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Declaring State of Emergency, Samoa Makes Measles Vaccinations Compulsory (ibtimes.com) 89

"Samoa was finalising plans for a compulsory measles vaccination programme Monday, after declaring a state of emergency as a deadly epidemic sweeps the Pacific nation," reports the International Business Times: At least six fatalities, including five children, have been linked to the outbreak of the virus, which has also hit other island states such as Tonga and Fiji. Samoa is the worst affected with more than 700 cases reported from across all areas of the country, prompting the government on Friday to invoke emergency powers.

Declaring a state of emergency, the government said plans for compulsory measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) immunisations would be published on Monday. "MMR vaccinations for members of the public who have not yet received a vaccination injection is now a mandatory legal requirement for all of Samoa," it said... Samoa has closed all schools, kindergartens and the country's only university in a bid to halt the virus' spread... Neighbouring Tonga last week announced government primary schools and kindergartens would be closed until later this month as the number of measles cases in the kingdom approaches 200.

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Declaring State of Emergency, Samoa Makes Measles Vaccinations Compulsory

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  • Also: (Score:5, Interesting)

    by MrNaz ( 730548 ) on Sunday November 17, 2019 @11:47PM (#59424970) Homepage

    Fines or jail for antivax warriors.

    • Forced-vax Nazis sure do fantasize about using the iron boot to suppress freedom is speech.

  • It was some white American anti-vaxxer who brought it there.

    Probably named Karen.

    • But, shouldnt the vaccines keep them from NOT getting measles. Or did I miss how vaccines work?
    • GenX are not antivax. All GenX got shots for everything as children. None of them died or turned into mutants. Antivax is a parent thing. The current generation having kids are millennials and older GenZ.
      • by mccalli ( 323026 ) on Monday November 18, 2019 @07:51AM (#59425772) Homepage
        Hi - I'm the token GenX'er here that 'died' from a vaccination. Full paralysis polio, clinically dead at one point.

        I contracted polio from the then-current polio vaccine. The one I had was the sugar-cube variant, which is no longer used today. This was in the early 70s while I was a baby. It's a known possible side effect of that style of vaccine, with the World Health Organisation putting the chances at 1 in every 2.7 million doses.

        I'm lucky - I had a full recovery with no ill-effects. I'm now a parent, three kids, and all of them are fully vaccinated. The statistics are clearly on the side of the vaccinations however, and the success of them speaks for itself. This was an easy intellectual decision for me, but it was not an easy thing for me to deal with subconsciously. I definitely had underlying worry leading up to and during the procedure, and there's simply no way round that - I'm human, and I relate things to my own experiences.

        The reason for this post is that I see too many people saying that everything is perfect. "None of them died"...yeah, they did. Just vastly, vastly fewer than those who died from polio previously. The trouble with taking an absolute point of view is that it's then easier for the anti-vax side to pick at it and 'disprove' you. Stats is a dry subject - it's much easier to point to individual cases along the lines of "look! they tell you that nobody died, but tell that to baby x's mum who lost her beautiful child at 1 year". See - heartstring-tugging is easy. Don't give them the chance. Be understanding that vaccines are a game of statistics and not of perfection. That way you can avoid pitfalls like the above, and hopefully lead people to more rational choices.
        • All true and truly sorry for your near death experience. Statistics are hard, yes. More children died in car wrecks on the way to get their vaccines than died from the vaccines. It's just really hard to have an intelligent discussion with antivaxers who make it clear from word one they not only don't understand basic stats or logic or medical science or herd protection or the effects of infected third world children attending school with their unprotected children, but don't want to understand.
    • It was some white American anti-vaxxer who brought it there.

      Probably named Karen.

      Nah, they all live in trailer parks. Not the sort to be traveling to Samoa.

    • No it started with a scare caused by bad inoculations because Samoan nurses do not have their shit together.
    • I bet she was a witch! Come on, let’s see if she floats!

  • They tell us to get the Flu vaccine every year and then also say it's for a different strain than the one that people are catching. CDC.gov says an estimated 79,000 people died between 2017 - 2018 from the flu. This is more of an epidemic than the MMR.

    MMR really isn't an epidemic.

    • by meglon ( 1001833 )

      MMR really isn't an epidemic.

      .... because of vaccinations.

      • Because of vaccinations or because of people who got the illnesses naturally and got over it with lifetime immunity? Now that we are seeing the older generation die off who didn't get vaccinations as children I'm wondering if we'll see an uptick of MMR because the vaccines might not be as effective as we have been told.

        I'm not saying vaccines don't entirely work but my concern with the safety of the vaccines because long term studies of most vaccines aren't being done. Do we know if a vaccine is causing a

        • If that uptick is caused by the older generation that didn't get vaccinated but was actually sick, I wonder what explanation you have for this [wikipedia.org] graph.

          Because if vaccinations don't work, I guess it means that around 1964 suddenly the whole country started taking their vitamins.

        • We really don't know because long term studies aren't being done.

          They do studies.

    • So you didn't get a flu shot this year? Please provide your address and social security number.
    • It is an epidemic, just not everywhere. With the additional difference that the MMR vaccine is way more effective than the flu vaccine.

  • You can't fucking make people take injections, THE END. People get to make all their own decisions of how to live their lives.
    You're asserting they're CATTLE, not PEOPLE, when you try to force them to take something they don't want, by fines or by shaming or by whatever other means.
    This is not some external thing you're forcing them to change, this is their body, the only thing they're guaranteed of their own for as long as they live, and all of your idiotic arguments about 'the greater good' are incongruen

  • What the hell would you care if people are unvaccinated? If you and yours are vaccinated, then you're immune anyway, everything is good on your end, mind your own fucking business and let natural selection be the judge.
    Unless you're a brainwashed totalitarian drone with zero self awareness, then by all means, continue your crusade to set a precedent for government-enforced medication, natural selection will have its say in the end anyway.

    • unless you want to admit vaccines are not even fucking effective to begin with
      I wonder how often unvaccinated people have been crucified for spreading disease that was actually originated by some one who had the vaccine and selected for a particularly malicious strain of virus

    • Ah yes the old, I am safe fuck the rest of society approach. FYI children can't be vaccinated till 12-18 months of age, unvaccinated people allow the virus to persist in society risking those that for medical reasons can't be vaccinated or are simply too young to be vaccinated. So unless you are a brainwashed self obsorbed antivaxx prick then you should be supporting EVERYONE that can be vaccinated to be vaccinated.
  • The fact that this was made into a special term especially for shaming makes the motives behind 'anti-anti-vaxxers' transparent - it's not about reason or justice, it's about winning an arbitrary battle and conforming to the herd according to the will of the herdsman.

  • At least six fatalities, including five children, have been linked to the outbreak of the virus

    As compared to the casualties caused by the vaccines:

    Ministry of Health statement on the investigation into MMR vaccine safety in Samoa [health.govt.nz]

    MMR vaccine side effects [www.nhs.uk]: “ 1 in 50 children develop a mild form of mumps

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