First New HIV Strain In 19 Years Identified (scientificamerican.com) 70
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Scientific American: A research group at the medical devices and health care giant Abbott has discovered a new strain of human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV -- the first to be identified in 19 years. Abbott continues to look for potential new HIV strains to ensure that diagnostic tests for blood screening and detecting infectious diseases remain up to date, says Mary Rodgers, senior author of the paper announcing the finding and head of the company's Global Viral Surveillance Program. The new strain, called HIV-1 group M subtype L, is extremely rare and can be detected by Abbott's current screening system, Rodgers says. The company's tests screen more than 60 percent of the global blood supply, she adds, noting it must detect every strain and "has to be right every time."
The most recent of the three samples used to identify HIV-1 group M subtype L has been sitting in an Abbott freezer since 2001. The amount of virus in the sample was too low to read back then, but new technology recently made it possible. Comparing that sequence with the others made available by the research community, Abbott researchers found two additional examples of the strain -- in samples from 1983 and 1990, also from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, hinting that it has been around for a while. "Now that we know it exists, it'll change how we look for it," Rodgers says. The company's tests focus on the part of the viral genome that does not change very much from generation to generation, which is why it was able to detect the new strain. The finding also suggests there are more strains to be found, Rodgers says. "The full diversity has not been characterized. We're going to continue to look." The study has been published in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
The most recent of the three samples used to identify HIV-1 group M subtype L has been sitting in an Abbott freezer since 2001. The amount of virus in the sample was too low to read back then, but new technology recently made it possible. Comparing that sequence with the others made available by the research community, Abbott researchers found two additional examples of the strain -- in samples from 1983 and 1990, also from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, hinting that it has been around for a while. "Now that we know it exists, it'll change how we look for it," Rodgers says. The company's tests focus on the part of the viral genome that does not change very much from generation to generation, which is why it was able to detect the new strain. The finding also suggests there are more strains to be found, Rodgers says. "The full diversity has not been characterized. We're going to continue to look." The study has been published in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
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Browse at Score:0, and don't get tempted to ever look at a -1.
These days, the rare, rare, rare example of a good post unjustly modded down to -1 is not worth wading through all the nonsense that also lives there.
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Actually, that was fairly disingenuous of John Wayne seeing as he skipped out of WWII.
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Even if that were the case, and it was something that was knowingly and intentionally done, I'm not sure
Re:Blame TV and Hollywierd (Score:4, Informative)
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And TV and the Evangelicals are demonizing homosexuality. Scientific American has an article awhile back showing all the genetic things that can go awry from generating the perfect Evangelical. And those things are only with respect to sexuality. The rest of our traits can also go awry from genetics causing no one to have a perfect genome.
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The bible warns you if you engage in behavior X, you are at risk of death.
People engage in behavior X, and die, purely as a scientifically unarguable causal effect. Then they blame religion for it.
Sheer irrationality, so ridiculous there's no reason to make a moral argument--that part is self-evident, and it would be eclipsed by the sheer idiocy of your non-sequitur "argument" regarding the basic facts, anyway.
Follow it up, though, with your Bare Assertion fallacy of what does or does not exist. Throw on
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The bible warns you if you engage in behavior X, you are at risk of death.
The bible warns you about a ton of outdated stuff that also requires death, such as eating shellfish, pork (depending on which audience you're talking to) and polyester, all of which are considered as great a sin.
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Nice job completely ignoring the issue at hand.
Are you saying, sticking to the actual topic, that the bible does not give direct warning, and that warning is completely correct per science as well? That is says this is a -fact-, and it is a -fact-?
Dodge all you like, to the cultural norms for Israel, say, which, incidentally, has kept that culture flourishing for 3000+ years, while contemporaneous cultures are, quite literally, dead. Does your country's flag -have- to have that certain symbol? Does it ha
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Re:Blame TV and Hollywierd (Score:5, Funny)
Maybe shellfish and pork are outdated, but I'm pretty sure that eating polyester can still kill you.
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People engage in behavior X, and die, purely as a scientifically unarguable causal effect. Then they blame religion for it.
Your first assertion implies that correlation is always causation which is in itself a logical fallacy. For example on the topic of HIV, the fact that there are heterosexuals who have HIV should destroy the notion that HIV is caused by homosexuality. But will you still defend that fallacy?
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No, it's direct causation. The virus is spread by specific means, and the virus kills people.
Your bizarre dodges aside, nobody is saying HIV is "caused by homosexuality". HIV is -transmitted- by a number of different behaviors (e.g. gay sex, at a much lower frequency straight sex, intravenous drug use). The bible also censures lifestyle behaviors in those other cases as well. I am not limiting my attention to homosexuals, I am saying if you are engaging in any of the above behaviors, you are at risk of
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And my sig is two thousand years older than anyone had any thoughts of controversy about the nature of human origins or of conquering space.
When we're discussing omniscience, time is irrelevant.
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The Gospel of Mary is an apocryphal book discovered in 1896 in a 5th-century papyrus codex written in Sahidic Coptic.
. At best you have a two hundred year old Modern English translation of a 1600 year Coptic phrase. At best.
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And this is why you're lost, and neither in the realm of religion nor in secular logic will you ever have a coherent worldview, or have anything worthwhile--as you're utterly devoted to undermining others rather than having intelligence enough to discern something yourself.
Show my why it isn't remarkably prescient, and I'll listen. Just asserting so on a half-constructed linguistic half-thought isn't it. Even if it is as far as you'll ever get.
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None of your ad hominem attacks changes the fact that your sig cannot be 2000 years old as Modern English has not existed that long. To claim otherwise is delusion or dishonesty.
And no. I don’t have to prove or disprove your assertion that the statement is prescient. That’s a logical fallacy called Shifting the Burden. Also I already proved that your sig isn’t 2000 years old.
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No, it's direct causation. The virus is spread by specific means, and the virus kills people.
1) And nowhere in your logical fallacy do you definitively tie HIV to homosexuality. Again correlation is not causation. Because that’s a logical fallacy. 2) HIV does not necessarily kill people. Most people who “die of HIV” die from weakened immune systems because of HIV and not the virus itself. But based on your prior answers I didn’t expect your answers to be scientifically or medically accurate.
gay sex, at a much lower frequency straight sex, intravenous drug use
And there are people who got HIV from none of those. That also destroys your assertio
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Nowhere did I -assert- HIV is definitively tied specifically to homosexuality. Nowhere did I -assert- HIV kills everyone "necessarily". It does, however, most definitely kill people, 32 million people so far.
You are making up some imaginary form of my argument, and arguing with yourself. Enjoy.
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No, it's direct causation. The virus is spread by specific means, and the virus kills people.
Are you now denying what you said when you wrote it as clear as day?
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It is direct causation. What is wrong with you? If I say people who play with guns can die from shooting themselves, will you make some bizarre assertion that this is mere "correlation"? No, the bullet directly killed someone, directly caused by playing with the gun. By saying that, I am in no way saying all people with guns kill people. If I were, then yes, it would be a correlation-versus-causation fallacy, but I never made that claim. You did. Because the discussion tripped your memory to parrot a
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Can one actually sense and enjoy the obvious responseless fear of baseless downvotes?
Yes, yes one can. Thanks. See you all later.
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Follow it up, though, with your Bare Assertion fallacy of what does or does not exist.
I'm not making that fallacy, but theists do. You also seem to have very weak short-term memory.
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Aw, such projection.
Present your argument then that God doesn't exist, then. Until then you're just doing a Bare Assertion he doesn't, nicely thematic with your psychic powers.
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Churches and priests seem to be glamorizing irrationality. They are making it fashionable for people to be superstitious. They completely ignore the fact that 4 in 4 religious men in major cities believe in things that don't exist. It's irresponsible and it's fucking a lot of millennialists up.
I'll take comments like this more seriously when people denounce trans as much as they denounce Christians. If all the Atheists really want to have a "Personal relationship with reality" then they would have to join the crowd that says that's a guy in makeup and a dress, not a woman.
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Considering how many evangelicals are cousin-fuckers; I don't think that logic holds up very well.
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I don't personally know any Evangelicals that are fucking their cousins. But I do know that the bastion of Enlightened Progressivism, Franklin Roosevelt, not only tucked his cousin, he also married her and had several children by her.
Poeple who live in glass houses....
Re:Blame TV and Hollywierd (Score:4, Insightful)
TV and movies still for the most part haven't been glamorizing homosexuality, however they have been working on showing these people as humans and part of our society, vs the hyper sexual deviants of the previous generation.
They are not making it fashionable to be gay, that statement in itself is just idiotic. Your sexual alignment isn't a choice, and it isn't something that can be changed on a whim. What they are doing is making it so you can live you life without fear over an aspect of yourself that you don't have control.
I am not even going to check the validity of your facts of the HIV frequency. Because it is based on cherry picking a particular small subset of a population. With also the fact that there isn't a census on sexual alignment.
Despite right wing media, HIV isn't a homosexual only illness. Anyone can get it. But the plus side it is preventable. But other aspects of media such as the Straight guys sexual prowess where he is seen having relationships with a lot of women (often the women who is open to additional acts), drug culture.
When a group is ostracized from society, they will often group together for protection from society, and being outside of it, rarely do the really get the benefits from it, so they are in a more dangerous position then someone welcomed in the society. And they are being stressed at a higher rate.
To prevent HIV we cannot achieve it by saying these people are bad. Isolating people from society just makes the problem worse.
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The least informed, least factually accurate post in this entire thread is also the highest rated.
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I am not even sure where to start with this...
First off, Christians simply are not shown at all in films or tv shows. I think "F is for Family" (a animated sitcom set in like 40-50ish years ago) had an episode where some of the family went to church; And the miniseries "Night of" like 3-4 years ago has a 20 second scene where a nun was seen one time. I remember some indie film a few years ago about a nun that sort of ran away form her convent. We do get a "Christian film" every year or two; Some pretty indi
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The least informed, least factually accurate post in this entire thread is also the highest rated.
I'm trying to pick out something that's not correct from the grandparent post, and coming up empty. Seems pretty good to me. A bit of fresh air from the rest of the bullshit in this thread.
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TV and movies still for the most part haven't been glamorizing homosexuality
There is an entire South Park episode about glamorization of gays (S07E08). It is a well known and accepted fact that this is happening.
They are not making it fashionable to be gay, that statement in itself is just idiotic.
Wrong again for the same reason, doubly so for thinking the entire idea is too idiotic to even try and refute.
Your sexual alignment isn't a choice, and it isn't something that can be changed on a whim.
This is old fashioned and bigoted thinking that is now outlawed in many areas. You are the only one who legally has the right to decide your pronouns/sexual orientation.
I am not even going to check the validity of your facts of the HIV frequency. Because it is based on cherry picking a particular small subset of a population.
the statistics he is talking about is "all gay men" (in urban America). How much less of a "small
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Fuck, and I thought SolyentNews was filled with right wing boomers.
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It always has been, but it used to be more technology focused rather than page-view focused, so you didn't realize it as much.
Important question not addressed (Score:2)
Can this new strain be controlled by existing medicines such as PrEP ?
Re:Important question not addressed (Score:4, Informative)
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I can't say with any authority, but it is still HIV-1, so I'd expect so. The reason this article is interesting is really the new analysis technique, not that it found something particularly concerning.
That some dolts in here attempt to turn it into a Hollywood Diss is silly on their part. They sound like the folks that claim that HPV virus vaccines cause teenage promiscuity.
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I thought that it was pretty well established that being a teenager was the cause of 98.653% of cases of teenage promiscuity. There were tens of chapters on the topic in that famous Bronze Age goat herder's collation of bad-cheese dreams, the BuyBull.
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I thought that it was pretty well established that being a teenager was the cause of 98.653% of cases of teenage promiscuity. There were tens of chapters on the topic in that famous Bronze Age goat herder's collation of bad-cheese dreams, the BuyBull.
No no no. The fundies know that if we only teach abstinence in schools, young men and women will remain virgins until the age of 35, when they enter into holy matrimony, and start popping out babies no less than one a year.
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Given the rapid drop-off in human female fertility from the mid-30s onwards, then their model of "holy matrimony" must include an awful lot of multiple births, polygamy etc. Otherwise their populations would be falling off a cliff. Oh, hang on, they are [pewforum.org].
And yes it is. So many young women are given marching orders that you graduate from college, get your career, then at 35 you find the 6 foot 4 buffed, male model looks well to do guy, and start having babies immediately.
That actually doesn't work well at all. You'll be looking at fertility treatments, often the costs of frozen eggs and implantation. The wife and I know personally several once young ladies that just failed at becoming mothers via this method.
It's denial of human characteristics. It's t
Public awareness of HIV (Score:1)
As someone whose teenage years were the 1980s, I remember the big public awareness campaigns regarding HIV and AIDS. Basically, contracting HIV was a death sentence. The messages were use condoms and don't share needles. Scare stories about people leaving infected needles in public telephone coin returns. Yet I do not recall seeing any major HIV awareness campaign since the 1990s. Granted, it is no longer the death sentence it was back in the 1980s, thanks to developments in drugs, but it appears to have be
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I am sure the pharma companies are OK with the status quo of maintenance of HIV through regular drug therapy. Also, both AIDS and HIV rates have declined and less than 5,000 people die of AIDS every year. The main public health focus has been on opiods.
Re: Public awareness of HIV - transfusions (Score:2, Insightful)
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Maybe in the US... (Score:2)
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Nope, it's not just in the USA that the campaigns have stopped. Back in the 1980's we were innundated with AIDS/HIV awareness propaganda, such at the Grim Reaper Bowling commercial [youtube.com], but there's pretty much nothing now.
We're supposed to believe that the current public health crisis is all the young people dying from contaminated meth at dance/music concerts and we're expected to have an opinion on the pill testing debate.