Coronavirus 10 Times More Deadly Than Swine Flu, Says WHO (independent.co.uk) 265
The coronavirus has proven ten times deadlier than the swine flu outbreak that spread across the globe a decade prior, the World Health Organization has confirmed. The Independent reports: The swine flu pandemic, which spanned a stretch of time between January 2009 and August 2010, saw more than 1.6 million confirmed cases, resulting in the confirmed deaths of 18,449 people. Now the World Health Organization's top official Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has warned the coronavirus pandemic currently gripping the planet has outstripped the fatalities caused by the H1N1 strain tenfold.
"We can only say what we know, and we can only act on what we know," he said. "Evidence from several countries is giving us a clearer picture about this virus, how it behaves, how to stop it and how to treat it. We know that Covid-19 spreads fast and we know that it is deadly -- ten times deadlier than the 2009 flu pandemic. We know that the virus can spread more easily in crowded environments like nursing homes. We know that early case finding, testing, isolating, caring for every case, and tracing every contact is essential for stopping transmission. We know that in some countries cases are doubling every three to four days. However while Covid-19 accelerates very fast it decelerates much more slowly. In other words the way down is much slower than the way up. That means control measures must be lifted slowly and with control."
"We can only say what we know, and we can only act on what we know," he said. "Evidence from several countries is giving us a clearer picture about this virus, how it behaves, how to stop it and how to treat it. We know that Covid-19 spreads fast and we know that it is deadly -- ten times deadlier than the 2009 flu pandemic. We know that the virus can spread more easily in crowded environments like nursing homes. We know that early case finding, testing, isolating, caring for every case, and tracing every contact is essential for stopping transmission. We know that in some countries cases are doubling every three to four days. However while Covid-19 accelerates very fast it decelerates much more slowly. In other words the way down is much slower than the way up. That means control measures must be lifted slowly and with control."
Cocksucking Bullshit (Score:4, Insightful)
"We can only say what we know, and we can only act on what we know,"
We humans act on shit we do not know all the fucking damn time, it's one of the very reasons we create procedures, plans, contingencies... I mean fuck... if we ONLY reacted to what we did know... we would be fucking dead! Because you don't know when someone is going to murder you until they try... but we have enough sense to operate as though someone does not give a shit about others because that is the fact of life.
More than enough reports are coming out that we knew more than enough to catch Covid-19 long before we needed further information.
As usual... politics has fucked everyone over! And what are people doing? Again.. politics. Nothing is going to be learned other than this lesson. We are all fuck ups and we are going to continue to fuck up until something big enough comes along to make us realize that this constant fucking political bullshit is just that!
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People fuck people over. Go back even two or three weeks and you see posters here claiming that this wasn't going to be a big issue in the US.
Simply put humans are morons.
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People fuck people over. Go back even two or three weeks and you see posters here claiming that this wasn't going to be a big issue in the US.
Indeed. And all of them now either claim they never said that or do not remember they said that. As usual.
Simply put humans are morons.
Indeed. Not all of them, but those that are not are a minority. I expect the non-morons are pretty much the same group as the independent thinkers. That would be 10...15% or so. And, of course, even these people can be wrong, and that is routinely used by the morons to claim the non-morons must be wrong on everything where they disagree.
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I'll fucking say it right now: there are two big issues here in the US
For those too daft to process, the virus isn't one of them.
Ah, yes, that must be why nobody really cares about Covid-19 in the US and life goes on as normal.
Now, the US certainly has more pressing medium-term and long-term problems than Covid-19, no argument about that. But short term, it does not.
Please claim I am wrong and mark yourself clearly as a member of the morons-class.
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Well, there are not enough actually effective masks available and people are not competent to wear them right anyways. That requires some expertise. Just-in-time production and lack of stockpiling saw to not enough masks being available in the first place. Remember this is at least one mask per day per person. Hence that argument is invalid because your approach is unworkable in the current situation.
Politics didn't fuck this over (Score:4, Insightful)
We've known this was coming since at least 2007 (debatably 2001). We ignored it because nobody wanted to pay for the preparations. Instead we got more wars and more Austerity.
Those were decisions made by people. If you voted for the wars you made those decisions. If you voted for the Austerity you made those decisions. And if you didn't vote you made those decisions.
Everything is politics. Sooner we come to grips with that the sooner we can stop running away.
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everything is politics. Politics are just people's actions in mass. There's still people behind that, and when you say "Politics fucked everything over" you shift blame. You give an out to the people who failed us: Our leaders.
I disagree. Last time I checked, the US was a democracy. That means bad leaders are the result of bad votes. Yes, I realize the last presidential election had a bad and a worse option (and people chose worse, but that is besides the point). But there is a history leading up to that and it is shaped, ultimately, by the voters. And, unfortunately, it is the voters on both "sides". Maybe it is not clear from within the US, but the US has an incapable, arrogant and fundamentally amoral conservative big party an
You need to check again (Score:2)
We could go back to one. It's not too late. But democracy requires a stable economy. And we haven't wanted to spend the money (in increased wages and social programs) needed to make that happen.
It's not a "both sides" issue though. The billionaire class, who are causing all these problems for their personal profit, bought off both parties. People tried to fix that with an outsider (Donald Trump) but were fooled [politico.com]. They had a real outsider in the form of Bernie Sande
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Trump as an "outsider" of the "billionaire class"....the mind boggles.
Seriously, how blind can you be?
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Re:You need to check again (Score:4, Insightful)
We haven't been a democracy in ages [bbc.com]
That opinion piece is garbage.
The U.S. may function as a de facto oligarchy, but that is only because we continue to vote one into power.
Simplified: We democratically elect an oligarchy.
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Simplified: We democratically elect an oligarchy.
That turns out not to be the case. You are only allowed to vote for officially-approved candidates, who are pre-chosen by the oligarchy. (For a more detailed explanation, see http://fair-use.org/randolph-b... [fair-use.org] - especially the last few paragraphs).
Aristotle pointed out that any political system that relies on elections is automatically an oligarchy (or maybe more correctly a plutocracy) because the rich will simply pay to have their candidates elected. Paying isn't limited to direct bribes, of course; it inc
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Your definition of "Democracy" is flawed. The US is a democracy. It may be not a good one (no argument there), but it is one. The concept is far broader than you seem to understand.
But I see you are just using this to push another stupid "The other side is at fault!" rant. It is. But so are you and your side, because there is very little difference between you and the "others".
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In particular:
The concept is far broader than you seem to understand.
Educate your fucking self. [merriam-webster.com]
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Thank you!
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America is indeed a democracy, and your definition is far, far too limited.
I would suggest you start by looking at the many different types of democracy and seeing which type fits which part of the government. When you run into a part you can't match, ASK.
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Democratic republics are a class of democracy.
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Indeed. Democracy has many forms.
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The US is a democracy.
Is it a direct democracy? Of course not. No state to my knowledge is.
You talk about people saying shit that makes them look dumb.. I mean what fucking whach-ass source did you dredge this assertion from anyway?
Not even Democrats wants a Democracy
And what the literal *fuck* is this bullshit?
You think Democrats stand for Democracy, and Republicans stand for.. Republicacy?
You need to get your ass back in school dude. Quick. This world is growing way too complex for fucktards like
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No argument there. The system is broken, but it is the actual leadership of the country (the people) that have screwed up in failing to carefully monitor and restrict those that they delegated their power to. A legal "revolution" (simplified: 1. create new party 2. vote trustworthy candidates of that party to be president and senators and members of congress 3. eventually fix broken system) has not taken place, needed though it would have been for quite some time now. Hence this current mess has the consen
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"and when you say "Politics fucked everything over" you shift blame. You give an out to the people who failed us: Our leaders."
The buck stops with the Citizens. They elected their leaders, they deserve every last fucking drop they get out of them. If your electorate keeps sending trash in, they only get trash out.
Why is this hard to understand? When you create a government then elect it in... no voter walks innocent. And it's bullshit to say this logic gives leaders a pass. The very act of voting is th
Our Citizens elected Hilary Clinton (Score:2)
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Exactly... Gerrymandering is another proof that we are not a democracy. A democracy does not need districts. It only needs to be a popularity contest... that is the literal requirement for a Democracy. Something to be by popular/majority vote whether it be the politicians or the laws being voted in.
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that is the literal requirement for a Democracy
No, it is not.
That's a requirement for one type of democracy: A direct one.
The U.S. is a representative democracy, a form of indirect democracy (as are all democracies that exist)
Please: educate your goddamn truth and quit spewing this falsehood all over every single topic that ever touches it. You're wrong, and you do damage to society in general in every person who may come to believe your incorrect definition of that word and concept.
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It is a requirement of ONE form of democracy. It is not a requirement of democracy as a whole. Democracy as a whole covers a LOT of different systems, some of which have nothing to do with popularity or majorities.
Gerrymandering is perfectly fine in a democracy, nothing in democracy requires a legitimate result.
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Re:Our Citizens elected Hilary Clinton (Score:4, Insightful)
If you think gerrymandering has any effect on the senate elections (state-wide) then you're an idiot.
Re:Our Citizens elected Hilary Clinton (Score:4, Insightful)
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Re:Cocksucking Bullshit (Score:5, Insightful)
You have to bear in mind that the extent of the pandemic (or even the fact that it would become a pandemic) was uncertain back in Jan/Feb. I've seen this over and over:
Uncertainty tends to paralyze people, causing them to fall back on whatever is easiest for them to do. Which usually means erring on the side of not doing enough. Not raising the alarm, not spending enough to prepare, not sticking your neck out. It's why the military trains so extensively - so that in the heat of actual combat, soldiers don't just sit there doing nothing.
I don't think it's really fair to blame politics. We all do it. And I don't think it's really fair to use what we know now after the uncertainty has collapsed, to blame people in the past for not making the correct decision when that uncertainty was still present. Someone posted a link to the slashdot poll, where nearly half of people didn't think this virus would be a big deal, and only one in six were extremely worried (FWIW I didn't see the poll, but I was one of those one in six). So no, we didn't know "more than enough to catch COVID-19 long before we needed further information."
Did people not take the virus seriously enough? Yes. But I don't think that reaction was unwarranted. People react to uncertainties based on their past experience with similar situations. And the only similar situations in recent memory were SARS, MERS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, which all fizzled out (arguably due to the tireless work of WHO and epidemiologists, who ironically were roundly criticized for overreacting to those, and overhyping the danger of COVID-19 early on because of their past success with those other outbreaks). The last time we had a pandemic approaching this scale was 1918, 3 or 4 generations removed from communal memory.
I was disappointed more people didn't see the risk like I did back in January, but I can understand why they didn't think it would be a big deal. Keep a journal of life during this lockdown, take photos and videos, tell your kids and (in the future) grandkids about it. Keep the memory of 1918 and 2020 alive. So decades from now when it happens again, they're less likely to make the same mistake of under-reacting.
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"You have to bear in mind that the extent of the pandemic (or even the fact that it would become a pandemic) was uncertain back in Jan/Feb. I've seen this over and over: "
Okay, this is a lie. The fact that this virus was pandemic quality was clear in early January at least. There was such a retarded delay and political pandering at the CDC and WHO that news outlets started calling it a pandemic before them!
How is it a bunch of "professionals" took this long to call it what it was when so many others inclu
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it's one of the very reasons we create procedures, plans, contingencies
Procedures plans and contingencies are created and acted on based on what you know. That's why they are both planned, written down, and called a contingency in the first place. No one just guesses their way into a contingency. They get drawn up when information is known.
People who make contingencies and act on them without basis and knowledge fall into two categories: Unemployed for wasting resources, and stars on the hit TV show Doomsday Preppers, also not necessarily mutually exclusive.
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Congratulations!! You win the Intertubes Award for the Most Gratuitous Use of "fuck" in a Post.
Mnuchin, Kushner and Lighthizer (Score:2)
Mnuchin, Kushner and Lighthizer are pretty much the smartest people in the government right now. This is a very potent lineup. I didn't think highly of Kushner until I watched a couple of interviews with him. The kid is smart as a whip, and the administration is lucky to have him.
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Mnuchin, Kushner and Lighthizer are pretty much the smartest people in the government right now. This is a very potent lineup. I didn't think highly of Kushner until I watched a couple of interviews with him. The kid is smart as a whip, and the administration is lucky to have him.
You forgot the sarcasm tag.
Oh come on. (Score:3, Funny)
Why are you posting this WHO nonsense?
The only person to listen to is Trump - after all, he had a really smart uncle and obviously knows more about all this than anyone else.
The WHO doesn't know what they're talking about, as Trump knows and really deserves to be defunded. (And this has nothing to do with Trump being excluded from the awareness show Lady Gaga is planning for the WHO, and is not featuring Trump. Bigly.)
Re:Oh come on. (Score:5, Informative)
Why are you posting this WHO nonsense?
The only person to listen to is Trump - after all, he had a really smart uncle and obviously knows more about all this than anyone else.
The WHO doesn't know what they're talking about, as Trump knows and really deserves to be defunded. (And this has nothing to do with Trump being excluded from the awareness show Lady Gaga is planning for the WHO, and is not featuring Trump. Bigly.)
WHO said in January that it can't spread by person to person contact. Reassuring to major Dems, who were, um, rather busy with something else in January.
Your genius mayor also said that it was no big deal, and that we should all go enjoy Chinese New Year, and later still he said we should ignore it and just get out on the town.
Lots of people have egg on their face. Your TDS is annoying at the best of times, but it's really effing clueless right now. Just STFU.
Or actually, don't ... keep it up. Lose again. Enjoy.
Re:Oh come on. (Score:4, Insightful)
https://nypost.com/2020/03/20/... [nypost.com]
if you are this out of touch why even engage in the discussion?
oh yeah, you're a shill
Comment removed (Score:4, Informative)
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And when he stopped all European flights about 10 days later, you supported that or said he was an incompetent asshat?
He didn't stop all European flights though. He allowed flights from the UK and Ireland. Maybe it's because he has golf courses in those countries [businessinsider.com].
And like with China, the suspension of travel of people from European countries did not apply to U.S. citizens.
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He didn't block flights from Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus and Romania too. Does he have golf courses there too? No. There's a completely innocent reason he didn't block travel from the U.K. and Ireland (as well as the before listed countries). He blocked travel from the
Schengen Zone countries. Which none of these countries are part of.
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It's not what I believe. But it does raise the question of why he initially excluded the UK and Ireland.
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How can people be this stupid on purpose.
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A day later, he added UK and Ireland to the list.
It wasn't a day later. The initial travel restriction was announced on March 11 [thehill.com] and went into effect on March 13. He didn't announce the expansion of travel restrictions to include the UK and Ireland until March 14 [thehill.com], 3 days later, and which went into effect on March 16.
The question is would Trump have included the UK and Ireland if people weren't all WTF is the UK and Ireland excluded from the travel restrictions?
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Lol, I knew some pedant would point out there was a trivial delay in UK and other flights blocked.
Was it a delay, or was the subsequent inclusion of the UK and Ireland due to people questioning their exclusion from the onset? We'll never know.
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Uh huh, so a limited lock down was racist but if he had an absolute 100% lockdown you would have supported that?
Neither a limited lockdown nor a complete lockdown is an appropriate strategy for containing a virus. You're always weeks too late by the time you realize things are going wrong. The right strategy is massive testing and massive contact tracing.
That said, if they really felt that a lockdown was necessary, what they should have done is:
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They're not trying to "contain the virus" though, that's just a strawman.
The goal is to flatten the curve so that hospital capacity is not exceeded. That's it.
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Yea, no doubt Trump is a fuckup, but I am also tired of the accusations that Trump is the ONLY fuck up in all of this.
There are more than enough fuck ups on multiple sides that some of the finger pointing needs to be stopped and everyone needs to start just having some come to Jesus meetings.
Everyone everywhere fucked this up. WHO turned Chinese bitch making them utterly pointless. CDC failed epically by not doing their #1 job. Trump failed by not taking his job seriously, and both parties failed by playi
The fuck ups go back to at least Bush Jr (Score:2)
For his part Obama let it happen. To be fair given what he was up against (2 years of a Congress full of blue dogs followed by 6 years of the GOP actively blocking everything he did) I'm not sure what he could have done, but he didn't exactly go out of his way to _try_. He did leave Trump a plan and a warning to get ready for a pandemic, and both were ignored.
Point is, we keep put
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More politics.
How many times does it need to be said. When you create a government agency that is held hostage to politics... then it cannot do it's job. Did Obama fix that? Did either party fix that? No... neither party fixed it.
Right now we are sitting ducks because both sides are busy making sure that everything is viewed through one single lens... "Politics". This means that no government agency can do its job correctly because it reports to the government first when it should be reporting to the A
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For his part Obama let it happen. To be fair given what he was up against (2 years of a Congress full of blue dogs followed by 6 years of the GOP actively blocking everything he did) I'm not sure what he could have done, but he didn't exactly go out of his way to _try_. He did leave Trump a plan and a warning to get ready for a pandemic, and both were ignored.
Trump even ignored and downplayed warnings made by his trade adviser, Peter Navarro [mercurynews.com].
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Over 40,000 people flew from China after the "ban".
Numbers aren't accurate (Score:4, Insightful)
Neither the number of confirmed cases nor the number of deaths are accurate. In the case of the former, we know from our experience thousands upon thousands of people are asymptomatic so never get tested, others have extremely mild symptoms and again, never get tested. Then there are those who are suspected of being infected, but due to the severe lack of test kits, are told to go home and self-quarantine. None of these people are recorded in the number of confirmed cases.
For the latter, people who fall into one of the above categories die at home but since they were never tested, their death isn't recorded. In other cases, where the coroner suspects the person died from covid-19, the lack of test kits [cnn.com] prevents them from confirming their suspicions. In both cases, the person's death is not added to the total number of deaths from covid-19.
One could easily add an additional 10% onto both figures to get closer to the truth.
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Actually, rather than spitballing 10%, check the average number of dead people during this week of the year during the past five years and use that as a baseline. Estimate the number of COVID-19 deaths by subtracting the number of deaths this week from the baseline. That should give you an OK estimate of unreported COVID-19 deaths. Add these to both the number of reported COVID-19 deaths and infected cases count. Divide sum of deaths by the infected cases and you have a more accurate mortality estimate than
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For the latter, people who fall into one of the above categories die at home but since they were never tested, their death isn't recorded. In other cases, where the coroner suspects the person died from covid-19, the lack of test kits [cnn.com] prevents them from confirming their suspicions. In both cases, the person's death is not added to the total number of deaths from covid-19.
The opposite is also happening where people who die are being tested for covid-19 and even if it was a heart attack or in some cases even a car accident if they test positive for covid-19, it counts as a covid-19 death. This probably easily cancels out the few people who die without being tested.
The big unknown is the denominator. If 50% of people are asymptomatic or too mild to be tested, that cuts the actual death rate in half.
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Some of the numbers I'm hearing suggest that's 1:5; for everyone 1 person COVID confirmed, 4 folks are walking around with it ( or had it ). At least in the US.
If that's true, that puts the actual mortality rate at around .8%, and that's with the inflated death stats ( car accident, COVID19 death? Count it! ).
We'll never know the true numbers by their very nature ( asymptomatic, so why would you get tested? ).
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Then there are those who are suspected of being infected, but due to the severe lack of test kits, are told to go home and self-quarantine.
You have forgotten the huge money motive to fudge the numbers.
An uninsured person goes to the hospital right now, the hospital will get an additional $17K from the government (part of the federal stimulus) if they label it as COVID19 related, and the guidelines in the very same stimulus say they only need to "suspect" it being related to label it related.
Follow the money. The federal guidelines right now are to amplify the numbers, and they are using money as the motivation to accomplish it.
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As less than 3 hours before I am typing this, I was hearing a segment on the local news which mentioned the people who are dying at home because they were sick with an undiagnosed condition and it is sometimes only being discovered afterwards that they had COVID19, I'm inclined to disagree with your assessment.
Who voted on Slashdot Feb 24 poll? (Score:5, Interesting)
How did you vote in the February 24, 2020, Slashdot poll asking "How concerned are you about the spread of coronavirus? [slashdot.org]"? Were you part of the 41% who voted "Not that concerned" or "Not concerned one bit"?
And these were real doozies:
AxisOfPleasure: I'm a fat pampered westerner who's had innoculations since they were a month old. I'm not saying I won't catch it, but I'm realtively healthy, eat a good diet and so if I get it I'll end up in bed for a week like normal flu, then go back to work. Yes it's killing people but this is mostly the media blowing this out of all proportion. Normal flu kills people every year, calm the f**k down, wash your hands and cover your mouth when you yawn, cough or sneeze.
CoolDiscoRex: But the last time I read about it, it didn’t seem appreciably worse than the common flu. I think the media just can’t contain itself and of course the government isn’t going to pass it up since scared citizens are controllable citizens. Either way, I quit my job about a month ago, so unless you can catch the virus by eating frozen pizza, playing video games, and obsessively whacking off to Internet porn, I don’t have anything to worry about.
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AxisOfPleasure likely will be fine though, how is that a "doozy" especially when that's CDC main talking point about washing hands and cover mouth?
just think if people got this excited about cigarettes and their 480K body count per year in the USA alone. 41K of those are second hand smoke
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especially when that's CDC main talking point about washing hands and cover mouth?
Not sure how that is related to the severity of a virus that is spread through body fluid droplets and surfaces. I mean that advice would be the same for the common cold as it is for the Spanish flu.
just think if people got this excited about cigarettes and their 480K body count per year in the USA alone.
There are whole industries along with world wide campaigns and regulations deployed in an effort to reduce that body count, even the companies causing the problem itself are in the industry of providing alternatives to smoking (e-cigarettes), so I'm not sure why you think no one is excited about this. Could it b
How about TODAY (Score:2)
24 Feb? Even TODAY, there are post [slashdot.org] calling to end the lockdown.
The US general public are still in confusion whether this pandemic is serious or not. It is no better today compared to two months ago.
Upside down brain (Score:4, Funny)
Note... (Score:2)
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I did. I am not stupid.
Covid-19 Killed my Mother-in-Law (Score:2)
Covid-19 killed my mother in law last week. She was 79 but in great health. Never smoked. No diabetes, no cancer. She could bicycle for 20 miles with no problem. Within three days of symptom onset, she had to go to the hospital, then on oxygen, then on a ventilator, then dead. Seven days from fine too dead.
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The daily death rate in places like New York city, New Jersey, and Louisiana is something like 2 to 4 times higher than normal. Freezer trucks added to the normal morgue capacity are not enough to store all the dead. This is not just a normal flue. There are headlines like 'CORONAVIRUS BECOMES NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF DEATH PER DAY IN U.S., SURPASSING HEART DISEAS
Re:Covid-19 Killed my Mother-in-Law (Score:4, Interesting)
Sorry for your loss.
Until recently my MIL was telling my wife that COVID-19 is no worse than the flu - her source? Faux News and her hero Trump which she watches all the time. My wife was really scared that she was going to catch it because of her cavalier attitude.
Facebook (Score:2)
This information is dramatic but not useful. (Score:2)
That's why it was posted as clickbait.
Still no idea (Score:2)
Why we're looking for antibodies (when some people will have immune systems incapable of detecting the virus, not just those with immune deficiency disorders) or using very slow (hours or days), unreliable chemical tests that will identify that you've COVID-19 but not which of the 11 variants.
When microarrays were first developed, identifying viruses was one of the first things they were used for. The promise was that you could take them to a third world nation, with no supplies to hand, test an entire vill
Re:What nonsense (Score:5, Insightful)
The Chinese Corona Virus is clearly peaking, and it's eventual death toll will be in the same range as the Swine Flu, by all the models, So why, suddenly this amazingly non-credible claim from the WHO? Could it be, perhaps, the large amounts of funding the WHO get from big pharma? Governments will buy millions of vaccines on the WHOs recommendation, after all.
I dunno, maybe it's a different form of corruption at work, but something is rotten.
Yeah, but you might want to consider a couple of trillion dollars worth of a shutdown into this, just in the USA alone. You can't just say it is same, when obviously there was A LOT more done to slow this down. Also, it ain't over yet. As soon as things go back to business as usual, it will start right back up again. If not, explain why?
But I do agree, with a complete lack of testing in the US, a lot is still up ... in the air.
Re:What nonsense (Score:5, Insightful)
What do you think the WHO's motivation is, in claiming that the Chinese Corona Virus will kill 1.5-5.7 million people?
The Chinese Corona Virus is clearly peaking
But I'm pretty sure I have a good idea what your motivation for this post is.
The leading cause of death in the United States before a week ago was heart disease, at about 1700 deaths per day.
COVID19 is now the current leading cause of death in the United States.
Is it peaking/dropping? Sure. But because drastic-fucking-measures measures are being taken to limit its infection rate.
Most flus are literally left unchecked with no major intervention, and they don't ever touch anything close to that.
and it's eventual death toll will be in the same range as the Swine Flu, by all the models
Yes, because of drastic intervention.
While the final toll may be similar, it's infection rate and CFR will still result in a disease that was 10x deadlier.
Say what you like about the WHO, at least they know how to fucking math.
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The Chinese Corona Virus
Viruses don't have passports or nationalities. I can only assume that you use the term Chinese Corona Virus because you're completely ignorant, racist, or deliberately trying to blame someone else for your own country's failures, or all of the above.
but something is rotten
Yep, your brain.
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It's an origin name. The post wasn't insightful, it was CCP propaganda.
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The Chinese Corona Virus is clearly peaking, and it's eventual death toll will be in the same range as the Swine Flu, by all the models, So why, suddenly this amazingly non-credible claim from the WHO? Could it be, perhaps, the large amounts of funding the WHO get from big pharma? Governments will buy millions of vaccines on the WHOs recommendation, after all.
It's true the WHO is only trying to keep everyone alive so they can tax us and make more money!!
Well we should all die and then they won't get any money ! That will show them!
Who's with igw?
Re:What Else has WHO and the CDC said? (Score:5, Informative)
"On Jan. 21, Dr. Fauci emphasized that it was unclear whether the virus could spread from person to person: "Is it a continual spread? Is it sustained? We're not quite sure yet."
That's made up nonsense.
This is what the MSN article actually said:
"He also said while it's clear this new virus can be spread from person to person, it's unclear how easily that spread can happen. "Is it a continual spread? Is it sustained? We're not quite sure yet," he said."
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Re: Mod parent up (Score:2)
The news is misleading!
Baby Jesus save me!
Re:Mod parent up (Score:5, Informative)
It's just copy/paste crap because I'm pretty sure I've seen a bunch of posts like it in recent articles. There's one that has a bunch of Trump quotes as well. It's just cherry-picked quotes to push a particular narrative. At least they're sourced though, so I'll give it that much.
Copy paste crap with slight variation is a particularly bad sign because it shows a sophisticated media organisation testing a message and trying to see what has the right effect. Remember that, whilst there is only one truth, there are many many lies and so modern efficient liars want to try lots of different ones until the find the one which has exactly the effect they are searching for.
There's already an excellent breakdown of one part of the comment in mrclevesque 's ancestor post; let's have a look at another random part (this is just the first one I looked at, worth seeing the others).
Read it in reverse and look at which is the killer bad bit.
This is the killer part of the comment. It's suggesting that the CDC thought the risk was minimal. Their actual words are "immediate health risk" and "low". The word minimal never occurs in the CDC release. There is no other statement in the release that seems to suggest lower risk than that. This is a lie, but it's a very subtle lie. The CDC never said the risk was minimal but you could kind of misunderstand that from the earlier statements.
The word "refrain" is again a lie which suggests a polite suggestion. The actual words from the CDC are "avoid all nonessential travel to Wuhan" - that's specific language which triggers most people's insurance and allows them to cancel trips without cost to themselves. It's actually interesting here, though, because in a sense this is being more generous than the CDC deserves. They actually didn't suggest stopping travel to China, just to Wuhan. For the rest they suggested health measures. I'd think this could be a trap designed so that if you criticise this section they can come back saying how generous they were and you are wrong.
When we are reading this forward this seems like a direct and fair quote. It's taken direct from the article. Now that we know that they are using it to support a lie it's quite interesting. Notice that the real quote should be
Note how my emphasis completely changes the story about the CDC. In January almost no Americans were dying of Coronavirus yet but even so the CDC considered it a serious threat.
The basic assumption that posters like this are working on is that they can completely mislead 90% of their audience since it will take ages to even understand how they are lying and the time taken to explain that to others will be beyond almost anyone.
Re: Mod parent up (Score:3)
Re:Mod parent up (Score:4, Interesting)
Anyone who maintains there is only one truth is a flat-out idiot.
Yes yes, how postmodern of you. That you have different views on it, is it sharp like nails, is it flexible like a snake, is it soft like a brush is it heavy like a truck, doesn't change the objective single truth that the whole thing is an Elephant.
Feynmann wrote an excellent essay in his book, "Surely You Must be Joking Mr Feynmann" on how to be truthful when you don't know what the exact truth is. Most importantly, just because you don't know or don't understand doesn't stop you from showing the opposing views and representing the part of the whole, singular truth that you understand. Read that and then come back with something more than first year philosophy.
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the GP's post is terrifyingly sophisticated.
Not really, it completely lacks conciseness.
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Cabin fever much?
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Well, it killed my mother-in-law last week.
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I heard if you eat Freedom Fries in a megachurch on Sunday you'll be immune for 5 days.
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It's not just the CFR that matters. It also matters how contagious it is. The 2009 swine flu caused somewhere in the neighborhood of one or two deaths per 100,000 population. So far, in Italy, coronavirus has caused one death per 3,000 population. So compared with the worldwide average for H1N1 in 2009, coronavirus in Italy is 15 to 30 times as deadly (so far).
And lest you think that comparing a country to the world as a whole is problematic statistically, it's also about 17x as bad in Italy as H1N1 was
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That makes WHO's estimation of coronavirus mortality 10-40%. That's beyong unprofessional - just crazy.
Much of that is how you want to swing the statistics. It's still lies, damned lies, and statistics after all.
When you look at actual lives and not statistics, the biggest factor in terms of real lives appears to be if the local medical system is overwhelmed or not. When hospitals are not overwhelmed people are treated successfully; when hospitals are overwhelmed more people are dying. Fortunately there ARE good numbers when they aren't overwhelmed, it's about 1 in 20 who require medical care that die. And
Re:What about Iceland? (Score:5, Informative)
Iceland's tested 10% of their population [washingtonexaminer.com] so far, and found an infection rate between 0.3% and 0.8%,, asymptomatic rate is 50%,...
Half of the people who tested positive didn't self report symptoms at the time of testing. Accuracy is important Lynnwood. How many of them went on to develop symptoms, and how many remained symptomless throughout their infection?
... and with 7 deaths of the 96,000 tested. That's a 0.007% death rate for the general population, and of the 1600 confirmed symptomatic infections, a death rate of 0.44%. It's really not much worse than a strong flu.
Iceland has had 8 deaths and only 35,253 total tests. [worldometers.info] Not 96k tests. You accuracy again is astonishingly bad. (is it on purpose or accidental?) Makes all your calculations meaningless.
770 of their cases are still active out of their 1711 total cases. 8 have died out of the (8+933=941) resolved cases. So about 0.8% and double your guess, and much worse than a strong flu. Deaths take on average longer to resolve than recoveries, so that would make 0.8% an underestimate also.
(It's all pretty meaningless, like most of your posts, when the numbers are so low. + or - one or two deaths would make a considerable change to the numbers. You would really need a bigger sample, but it's good enough to show how wrong you are.)
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Facts would get in the way of his Randian derp....
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My data says your data is wrong. Suck it.
You didn't have data, only feelings.
And they were proven wrong by my data that I showed was accurate...
You've never been good at accuracy though.
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My data says your data is wrong. Suck it.
you said
your article said
Iceland has a population of 364k [wikipedia.org] so actually, according to your own data Iceland only performed 34k tests. I suggest you offer Admiral Krunch an apology and a beer.