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What Happens When a Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Retracts A Paper? ( 132

An American scientist who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry just retracted their latest paper on Monday. Professor Arnold had shared the prize with George P Smith and Gregory Winter for their 2018 research on enzymes, reports the BBC (in an article shared by omfglearntoplay): It has been retracted because the results were not reproducible, and the authors found data missing from a lab notebook... "It is painful to admit, but important to do so. I apologize to all. I was a bit busy when this was submitted, and did not do my job well."

That same day, Science published a note outlining why it would be retracting the paper, which Professor Arnold co-authored with Inha Cho and Zhi-Jun Jia. "Efforts to reproduce the work showed that the enzymes do not catalyze the reactions with the activities and selectivities claimed. Careful examination of the first author's lab notebook then revealed missing contemporaneous entries and raw data for key experiments. The authors are therefore retracting the paper."

Professor Arnold is being applauded for acknowledging the mistake -- and has argued that science suffers when there's pressures not to:

"It should not be so difficult to retract a paper, and it should not be considered an act of courage to publicly admit it... We should just be able to do it and set the record straight... The very quick and widespread response to my tweets shows how strong the fear of doing the right thing is (especially among junior scientists). However, the response also shows that taking responsibility is still appreciated by most people."
Those remarks come from a Forbes article by the Professor of Health Policy and Management at the City University of New York. His own thoughts? What the heck happened with scientific research? Exploring, making and admitting mistakes should be part of the scientific process. Yet, Arnold's retraction and admission garnered such attention because it is a rare thing to do these days...

If you need courage to do what should be a routine part of science, then Houston and every other part of the country, we've got a problem. And this is a big, big problem for science and eventually our society... [T]ruly advancing science requires knowing about the things that didn't work out and all the mistakes that happened. These shouldn't stay hidden deep within the recesses of laboratories and someone's notebook.

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What Happens When a Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Retracts A Paper?

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  • by rmdingler ( 1955220 ) on Sunday January 12, 2020 @11:04AM (#59612174) Journal

    What Happens When a Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Retracts A Paper?

    Then the science can be said to have worked, as reproducible results are part of the crucible new discoveries must pass.

    • Then the science can be said to have worked

      ..and what of the peer review process?

      I'm not saying that THIS guy in particular is incompetent (or worse), but why is it that his results and the results of so many others are not reproducible?

      Seriously whats going on here? While Forbes asks why admitting mistakes is so newsworthy, I ask why mistakes so easily get published to begin with while at the same time crucial lab notes are missing.

      Sure, through randomness an effect can be legitimately observed that is far away from the center of the bell cu

      • by SpankiMonki ( 3493987 ) on Sunday January 12, 2020 @11:57AM (#59612322)

        I'm not saying that THIS guy in particular is incompetent (or worse), but why is it that his results and the results of so many others are not reproducible?

        TFS goes to ridiculous pains not to mention the gender of the scientist in question. FYI, Professor Frances Arnold is a woman.

      • by Immerman ( 2627577 ) on Sunday January 12, 2020 @12:21PM (#59612396)

        >.and what of the peer review process?

        Umm... it's working great? Publishing is the first step in the peer review process. How can your peers review your work unless they know it exists?

        Reputable journals typically have a few other scientists in your field review your *paper* before publishing - but they're volunteers, and it's mostly just to catch the most obvious and egregious flaws in your writing or research procedure. Then the paper is published, and hopefully some of your peers start learning of your results and get interested enough to try to replicate them. *That's* when peer review of your research starts.

        If peer review then exposes flaws in your work sufficient to convince you that you shouldn't have published, then retraction is the responsible thing for you to do, as it tells future researchers that they probably shouldn't waste their time reading your paper.

      • ..and what of the peer review process?

        "Review" is exactly what it says, ie. reading papers and seeing if they pass the sniff test. If a paper sounds plausible to somebody proficient in the field and doesn't break any known laws of physics then it probably passes.

        Actually reproducing scientific results usually requires special equipment and investment in time/resources. It simply isn't possible to do this for every paper before publishing.

        After publication it's a different story. After publication the entire world is free to examine the results.

        • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

          Where is the profit in reproducing someone else experiment. Which means, before you can publish papers, you kind of should repeat the experiment yourself, just to be sure and not after you publish.

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        Then the science can be said to have worked

        ..and what of the peer review process?

        You do not reproduce experiments when doing peer review. You just do plausibility checking. Keep in mind that peer-review is unpaid work in almost all cases and work that you do in addition to your regular work.

      • Problems with papers can be really hard to catch just from reading them, and the unfortunate reality is that there are few people interested in just reproducing results, and there is essentially zero funding to do so. This was an issue that came up in my graduate research, where existing work had come to incorrect conclusions based on flawed observations. But no one would have reasonably been expected to catch the flaws. The methods were commonplace and the results made sense, they just weren't complete,

    • What Happens When a Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Retracts A Paper?

      Then the science can be said to have worked, as reproducible results are part of the crucible new discoveries must pass.

      Yep, this person just joined the ranks of The True Scientists(tm).

      (and we await the day when a religious leader or politician does something similar...)

    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      This is one of they many ways that science is discredited so that people can justify their own personal experience, for example all hispanics are drug dealers, are valid.

      A Nobel prize means that something you observed, or the way you observed it, is or was of great interest to the scientific community and maybe it was even useful. It does not mean that the observation was absolutely correct, or that the prize winner is better than anyone else. Like it ways about moderation points on /., a noble prize do

      • There are shortcomings in the aforementioned claims about what was said be a man with Orange Hair and also in claims regarding the Nobel Prize.

        The dude with Orange Hair claimed that a neighboring nation state was encouraging persons on the margins of society to migrate outside that nation state. And that the people encouraged by the leaders of their country to leave, in the process making the country in question a better place for its remaining citizens, included drug dealers. The claims made by Orange

        • by fermion ( 181285 )
          I don't know who you are talking about, but the issue with personal and religious beliefs trumping science is serious and long standing. For years it was though that only bad kids, uncivilized minorities, and the like were the problem. Nixon is on tape treating not as a public health issue, but a way to control 'the negro problem'. This meant that when we had a problem with meth, when we were trying to help the people who chose to abuse opioids rather that find other ways to manage their pain, we really
      • by Uecker ( 1842596 )

        > Obviously he was because Quantum is the key factor to us knowing that there is something wrong with Relativity, as the two do not get along.

        Quantum theory and special relativity get along just fine (-> QFT). How to combine general relativity and quantum theory is an open question.

        • by fermion ( 181285 )
          One thing Einstein saw and lead to much of his work was the a magnet moving along a track, or a magnet fixed and something else moving, was the same. It was not the Maxwells equation did not get along with others, it was that the equations were ugly, and said that magnet moving would be different from a magnet being still and the other part moving. There is a lot of discussion if ugly math means that the physics is wrong, but we know that the lack of a magnetic monopole makes the equations ugly and there
    • What Happens When a Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Retracts A Paper?

      Then he willingly gives back his Nobel Prize!

  • The guy's got a Nobel prize, that's like winning gold in the science Olympics. Retracting a sloppy paper is minimizing a risk it'll tarnish his reputation and put his other achievements into question. For the unmerited scientist trying to secure a position or research grant "So your latest work was so sloppy you had to retract it, why should we give this to you?" is the kiss of death. Owning your mistakes is never going to be as good as not making the mistakes, if you can get away with it.

    • This, folks, is anti-science.

      Sometimes people get confused and think being wrong is anti-science, but no. Here is a real-life example of a person promoting an anti-science position.

      • Yep. Being wrong is the purest form of science.

        Positive results mean nothing, it's the negative results that make or break a theory.

        (...which is why they're called "theories" - any theory must be falsifiable if it is to have any credibility)

    • Sheâ(TM)s not a guy.

  • Negative results (Score:4, Insightful)

    by pjt33 ( 739471 ) on Sunday January 12, 2020 @11:12AM (#59612194)

    [T]ruly advancing science requires knowing about the things that didn't work out and all the mistakes that happened. These shouldn't stay hidden deep within the recesses of laboratories and someone's notebook.

    Unfortunately, those negative results only become known about by retractions of papers which erroneously claimed positive results. Editors and reviewers aren't keen on papers which say, "We tried this and it didn't work".

    • Editors and reviewers aren't keen on papers which say, "We tried this and it didn't work".

      The trouble is they can not work for a variety of reasons. It might be that the original paper was wrong. Or it might have been a difficult experiment and the second paper screwed up. Or (and I have seen this happen to a colleague) it might be malfeasance on the part of the "rebuttal" because someone hates the original author. Don't get me wrong it should be possible to negate bad papers, but one risks having a slew of

      • > You could have a dark side and a bright side with no temperature difference,

        And sometimes continue to promulgate the error because it's an interesting one that reinforces their world view. This is what happened with the Lancet's article by Andrew Wakefield, linking vaccination to autism: []

        Wakefield and his peers retracted the paper, but it still gets cited by anti-vaxxers.

    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      Editors and reviewers love those sorts of paper. But in many fields they very rarely see them. "We did the experiment and got a p-value of 0.51, therefore we conclude that X et al. are full of shit" is not a refutation.

      A research assistant came running down the hall one day and told me that two very interesting papers had been published about the long term affects of a particular drug. "But their results are contradictory!" he exclaimed, and immediately planned a journal club to discuss them. On actually re

    • Editors and reviewers aren't keen on papers which say, "We tried this and it didn't work".

      Which is a major failing of the modern publishing-academia complex. Negative results are as valuable as positive results. Science lives by learning, and learning what DOESN'T work is as instructive as learning what works. My first lead engineer I worked for had a saying:

      You never learn from success, only failure. Success can be dumb luck, but failure is all you

      . This is why science relies upon the ability to predict positive AND negative results, and being able to replicate both is a requirement of t

    • "Editors and reviewers aren't keen on papers which say, "We tried this and it didn't work"."

      The problem is very basic - there is an infinite number of things that don't work. How to record and organize them all in a manner systematic enough to be worthwhile is not obvious at all.

      In a few cases there are good reasons why it's surprising that something didn't work - like when a study fails to find support for what has become common medical practice. But in those cases, you do hear about it.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Editors and reviewers are a massive problem for scientific quality. That has been true for a long time. Just refer to one Claude Shannon, that could not get a paper titled "Theory of Information" published, because the reviewers thought it was uninteresting.

  • "Careful examination of the first author's lab notebook then revealed missing contemporaneous entries and raw data for key experiments."

    In other words, one of her co-authors faked their results.

    • Or they lost the data. I wish raw data was always required in all science journals...
    • BINGO. This was pure fraud by 1 or both of grad students/post docs. They need to go. She needs to have decent/honest ppl working with her. It is sad that she should have to go over every part of the data to make sure of things. And if she can not trust them, well....
  • Scientists have no problem with "failing". We know that you can only learn new stuff from failures.

    So we are happy he retracted it, instead of just keeping it due to ego, and ruining their career later when somebody else finds out. (Or worse: Nobody finds out.)

    (Not trying to pull a "no true scotsman" here. I think it's key to the accepted definition of the word "scientist".)
    (And saying "nobel-prize winning, as if that would imply his papers are more right, is an "argument from authority" fallacy anyway.)

    • by fazig ( 2909523 )
      You really should make the effort to actually read TFA from time to time.

      A citation of title is only a fallacious argument from authority if that authority is used to assert the truth of a statement without further proof. At least as far as I could see, nobody does this there. TFA is all about how retraction should be a normal process in science and that people should not need to be courageous to admit their mistakes. Furthermore it's concerned with the fact that retractions like this have become a rarity
    • Given the current state of scientific publishing (and its effect of people's careers) I don't see that there's any argument from authority.

      Or perhaps more accurately, it *is*, but it's addressing the far more egregious "argument from insecurity" that currently pervades the scientific establishment that admitting to flawed research is bad. (just look what it can do to someone's career) And rational arguments don't work well against irrational ones - in fact they can often make the problem worse.

      Scientists a

    • > We know that you can only learn new stuff from failures.

      That's incorrect.

      While it IS more important to know what NOT to do -- it is JUST as important as knowing WHAT to do.
      i.e. Just because you know what not to do doesn't imply that you know what to do.

      Success and Failure go hand-in-hand. You can learn from BOTH.

  • Okay, yes, they had to retract a paper.
    They did so.

    Was their work sloppy? Yes..
    If you wait for a perfectly formatted, nicely orthagonal paper, it becomes less about the research and more about how to make pretty papers.

    They goofed. They owned up.

  • This scientist did the right thing. They have gained respect and lost nothing.

  • by swillden ( 191260 ) <> on Sunday January 12, 2020 @01:01PM (#59612520) Journal

    Scientists admitting their own mistakes should be routine, so common it's not even worth mentioning. The whole point of science is that it's a fact-based error correction process which repeatedly identifies and corrects its own mistakes, to asymptotically converge on truth. Einstein showed how to correct Newton's errors, so we updated our view, for example. Various issues in cosmology and our inability to unify relativity and QC demonstrate that physics is currently wrong, so we're looking for how to fix it. These are grand-scale errors, but small-scale errors obviously exist as well. Humans are fallible, and everyone screws up. We all need to have the humility to admit our mistakes, and nowhere is this more critical than in science.

    The problem is that this runs counter to deep-seated social norms, which are themselves probably baked deeply by evolutionary processes into the structure of our brains. Social and political power derives primarily from being seen to be right about important things, which means that we naturally tend to trumpet our successes and bury our mistakes. And science, like every other human endeavor, is a social and a political process. To the extent that we can overcome this, in every field, not just science, we'll progress faster.

    By all rights, no one should be better at admitting error than software engineers. Our professional lives are dominated by finding and fixing our own mistakes. We build elaborate test and integration systems (themselves at least as buggy as the software they're testing), for the purpose of finding mistakes as early as possible. We accept that there's a non-trivial probability that any given line of code contains an error. Yet that expectation of fallibility not only doesn't seem to extend to other areas, in many ways it seems like software engineers compensate by being more deeply convinced of their own infallibility.

    In recent decades humanity, or at least academic humanity, has begun to learn a lot about the cognitive biases baked deeply into our brains, biases which make it hard for us to be objective and analytical in the ways that we can logically see that we should be, and wish to be. I don't know how we fix this, but it should be a major focus. I'd guess that it starts with education, with teaching the next generation about the ways their own thinking fails them, and how to compensate.

  • "It should not be so difficult to retract a paper, and it should not be considered an act of courage to publicly admit it... "

    The writer fails to consider the modern environment in which all science takes place.

    Sure, this retraction will affects hundreds of scientists in the field, and for the sake of that science the retraction should be easy and relatively painless.

    But in the era of social media, this retraction could be discussed everywhere, and the social consequences of the retraction could affect bill

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    • by malkavian ( 9512 )

      Would be helpful of people stopped attacking just to feel superior first. Once you get past that, maybe people will learn "I don't know" again.

  • What a ridiculous question-- "What Happens When a Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Retracts A Paper?"

    The headline itself encourages readers to postulate what SHOULD be done based on their (thus far) under-educated understanding of the sciences, academia, research, the Nobel prize, and error.

    "The Nobel prize winner? Well they MUST be an exemplar of Messiah-level scientific endeavor and lead a perfect life, too. If they retract a paper, it calls into question EVERYTHING they've ever done in their field.

Biology is the only science in which multiplication means the same thing as division.
