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Climate Change: How Hot Cities Could Be in 2050 ( 265

dryriver writes: A new study, published in the journal PLOS One, suggests summers and winters in Europe will get warmer, with average increases of 3.5C and 4.7C respectively. It's the equivalent to a city shifting 620 miles (1,000km) further south -- with those furthest away from the equator being most affected. London could feel as hot as Barcelona by 2050, with Edinburgh's climate more like Paris, Leeds feeling like Melbourne and Cardiff like Montevideo. That's from a study looking at how a 2C temperature increase could change the world's 520 major cities.

That temperature increase would result in the average UK temperature during summer's hottest month increasing by about six degrees to 27C. The University of Reading's Professor Mike Lockwood warned about the damage that could be done to infrastructure. 'Bringing Barcelona's climate to London sounds like it could be a good thing -- if you don't suffer from asthma or have a heart condition, that is -- except London clay shrinks and is brittle if it gets too dry and then swells and expands when very wet. As ever, there is destructive and unforeseen devil in the details of climate change.'

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Climate Change: How Hot Cities Could Be in 2050

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  • Bright side (Score:5, Funny)

    by Necron69 ( 35644 ) < minus berry> on Thursday July 11, 2019 @11:38AM (#58907824)

    On the bright side, Europeans may finally stop bitching about us wimpy Americans and our air conditioning.

    - Necron69

    • They've already started. We won whether AC is good. Can we stop heating up the planet now?

    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      by Freischutz ( 4776131 )

      On the bright side, Europeans may finally stop bitching about us wimpy Americans and our air conditioning.

      - Necron69

      No, we are transitioning to laughing at you silly Americans for burning coal to run your air conditioning when you could install solar cells on your roof and use the sun that's causing the heat to run your air conditioning :-D.

  • paper (Score:5, Informative)

    by religionofpeas ( 4511805 ) on Thursday July 11, 2019 @11:48AM (#58907884)

    Direct link to paper: []

  • by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Thursday July 11, 2019 @11:50AM (#58907898) Homepage Journal

    ...what can we do to reverse this and prevent it from happening? Would new taxes help?

    • by DogDude ( 805747 )
      Would new taxes help?

      Absolutely. We have to account for externalities somehow. It's free to dump whatever you'd like into the air, water, and earth right now in most places. That's sort of a big problem.
      • That's good. So as long as we pay the government we can free to dump as much stuff as we like? Good deal!

        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          by DogDude ( 805747 )
          So as long as we pay the government we can free to dump as much stuff as we like? Good deal!

          Sure, because ideally, you'll be paying enough in taxes to clean up your messes (plus some extra for administrative costs). That's how taxes and government work! Of course, those overhead costs will get expensive, so smart people will simply choose not to pollute any more, instead of paying the penalties in taxes.
        • No, but it's better than being able to dump as much as you like and not have to pay anyone for it. This gives you an incentive to pollute less. And ideally we can take those taxes and invest them in energy conservation and solar panels and things like that..

        • All the climatechange mitigation centers on is 'green' taxes, from what I can see.
    • reverse this

      Nothing. There's not a reverse that happens on anyone who is currently alive's timeline. If you're speaking of terms of people who have yet to be born that's a slightly different but similar question. For us though, there's nothing that can be done to reverse it. We can only begin steps towards reversal for some generation in the future.

      prevent it from happening

      Well that's vague, what are we trying to prevent here? Getting to 2C or just prevent Europe from warming up. The first is somewhat preventable, the latter is not.

      Would new taxes help?


    • because we could take that money and spend it on large scale green jobs programs instead of super yachts, private jets and vanity space travel projects for billionaires (the 20th century equivalent to pyramids without the benefits of scaring off foreign adversaries).
    • by Reziac ( 43301 ) *

      I dunno. Here in Montana we didn't get any of this Global Warming until this week... so far this year we've been as much as 30 degrees below normal, and winter hung on two months past normal. Maybe if we reduce taxes, we'll get our share of warming??

  • At least China is working to prevent this from happening, by reducing the amount of solar heat the earth receives: []
  • It's interesting how cities farther away from the equator will see more of an increase.

    It looks like cities closer to the equator will have the least amount of change.
    It makes moving to Columbia or Ecuador look like a good idea.
    • Actually, coral is migrating away from the equator and towards both poles. So the old Caribbean is now more like the Pacific or Atlantic seaboard. Think DC or SF.

    • Just because places further from the equator are projected to see bigger RELATIVE increases, in no way means they will be seeing hotter ABSOLUTE temperatures.

      If the equator goes up by "only" 1.5C, and Canada goes up by 3C, the equator is still way hotter.

  • by nospam007 ( 722110 ) * on Thursday July 11, 2019 @12:33PM (#58908144)

    It's so hot... I saw a chicken lay an omelette!

    It's so hot... I saw a squirrel picking up nuts with pot holders!

    It's so hot... I saw a funeral procession pull thru a Dairy Queen!

    It's so hot... Jehovah's Witnesses started telemarketing!

    It's so hot... I saw the Devil in Wal-Mart buying an air conditioner!

    It's so hot... You can wash and dry your clothes at the same time!

    It's so hot... I saw two trees fighting over a dog!

    It's so hot... I saw a cop chasing a thief, and they were both walking!

    It's so hot... Cows give powdered milk!

    It's so hot... My thermometer goes up to "Are you kidding me?"

    It's so hot... I bought a loaf of bread and before I got home it was toast!

    It's so hot... I got condensation on my butt from the water in the toilet bowl!

  • Yet another entry on Slashdot about how we are all going to burst into flames before we drown. Can we discuss solutions instead? Can we have some more nuclear power now?

    • by tsa ( 15680 )

      We have more than enough solutions already. They have to be implemented, and for that you need politicians who actually care about the people they govern abd look further than their terms. So vote green and hope for the best.

      • I'll believe it's a crisis when the people who say it's a crisis act like it's a crisis.
        • I'll believe it's a crisis when the people who say it's a crisis act like it's a crisis.

          Not going to happen. Welcome to game theory.

    • No, we can't discuss solutions because half of the largest carbon producing country in the world (per capita) still won't acknowledge global warming exists or is caused by humans. So, we need to discuss things like this because they can't move to the 'do something about it' phase until we get that far.
      • No, we can't discuss solutions because half of the largest carbon producing country in the world (per capita) still won't acknowledge global warming exists or is caused by humans.

        You mean Qatar []?

    • Can we have some more nuclear power now?
      Not really, as you already know: building a new plant takes a decade or two. So now you can sit in the corner and sulk as much as you want, you won't get one. Not even a little one.

      • You ignorant condescending ass, go sit in a 100F corner and think about how you have given out lethal advice like this... []

        I've had enough of you following me around spreading lies. Cite your sources or go to hell.

        On second thought, just go to hell.

    • I support the "Green New Deal", but Nuke is a non starter in America. Until you can point me at a nuke plant that's cheaper to run safely then not I'm not interested. Sooner or later the plant will be run longer than it's supposed to and by private citizens looking to save a buck and we'll get Fukushima 2.0 in our backyards.

      At the risk of being modded down to oblivion I'll say this: We can't even punish a serial child rapist in this country, you think we're gonna do anything to a CEO of a nuke plant aft
  • That said, if you live in the South, get ready for 50 C, which is 120 F

  • As Melbourne's already in Yorkshire.

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
