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NASA Mic'd Up Mars and Uploaded It To Soundcloud ( 23

On Tuesday, NASA posted several sonifications of data captured on Mars by InSight, a robotic lander that touched down on the red planet last year. From a report: InSight is the first mission ever to record "marsquakes" the Martian equivalent of earthquakes, which it detects with an instrument called Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS), made by the French space agency. SEIS has now heard about 100 weird tremors rippling through the interior of Mars, 21 of which have been identified as likely marsquakes. For instance, here's an audio representation of a magnitude 3.7 marsquake detected on May 22, 2019, which was SEIS' 173th "sol" (the word for a Martian day) of operation. NASA dialed the seismic frequencies recorded by SEIS up to a range that can be heard by the human ear, but you may still need headphones to get the full experience. The quake sounds a bit like the kind of ambient bass-heavy hum you might expect to play during a tense scene in a movie thriller.
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NASA Mic'd Up Mars and Uploaded It To Soundcloud

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