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Biotech Government United States Science

America's Government Approves Release of Genetically-Engineered Mosquitoes (bloombergenvironment.com) 84

America's Environmental Protection Agency "granted permission for genetically engineered mosquitoes to be released into the Florida Keys and around Houston to see if they can help limit the spread of mosquito-borne illnesses," writes Bloomberg Environment.

clovis (Slashdot reader #4,684) shared their report on ab experimental use permit granted to British biotech company Oxitec Ltd: Oxitec's first field trial in Brazil achieved up to a 96% suppression of target disease transmitting mosquito populations in dense urban settings, the company said. But in public comments on the permit approval docket, Jaydee Hanson, policy director at the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Food Safety, questioned Oxitec's claims and warned of other possible dangers.

"Most (but not all) of the GE mosquitoes' offspring die at the late larval stage, in the water where the female mosquitoes lay their eggs," Hanson wrote."This partial survival rate, even if low (a reported 3 to 4% in laboratory conditions), would lead to the establishment of hybrid mosquitoes in the environment, which might possess altered properties, including the potential for enhanced disease transmission or resistance to insecticides," Hanson said.

The U.S. agency said it "looks forward to receiving field test results regarding the effectiveness of this promising new tool that could help combat the spread of mosquito-borne diseases like the Zika virus."
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America's Government Approves Release of Genetically-Engineered Mosquitoes

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  • by AndyKron ( 937105 ) on Sunday May 03, 2020 @04:42PM (#60018644)
    What could go wrong? Killer mosquitoes? Never mind.
    • What could go wrong?

      UV light from the sun causes several quintillion mutations every day. I think we can survive one more.

      • Random mutations.
        Most of which instantly fixes.

        Versus ones deliberately designed by literally the biggest mass-extincters in the known universe ... HUMANS.

        Yeah, if anyone manges to create killer mosquitoes, it's us.

        • Mosquitoes are already one of the world's deadliest animals.

          • Arguably the deadliest, and not by a small margin.

            Wipe them out. Wipe them ALL out.

            • Strictly speaking, aren't the plasmodia to blame?
              • Strictly speaking, aren't the plasmodia to blame?

                Indeed. Historically, malaria has been eradicated by eliminating the plasmodia, not the mosquito vectors.

                To propagate, two mosquitoes must bite the same person: once to infect the human, and again to infect the new vector.

                So if you can cut the population of mosquitoes in half, and thus the bite-rate in half, the propagation will go down by the inverse square, so a quarter as much.

                If you knock the mosquito population down by 99%, you reduce the malaria rate by 99.99%. If you simultaneously pass out bed net

            • Wipe them out. Wipe them ALL out.

              Most mosquito species do not spread disease.

        • I think the Chicxulub asteroid has us beat by a few orders of magnitude, given it essentially wiped out all dinosaurs and 75% of all species on the Earth [wikipedia.org]. We're pikers compared to that. And it was just a stupid, dumb piece of rock...
          • I think the Chicxulub asteroid has us beat by a few orders of magnitude [...]. We're pikers compared to that.

            But we try harder!

        • Versus ones deliberately designed

          The mutation is designed to weaken the mosquito.

          If there was some adaption that would inadvertently make the mosquitoes stronger, then random mutations would have already found a way to do that sometime in the last 300 million years.

          If you tinker with your car, it is very likely you can break it. It is far less likely you will inadvertently cause it to escape and survive in the wild.

    • I'd actually be curious to understand Jaydee Hanson's argument with regard to exponential decay. While there surely will be as many as N(4e-2) survivors each generation and some of these survivors may successfully go on to produce further generations; I do not understand the argument as anything but Murphy's law applied to mosquitoes.

      Given that the probability is so low, I'd like to understand exactly which worst-case (assuming despite probability that such will occur) scenario delivers consequences from wh

      • From her comments https://www.regulations.gov/contentStreamer?documentId=EPA-HQ-OPP-2019-0274-0344&attachmentNumber=1&contentType=pdf [regulations.gov]:

        Contrary to Oxitecâ(TM)s claims, the release of its first-generation OX513A GE mosquitoes has not been successful, as has documented extensively: the company has no evidence of any impact on disease transmission and has made repeated, exaggerated claims about the impact of its experimental releases on wild mosquito populations.10,11 As a result of this poor per

        • Good info. And I just read this detail about the spreading of insecticide genes into the wild makes some sense:

          https://www.regulations.gov/co... [regulations.gov]

          In addition, because the
          OX5034 strain is female-killing only, GE males are expected to survive for multiple generations and this
          will considerably increase the spread of genes from the introduced strain into the wild population. In an
          online presentation, Oxitec presents this as a benefit because it argues that the released laboratoryderived strain will spread insecti

    • Who in their right mind thinks it's a good idea to (attempt to) genocide a whole species?

  • Oh boy... (Score:5, Funny)

    by pwnyxpress ( 2597273 ) on Sunday May 03, 2020 @04:51PM (#60018674)
    Why do I have the feeling that the outcome of this project is going to suck?
  • by raymorris ( 2726007 ) on Sunday May 03, 2020 @04:57PM (#60018690) Journal

    Before anyone asks, the ecological impact has been studied to death. Over and over by many different parties.

    For example there is no other species which depends on this particular species of mosquito for food. The things that eat mosquitos also ear other bugs, and other species of mosquito.

    • by Quakeulf ( 2650167 ) on Sunday May 03, 2020 @05:07PM (#60018736)
      I am not doubting the science, I am doubting the execution. Whatever is perfect in theory will almost always be flawed in reality due to a lot of variables during engineering.
      • by Nkwe ( 604125 )

        I am not doubting the science, I am doubting the execution. Whatever is perfect in theory will almost always be flawed in reality due to a lot of variables during engineering.

        You mean "Nature finds a way"?

      • by Entrope ( 68843 )

        That's a silly argument. The relevant question is whether the flaws are relevant to the success of the effort or to the environment more generally. Someone who thinks such a flaw is sufficient to cancel the effort needs to identify the flaw and quantify both it's likelihood and its impact.

        Arguing that we should not try to kill pathogen-carrying mosquitos just because there might be some flaw somewhere is FUD.

      • by phayes ( 202222 )

        That's way too many words to say what boils down to: I don't understand the science.

        • What is science without the equipment and being able to repeatedly test the hypothesis? Are you stating that as long as the science is ok, it doesn't matter if they just "rebranded" some mosquitoes by cutting off a leg for "identification"? Do you have no standards?
    • by ShanghaiBill ( 739463 ) on Sunday May 03, 2020 @05:13PM (#60018772)

      The aedes mosquito is not even native to North America. It is an invasive species, originating in Africa.

    • by antdude ( 79039 )

      Ear other bugs? Like earwigs?

      • Yes, earwigs. Not to be confused with any kind of ant.
        I just looked at your web site again. I was delighted to go it still looks the same as the last time I saw it, using IE4. That's wonderful.

        Of the approximately 1.8 billion web sites, yours was about #3 million (or earlier) and it's awesome that it's still the original classic site.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • It's not a significant food source.
        If it's hard to understand or believe that, how do you think the IS birds survived 30 years ago, before there were any African mosquitos in the area at all?

  • Murder sparrows!!

  • and now it's real. Pretty cool!
  • What can possibly go right?
    • by Anonymous Coward

      "looks forward to receiving field test results regarding the effectiveness of this promising new tool that could help combat the spread of mosquito-borne diseases like the Zika virus."

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by jm007 ( 746228 ) on Sunday May 03, 2020 @05:33PM (#60018820)
    worst thing that could happen is that this works out successfully, then we'll be encouraged to keep pushing it until something bad occurs that we can't fix
    • worst thing that could happen is that this works out successfully, then we'll be encouraged to keep pushing it until something bad occurs that we can't fix

      Suppose during WWII someone had the opportunity to take out Hitler. Someone says, "But if you kill him, he might be replaced by someone even worse."

      Keeping the current problem because the alternative might be worse is status quo bias. We're literally choosing between a) This bug might cause some unspecified problem some unspecified time in the future, and b) This bug is guaranteed to kill more than 700,000 people per year. Which bug do you want in the wild?

  • Just wanted y'all to know...

  • I for one welcome our new mosquito overlords

  • nothing new (Score:5, Informative)

    by swell ( 195815 ) <jabberwock@poetic.com> on Sunday May 03, 2020 @06:39PM (#60019006)

    In the last century I was involved in a number of campaigns in which the US and California Food and Drug Administration used genetically sterile bugs to wipe out agricultural threats in a similar fashion. That's over 20 years ago and no deleterious effects to date. No guarantee for the current action, but it may be best to trust the scientists who planned it.

  • If there is any species that is so destructive that it is worth the obvious ecological risk to attempt to eradicate it, it's the mosquito. We're all familiar with the possible risks, but balance that against the danger the mosquito poses to mankind. At some point, the danger surpasses a threshold and is worth the risk. The mosquito has almost certainly surpassed that threshold.
  • Long overdue (Score:5, Informative)

    by onyxruby ( 118189 ) <onyxruby@noSPam.comcast.net> on Sunday May 03, 2020 @07:24PM (#60019106)

    Mosquitoes have killed more people than even the communists have. That is pretty exclusive company. There is no reason to have delay further. This is long overdue after being held up by superfluous red tape studies for years. To put some context on things, this was first studied in Brazil in 2013 and the second US study isnâ(TM)t scheduled until 2021. It could easily be years after that before it is released to the public.

    https://www.newscientist.com/a... [newscientist.com]
    https://www.sciencemag.org/new... [sciencemag.org]

    • Wrong genus of mosquitoes my friend. Not saying these mosquitoes should be in N. America but... quoting how mosquitoes as a whole kill millions is kind of like saying all dogs should be destroyed because pitbulls have killed people.

      https://www.who.int/news-room/... [who.int]

      "Only certain species of mosquitoes of the Anopheles genusâ"and only females of those speciesâ"can transmit malaria."

  • Zombie Apocalypse?
    "Oh my GOD, they're spreading COVID-19 with mosquitoes!!!11!!" (too soon?)
    "What could possibly go wrong?" and "Wait, hold my beer and watch this" definitely apply here.

    Seriously, can't wait to see what the unintended consequences of this will be.
    Five bucks says it somehow manages to make pollinators like bees infertile, threatening a total ecosystem collapse. Like we're so far from that now anyway.
  • Just wipe out all mosquitoes. Don't tell me it will upset the delicate ecological balance, nothing will happen, a new equilibrium will be reached, as has definitely happened countless times before. There's no way anyone is going to develop a non biting version of the mosquito, so elimination is the best policy.
    • by Shaitan ( 22585 )

      Swap out their mouth bits with fly mouth bits so they can vom and suck trash like ordinary flies but still mate with existing mosquitoes. There solved it for you. Don't call me until it is implemented and don't pester me, the great inventor and architect of this solution with implementation details.

  • Taking into account that state of affairs in USA is so far from Hollywood movie propaganda, it is serious threat...
  • by dtmos ( 447842 ) * on Monday May 04, 2020 @07:39AM (#60020244)

    Not only that, but Slashdot has has already beat the subject to death once [slashdot.org]. The only difference this time is the method of sterilization and, since one of the earlier methods used was hard X-ray radiation, I think the mutation possibilities have already been explored.

    (For the record, my opinion is here [slashdot.org].)

  • They are only modifying one variety of mosquito, there are many, and they overlap each other on the food chain.

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
