covering up" whatever bullshit is circulating online. They are just a reflection of our own communal stupidity.

    • Oh for fuck's sake SHUT THE HELL UP it's only a fraction of Americans that are so fucking stupid as to do shit like this, and guaranteed you tell us what country you're from and I'm sure I can find dozens of examples of your countrymen being fucking retarded as well.
    • I have been murdering all the bees I can for weeks.

      If I kill enough of them I dont have to listen to hubris of random morons from across the pond.

  • There are ignorant paranoid humans everywhere, I bet if some new species were to be reported as invading China they would be just as needlessly paranoid. Blame the nature of some humans. Frankly, and I say this as a human myself â" though not a paranoid or emotional one, humans in general can be stupid and easily riled up.

    • by snookerdoodle ( 123851 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @12:53PM (#60044226)

      I'd be willing to bet that the same people expressing their bigotry about "Americans" would not consider themselves bigots.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Frankly, I do blame America. I can understand mistaking normal hornets for the Giant variation if you are nowhere careful. But something is deeply wrong with your education if you can't tell bees, wasps and hornets apart and at the very least you shouldn't be hunting insects in that case. But completely mindlessly rushing ahead seems to be much stronger in certain parts of America than most of the first world.
      • if you can't tell bees, wasps and hornets apart

        Bees yes.

        Snodgrass had a saying: All bugs are insects but not all insects are bugs. Same for hornets/wasps. All hornets are wasps.

      • Wtf are you even talking about? Most people kill wasps / hornets around their house, and no one "hunts" insects.

        Here's what I know - if this headline was "Stupid -insert other country here- citizens do X" - everyone would be all a titter at such xenophobes calling a group of people stupid.

        The worst part of our divided nation is people actually *believe* the shit that the media posts as clickbait to be real. (Where real is just more than a random dude/lady blowing themselves up with a bbq)

        If you can't see t

    • Especially the kind of ignorant human that believes a headline when the article has zero proof or incidents of people suddenly actually mass murdering things with stingers.

      • Blame the school system. Blame a school system where regurgitating and rote learning are taught and rewarded, and questioning the authority is frowned upon and punished, and you know why people accept any kind of bullshit with zero proof as long as it is said by someone that they established as an authority. Whether that's some cult leader, some TV outlet, some influenza, sorry, influencer or anyone else who appears like he knows more than these people (which is admittedly pretty easy to pull off).

        These peo

        • Blame a... system where... questioning the authority is frowned upon and punished, and you know why people accept any kind of bullshit with zero proof as long as it is said by someone that they established as an authority... These people have been taught to shut up and believe what they're told, not to learn enough to be able to question what they're told, weigh it against what they know and thus be able to tell right from wrong.

          That applies equally to many religious institutions in the United States.

          • Blame a... system where... questioning the authority is frowned upon and punished, and you know why people accept any kind of bullshit with zero proof as long as it is said by someone that they established as an authority... These people have been taught to shut up and believe what they're told, not to learn enough to be able to question what they're told, weigh it against what they know and thus be able to tell right from wrong.

            That applies equally to many religious institutions in the United States.

            That's true even without the final four words. Why did you add them in?

    • There are ignorant paranoid humans everywhere, I bet if some new species were to be reported as invading China they would be just as needlessly paranoid.

      Sparrows []

      • by MrKaos ( 858439 )

        There are ignorant paranoid humans everywhere, I bet if some new species were to be reported as invading China they would be just as needlessly paranoid.

        Sparrows []

        Bwahahahahaha - oh the irony!!!

  • Simple solution. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Joce640k ( 829181 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @12:43PM (#60044184) Homepage

    Tell these idio^Wpeople that all the latest 5G masts use a frequency that kills hornets.


    • by Kaenneth ( 82978 )

      Don't be silly, I bet Hornets love to make nests on cellular masts. The truth is the 5G activates the corona vaccine chemtrails being released by Bills Gate and Ben Gassy from Killary drones.

  • by jm007 ( 746228 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @12:47PM (#60044204)
    This is a tangible down side to fear-based, sensationalistic clickbait head lines and journalism 'reports.'

    It's not too far from yelling 'Fire!' in a theater just to get some attention.

    The irresponsibility of those intentionally using yellow tactics just to get eyeballs on their ads..... disgusting low lifes.
  • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @12:50PM (#60044214)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • aphids?

      Best non-chemical way to deal with aphids outside are ladybug larvae in my experience. Spraying them off has always only been a temporary solution for me but those larvae are voracious. Luckily we get them naturally but you can also order them online.

    • This isn't really a reason not to get rid of wasp nests on your porch.

      You went way overboard with spraying poison all over your yard, and equated it with never killing a wasp / hornet.

      This is nonsense.

    • Wasps and hornets can definitely be pests when they start nesting near a house or sidewalk or especially near something like a car or a boat; they tend to be much more aggressive than bees, for example; I don't know any way to deal with that other than exterminating the offending nest. But if they're nesting someplace away from normal traffic they're usually not a problem.

      The main problem with the Asian hornets is that they're a significant threat to the native bee population, or secondarily if they're near

  • A lotta people taking the easy opportunity to bash Americans..... don't forget to include those phukkin polite, hornet hating Canadians cuz the article is obviously about North Americans. All we need now is a report of some Mexican hornet haters to make it really sting.
  • a bag full of praying mantis egg sac's.


    As a gardener, I *NEED* bees to pollinate my food producing plants, as does every living person on this planet.

    Disclaimer: I *AM* an american, And I'm sorry for all the stupidity exhibited by people who can't critically think and see past the tendency of media outlets and law enforcement leaders to give catchy/treacherous "names" to dangerous people or animals to help them sell stories or to "stick" in the public consciousness (aka "Golden State Killer"

    • Hmm... come to think of it, as a California resident why not call these wasps the "Golden State Killers"?

      Wait, wait. I'll let Florida adopt that name.

      Bidding is now open for claiming that name...

    • Calm your tits, the article has actually zero proof or incidents of people mass murdering pollinators. Just clickbait trash.

      • Thanks for the tip.. I was getting sensitive there. :-)

        I (admittedly) didn't even bother to read the article because it didn't even seem worth reading.

      • And yet if you go to facebook and check any of the entomology groups they're full of posts of random wasps and hornets that people killed and they want to know, "Is this a murder hornet? Did I get one?" Some have pics of traps full of various wasps. Also people with pictures of all sorts of beetles, bugs, everything with orange on it, asking about what chemicals they should use on their yard to kill the suspected "murder hornets."

        They were found on Vancouver Island, and in 4 locations in one small area in C

  • Deceitful Headline (Score:5, Insightful)

    by physicsphairy ( 720718 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @01:02PM (#60044264)

    The linked article mentions some people setting out traps, which it also cites Washington *entomologists* as recommending so they can find and destroy nests. There is not a single number or other hint of magnitude stated which would indicates people are going to town murdering pollinators "en masse" across the country.

    Nor is there any indication that the 'murder hornet meme' is connected.

    Maybe there are some other sources of those facts the editors thought best to keep secret from our plebeian eyes, but as stated, this Slashdot article seems like sensationalist clickbait.

    • by PPH ( 736903 )

      There is not a single number or other hint of magnitude stated which would indicates people are going to town murdering pollinators "en masse" across the country.

      The Washington State Department of Agriculture trap instructions [] states that the bait used for murder hornets also attracts beneficial insects. But from the instructions on the above web page, it appears that the trap the recommend has been designed to allow bees and 'standard sized' wasps to exit the trap. So if the instructions are followed, the impact on beneficial insects* will be reduced.

      *Of course, everything is a 'beneficial insect' in one way or another. Fitting in to its special place in the ecosy

    • It is, look at the editor.
  • by fluffernutter ( 1411889 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @01:17PM (#60044312)
    Americans don't care about themselves enough to do what needs to be done to defeat the virus that is preying on them, but they have no problem killing these insects which are a very small problem in the grand scheme of things. Let's just call America "Bizarro World".
  • by oldgraybeard ( 2939809 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @01:20PM (#60044322)
    Hornets, that catch bees also!!
    Stupid Americans slaughtering bees!!

    One could think with this headline was written by a professional editor in todays main stream media.

    Just my 2 cents ;)
  • It doesn't help when one of the "if it bleeds, it leads" tv stations in Seattle (not FOX) jumped on the murder hornet band wagon right away.
  • Just found out that these things have been in France for years. Saw an (pre-covid) documentary about it where they were pulling a nest (it was huge) out of a tree. They certainly were not killing other insects, most of the documentary was showing the murder hornets flying around the entrance to bee nests and catching bees flying in, and talking about how this is necessary to save bees. Not much mentioned about them being dangerous to humans either, except a warning that their stingers can get through the be

    • Not the same thing. The Asian Giant Hornet makes its nests in the ground.

      • by spitzak ( 4019 )

        Thanks, interesting. That would explain why they did not call them "murder hornets"

        • I live in Washington state, which is where they found a couple of the wasps last year. I must admit there's a part of me that wants to see one (and only one!) of these hornets... although I realize my actually seeing one would be a bad sign.

  • "Folks in China, Korea and Japan have lived side by side with these hornets for hundreds of years, and it has not caused the collapse of human society there."

    Same people living side by side with virus-carrying bats did bring us close.

  • Not sure why editor David felt the need to write "stupid americans" instead of "misguided people". Yes the story is happening in America, but to spotlight "stupid Americans" in the headline is rather tone deaf and, IMO, bad editing seemingly bent on dividing people.

  • Click Bait, fine! Dupes, fun! But plain blanket insults, not good!

    Well at least the grammar and spelling makes sense this time.
  • Lack of a readable source means we can`t evaluate this post.

  • 'Murder Hornet' Meme Inspires Stupid Americans To Kill Pollinators En Masse

    No. That's not even close to what is going on.

    First, I'm not sure where the 'Stupid Americans' part comes from. These are state officials simply being proactive. Is it overkill? Maybe, but the headline makes it sounds like dumb hillbillies are running out and shooting bees with their AR-15 rifles. They are just laying out a few traps, which is something they routinely do anyways.

    Second, at no point in the article was it said that ,"have begun killing all kinds of bees en masse."

    Finally, the statemen

  • by CQDX ( 2720013 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @06:23PM (#60045622)

    i.e. Fake News.

    The title implies that stupid American hicks are going around decimating whole populations of insects just to get a few Murder Hornets. Just like rednecks were going out and hunting down Muslims after 9/11. In reality, the trapping is at the request of government agencies strictly to monitor for the presence of these hornets and the traps, at least in WA, are designed not to attract benign species.

  • of a time walking down a street in Florida at dusk. I thought there was a drunk driver a few blocks ahead of me because there was a car that kept driving back and forth, up on to and back off of the curb. I had no idea what was happening.

    When I got close enough, the car was parked in the street with the headlights shining on the sidewalk in front. The guy who had been doing the driving was walking toward his car and said to me proudly, "I just killed a dangerous snake."

    A few more steps and I saw the s

Pascal is not a high-level language. -- Steven Feiner
